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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 21 days ago

My To-Do List:

1. Finally rush through to the end of the collab I've been working on forever. Post it and get the ogre stuff/Lif's training rolling.
2. Finish Jvan week post. (It's started, but now I think Kho will get involved. We might have a collab for Jvan week xD)
3. Finish all the other collabs I'm currently engaged in. (Namely the one with Teknall and friends in Zeph's house)
4. Make my two holy orders. This was supposed to happen in 1., but I'm rushing and so it had to be put off.
5. Have Zeph's party.

So that's what's on my plate now, guys. At the current rate I'm hoping to get to number 5 around the end of next turn; there's tons of stuff I need to do so I shouldn't tarry. But anyways, I share this so that @Kangutso and any others thinking of visiting Zeph will get a rough estimate of how long it is until Zeph's party.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I get it, but Kyre is calling for more of a meeting than a party, and its for anyone who will meet with him. I hope Zephy won't mind...

EDIT: Lif will also be able to meet Kyre for the first time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Eh, Ilunabar will probably expect this to turn out like the moon thing and focus on her stuff instead :P
(Its just that I have such a long post already done)

I won't ask that Vestec's armies get effected by Ilunabar's stunt (and they would, terrible time to move an army) but in turn I also hope people understand that my post was mostly made not taking these recent events into consideration since I expected that the early war idea would go on a rest after some players showed concern over the fact that we are still a good walk away from bronze age (I mean, damn, I will be teaching rope making for the sods next turn) so a great war invasion plot wouldn't be very fit for the kind of play set up by the poll Kho made, but I guess the change to "conquer the whole world" to "attack these fortresses" is already enough to not mess too much the stories building over the fact that the world is still on the age of flint axes and where villages with a hundred people are considered big.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

You can say she was just so absorbed in her work. There, acceptable excuse. Why? Because you a god.

EDIT: They are not organized armies, they are essentially just really large mobs of beings walking around with wood and stone clubs. And their orders are pretty much this: "Go that way and kill stuff."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

You can say she was just so absorbed in her work. There, acceptable excuse. Why? Because you a god.

EDIT: They are not organized armies, they are essentially just really large mobs of beings walking around with wood and stone clubs. And their orders are pretty much this: "Go that way and kill stuff."

Yeah, that is kinda the route I'm taking, the only contact point would be the "phantasmagoria/night of phantoms" but I can just say "something something corruption dispersed the illusory night before it reached the region"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 21 days ago

I get it, but Kyre is calling for more of a meeting than a party, and its for anyone who will meet with him. I hope Zephy won't mind...

EDIT: Lif will also be able to meet Kyre for the first time.

IC Zephy wouldn't mind at all. OOC I'd prefer we prolong this a bit then merge it with the party just because I have so much on my plate to write about, but if you're opposed to that for some reason we can collab.

There's already a similar collab in the works with Teknall visiting. Maybe you could just join that, but to be honest it's already got a lot of people and a lot of stuff going on. Maybe it would be best to not overdo that one and instead have two separate collabs: one for Teknall's visit and one for Kyre's.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eh, Ilunabar will probably expect this to turn out like the moon thing and focus on her stuff instead :P
(Its just that I have such a long post already done)

I won't ask that Vestec's armies get effected by Ilunabar's stunt (and they would, terrible time to move an army) but in turn I also hope people understand that my post was mostly made not taking these recent events into consideration since I expected that the early war idea would go on a rest after some players showed concern over the fact that we are still a good walk away from bronze age (I mean, damn, I will be teaching rope making for the sods next turn) so a great war invasion plot wouldn't be very fit for the kind of play set up by the poll Kho made, but I guess the change to "conquer the whole world" to "attack these fortresses" is already enough to not mess too much the stories building over the fact that the world is still on the age of flint axes and where villages with a hundred people are considered big.

They'll be affected. It's nothing important, never anything related to conquer the whole world. Just Vestec being an ass.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Damn it. I turn my back for two days and Vestec declares war on half the planet.

@Rtron Should we resolve Vestec's war before I go and say hi to the Rovaick? Or shall you insist that these happen simultaneously (doing so means nobody will have time to respond to the Rovaick's summons/prayer, which would not be recommended)?

Also, what are the numbers of the armies? And how long will they take to reach places?

