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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Scarifar>

Thank you.


It needs updating. Badly, I think.

So far the status quo has been just taking it into Paint and adding required changes ourselves. As far as I can recall, it's older than

-The Deadwood Sepulchre
-The Caliginous Mangrove
-The Purple Sands
-The Capital
-Julia Island
-The Well of the Barrens
-The Hilt
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Huh? We're springing up entire cities in a single post now? And entire nations? Damn, I need a hain post up so those guys don't get swept aside for good!

About Teknall and Toun's knowledge dump: Toun gave the basics of agriculture, which may eventually herald the start of sedentary lifestyles and the creation of larger communities, should the Toun-worshipping Rovaick spread it (which they probably will). The METALCRAFT, on the other hand, has not been spread around yet as Teknall's daughter Conata hasn't made landfall yet.

The Lifprasilians are probably allowed metal now as they have a lot of applied godly meddling on their community. That, or the post was set a little further into the future.

Multi-storied buildings and similar huge cities are probably a stretch without might influence as well. At least at this stage.

I'll talk about the Hain of Envy and the secrets he'll have to keep after I have some breakfast.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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[@nobody in particular/whoever cares]

At long last the promised post has come, though truth be told I'm unhappy with how it turned out. It's an important post and one that I've had to rewrite some two or three times over now, and while I really wish that I could've done better it was long overdue. If my perfectionism continued to hold it back, I'd have fiddled with it until the heat death of the universe.

Anyways, regarding time that post would've been a while back. I intend for its foundation to have mirrored if not preceded the foundation of Lifprasil's nation.

My next post (shouldn't be that far into the future, but at this point who in the hell knows how long I'll be stuck writing that) will bring the desert people and hopefully the ogres up to date, and then Kho and I have an already completed collab that will be posted. Just have to get some other stuff out of the way and tie up loose ends before that one goes up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Okay, so, continuing my rant:

Envy, the hain. I'm going to assume this guy has been altered by Amartia or was already an odd hain.

This guy is going to have to be particularly shrewd if he wants to retain a position of power over other hain. Why? Because, although hain are not immune to envy, covetousness over a partner in particular is something rather alien to them. In their race sheet, it is mentioned that one of the most fundamental distinctions of hain are their partnering and mating habits. They are polygamous by nature, not just by culture. In that, competing over mates isn't the same as in human or human-like species.

To elaborate, if hain A falls in love with another hain B, and hain B is partnered with hain C already, it's expected that hain A will grow close to both B and C. If hain A and C don't get along, hain A falls out of love with hain B as an instinctual reaction because hain A is not compatible with the entire family group. This is not an eschewing of stereotypes for an alternative lifestyle, this is actually their natural psychology informing them.

There are many implications stemming from this, not least of which the notion that a hain would be driven to murder another hain to be compatible with a mate being seen as animalistic and defective. Murder within a tribe, and especially a family group, is already heavily frowned upon across all hain societies, so the hain of envy has things stacked against him...

...That is, if people knew what happened.

If the hain of Envy's actions were found out, the revolt against him by other hain would not be out of some kind of manufactured social construct of sin, but an aberration of nature on par with becoming a Jvanic sculptor. However, if no one knew about his actions, perhaps he could still command respect. This would require locking up his coveted paramour so she doesn't tell, because unless she's an odd one too, she wouldn't be too fond of the hain of Envy anyway. As well, if anyone found out this detail of the hain of Envy's life and they could prove it, they have the ultimate blackmail to use against him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Okay, so, continuing my rant:

Envy, the hain. I'm going to assume this guy has been altered by Amartia or was already an odd hain.

This guy is going to have to be particularly shrewd if he wants to retain a position of power over other hain. Why? Because, although hain are not immune to envy, covetousness over a partner in particular is something rather alien to them. In their race sheet, it is mentioned that one of the most fundamental distinctions of hain are their partnering and mating habits. They are polygamous by nature, not just by culture. In that, competing over mates isn't the same as in human or human-like species.

To elaborate, if hain A falls in love with another hain B, and hain B is partnered with hain C already, it's expected that hain A will grow close to both B and C. If hain A and C don't get along, hain A falls out of love with hain B as an instinctual reaction because hain A is not compatible with the entire family group. This is not an eschewing of stereotypes for an alternative lifestyle, this is actually their natural psychology informing them.

