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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 27 min ago

To be honest, I don't have much of a scientific explanation as to how Angelic healing magic works either. I could come up with something if I tried, but... eh.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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To be honest, I don't have much of a scientific explanation as to how Angelic healing magic works either. I could come up with something if I tried, but... eh.

Holy Water.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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@Muttonhawk Edited before you ninjad, so don't know who ninjad who, but I reckon you'd still reckon its OP.
When healing flawlessly becomes OP @_@ you'd think Toun'd approve of how perfect it is.

But yeah, I'll probably work out a few other limitations when it actually comes to using it IC
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Question. Is it possible for Amartía to imbue 7 unborn children with Chaos to become heroes with just 1 MIGHT, or do I need 7? For future reference.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Question. Is it possible for Amartía to imbue 7 unborn children with Chaos to become heroes with just 1 MIGHT, or do I need 7? For future reference.

I'm not sure if whatever your character is can do that.

Is he even a Demi-God?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

I'm not sure if whatever your character is can do that.

Is he even a Demi-God?

Hence why I call him a demigod thing. Something in between I think. Well, this makes future plans difficult.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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I couldn't make heads or tails of your maps, but here is WrongEndoftheMap 0.1, done on my laptop with a shitty half broken mouse so in a week I'll fix it up and make it pretty.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I couldn't make heads or tails of your maps, but here is WrongEndoftheMap 0.1, done on my laptop with a shitty half broken mouse so in a week I'll fix it up and make it pretty.

If that's what you call ugly pretty must be fantastic
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@Muttonhawk Edited before you ninjad, so don't know who ninjad who, but I reckon you'd still reckon its OP.
When healing flawlessly becomes OP @_@ you'd think Toun'd approve of how perfect it is.

But yeah, I'll probably work out a few other limitations when it actually comes to using it IC

Nah, I wasn't really trying to say that it was too powerful, I was just making an Overwatch reference for a larf. No need to panic. The clarification is nice, though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Question. Is it possible for Amartía to imbue 7 unborn children with Chaos to become heroes with just 1 MIGHT, or do I need 7? For future reference.

I'm not a GM, but in my experience, it depends on how much power you want to put into them. Early on Jvan made eight land-whale sized ageless monstrosities to serve as her scouts and messengers, all for a free action, but that was because she made them out of a preexisting race and all of their properties were enhancements of Flesh. Specifically, hair. And hair dye. And eyes and ovaries.

So my guess is that it would certainly be possible to make seven immortal characters, but without most/all the other goodies that come with heroism. Alternatively, they might age normally, but be legendary during their lifespan. And Sin-related actions are all free. You can balance those different aspects off against one another however you want.

Use Vowzrian healers. They good.

Or you could pray to the God of Flesh itself and replace your weak, brittle humanoid bones with tentacles.

I couldn't make heads or tails of your maps, but here is WrongEndoftheMap 0.1, done on my laptop with a shitty half broken mouse so in a week I'll fix it up and make it pretty.

o.0 Who this person helping us out with art freebies? Cheers, buddy!
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

o.0 Who this person helping us out with art freebies? Cheers, buddy!

My thought exactly xDD
Cyclone must've been doing some behind-the-scenes under-the-table negotiations.
Hmm, seems he didn't...

@Muttonhawk what is this Overwatch you speak of? Is it some kind of heresy?

[@LockiLeo789] it depends on how powerful Sin has become. At this stage, I reckon that Sin probably can't create heroes - you need to be quite powerful, like, Ventus powerful, or Thulemiz/Ialu powerful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 20 days ago

<Snipped quote by Antarctic Termite>

My thought exactly xDD
Cyclone must've been doing some behind-the-scenes under-the-table negotiations.
Hmm, seems he didn't...

@Muttonhawk what is this Overwatch you speak of? Is it some kind of heresy?

[@LockiLeo789] it depends on how powerful Sin has become. At this stage, I reckon that Sin probably can't create heroes - you need to be quite powerful, like, Ventus powerful, or Thulemiz/Ialu powerful.

I've been pretty interested in the RP, and then I saw this.

I couldn't puzzle out anything on that map, (What is that whites stuff on the top, how did you manage to do that to the wastes at the bottom), so instead I just took a few hours of my time, 40+ layers in paintdotnet, and a lot of patience. And that was the result. A lot of it is copy and pasting the same thing over and over again, which I will fix on my computer to create something prettier. But for now, laptop.

EDIT: Oh yeah the map's probably out of date, but it's easy for me to add to and I used the last coherent map I saw to make it. If you can get me a basic mockup that's legible I will update it so that you've got a new version. (Also please replace the text when you copy and paste stuff without transparency, those white cutouts on Zephyr's Dojo was highly questionable)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Kho>

I've been pretty interested in the RP, and then I saw this.

I couldn't puzzle out anything on that map, (What is that whites stuff on the top, how did you manage to do that to the wastes at the bottom), so instead I just took a few hours of my time, 40+ layers in paintdotnet, and a lot of patience. And that was the result. A lot of it is copy and pasting the same thing over and over again, which I will fix on my computer to create something prettier. But for now, laptop.

