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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Rtron Yeah, that is pretty much what it was. I just felt like bringing it up because of the wording (negating any damage) just to clear it up.

@LokiLeo789 The main thing with your Sheet is that you have yet to get to known what has been going on and the nature of the other gods. Some stuff there is pretty outlandish, especially considering the nature of your arrival. Anyway, this is Kho and the other GM's business, but I do believe once you get up to date with the shenanigans you will understand what conflicts in your profile.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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@Rtron Yeah, that is pretty much what it was. I just felt like bringing it up because of the wording (negating any damage) just to clear it up.

@LokiLeo789 The main thing with your Sheet is that you have yet to get to known what has been going on and the nature of the other gods. Some stuff there is pretty outlandish, especially considering the nature of your arrival. Anyway, this is Kho and the other GM's business, but I do believe once you get up to date with the shenanigans you will understand what conflicts in your profile.

Thank you man, well, 209 post IC, here I go, guess I'm gonna have to rught that essay after all. If it conflicts to greatly, I'll come up with another god....an essay god.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@LokiLeo789 Isn't Kho making a summary? Anyway, most posts have a summary of the actions in them, it should shorten up the time a lot. Outside of that there is really no way around, you need to know what is up before RPing, otherwise things will just get insane.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

Thank you man, well, 209 post IC, here I go, guess I'm gonna have to rught that essay after all. If it conflicts to greatly, I'll come up with another god....an essay god.

The majority are summarised, so you won't have to read every single post, but just the summaries. Also, GMs are currently discussing your CS. You should get our verdict at some point in the near future.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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@LokiLeo789 Isn't Kho making a summary? Anyway, most posts have a summary of the actions in them, it should shorten up the time a lot. Outside of that there is really no way around, you need to know what is up before RPing, otherwise things will just get insane.

Ya, don't want all that mess. I read I read.

<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

The majority are summarised, so you won't have to read every single post, but just the summaries. Also, GMs are currently discussing your CS. You should get our verdict at some point in the near future.

I shall be awaiting the verdict, if things go sour, I gots other ideas anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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It's been decided that you will not be starting out as a God, and you'll have to start from level 1.

As for your Domain and Portfolio, the Portfolio is too broad. You infringe upon many Domains, including Life, Order, Death, Nature, and Cosmic, without any apparent limitations. If you wish to continue with this portfolio, see Zephyriom and/or Vowzra for ideas on how to limit it.

As for your personality, it seems to be a bit of a mess of lots of different things not tied together very well. . If you could clean it up, or show more that some things are an act, that would be great.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Rtron@Double Capybara, running the numbers, the energy required to accelerate Vestec to about 99% of the speed of light, assuming a mass similar to a person, is about 40 Exajoules (4*1019 J), which in explosive terms is 10000 Megatons of TNT (200 times more powerful that the largest nuclear bomb known to man, the Tsar bomb), or 50 times more energy than the 1883 Krakatoa eruption. In my scientific opinion, it doesn't really matter what the reason was, unless Jvan/Heartworm intentionally did it in such a way that would deal no damage (which was not how it read), that punch would hurt if you didn't expend some serious energy to protect from it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Can't we just go with 'As a God, he can tank it unless it's a specific attack.'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Can't we just go with 'As a God, he can tank it unless it's a specific attack.'

Science hath spoken. 'tis the will of Fate that thou shalt not escape (speshily after you stole all my teddies >:[)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

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And instantly the shuddering hulk was linked to the tiny, colourful body of the mad deity with a carmine cataclysm of scalpelled fog that rent Galbar's universal laws with such brutality that they splintered and left only the twisting shapes of an Other-body below, a backbone, a lamprey that seared through the humanoid god and beyond, leaving only teeth and momentum. Momentum that blasted Vestec within and without, smashing him through the core of the planet and out far beyond the other side in a nanosecond.


Tell me that doesn't sound like it would hurt, even to a god.

