Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Shadow Ambassador,
I take it you cannot abide daylight then? I understand. However, I must ask if you accept the offer of protection and vassalhood. While our peoples may need different places to live, we should try to better understand each other.

That is a rather valid point about the demons although they do have capacity for cooperation and enslaving others. Why there are even demon-human hybrids in the world.

The Domani are a desperate people. Their homeland is adjacent to Czernobog where the demons live. However, despite my continued offers of assistance against the demon hordes and their own considerable strength, they have decided to invade two other kingdoms. One of these kingdoms was is my ally and the other had hoped to become my ally. Now, normally this would be acceptable but the Domani need land to live in and as such, need to remove anyone already there to make room for their own people. So, they have unfortunately been forced to commit genocide to save themselves. As such, I am sad to say that they are indeed my enemies due to cruel Fate.

We will leave in peace as you are not our enemy. Do not prove us wrong. On a less dire note, I ask that you tell us human nations about yourselves to avoid another misunderstanding that might not end so peacefully. Fear of the unknown is the strongest type of fear and fear often leads to anger and hatred. Please tell us so that sympathy and understanding can begin between our two races.
-Sincerely, King Nieldun Gildedtongue

Nieldun's message to the creature had left him thinking. The Domani were his foes and the two kingdoms they had invaded were his allies. He was the leader of the deadliest mortal army in the world. Technology, the best training, the best equipment, and new advantages constantly being gained. To the Twelve Hells with the Domani! The Wolastrans had already butchered about a sixth of the invading force in their lands with minimal losses! However, he needed to be careful. First he would contact Sylvanyr and make preparations for a worst case scenario. He would also need help... He thought of an unlikely ally and thought it would be worth a shot.

Dear King Castor,
I have a favor to ask of you. You know well of how the Domani have invaded Tar Sequinus and Wolastra. I have decided I cannot stand idle while civilians are butchered. As such, I ask that you stay out of the war so that if everything goes wrong, you can take care of the refugees since the Domani are willing to spare you. Yours is a rich land far better suited to caring for additional people than mine and I'm sure you can turn them into productive citizens of Sylvanyr. Please, King Castor, I ask that you watch over them if I fail in my endeavor. Will you help in this way?
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue

Emperor of Gnyr Shalorn,
I know you dream of recreating the Celestial Empire and while I have my doubts about such a dream, there have risen threats that may prevent said dream from ever coming true. The demons are on the march but they are not the immediate problem. The Domani tribes have fled in their wake and invaded the kingdoms of Wolastra and Tar Sequinus. Now normally this would be an understandable course of action, they are committing genocide against anyone who does not run in time. I write to you because your soldiers are the only ones that equal mine. The Domani must be stopped unless you want them to claim all the lands on the continent except for maybe a select few kingdoms. If you want there to be anything left to rule, I advise you join me as I ride to the aid of Wolastra and Tar Sequinus. I have offered the Domani assistance in fighting the demon hordes so that no one has to lose their home but they would not listen. I am not offering dominion of anything (Except possibly lands taken from the Domani as punishment), but if you join me I'm sure an opportunity for power will arise later, especially as a heroic act such as this would win the approval and possibly trust of the international community. I also advise you pretend to give up the dream of reuniting the Empire as most folk would like to keep their power. So, Great Emperor of the Royal Isle, will you join my march to war? If so, I'll help Wolastra and you can help Tar Sequinus.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue of Nastrond

Dearest Queen Marianna,
I am trusting the refugees to Sylvanyr for one simple reason. I cannot stand idle while you make your last stand and your civilians are slaughtered. The might of Nastrond will aid you in this fight for better or worse. Together, perhaps we can drive off the Domani and protect your homeland. By Grimnos, I will not cower while the Domani attack you! To war, to wrath, to bloodshed and glory!
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue

The men are ordered to relocate to Wolastra and messages are sent to the nations of the world informing them of the Shadows' true nature.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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King Nieldun,

I may be the ambassador of my kind, but we do not like being under anyone's command. We all are independent from one another. The Shadow Beasts don't order each other around, nor do they order around the Shadow Fiends or vice versa.

However, I promise on behalf of my kind that we will not invade, now or anytime soon.