EDIT: Oh yeah the map's probably out of date, but it's easy for me to add to and I used the last coherent map I saw to make it. If you can get me a basic mockup that's legible I will update it so that you've got a new version. (Also please replace the text when you copy and paste stuff without transparency, those white cutouts on Zephyr's Dojo was highly questionable)

I hope your seeing that hasn't put you off from joining ^^' though I don't blame you if it has xDD
Right, so:

1) the white/green stuff at the top is a giant arctic forest called 'the Forest-Tree', the white bits are the snow, the green bits are forests of varying densities ^^'
2) the wastes at the bottom should just be...normal snow and ice and all that. The 'arctic' and 'antarctic' zones are slightly larger than normal due to the god of change doing something to make weather more extreme or somin
3) the dark-green bit in the top left and top right hand corner are another giant forest, called the Jungle-stree, and it goes down and encompasses the Deepwood. But they're distinctly different forests/jungles
4) the yellow bit connecting the Gilt Savannah and Golden Barrens, and which goes all the way to the Valley of Peace is something like the great eurasian steppe
5) the hilt in the above map is on the other side, that's where it is meant to be, I just corrected it
6) those rivers, and particularly that lake, near the Solitary Mount and Old Bark-Skin are of some small significance. The river near The Hilt was me experimenting on paint with rivers, feel free to incorporate it if you wish, feel free to add as many rivers as you want in places they would reasonably exist if you so wish. We all love rivers here >.>
7) the general green background is light forest, as our god of crafting decided to populate the world with trees early on in planet Galbar's history
8) the 'Shalanoir' bit is apparently meant to be marshlands or something of the sort.
9) the Venomweald has to have harsh desert/some kind of harsh environment around it, to prevent the monstrosities there from expanding O.O
10) 'Jvan' should be a different colouration from the land, since that's a huge piece of flesh ^^'a hormonal-flesh-god-thing to be more accurate
11) Zephyrion's Dojo can be anywhere really. It's a flying castle after all

That's all I can think of. Anyone else know what has been added to the map that I've missed?
Would draw up a mock-up for you, but as you can see from my above attempt to add to the map, best for me to keep that to the ones who know what they're doing.

And, on behalf of all us Divinusians, thank ye
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Yeah Zephy's Dojo is the Where's Waldo? of Divinus maps. Just copy and paste it somewhere innocuous.

And thanks @WrongEndoftheRainbow for doing what I've been too lazy to do for the past few months.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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As for joining, I've been interested for a while, and even drafted up a god/demigod before seeing that, oops, it was full. But it's still an interesting RP, so I've taken the time to do this.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@WrongEndoftheRainbow Show us what you've got and I'm sure we'll be able to get you in. We've recently lost a few players, and those on the waiting list seem to have lost interest/disappeared. So we do have a a few slots open if you do want get in on it
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Name: Lazarus

Alias: The Blind Seeker, the Wanderer, the Sightless Gazer, the God of Secrets, the Mad God

Gender: Male

Domain (Portfolio): Knowledge (Secrets)

Domain (Portfolio) Description: The domain of knowledge is a wide one, focusing on the experimentation and discovery of what the material planes and divine planes have to offer. The specific portfolio of secrets refers to the discovery of arcane and even eldritch secrets, the things best left best buried.

Alignment: Ever shifting.

Personality: Lazarus is unstable at best, exhibiting no set personality. One day, he could be as wise as Confucius. Another day, he could be a hopeless wreck that can't even get up from laying down. Some say he's been driven to madness as a result of his natural discoveries and inquiries into what shouldn't be and what shouldn't be known. The truth is that he is an imperfect, schizophrenic and bipolar member of the divine pantheon.

Appearance: He prefers exactly one form, a blind, armored and cloaked figure, at the same height of a human. In fact, the body does not have eyes at all, giving him his aliases.

Musical Theme:

Description: He gives off no single aura, shifting inexorably from day to day. Many have stories of him, ranging from a patient and kind teacher of beneficial arcane arts, to a war advisor, giving generals access to small vignettes of the horrors that lurk beyond comprehension, for the use of making battle on the enemy. There is, however, one connecting feature. He is never straight up hostile nor is he ever shortsighted. No matter his current personality, he remains a knowledgeable divine member whose every move is deliberate. The aura he gives off reflects this.

Concealment Level: 1
Detection Level: 1
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Can someone give me a site to upload an img to? Made a couple of shameful edits to the map in paint...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Can someone give me a site to upload an img to? Made a couple of shameful edits to the map in paint...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thank you.

There. The grey ring is the ring of mountains surrounding The Hilt, with mostly barren land within it, and some land outside the eastern side. Where the ring stops in contact with the mountains already present, the mountain were made higher.

The Orange lines, well, within them I think is the marshland that @Double Capybara created.
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