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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Rtron please put this in the hain's sheet:

So...what are we missing from human faces?
- Lips
- Eyebrow
- Nose bridge

What has been carried over?
- Eyes
- Jaw and mouth with teeth
- A head that can angle itself
- Hands and arms (this is not so subtle, but might make up for missing features)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>
This needs to be preserved for future use.

@Kho, You say the Solitary Mount is taller than any other peak on Galbar. Is that including Mount Bormahven (@Vec should write a bit more about it, since he discovered it), which is a staggering 20 kilometers tall and thus reaches into the stratosphere?


Honestly I saw the huge numbers of that post and the mention of it supposedly having a better view than the Celestial Citadel (which is pretty much in space most of the time) and just dismissed it as exaggeration. If the mountain is actually that huge, it's pretty ridiculous and would have required Might or at least some special effort to create.

A mountain of that size wouldn't form happen naturally like the rest of the Ironhearts did when Teknall broke the tectonic plates and made them move together. For comparison, Mount Everest isn't even 9km tall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

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@BBeast If the IC says that it is the tallest mountain on Galbar, I'd assume that it is indeed taller than Mount Bormahven. I'm assuming that mountains so tall won't be great for Galbar's balance though...won't it like, tip over because of the weight, or have a wonky spin or something? Maybe that's why it needed so many moons, to balance out the imbalance such huge mountains would create.

For the existence of such mountains, I would like to point you towards Vestec's contribution to the Codex, which encourages the development of such anomalies.
However, if the Solitary Mount is indeed stratospheric in height, then you probably won't be getting any visitors any time soon. If people can barely make it to 8km without breathing apparatus (Everest), then they'll have no hope of ascending to the Whirlpool on the peak. Even Heroes need air to breathe.

As for balance of Galbar, there is no problem at all. The radius of Galbar is about 6000km (if it's Earth-sized). 20km is but a tiny fraction of that. The difference in density between ocean and continent would have a far greater impact on the center of mass than any single mountain.
In fact, there exists a case study for mountains so big. Olympus Mons is 22km tall, on Mars, which is notably smaller than Earth. Mars seems to have no problems. (Granted, Olympus Mons is a massive shield volcano, so flat that the curvature is nigh undetectable, while these two Galbarian mountains would be much more pointy, but again I indicate Vestec's contribution to the Codex)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

For the existence of such mountains, I would like to point you towards Vestec's contribution to the Codex, which encourages the development of such anomalies.
However, if the Solitary Mount is indeed stratospheric in height, then you probably won't be getting any visitors any time soon. If people can barely make it to 8km without breathing apparatus (Everest), then they'll have no hope of ascending to the Whirlpool on the peak. Even Heroes need air to breathe.

As for balance of Galbar, there is no problem at all. The radius of Galbar is about 6000km (if it's Earth-sized). 20km is but a tiny fraction of that. The difference in density between ocean and continent would have a far greater impact on the center of mass than any single mountain.
In fact, there exists a case study for mountains so big. Olympus Mons is 22km tall, on Mars, which is notably smaller than Earth. Mars seems to have no problems. (Granted, Olympus Mons is a massive shield volcano, so flat that the curvature is nigh undetectable, while these two Galbarian mountains would be much more pointy, but again I indicate Vestec's contribution to the Codex)

Thanks for that. As for the breathing issue regarding the Solitary Mount: I point you toward that magical mist and the fact that there is a Whirlpool leading to Chronos at the top xP It's going to be more of a test of endurance and resistance against the cold rather than breathing difficulties
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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<Snipped quote by BBeast>

Thanks for that. As for the breathing issue regarding the Solitary Mount: I point you toward that magical mist and the fact that there is a Whirlpool leading to Chronos at the top xP It's going to be more of a test of endurance and resistance against the cold rather than breathing difficulties

Ah, of course, a magical atmosphere. That would solve that problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Due to positive reception, I've updated by character post with the simple hain facial expressions under miscellaneous info.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

Ah, of course, a magical atmosphere. That would solve that problem.

