Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ki the Graceful
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Ki the Graceful Bearer of Burdens / Keeper of Peace

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Why does this shit always happen to me!?

It was the crack of eve; the persimmon and pink skies above a gentle farmland skyline giving off the last of the daily summer breeze. On the ground, there was a large apple orchard, with many'a rolling hills and the occasional ladder against a tree here and there. The apples were perfectly in bloom and ripe for the picking- honeycrisp, macintosh, really the best kinds of apples.

But fuck the apples, nobody cares about them. What we should be caring about is the fact that Re's car just broke down in the middle of a road that ran through an apple orchard. He was going to head for a city, but wasn't paying attention to his gas. Not that he couldn't have carried the car to the nearest service station, but y'know, that ran the risk of damaging the damn thing!

And who would want to damage an oldschool, cobalt blue and white striped '68 Mustang? An asshole, that's who. Re was standing in front of the popped hood, checking the oil, dipstick in-hand. "For fuck sake..." Re lividly hissed. There was practically no oil in the engine, so he had to fix that. After he did that really quick, Re found that he had a full container of gas, some Pinesol, a gram of blueberry kush, and his water bong. "Right the fuck on..."

Re could be found from thereon, sitting on the closed hood of the car- trying to light the bowl up in the breeze. And judging by his frequent cursing, it wasn't going well. He had on his person everything he normally would- weapons and all. Re's shortswords were loosely hanging at either side of his hip, his thick sweater hiding the handcannon and rounds he had holstered. "Fucking... light, you son of a-..." And like that, the bowl lit- and he sucked down on the bong like a dirty whore.

Before he even got a puff off, a breeze blew his lighter out and sent the bowl flying into the grass. It took Re a second to realize that there wasn't any smoke in the chamber.

"Huh? Where'd it... OHHHH SON OF A WHOOORE!"

Smoke that tumbleweed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Everett
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The sunset backdrop that fell over the farmland painted a beautiful picture as ripe apple trees, bearing succulent fruit, were basked in the warmth of a descending star. It was a good thing that the owner of the farmland seemed to be gone, probably off in the nearby city with the rest of his family, because what threatened to come their way probably wasn't going to end well for the value of their property. Utilizing his contacts in ShinRa Sky had managed to track down his target, an opponent for a supposed tournament that he had been asked to join. A mission was a mission. As he walked through the rows of trees he turned his gaze up at the hanging fruit, red and inviting. He'd stop for a few moments under a low hanging branch to place his gaze upon a particular apple. With a light jump he reached up with his left hand to grab the fruit and yank it down, plucking it free from its tree only to land with a slight bend of the knees.

The sapphire gaze looked down to the red treat he had acquired only to bring it up to his mouth and take a bite, a satisfying crunch being heard as he ripped out a chunk. He'd chew, holding the fruit in his left hand, while his right propped the spear he wielded against his shoulder. Sky was wearing light clothing made of synthetic silk. Baggy black pants with a sash around his waist, a matching vest which left his arms completely exposed, along with a pair of brown leather sandals which consisted of soles and leather straps which wrapped around his feet and lower ankles. He looked like he belonged in the desert. After the first bite was swallowed he'd continue to walk, eventually hearing the curse of his target as he lost his smoking device. On the way Sky finished the apple, even eating the core, only to bring his left hand up to his left ear to touch upon it slightly.

"Enki, they have remedies back in my world for the illness you have. All I need is a couple of sticks made from Oak, some incense, a small animal like a hamster and a fire extinguisher." He'd speak idly, his head tilting to the right as if trying to turn away from something loud on his left. He'd wince slightly, a neutral expression never changing. "Yes..that was a joke."

Re would no doubt hear Sky talking as he approached, the blue color shaft of the red spear and gold tipped head propped against his right shoulder. The right hand holding the weapon at about mid shaft, the butt end of the pole arm a couple of inches off of the ground. It looked like a trident really, a middle six inch spear head flanked by two shorter curved blades, each one curving out to its respective side.

"Yes. Target in sight. Its unfortunate you couldn't make it." Now that he was closer Re would be aware of Sky's accent, which sounded like a sort of exotic Russian. "I'll report after the missions is completed." His left hand fell down to his side, supernatural senses Re had would pick up on the building power within the form that stood at the edge of the Orchid, near the road. The bowl that he had lost not but a few feet in front of Sky.