- Shadow Ambassador


My dear King Nieldun,

I assume news of the battle have not reached your ears yet since you are sending this letter to me. I have already crushed the army besieging Arheimar, but I had the queen evacuated as news of another Domani Horde rumored triple in size to the original one is following into Wolastra, so reinforcements are needed but only the Sylvanyr can muster (along with the rest) a army to equal the Domani's in size.

We will speak more after I am done with the Senate's anger at me for sending an army this large without their authorization.

- Emperor Goralys Celstius

P.S. The Queen of Wolastra is currently with me and has to speak in front of the Senate so she cannot respond yet.

Battle of Arheimar

The siege of Arheimar quickly turned into the favor of the Domani as the Wolastrans finally ran out of bullets and were forced to shoot with arrows. Losses quickly started to mount for the brave besieged soldiers and they only mounted even more when the Domani breached the gate and forced the Wolastrans to retreat to the inner walls.

As the days passed, the morale of the defenders quickly diminished as they realized that their victory chances were off in the distance. The Domani were finally ready to launch one final assault to be done with the Wolastrans.

However, shouts were heard from the back of the army, the Domani Camp was being devastated by another massive force of 80.000 cavalry led by 20.000 Imperial Guards and were now charging towards the enemy Domani horde. Normally, the Domani would have an advantage over the heavy cavalry of the Empire, however, the tight streets of Arheimar left little room to maneuver and as such the victory was slowly going towards the Imperial Troops.

The fact that the garrison sallied out to fight the Domani sealed their fate and the Domani army was slaughtered and the Khan leading the horde was captured.


Decisive Wolastran-Imperial Victory


Domani Hordes- The entire Domani Vanguard Army

Wolastra- 30.000 spearmen, 35.000 swordsmen, 22.000 cavalry, 34.000 archers, 30.000 riflemen

Imperial Army- 900 Imperial Cavalry, 25 Imperial Royal Guards
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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King Nieldun frowned at the Shadow Ambassador's response. Then he laughed with sadistic glee at the report of the Domani army being wiped before reading the "Emperor's" letter. He then was greatly concerned about the advancing horde three times the size of the previous. As he paced alone in his war room, he decided that the best way to defeat the Domani was not by slaughtering them all but by traumatizing them so badly they decided it would be better to simply fight the demons. He would consult with Nasvell in an effort to step up his game in department of scare tactics. When he resumed reading, he rolled his eyes in disgust that the ruler of the Shalorni was held back by a Senate. How in the Twelve Hells was anyone supposed to get things done when they had a vast congregation of self-interested busybodies to run their plans by?! Nevertheless, he was grateful that the Shalorni had intervened.

Emperor Goralys Celstius,
You have my gratitude for assisting the Wolastrans. A most impressive battle on your part. Now, I wish you luck in showing the Senate who is the true ruler of Gnyr Shalorn.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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King Nieldun,

Do not worry, I soon plan to dissolve the Senate and rule like the emperors of old, of course unless you're willing to accept my offer of ruling as co-emperor. Wolastra has agreed to become a co-protectorate of your nation and mine, by the way, if you're willing to accept, anyway.

Her highness has already told me to send what's left of her army to serve under your command, about 40.000 soldiers and her... secret weapon, I will mention it in a secret letter about what it is. I have also agreed upon with the Senate that I should send our miracle cavalry, 80.000 Imperial Cavalry and 20.000 Royal Guards under your command, use them well!

Emperor Goralys Celestius

The full brunt of the Domani army was trampling towards the fortress city of Arheimar led by the Great Khan Temujin himself, his Blood Riders at his back, ready to take the world by storm.

However, each time they camped they found themselves attacked by quick raids never letting them rest properly. But what they found in the devastated advance camps was simply terrifying, butchered soldiers with smiles drawn in their faces and what was worse, when the larger soldiers were about to be picked up and put in their eternal resting places, they spring to life and kill the people trying to pick them up.

And to add to this, seemingly wounded stragglers came to them for help, before again raising their faces, terrifying the soldiers before killing one or two of them before shouting and laughing with a ear piercing screech.

In one of these "raids", Socha Noyan, the Great Khan's younger brother approaches the wounded straggler to comfort him before the straggler stabs him in the chest and leaves with the same cackling to pierce the ears of their enemies.

This severely affected Temujin emotionally, who insisted, despite the insistence of the other Khans to stay here and give the dead the ceremony they truly needed to pass to the other world and started a great fire a distance away from the fire along with the other Khans and their Blood Riders.