There are many implications stemming from this, not least of which the notion that a hain would be driven to murder another hain to be compatible with a mate being seen as animalistic and defective. Murder within a tribe, and especially a family group, is already heavily frowned upon across all hain societies, so the hain of envy has things stacked against him...

...That is, if people knew what happened.

If the hain of Envy's actions were found out, the revolt against him by other hain would not be out of some kind of manufactured social construct of sin, but an aberration of nature on par with becoming a Jvanic sculptor. However, if no one knew about his actions, perhaps he could still command respect. This would require locking up his coveted paramour so she doesn't tell, because unless she's an odd one too, she wouldn't be too fond of the hain of Envy anyway. As well, if anyone found out this detail of the hain of Envy's life and they could prove it, they have the ultimate blackmail to use against him.

Thank you @Muttonhawk for clarifying this for my. Honestly, I was afraid to add Hain of Evny, wasn't sure what sin to give him. Or add Hain in general. I'll have to rethink his sin. I have also talked with @Antarctic Termite who helped me come to the conclusion to turn Amestris into a fast growing city instead of nation. A gathering of people and construction. Then have a towns grow around the Markets and have them close knit with the city of Xerxes. I will add all this on my morning.

Thank you again for the clarification. Will help in the future.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Soon there will be a Tounic Inqusition.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Huh? We're springing up entire cities in a single post now? And entire nations? Damn, I need a hain post up so those guys don't get swept aside for good!

About Teknall and Toun's knowledge dump: Toun gave the basics of agriculture, which may eventually herald the start of sedentary lifestyles and the creation of larger communities, should the Toun-worshipping Rovaick spread it (which they probably will). The METALCRAFT, on the other hand, has not been spread around yet as Teknall's daughter Conata hasn't made landfall yet.

The Lifprasilians are probably allowed metal now as they have a lot of applied godly meddling on their community. That, or the post was set a little further into the future.

Multi-storied buildings and similar huge cities are probably a stretch without might influence as well. At least at this stage.

I'll talk about the Hain of Envy and the secrets he'll have to keep after I have some breakfast.

I want to think his founding of his cities and nation is taking in the future. But then he'd be jumping ahead of us in the sense that it would influence things that we post a bit.

Really, I'm against cities/towns/nations, even kingdoms, being made right now. The exception being the Lifprasilians, for what should be obvious reasons. At least wait a decade or so after the horde conflict has been resolved before even starting such things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Muttonhawk>

I want to think his founding of his cities and nation is taking in the future. But then he'd be jumping ahead of us in the sense that it would influence things that we post a bit.

Really, I'm against cities/towns/nations, even kingdoms, being made right now. The exception being the Lifprasilians, for what should be obvious reasons. At least wait a decade or so after the horde conflict has been resolved before even starting such things.

It's taking about the same place or time as the Lifprasillians.

The Rovaick have been largely untouched. They're only problems have been with the White Giants and that has been solved with Toun's aid. They've been given a full working manuscript on a written language that can alter the real world in ways limited only by your imagination with writing, and the knowledge of how to metal smith.

They're going to expand and solidify their kingdom. And rapidly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Thank you @Muttonhawk for clarifying this for my. Honestly, I was afraid to add Hain of Evny, wasn't sure what sin to give him. Or add Hain in general. I'll have to rethink his sin. I have also talked with @Antarctic Termite who helped me come to the conclusion to turn Amestris into a fast growing city instead of nation. A gathering of people and construction. Then have a towns grow around the Markets and have them close knit with the city of Xerxes. I will add all this on my morning.

Thank you again for the clarification. Will help in the future.

No worries, mate. I appreciate the understanding. Like I implied, your idea is not necessarily incompatible, it just requires careful application.

And yeah, I think starting out with a city state is more realistic right now.

Speaking of developments. Hey! @Rtron! When's Sularn going to gird his loins so Toun has an excuse to canonise him? I want to hear about how this new cult is spreading. >:D

EDIT: Holy ninjaposts, Batman! Give me a minute to reply!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Kangutso>

It's taking about the same place or time as the Lifprasillians.