Of course, we'll need Termite to confirm the details. Although I'll note that unless Vestec was punched to faster-than-light speeds, a nanosecond is a bit of an exaggeration. It would take 40 milliseconds for a near-light-speed Vestec to make it through the diameter of an Earth-sized planet (at least in the frame of reference of Galbar. In Vestec's frame of reference, assuming 0.99c, it'll take him 5.6ms).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fixed. 1 might. NO MORE THAN THAT I SAY.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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It's been decided that you will not be starting out as a God, and you'll have to start from level 1.

As for your Domain and Portfolio, the Portfolio is too broad. You infringe upon many Domains, including Life, Order, Death, Nature, and Cosmic, without any apparent limitations. If you wish to continue with this portfolio, see Zephyriom and/or Vowzra for ideas on how to limit it.

As for your personality, it seems to be a bit of a mess of lots of different things not tied together very well. . If you could clean it up, or show more that some things are an act, that would be great.

Yep, I thought my Portfolio was a bit broad, I'll get on the personality, Thank you for looking over my CS.

@Cyclone@Kho To me my X-men! (Looking fo a little help, advice, suggestions.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Yep, I thought my Portfolio was a bit broad, I'll get on the personality, Thank you for looking over my CS.

@Cyclone@Kho To me my X-men! (Looking fo a little help, advice, suggestions.)

I think, if you want to keep the soul of Arguis, we can safely say that your new character will start of as something halfway between a mortal and a demigod. The summoning forth of Kraken in this RP is the precedent for this, which is currently a mindless monstrosity in the ocean.
So I think your sheet will not have to concern itself with a Domain(Portfolio) at all for the most part, as your initial goal would be to ascend to the level of a demigod and, from there, on to godhood. The issue of a Domain(Portfolio) will only arise when you get to demigod level, and I think by that point you should have a good enough understanding of your new character to give him/her a fitting Domain(Portfolio).

The really important things you really need to consider at the moment are the following:

1) Who will release Arguis' soul? (this will have important implications for the appearance s/he takes on as well as the initial powers s/he gets)
2) With the above in mind, his/her appearance
3) His/her personality (including how much of his/her past life s/he can remember)
4) What will his/her name be? (on the assumption that it is no longer 'Arguis')
5) Alignment

So I think you should try to settle 1) first of all, and then create a new sheet with the context in mind.

If you choose to no longer go with rejuvenating Arguis' soul, you could start as a demigod, though you'd have to find parents and wait until we confirm what's going on with other demigods we currently have.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Hael @Mardox @Legion02 @Fabulous Knight @revan427 @OldManWong

Please report your status as soon as possible. Are you still with us?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@BBeast So @BBeast, I want to create a Chipper 'heresy' or 'sect'. I reckon it would be easier to do it via collab. PM when you have free time and we can get to it (if you're fine by that of course)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Kho, Sounds interesting. I don't know too much about them, or have much ownership over them as a player, but I'll see if I can help when I have time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

I think, if you want to keep the soul of Arguis, we can safely say that your new character will start of as something halfway between a mortal and a demigod. The summoning forth of Kraken in this RP is the precedent for this, which is currently a mindless monstrosity in the ocean.
So I think your sheet will not have to concern itself with a Domain(Portfolio) at all for the most part, as your initial goal would be to ascend to the level of a demigod and, from there, on to godhood. The issue of a Domain(Portfolio) will only arise when you get to demigod level, and I think by that point you should have a good enough understanding of your new character to give him/her a fitting Domain(Portfolio).

The really important things you really need to consider at the moment are the following:

1) Who will release Arguis' soul? (this will have important implications for the appearance s/he takes on as well as the initial powers s/he gets)
2) With the above in mind, his/her appearance
3) His/her personality (including how much of his/her past life s/he can remember)
4) What will his/her name be? (on the assumption that it is no longer 'Arguis')
5) Alignment

So I think you should try to settle 1) first of all, and then create a new sheet with the context in mind.

If you choose to no longer go with rejuvenating Arguis' soul, you could start as a demigod, though you'd have to find parents and wait until we confirm what's going on with other demigods we currently have.

This would have been great a few days ago, lol. I like it way better this way. I once again thank you all might Kho, for your clarification and mercy. I'll get to chosing will awaken his soul...could spell doom for the world if I chose wrongly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

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<Snipped quote by Rtron>

We don't need more Chaos, lest it becomes the new Order of the universe.
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