While the Great Khan stood on the hill, mourning his brother, unbeknownst to him, the camp was now under attack, massive fires started around the camp, scaring the horses, to add to it, men(the automatons) coming through the flames scared some of the Domani as well, soon after an entire army followed in their tracks and began a full scale battle.

The Domani even without a set leader, more than managed to hold their own against the onslaught, but the appearance of an outright archdemon broke their ranks completely, thinking that the kingdoms had already submitted to the Demon rule.

The Great Khans arrival had raised the morale of the soldiers and prevented a total rout charging right in the middle of the United Army along with his Blood Riders and engaging Lord Bornetall and his veteran Guardian Devils.

The fight seesawed as Lord Bornetall allowed nobody to intervene in his fight with the Great Khan. Lord Bornetall was quickly knocked off his horse as the Khan had ridden his entire life, however, even despite the advantage of the Khan, the lord easily decapitated the horse of the Great Khan, at the cost of lance wound near his heart. Now, the Khan was at a disadvantage as he was without a horse.

Despite that, the Khan managed to fight Lord Bornetall to a standstill, until one stumble sealed his fate and the latter disarmed the former and decapitated him. Thanks to that the fighting died down fairly quick as the death of Great Khan simply caused the soldiers to give up rather than retreat and awaited their fate.

Thanks to his wound Lord Bornetall died several minutes later thanks to blood loss and was succeeded by his son Dorias Bornetall. The new Great Khan, Ogodei, Temujin's son waited for the leader of the coalition of kingdoms to come negotiate with him.

Battle Result: Stalemate, United Coalition(Nastrond, Gnyr Shalorn, Wolastra) Tactical Victory, Death of Temujin, The Great Khan.


Domani Confederate Tribes: 150.000 Lancer Cavalry, 120.000 Sword Cavalry, 200.000 Shock Cavalry, 250.000 Archer Cavalry, 30.000 Blood Riders, Temujin(The Great Khan)

United Coalition: 100.000 Spearmen, 80.000 Swordsmen, 90.000 Cavalry, 25.000 Imperial Cavalry, 90.000 archers, 180 automatons, 900 Guardian Devils, 1.200 Royal Guards, Lord Bornetall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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King Nieldun gazed in horror at the reports. Yes, it was technically a victory but so many of his own men were lost along with his old friend Lord Bornetall. He shook his head and pulled himself together, his dead would be mourned later. Wolastra was not only safe but a co-protectorate of his own and Gnyr Shalorn. The army was significantly reduced in numbers and he would have to recruit untrustworthy mercenaries to fight in the place of the fallen until manpower recovered and he could field a truly Nastrondi force for campaigns. The Domani, after that mutual bloodbath were unsurprisingly ready to negotiate. He penned a letter to Gnyr Shalorn.

Emperor Goralys Celestius,
I accept the offer of making Wolastra a co-protectorate of our lands. In light of the utter slaughter, I have come to realize that perhaps the land needs an empire to protect. As such, I accept your offer to join forces and see if we can unite the kingdoms once more. Perhaps we should link our dynasties in some way? In the meantime, I will go negotiate with the Domani heir. Perhaps Kalak Doman will be part of the new Empire.
Sincerely, Emperor Nieldun Gildedtongue.

Once that was taken care of, he went to his son Waldeal. "I have a task for you. I need you to use your head for numbers and organization skills to figure out how many mercenaries are available for us to recruit and get them ready to serve. Can you handle this?" Waldeal nodded, understanding why it was necessary for Nastrond to rely on hired swords who could not be trusted. Nieldun then went to Nasvell who would take care of the kingdom while he was gone. With that Nieldun readied an escort to Wolastra. Young Dorias, Archy and some others were already there.

