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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm suddenly feeling all gritty, medieval, political intrigues, character-based NRP.
But I guess Divinus will be moving in that direction soon, so just have to be patient :|

Lifpranomics intensify.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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@Cyclone That is separate. The horde Ventus and Teknall and co are fighting is a separate horde to the Grot horde.

Of course, there is some possibility that during the Avatar battle royale that this horde will be destroyed, but I think we'll try and avoid that so we can have the other battle too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 20 days ago

@Cyclone That is separate. The horde Ventus and Teknall and co are fighting is a separate horde to the Grot horde.

Of course, there is some possibility that during the Avatar battle royale that this horde will be destroyed, but I think we'll try and avoid that so we can have the other battle too.

Right then, that's what I thought.

You and Rtron seem to have this all figured out so I'll leave it to one of you two to initiate this eventual collab. Just send the PM whenever
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

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First things first.
I do actually have plenty of map making devices, but when I posted muh maps nobody said anything so I took it as a "no"

But, anyway, isn't there an arcon map already? I'm sure Dawn did it on the exact same fractal map making website as you even.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Double Capybara TT-TT I saw your Ic posts, but I didn't know you'd offered to your services. @Cyclone! Enlist this noble Capybara and immediately get to creating an up to date map of Galbar. Damaged honour demands it!

And I don't remember Dawn giving us a map of Arcon. If he did, can someone repost it or something? *goes to check Dawn's sheets*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Ah, yes

Completely missed this. Apologies
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Double Capybara Wait a second...Illunabar was a merchant republic?!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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It was the name of my nation in a nation game / nation RP in Nationstates.
Both were absolute bonkers over art so you can get the idea of why the name resurfaced.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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@Kho@Double Capybara

>looks longingly down at his crown, reminiscing of his short-lived reign as King of Maps
>chucks the crown at Capybara

Screw maps and shiz! That's it! You're now Le Cartographer!

As motivation dictates i may finally update what I had before, but if Capy volunteers to make something nice I'm all for it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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<Snipped quote by Frettzo>

If you want a lot of democracy, just like at the UK.
Actually, you might want to look away for now...

I actually intend to move to the UK after I graduate. I really don't mind Brexit 'cause last I checked mayonnaise and mustard were still things in the country xD People have been saying the pound's dropped a lot but I really don't see much of a change. What are the stats there?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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<Snipped quote by Kho>

I actually intend to move to the UK after I graduate. I really don't mind Brexit 'cause last I checked mayonnaise and mustard were still things in the country xD People have been saying the pound's dropped a lot but I really don't see much of a change. What are the stats there?

I'll tell you one of the least inflammatory things about their democratic situation that I'm contemptuous about: They've got a first-past-the-post voting system and non-compulsory elections.

Silly British geese. This is why we don't pay you guys taxes any more.

As for the Brexit, no one can really determine the long term outcomes, but right now the stock market is panicking because the stock market generally doesn't like it when things change.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

I actually intend to move to the UK after I graduate. I really don't mind Brexit 'cause last I checked mayonnaise and mustard were still things in the country xD People have been saying the pound's dropped a lot but I really don't see much of a change. What are the stats there?

It's about more than the pound. Obviously the media is up in arms, but we're already seeing a rather rapid rise in xenophobia and distrust. This issue is going to do far more than harm the economy, its harming the very fabric of society. My facebook feed, for instance, is full of rants about 'these damn old people who all voted leave', 'Imma never get up for an old person on the bus anymore'.
Then we've got the major political parties tearing themselves apart and having complete meltdowns.

Then Trump comes down and congratulates us on leaving the EU - and all those who voted leave suddenly turn around and they're like 'wait a second...are...are we the bad guys?'
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Frettzo>

I'll tell you one of the least inflammatory things about their democratic situation that I'm contemptuous about: They've got a first-past-the-post voting system and non-compulsory elections.

Silly British geese. This is why we don't pay you guys taxes any more.

As for the Brexit, no one can really determine the long term outcomes, but right now the stock market is panicking because the stock market generally doesn't like it when things change.

Yeah, first-past-the-post is a disgrace. As for compulsory voting...
It's complicated. You children wouldn't understand. (Suffice to say, I hope to God that my hideously obese, xenophobic, outwardly racist neighbour never sees a voting booth, else I'll really be going up the Nile to Nepal)

Edit: it might make me sound horrible, but there are some real pieces of work in good ol' England. And unfortunately, they're the majority. Ok, maybe not the majority, but there's enough of them to do damage. Like Brexit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

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Yeah, it is complicated. I'll say that I prefer voting to be seen as a duty rather than a right, but I'll leave it there before I write an essay on a forum where people go to escape such realities.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Muttonhawk Leave the essays for RPing, methinks. So that poor Frettzo can suffer. that Frettzo can become really good at reading long English essays and so pass all the tests they throw at him when he eventually comes to England.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Though it has little bearing on me (well, rather than causing the stock market to crash and in doing so making my parents rant about those nasty Brits) I must say that I stand by Brexit and view its success as...inspirational. From what I have seen the 'stay' camp had nothing to argue but pragmatism, and while many of their points were true and valid, the 'leave' camp saw the far future and how the EU likely would've swallowed the UK and taken away all sovereignty. The idea only sounds absurd until you realize the the EU has incessantly tried to centralize power and increase their own authority. Brexit spat in the face of globalism, a giant that I had always thought to be too big to stop.

This guy on Youtube was a big proponent of leave and I think his arguments are well articulated.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hygswitch
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It's really a pitty with that whole Brexit Dilemma. I personally think that it won't be the end of the world but it might cause a painful Decade for UK. Hell a load of corporations are already contemplating on leaving: JPMorgan, Ford, Airbus, Nissan to name a few. Most of them are in the UK as it is a very Corporation friendly Place and has access to the huge EU-Market. This really was not a smart move. I am a bit unsure what to think about Scotland and Ireland. I mean most Scots who voted remain in 2014 did so to stay in the EU, so if they have a Referendum I am pretty sure they will be out, It's questionable though if they will have to go through the normal chanels for a new joining Nation to stay in EU, or if they can just stay in as they have been in until now.
What I really am afraid of personally is that this will trigger a new round of conflict in Northern Ireland, half of its Counties voted Bremain half Brexit, and if I am not mistaken the line is mainly between Protestants and Catholics once more, I really hope this will not turn out like the 90s again, I still remember very much the Bombings and stuff, that was all when I was starting Highschool and we did a lot about that in politics and english class. Also, once more it's the young folks who have to suffer under this decission.
If you'd ask me we should be past this national state nonsence, should all be Europeans instead of Englishmen, Spaniards or Germans. I mean we can all keep our cultural heritages and all that stuff without having a national government, EU would work so much better as a Proper federation and not made up of todays national states, (as these are to different in size), but of the next lower level, like have the Bretagne and wales and Northrhinewestphalia be members of that EU. Have a proper 2 chamber Parliament and stuff, this will aparently never happen but one can dream. Anyways political mode off >_< just wanted to give my two cents.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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@Cyclone Oh, Sargon. Used to be subscribed to his channel since he used to provide a very balanced conservative view without going full "triggered" like many other channels do, he doesn't jump in wagons like most English speaking channels (like the "muh marvel and the red skull anti-immigrant speech!" wagon) which makes him more respectable, at least in my view. And unlike the average Brazilian conservative channel, he doesn't speak as if he is literally about to murder someone (While defending dictatorship), which is always a plus
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago


@Double Capybara

Dictatorships are for scrubs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

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I have nothing to say about Brexit, other than that the name sounds like some kind of breakfast cereal.
4x Laugh Laugh
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