"My name is Sky. I've been sent to fight you." His left foot took the lead as his right foot slid to the rear, right hand gripping the shaft of his spear at the bottom third of the weapons length while the left gripped at the upper third. The point of the spear leveled upon his enemy.

He had tan skin, gold color hair, sapphire colored eyes and two six inch long antlers stretched up from his four head which had 3 points apiece.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ki the Graceful
Avatar of Ki the Graceful

Ki the Graceful Bearer of Burdens / Keeper of Peace

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A challenger approaches. And I'm a bit irritable. Mint.

Re had just loaded up another bowl of kush- after all, what ungodly-sized bowl would support the whole of a gram? -and that was when he heard Sky's voice. The grass rustling, the foreign accent- something was awry, or about to go awry. Spending time out in the country, stealing apples and getting high in fields tends to just up your sense of hearing.

But, Re disregarded it for the most part, dismissing it as some poor fucker who got lost. And so he lit up the bowl, successfully this time. Smoke filled the chamber, and Re inhaled the T.H.C. heaven, putting down half of it before he had to come up for a breath. And that was when he saw Sky come into view, the shock of his form making him cough out the smoke.

Sky was about to speak, and Re let him, but he put up the good 'ol 'gimme a second' sign as he took another very fast toke, downing the rest of the bowl in one fell swoop. Re set the bong down on the crevice between the Mustang's hood and windshield, leveling his eyes on Sky's form- especially that spear. There was indeed something off about Sky, and while Re didn't necessarily have any form of supernatural sensory ability, he could feel that there was a raise in the immediate area's energy. Maybe it was just him getting high, but he felt something.

Re released the smoke into the air as he spoke, "Fight? Jeeesus buddy, take me out to dinner first, why don't you?" Re snickered, quickly sliding off of the car's hood, and placing his right foot on the bumper. With borderline superhuman strength Re shoved the car (which was in park) back a few dozen feet, ripping up the ground as his right foot slid back, Re's hands resting on the chain-bearing handles of his shortswords. Re was seven inches above six feet tall, making him tower over Sky, who was eight inches above five feet tall. "Since y'insist on being polite, I'm Re." Re(pronounced 'Ray')'s voice was rather Canadian and lighthearted. Didn't fit with his appearance at all, but hey, it was what it was.

And so, Re swiftly drew his blades, and took a short leap back to put some distance between him and Sky, his stance remaining the same- right foot behind, left ahead, knees bent slightly. His midsection was guarded by the right-handed blade. The other blade was held in a reversed grip by his left hand, guarding his left leg. The entirety of his stance was rather lax, but it was also firm. He obviously practiced some form of martial art involving swords, frequently too. Likely fencing or Jeet Kune Do by the looks of it.

The blades of the weapons were approximately twenty inches long each, double-edged and straight. The metal seemed to 'shimmer' more than even highly-polished steel, almost like silver. The blades were very thick for swords, almost like they were made as replicas- the metal was almost half of an inch thick, which meant that they must have been very heavy to wield. There were slightly-thick chains of the same material latched into the bottom of the metallic handle as well, and they seemed to flow tautly up into Re's sweater's arms. From what it would likely appear, the chains were merely there to secure Re's weapons to his body.

"Whenever you're ready, man!"

Testin' the waters, ticklin' the surface.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Everett
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sky took a note of the mans strength as he used one foot to push his vehicle some distance away from the brewing confrontation. With the way the tires slid along the ground, making that awful noise, it gave him the impression that he had considerable power behind his physical movements. How else was he going to push past all that friction? The overall manner of the individual seemed to be very relaxed and with his reaction to Sky's declaration of challenge it seemed that he was completely unaware that someone was going to be coming for him. There would be a slight nod given when Re introduced himself, but beyond that Sky didn't move much until Re set himself up in a stance and put more distance between them. Sky would begin to slowly advance, feet sliding along the grass until they eventually hit pavement, sliding turned into soft steps as those sapphire hues made note of Re's reaction to the creeping advance. The goal was to cautiously closed the distance, still having no clue of what Re was capable of he didn't want to immediately engage the guy in a full assault.