As he arrived, he went to Dorias Bornetall to offer his sincere condolences. Then he marched to what was left of the Domani camp. With Guardian Devils around him he waited for the Domani heir to show himself. Nieldun was incapable of fully concealing his heritage due to wrath and sorrow and so, his eyes blazed red with demon flame. Pacing back and forth in front of the camp, he let slip a nearly feral growl. Then, he shook his head and pulled himself together again. This was not the time for unleashed wrath and bloodlust. That time had passed for now, along with far too many brave and loyal Nastrondi warriors. His eyes resumed their normal purple and he stopped pacing. He then announced himself to the Domani standing guard properly. "I am King Nieldun Gildedtongue. Leader of the forces that stopped your genocidal advance. I have come to negotiate with the new Great Khan Ogodei. I believe he wishes very strongly to discuss the peace terms between us. I will wait for him here as those who have lost someone dear seldom think as they normally would."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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And I have an idea on how to do it, my friend. I assume that the current kings would like to rule whatever lands they rule, so, there will be an emperor and he will be picked by the current kings from the ranks of said kings. The emperor will have power over the Empire, but to counter that, if three quarters of the kings wish to depose the king, they will do so via a vote and not bloodshed... easy, no?

His son found out, that through the three kingdoms of the coalition, they can approximately hire about 300.000, costing a total of 1.2 million gold. The Senate of Gnyr Shalorn agreed to pay half of the sum for the common effort.

"Great Khan Ogodei is inside his tent and awaits you along with the Khans of the other tribes." One of the Blood Riders says. "I would like to ask you to take a maximum of only four guards inside."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Hmmmm, perhaps. However, that would leave us with what is essentially a new and more powerful Senate. Building a new Empire will have to be something carefully thought through. Perhaps we could discuss the details of such a task at a better time. Right now, there are threats to put down.

Nastrond would willing pay the other half of the sum. Nasvell was left with instructions to work with Waldeal to take care of the matter.

Nieldun picked four of the Guardian Devils who in addition to their normal training, had also had lessons in the fighting styles of the Tzieni nomads who had arrived in Nastrond. With them by his side, Nieldun entered the tent.
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Inside, he found a very large round table with about 32 seats around it. The back half of the table was occupied by the Khans who instead of being dressed in noble clothing were wearing leather armor, Ogodei was in the middle of these nobles, wearing a lamellar armor and looking over a map, more than half of the plains and steppes that the Domani inhabited were painted red, most likely, the demons.

As Nieldun entered, he sighed and sat on his seat, signaling Nieldun and his guards to do the same.

"Nieldun Khan, what are your terms for peace?" He asked, clearly disgusted at the mention of peace, the other khans clearly weren't pleased about this either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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"First, you will join the Coalition of kingdoms temporarily to fight the Demons as I previously suggested cooperation. Second, once the Demons have been driven back, you will pay reparations to Nastrond, Wolastra and Gnyr Shalorn for the lives and resources it took to fight you. Third, you will dissolve the Confederation of Tribes. Those are my terms."
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"As hard as it will be for my people, I will only agree to only the first two terms, the third one is too much. My father spent 30 years uniting all the tribes, the smallest and the largest and I would die, really any of my tribesmen would die before they give up on the man that promised to save them, so I kindly ask you that you do not tear up what my father and all the Domani tribes have worked to make despite our differences." Ogodei said. "Just because your "Kingdoms" can't stay into one cohesive empire does not mean that we should fall into pieces as well!"
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nieldun smiled bitterly at the last part. "Very well. I accept your counteroffer. Do you have any knowledge of the invading Demons that could be useful? Numbers, weaknesses, habits, anything really. I'd ask Archy but he hasn't seen another full demon in half a million years."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"While we have most of our forces here, I have several armies ten thousand riders each, harassing, raiding and if they can, delay the demons as much as they can, until we had settled in our new homes." He said. "Even so, scouts report that they have burned over half of the plains we used to call home, I assume they'll reach the mountains separating the kingdoms and the plains in about 5 days if my delaying tactics are to work."

"As for the rest, while we don't know exactly how many of them there are, we assume that there are, 6 to 8 million imps, 200.000 regular demons and, nine archdemons who we assume act as leaders for the demonic scourge. As for habits, we have noticed only two, one is burning everything and I mean everything and the other is, if a human surrenders, turn him into a slave, but do not kill him. That's all we noticed about them."
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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"That's quite a few. I suppose taking Wolastra and Tar Sequinus was to buy time? I'll consult with a certain advisor who has knowledge of them to see if he knows of any weaknesses they have or any things that might drive them apart. I think we have gotten what we can out of this meeting. Good day to you." With that, King Nieldun left to find Archy.
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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Ogodei nods to Nieldun and goes back to his strategizing with his khans as soon as he exits the tent. Archy looks at Nieldun and asks him, looking kind of bored.