The answer to all our problems: magic
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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I currently have an incomplete post in the making. It's at 58,662 characters ^^' really getting into it
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Rtron FYI, the Urtelem don't care if you're an organic creature of Slough, some kind of unnatural aberration from beyond the Gap, or anywhere in between, they only care about the temperament. The Rovaick, those who aren't Vestec's anyway, seem mostly agreeable enough to not automatically trigger the Urtelem's fight reflex.
White Giants, though, would definitely want to stomp all over them.

I can slot in a visitation to the Rovaick after Gerrik becomes a Hero (in my next post) and Teknall pops by the Celestial Citadel (the post/collab following that) (in fact, I'll probably put the Rovaick visit at the end of the that one).

As an aside, how did the Rovaick learn about the other gods?

P.S. And what sort of Rovaick is Sularn?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Hmm, hopefully I have time to write something up this weekend. Learning that other intelligent life has sprung up will be an interesting wake up call for Toun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Muttonhawk Is it a coincidence that I'm suddenly seeing kung-fu bears in your sig? -.-
And, just bears in general... =.=
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

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Hmm, hopefully I have time to write something up this weekend. Learning that other intelligent life has sprung up will be an interesting wake up call for Toun.

If Toun sees the Rovaick, this can only end badly for them.
If you get there before Teknall (if you go at all), he'll be there shortly after (especially if you're already there).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

@Muttonhawk Is it a coincidence that I'm suddenly seeing kung-fu bears in your sig? -.-
And, just bears in general... =.=

I think one or two of them have bears? I can't remember the exact number, I have something around one hundred pics rotating in that sig. One of the more recent ones is a bear twirling a stick around. Pure coincidence, I assure you.

<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

If Toun sees the Rovaick, this can only end badly for them.
If you get there before Teknall (if you go at all), he'll be there shortly after (especially if you're already there).

I haven't decided exactly what will happen. Toun is in a fairly calm mood right now. I guess it'll depend on the interaction with the summoner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

There, Gerrik is now a Hero. That means I can finally get around to other business.

Thanks, @Muttonhawk, for the timely list of Hain expressions. You will note that I made good use of it.

Sheets will come eventually. I'm going away this weekend, then going back to uni after that, so time is against me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

There, Gerrik is now a Hero. That means I can finally get around to other business.

Thanks, @Muttonhawk, for the timely list of Hain expressions. You will note that I made good use of it.

Sheets will come eventually. I'm going away this weekend, then going back to uni after that, so time is against me.

I loved it. Honestly from all the demi-gods and heroes I'd want Reathos to visit, Gerrik (and Elysium) seem to interest me the most.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by BBeast>

I loved it. Honestly from all the demi-gods and heroes I'd want Reathos to visit, Gerrik (and Elysium) seem to interest me the most.

The tone of the words say 'sincere' but the subject of who is coming to visit says 'threat'....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Legion02>

The tone of the words say 'sincere' but the subject of who is coming to visit says 'threat'....

To Elysium...Maybe?

To Gerrik, BBeast explained his methode of hero-ship. In short, Gerrik will take up an apprentice and he will become the hero when the time comes. So as long as Gerrik dies, Reathos has no problem.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Idea for elaborating further on Hain expressions- Because the default hain conversational stance is with the head posed sideways, they might be able to add nuance to their expression based on which eye is narrowed or closed, since their 'left' and 'right' eye at any one point isn't just a symmetrical reflection. While looking directly at someone, hain have a fore and aft eye, with the fore-eye closer to the beak and the aft-eye closer to the back of the skull. They are meant to focus together, so controlling the direction of each eye is like going cross-eyed for humans, but presuming that their eyelids move independently, narrowing each eye might have a different effect on the overall expression.

It might change across cultures, but my suggestion is to make it a simple intensity modifier, say, the aft-eye closes more easily than the fore-eye, so if the two are closed, narrowed, or widened equally (in the case of great surprise or fear), then the hain is more emotional than usual, because one of the two eyelids is unconsciously being worked harder in order to match it with the other- Fore-eye in case of narrowing, aft-eye in case of widening.

There are probably more creative ways to go about this, and it's pretty clunky to write into a sentence outside of insertions like 'both her eyes were narrowed harshly' or 'despite his cautious words to the excited hatchlings, his aft-eyes didn't widen quite so much when he pulled the viper from its basket', implying stronger anger and weaker fear respectively. But it might be useful.

There, Gerrik is now a Hero.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Sounds good to me.
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