If Re happened to let Sky close enough distance, which he'd continue to slowly maneuver in with the point of his spear leading him, he'd find himself under attack. It came in the form of two quick thrusts with the weapon. The left hand was used as a guide while the right provided all the necessary power, working like a lever to thrust that spear forward while the left angled it toward the upper portion of Re's chest. The tip of the spear sought purchase at the top of the sternum. Regardless of success or failure he'd immediately pull that weapon back and change the angle, left hand lowering as the spear retracted only for it to find itself thrust forward once more. This time it was angled lower, roughly at the front of the left hip joint. Once more, whether he met with success or failure he'd pull that spear back. Both of the quick thrusts sought, at most, a three inch worth of penetration into the flesh if they found their mark. A single second, roughly, was all it took for both of the attacks to be launched.

More spiritual energy was gathered but, for the moment, it was held in reserve.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ki the Graceful
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Ki the Graceful Bearer of Burdens / Keeper of Peace

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Sky's movements were incredibly well-paced and practiced, but Re's reaction time was far superior. That spear was deadly, but at this point, all Re cared about was his car. He didn't want that beautiful beast getting fucked up- and as soon as the first prod was attempted, Re slid back with unnatural grace, never truly breaking his stance. The tip of the tapered spear was inches away from Re's chest, and then Sky pulled it back.

Re didn't seem very concerned. He was borderline nonchalant, but he was focused. Probably due to him being high. The second jab was aimed for Re's left hip, which was guarded by the flat of his second shortsword. Re suddenly pivoted inward towards Sky, lifting his right leg up to waist level as though he was going to kick Sky- which he could, given how fucking tall the bastard was. As the spear came for Re's hip, the sword's blade clashed with the bronze-colored tip of the spear. And suddenly, after what would feel like a bare fraction of a second, Re's now-charged leg smashed down into a fast stomp to the ground with insane amounts of force, likened to a stick of dynamite going off between the two. This was the Ultra Stomp ability.

The stomp would rip up the pavement and create a large crater, about ten meters in diameter. But, it wouldn't actually harm Sky unless his skin was unguarded- and eyes, due to the dust and kicked-up pavement. There was a large cloud of dust- it would be hard to see through, and due to the sudden upheaval of ground, Sky would most likely stumble a little bit.

And no, the car was fine, just on the outside of the crater. The two men would be about four to five feet apart (due to the spear) at the center. Re wasn't quite so shaken as Sky might have been, due to using the move frequently and knowing how to deal with the sudden shock. His stance remained, but he shifed a few steps to the right, waiting for the dust to clear and keeping close note of any sounds.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Everett
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sky wanted to know how his opponent would react to the oncoming spear, each thrust was done quick and in rapid succession of one another. He paid close attention to Re as he slid back away from the first strike, shuffling slightly to make sure that the proper distance had been achieved. All the while the man didn't break the stance that he held. The man also began a maneuver as the second strike came forth, parried by the sword. Sky learned a bit about how confident Re was in his abilities, how capable he was to a certain extent and got an average of his reaction time. He figured that Re could react faster, but starting with a baseline reading was good enough for now. The parry of the tip of the spear didn't cause much stir with Sky, the weapons course quickly corrected immediately after the deflection as it was withdrawn. One thing that both Sky and Re had in common was that it only took a fraction of a second to react to the various situations that presented themselves around them.

Sky had a supernatural sense about the area around him, able to feel the flow of energy and the general locations of objects that occupied the space around him. The build up of power within the leg as it was raised told Sky that something was going to happen with that limb. Of course, since they were fighting, it had a high chance of being something violent. The angle of the leg and foot itself, coupled with the fact that there was a spear tip between Re and Sky, dictated that Re wasn't going to attempt a kick at Sky; such a thing could result in the leg getting impaled, regardless of the energy that was being put into it. Through spiritual and physical telegraphing Sky knew that the leg itself wasn't going to be thrown his way, they didn't know enough about what each other could do to warrant such risks. So when the foot changed position so that the sole would start moving toward the ground Sky likewise started to move. His spear was pulled back as his knees bent, only to push off of the ground as Re's foot was half way through its plotted course. By the time the foot collided with the ground Sky was a good five feet off of the ground, spear angling itself in a manner that kept the point facing his opponent as he ascended into the air.