The Rovaick have been largely untouched. They're only problems have been with the White Giants and that has been solved with Toun's aid. They've been given a full working manuscript on a written language that can alter the real world in ways limited only by your imagination with writing, and the knowledge of how to metal smith.

They're going to expand and solidify their kingdom. And rapidly.

Are you referring to the Rovaick as a whole? As in the territories the tribes inhabit have gotten bigger? Or have the tribes been united into a clan, or clans?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

...[The rovaick]'ve been given a full working manuscript on a written language that can alter the real world in ways limited only by your imagination with writing...

Ooooh, someone's going to try Tounic calligraphy? Careful there, boyo. It's going to take a long time to make good use of that.

About Sularn. Drop me a PM whenever you want to collab his heroing.




Careful what you wish for.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Are you referring to the Rovaick as a whole? As in the territories the tribes inhabit have gotten bigger? Or have the tribes been united into a clan, or clans?

The Rovaick as a whole are loosely organized under one COuncil. THey're spread thinly because Goblins have no self control and don't know when to stop mining, but with how fast Goblins reproduce they're rapidly expanding.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Good thing this ooc convo solved thwe problem of the sudden empire. I Wwas about to write some divine trickery.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Rtron>

Ooooh, someone's going to try Tounic calligraphy? Careful there, boyo. It's going to take a long time to make good use of that.

About Sularn. Drop me a PM whenever you want to collab his heroing.

<Snipped quote by Rtron>
<Snipped quote by Rtron>
<Snipped quote by Rtron>
Careful what you wish for.

Bring eeeeet
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Good thing this ooc convo solved thwe problem of the sudden empire. I Wwas about to write some divine trickery.

Oh, they're on Vestec's list

So is Illunabar for abandoning Slough and not heeding his warning!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@Rtron gigleboy Vestec is turning into quite the moral watchdog. I foretold this, saying that Vestec in logoless galbar would change.

*free action, beauty(stories)
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Rtron gigleboy Vestec is turning into quite the moral watchdog. I foretold this, saying that Vestec in logoless galbar would change.

*free action, beauty(stories)

Nah. Vestec's just a vindictive bastard. You didn't help someone he liked now he'll make you pay for it!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hygswitch
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Hygswitch Educational Witch

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

Nah. Vestec's just a vindictive bastard. You didn't help someone he liked now he'll make you pay for it!

That's what he tells himself, but really he's an old sweety.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Dawnscroll, welcome back. I hope you are feeling better.

Let me recount for you what Teknall has done since around Phantasmagoria.

Gerrik has been made a hero.

Teknall sees Vestec unleash the Hordes of Chaos, and makes moves to stop it. He sends a bunch of Urtelem to cripple one (this event was never actually posted due to complications, but we assume it happened off stage). He convinces Zephyrion to mobilise elementals against Vestec's elementals. And he arranges for Gerrik to fortify a village to stop another horde.

Vestec makes his Avatar Violence and sends it to the horde Gerrik will face. Teknall flips out, and when confronting Vestec he minces his words and makes the wrong deal. Now he owes Vestec a favour in exchange for some extra time.

To deal with Violence, Teknall enlists the help of Kyre, who will make an avatar; and Yang'Ze, Ul'Yang's Avatar.

Teknall then goes into his personal plane, which started with just a red dwarf when he entered. When he left again, it had gained a space station workshop and a Dyson swarm, and he had built Goliath, his killer robot Avatar.

At some point in the future when Kangutso pulls his act together and makes his Avatar post there will be a massive Avatar brawl where a whole bunch of Avatars (not only the three mentioned above, but also two Avatars made by Toun, Majus and Minus, as well as a surprise mystery guest by Kho) will come and fight Violence.

In other news, Teknall promises to give metal-working to the Rovaick. TO EVERYONE, THE ROVAICK DO NOT YET HAVE METALWORKING. THAT COMES LATER. PAY ATTENTION.

Teknall and Illunabar work together to create two demigods: Conata, the demigod of Toil (Metalworking), played by Mutton; and Kinesis, the demigod of Crafting (Machinery), played by Hygswitch.

And that brings us up to the current era, as far as my activities are concerned.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Updated map courtesy of fiddling around in Gimp.

I think that's fairly accurate. If not, edit it yourselves. My, uh, clicking fingers are tired.
3x Thank Thank
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