Comrade! Congratulations for your electoral success and welcome to the Politburo! Being on the Political Bureau is no easy task however. For you see Comrade, our glorious Soviet Union has entered dire times. General Secretary Gorbachev's policies of Glastnost and Perestroika have tore the entire system asunder and rumors of a 'collapse' fill the smokey air of Red Army High Command and the Central Committee. As per your new position, your duty shall be to serve the Union and her people! Show the entire Politburo that your home SSR is the finest in wealth, prestige, culture, and power! Perhaps you are the type who's hands are not so clean? Perhaps you'd be willing to work with your fellow Politburo members and take the General Secretariat's seat right from under old Gorby? Or perhaps you are a noble and just politician, if there ever was one. Regardless of what you wish to do with your new position, just know Comrade. There is a Crisis in the Kremlin!
Welcome to Crisis in the Kremlin! Based upon the 1991 PC strategy game of the same name, you shall be taking the role as a member of the highest political organ of the Soviet Union. Your place in the Politburo is entirely yours to make, where you hail from and how noble or corrupt you are is entirely up to you! However, there shall always be a crisis! In these turbulent final(?) years of the USSR the actions and policies you and your fellow Politburo members take are crucial in saving both your seats, but also your nation. The RP will largely be played from the background, with PMs and discussion being encouraged! In addition to whatever player created events take place, there will be consistent GM events involving events outside the USSR, often causing 'crisis' and furthering the plot of our little political thriller.
I am not a rule-heavy GM, in fact I find having too many rules is worse than too few in many cases. However, there will be a few basic ones.
Please post your character sheet in the OOC for approval before transferring the sheet to the Characters tab. Also do note that yes, your character may very well die in this! Thus, a 'Date of Death' tab has been added. But fear not! For a new character is free of charge in our glorious Worker's Paradise!