The kinetic force behind the maneuver that was used pulverized the ground and caused it to crumble, any force that traveled through the air would break at the tip of his spear and soften as he passed over Sky while bits of debris merely bounced off of his form. The most Re might have saw was the fact that sky had jumped in order to avoid the shock wave that traveled through the ground, which would have more than likely toppled the Fae over. The cloud of dust that kicked up would obscure anything beyond that and while Re was blinded by this Sky still had good situational and spacial awareness when it came to his surroundings and where his opponent was. At the apex of his ascent the spear would be thrust forth again but this time it came much quicker and there were more that followed the first.

Passing through the distance between them at a solid 500 mile per hour the spear aimed to strike at the base of the neck, above the sternum, on its first strike. It'd be immediately withdrew as fast as it was unleashed and then sent forth again, the left hand guiding it to a new location. The second aimed to place the point below the sternum and into the diaphragm. Once more the previous actions were repeated, the spear with drew at the aforementioned speed and struck out two more times. The third was aimed at the left shoulder and the fourth was aimed at the right. Each strike would appear through the dust and disappear back into it as all four were executed, like before aiming to only pierce three inches deep.

All four strikes were delivered in the time that Sky had reached the Apex of his jump and then started to descend. He'd land upon the ruined ground, each foot finding solid purchase upon pieces of rubble so that he could maintain his stance. His left foot was forward, right to the rear and placed slightly off set to its appropriate side. The knees were bent for a lower center of gravity with both hands upon the spear. Only this time his eyes were closed as the dust still covered the distance around them. More power was pulled from the core of his being, finding a home in his physical self but still was held in reserve.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ki the Graceful
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Ki the Graceful Bearer of Burdens / Keeper of Peace

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

OOC: Writing posts while sick sucks.

Re wasn't stupid, albeit he was a stoner. He would not just sit in a cloud of dust, especially when he saw that his medium-ranged weapon-wielding opponent leaped out of the cloud. And Re did as well, brandishing his blades.

The blades earned a powerful ergokinetic padding on them as he leaped, his incredibly strong leg muscles letting him leap high into the air. But as he cleared the cloud, Re found that his back was pierced by the incredibly-fast spear, but luckily the tri-pronged spear's strike only caught him between the femur and beginning of the ribcage, which was mainly 'flesh'. Re's outer layer of flesh was reinforced due to his Atronachson inheritance, allowing the tri-pronged spear to only pierce through a very rough half (65-70%) of its targeted depth, in spite of the vast velocity and force.

Re had been shot and stabbed many times in his life- the reason why his body didn't bleed out or generally just die from the rupturing of internal organs was due to the fact that he didn't have any. The inside of his body was composed of an ergokinetic system which allowed him to feel pain and process thought like a human (without a brain, mind you), without the need of the other organs and bodily kwirks to function physically or mentally.

But that didn't mean that the fucking spear wouldn't have hurt like a SON OF A BITCH though. Which it did.

A fucking lot.

"FUCK!" Re hissed, using the pain and turning it into anger, biting down on his teeth. The anger fueled his next action's swiftness- despite being stabbed and pushed downward.

Twirling in midair and narrowly avoiding the last of the spear's strikes, Re landed on the ground, wincing from his backside being pierced. Immediately before he landed, Re cocked his legs, which led into him leaping forward toward the now-falling Sky (this was all happening very, very fast).

With hardly any warning, Re's hands let go of the swords (they stayed near him due to the chains), and flashed outward in an arc toward Sky, which would look strange given the fact that nothing really happened for a split, split second.

But as soon as Re's hands flashed outward fully, a powerful arced shockwave of energy was sent barreling toward Sky. Despite his supernatural awareness and heightened reaction time, it would have been incredibly hard to maneuver (especially in midair) out of its way, as the blast was quite wide and well, arced. That and the energy merely 'flashed', it wasn't built-up like a more gradual attack. Think of an explosion. It was unstable yet concentrated, raw power.

Whether or not the blast struck Sky (which would send him flying back or crashing into the ground with enough force to topple over a car), Re would reach the apex of his own jump and focus entirely on Sky's position. The dust would also be cleared due to the blast. The padding on Re's blades would aid in what happened next, were there to be a physical interference, because the heat they gave off was incredibly intense, enough to likely superheat or even melt Sky's spear lest it were enchanted against such.