"What is it, friend?" He asks. "Wait... about the demon army heading here, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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"Bingo. When you decided to side with my ancestor why did you do it?" Nieldun asked. The numbers coming his way were rather impressive but often, the theory of strength in numbers failed when those numbers turned against one another.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"Heh, I remember as if it was yesterday despite it being millions upon millions of years ago. You see, the other nine archdemons had taken most of the demonic army and handed me about a million imps and 20.000 demons to kill your ancestors. By that time most of your ancestors had died in battle, three of the last four were killed in combat by me. When the last fourth one came, she said that she is willing to... well, "wed" with me on the condition that I take my army and join hers to kill the other demons."

"And I could've said no and killed her on the spot, but damn me if she wasn't the most beautiful woman ever, so I agreed, half of the army agreed with me, the other didn't, so I slaughtered them and well... you know the rest of the story, after the battle, me and my 20.000 demons snuck inside Nastrond and from here you can imagine how your half-demon ancestry came up and where your guardian Devils came from, well the demons weren't immortal, but their blood still runs through those battle fields you call Guardian Devils." He said smiling at Nieldun.
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"I see. So my human ancestor used seduction... I suppose that you are my ancestor as well shall I begin calling you Grandfather?" Nieldun said this jokingly but inside he was worrying about his daughter Meriel. Yes, he got along quite well with "Grandpa" Archy but he couldn't just sell her off in man arranged marriage. Sure, that was done all the time but those marriages were to humans. The others might be crueler. Besides, history might not repeat itself. There was no telling if the other Archdemons were as "romantically" inclined as Archy.

"So I don't suppose you know of any old hatreds or rivalries that might exist between the other Nine? Maybe their names? Dislikes, likes anything really. I'm not sure Meriel is willing to do what my human ancestor did. By the way, what was her name?" Nieldun asked these questions wondering how much information Archy could supply. "Are there any fiends who might still be loyal to you through immortality or stories passed down?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"Call me whatever you wish, archdemons are much like reptiles when it comes to offspring, I would've razed a city to the ground if a person there insulted her while she carried my baby, but as soon as she gave birth, I didn't care about him and I'm sorry to say this but I don't care about you, the only reason I'm serving you is because you know name, she had told her son what my name was, her son had told it to his child and so on to make sure that I served her family. In truth she was the only one I ever cared about. Oh, her name was Mya..." He seemed nostalgic. "If she hadn't told my name to her son, I would've torched Nastrond to the ground at the moment she passed away." He then stood silent for several moments before looking at Nieldun.

"Whilst regular demons and imps can rape any woman they want to get an ancestor, archdemons have it engrained in their psyche to only make a child with a woman who's willing, so when Mya offered herself in turn for me to betray my kind, then I accepted nearly instantly. The other archdemons are also driven by this and most likely hate my guts for betraying them, but respecting the fact that I finally mated."

"As for weaknesses, archdemons can only be permanently killed by three things, a pure-blooded dragon, a phoenix or... an Archangel." He said. "Despite the fact of how much Shadow Beasts are afraid of us, they can wound an archdemon quite well, Stygian Iron can also harm, but again not kill them..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nieldun is unsurprised at this confession of Archy's terrible parenting instincts and destructive urges. He was however surprised that Archangels were even worth mentioning as a weakness. Sure, his religion taught that angels of both light and dark served the gods for good or ill but surely there were none here? Now, that detail about the Archdemons mating habits was interesting but not quite useful yet. Now, as for weaknesses, wounding the other Archdemons would be possible with Stygian Iron (though the Shadows were probably too scared to help) and Shaan Tzien had a dragon but one dragon and Archy against Nine were not odds he liked.

"Can't you slay other Archdemons permanently as well? Other than the Tzieni dragon, do you know of any of those three that might be easily found? What about the lesser fiends, what are their weaknesses? Do they fear anything?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

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"The lesser fiends like demons and imps can be killed with regular weaponry, though the fact they know fire magic makes them harder to kill." He says. "If archdemons could permanently kill one another, there would be only one archdemon coming from The Nightmare Lands. As for an Archangel, you might want to ask "The Emperor" also, remember, I said that Stygian Iron can only wound them, not kill them. An archangel would probably be able to dispatch about four of the nine, the dragon two and I would be able to keep two of them busy while the dragon and the Archangel comes in and kill them."
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