@Cyclone I think this war is a pretty sudden and immediate threat. It probably doesn't make much sense to delay it, or to merge the war council with a house-party.

My To-Do List:
1. Finish that collab where Teknall is socialising in the Celestial Citadel.
2. Resolve Vestec War, which will be time consuming and lengthy and further delay other things I had wanted to happen weeks ago.
3. Manifest to the Rovaick.
4. Create the Demigod Tetra. This should have been number two, but then stuff kept getting shoved in which demanded a more immediate response.

On the bright side, this war gives something for Gerrik to do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Pronobii and the Ashlings would make their way north, hunting for the uncorrupted servants of the God of Death.
War Post

Those guys are down South. In the North are many trees and some bears. Nothin' to see or kill, move along >.>

You know, guys, you would've been totally ready for this if you listened to The Bard's song:

'Tell me of the War,' Vowzra suddenly commanded. The Bard was, at first, surprised, but as he looked into the Eye of Time, he understood. His face was, at first, grim and his eyes hard, but then a smile broke out.
'Ah, yes. The War,' he whispered, 'there will be War.'
And The Bard sang.
Hear the Voice of the Bard
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Kho, Ah, so you were in on it all along. That makes sense now, actually.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Kho I thought it was talking about Vowzra bullying spree x_x
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

<Snipped quote by War Post>

Those guys are down South. In the North are many trees and some bears. Nothin' to see or kill, move along >.>

You know, guys, you would've been totally ready for this if you listened to The Bard's song:

<Snipped quote by Hear the Voice of the Bard>

Honestly, it's like with the words of the Starks. Inevitably they will come true.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Kho>

Honestly, it's like with the words of the Starks. Inevitably they will come true.

That's a good point. Did he actually know about this particular war, or is he just pretending? If so, that must mean there is another War in the works.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Feels like a bit of a hasty story, but yeah. Jvan week. Yaaaaaay...

Maybe next time I will have enough time to write a Toun post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 10 hrs ago




You have been noticed.

In all seriousness though, cheers! I wasn't sure how that story would go down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Of course not. Genocide this early on is boring. Really, who do you think I am, an angry Reathos?"

Reathos loves his Pronobii quite a lot...
Reathos might get angry...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Since we're doing schedules, and my next post might not make much sense within the IC context without a little forewarning-

-First, I need to finish a short responsive post that I've been toying around with, set chronologically sometime last turn. It just documents Jvan's discovery of the Rovaick and High Lifprasilians, possibly a little about Vestec's hordes, and some tinkering with Violet. It'll be done tomorrow, I've just been putting it off for ages.
-Then it's time to properly explore the bringing of language to the Urtelem along with other language-related exploration, and send a Jvan-operated Heartworm on a world journey to do so, running into some other mortal races and figuring out a little of how they perceive the god. Also, full reaction to Grot and the Vestec rabbles.
-WHAT'S THIS? WHAT'S THIS? THERE'S OTHER-LIFE IN THE AIR putting some bigger but less relevant plans into motion, including a bit of extrapolation on the Other. This can wait a while.

Reathos might get angry...


Bring on the cullin', lads.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 21 days ago

@Cyclone I think this war is a pretty sudden and immediate threat. It probably doesn't make much sense to delay it, or to merge the war council with a house-party.

Zephyrion truly doesn't care about this little war or the plight of mortals that can't even be bothered to worship him. In my ogre post he casually happens upon Vestec's horde and simply thinks that he could have done better. Even the Storm Djinn going around and consuming uncorrupted ones isn't a concern to Zeph; he more or less never intervenes in the affairs of the elementals, at least as of this point in time. Soon he will have a holy order or two that organizes elementals and preserves the balance.

I think he'd invite Vestec over to discuss who made the better army and plan for the inevitable ogre vs Horde of Chaos competition. Everyone else would just show up and since he likes guests he wouldn't turn them away. We could have Vestec and Zeph plotting about how they're going to start a big war on Galbar more or less just for fun, in the same room as the 'war council' at the exact same time. Oh, just imagine how much drama there will be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 38 min ago


I've been practicing that kick for months. It scored me a point, but I'm not proud I kicked that guy so hard. I think I'll get my senpais to teach me more on how to control my strikes' force.
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