Pulling against the breeze, Re spun quickly in midair, brandishing his blades yet again mid-spin and letting them go with directed power. The blades would, with a fast, whiplike sound, lash out/downward toward Sky at a violent speed, packing a lot of force due to their weight. The chains which looked taut and short were extended to great lengths from Re's arms, letting it be known to Sky that he could attack from both a range and in short distance.

One strike was aimed for his upper body, and the other was aimed for his lower body. But the blades themselves would be lashed out far enough to be behind Sky, not directly beside him. He'd be hit by the chains before the blades- but the energy that Re packed into the blades was also in the chains.

I swear to God if I have to go to the FUCKING chiropractor because of that motherfucking spear...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Everett
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sky hadn't leaped out of a cloud that was caused by the creation of a 30 foot crater, but he did manage to stay close enough to his retreating opponent that his spear would find purchase. But the penetration that was made into Re's flesh didn't feel right. Sky had punctured his spear into many living beings both sentient and non-sentient. There was a particular feeling when a body was penetrated by a spear tip, the resistance that a body gave wasn't there in Re's form. Not to mention when the skin was pierced Sky got a feeling for the energy within his opponent. He wasn't exactly sure what he was fighting but it wasn't a normal person. Still it was good that out of the four strikes at least one of them hit. Re was quick to recover and Sky recognized that he'd be under assault quickly. Instinctively the energy that he'd been storing since the start of this was funneled directly into the spear that he was wielding. This reactionary measure caused a nearly transparent, quite faint, white glow to form around its physical form.

The spear was still in between Sky and his opponent when the wave of energy was released from the swiping of his hands, Re's path being on a direct course with Sky's descending form. The spear itself would intercept the attack that Re had unleashed before it hit Sky. Considering what Re was he may see, in full effect, the cone of energy that fanned out from the tip of Sky's spear. The blast would be broken through with the point of the spear, destabilizing the concentrated raw force. As it ran itself upon Sky's spear and its spiritual projection of a cone shape it'd break like wave over stone. This saved Sky from the damage he would have sustained from its impact and, due to being in mid air still, forced him back but at a slower speed since it didn't hit him at its full strength. He'd be thrown to the ground but instead of the rough impact he might have sustained he landed upon his feet and slid to a quick stop as Re started that spin. Sky wasn't going to stay still, doing so would be defeat or death. He started moving just before Re finished his spin, making a quick change of position with a sudden sprint to his left. As the chains and blades came down they'd impact where Sky had been standing, which was now off to his right about a foot from him.

The moment they landed though Sky flourished the spear in his right hand, releasing it with his left, so that as he lowered it toward the ground it'd find itself in a reverse grip. The point of the spear aimed to come down inside of one of the links of the chain that connected to Re's right arm. The heat that they gave off and the energy properties that they were imbued with wouldn't effect the spear itself in the least. The spear had energy running through it like Re's chains and sword. The heat that they gave off would be dissipated and bled away into the environment away from the weapon and since there was a coat of energy between the chain and Sky's spear the anti-material properties wouldn't take effect. It was fighting energy with energy, his energy was linked directly to him though. The goal was the pin down the right chain blade, but not just physically. Sky anchored his spear to the spiritual level of the material plane they were on. In layman's terms it was going to take more than just pure physical strength to rip the chain free. And the particular link that was targeted was 5 links down from the location where the chain connected to the sword.

Following this was a simple maneuver. From the free left hand a surge of energy would be felt and then quickly released, less than a seconds worth of time passing for this to happen. The beam itself had a tip on it, shaped much like the head of Sky's spear. It flew across the distance between Sky and Re at the previously established 500 mph. It aimed to pierce the man directly in the chest, punch through, and then come out the back. Thanks to the pointed nature of the attack and it's strict puncturing sub-type it had the extra property of piercing through conventional energy based and physical barriers. Also to note since Re can absorb energy he'd have to fight Sky for control of the energy that was being fired, which would be more than enough time for the attack to do it's damage. Since the attack is based in spirituality it had a chance to actually damage the Ergokinetic nature of Re's insides, like piercing a soul. Hit or miss the beam of white energy would disappear after it either pierced through Re or the area that his body had once been occupying, should he dodge it.
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