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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Would it be appropriate to include the detailed imagery of a chiild getting her heart ripped out in order to 'ensure the survive of the village' in a post?

(12 children to be specific)

(Age varies: 3-11 mostly)

(Very nice kids)

In detail? Nope. Something similar happens in the original copy of HW's summoning post; I decided to pull that, because at that point it was just shock gore for shock gore's sake. It's distressing content, no matter how well written, and shouldn't be taken lightly.

It's up to you how you handle the alternatives. One option could be to start the post's narrative shortly after the event and leave allusions to what happened, or have a section break with implications in the first half and consequences in the latter. Even left to the imagination it'll still be a horrific tragedy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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<Snipped quote by LokiLeo789>

In detail? Nope. Something similar happens in the original copy of HW's summoning post; I decided to pull that, because at that point it was just shock gore for shock gore's sake. It's distressing content, no matter how well written, and shouldn't be taken lightly.

It's up to you how you handle the alternatives. One option could be to start the post's narrative shortly after the event and leave allusions to what happened, or have a section break with implications in the first half and consequences in the latter. Even left to the imagination it'll still be a horrific tragedy.

Hmm, think I might write it the first way, I'm not the best at writing such things in the first place. Maybe I'll focus on one childs POV and, as you said, leave the rest to the imagination. No need people throwing up all over the IC.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

@Antarctic Termite Honestly, I seriously freaking despair when I see that you post.

th-that's not the intended outcome sir

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

Man, what the hell was the Queen thinking when she invented English?

@Double Capybara I think it may have been something along the lines of:

'I must create a language which will affect my subjects so greatly that they will complain of its effect for generations to come, and their once-affection for me shall become very not so. My heirs will curse the air I breathed, this entire isle will wish my mother and father never walked down the aisle, and they'll all cry aloud, "that should not have been allowed!", and someone else may say, "why'd no one alter the Archbishop's speech at the altar? Make it so they never could marry and bring this demoness to life! Or when each was to give their assent, someone should have ascended the steps and demanded the marriage be halted. It's odd no one did!" and another will reply, "they were probably all awed by the majesty of it.
"Ah, yes, these royal marriages tend to be awe-full, don't they?"
"That's what I always say! They're terribly awful! And for what? To see a couple of bald old men in dresses and bolder young men on horses trounce around all day."
"Oh yes, they make quite the band when they all stand together."
"Should all be banned in my opinion."
"What, even that one what plays the stringy-thing?"
"You mean the Bard?"
"Him too, should be barred from every playing! What a terrible racket he makes, would smash him with a racket of I could."
"Oh come on now, a bat would be better."
"A bat? Them metal ones Batman uses? They could come in handy too I guess, if we're trying to kill the man."
"I thought we were..."
"But where would we bury him?"
"Down in the wood underneath the big berry bush."
"I'm down for that then! Nothin' better than beating bards!"
"I love to batter them silly."
"Yeah. Wife battered me silly with some batter yesterday."
"Bloody 'ell mate, why'd you not batter her back? You're the team's batter after all."
"Couldn't do that, she had a point. I forgot to get the butter you see."
"Well, if she was battering you on that basis, I can see why. You should've had your bases covered - she got the better of you there. You should've done better you fool."
"Damn you! Leave me be."
"I mean, if you knew she was gonna batter you, shoulda given her a wide berth. You know they stop acting cute after they give birth a few times."
"Yeah, ok, I blew it yesterday."
"No need to feel all blue about it mate, lets go for a beer in the bier."
"You mean the pier, right? I ain't going near no bier."

And they will quickly forget that I am the source of their linguistic misery, they'll get the canons and fire them at one another without thinking who it was that established the linguistic cannon! Thus I shall illude them while my wiles elude them, and I'll allude to them that their friends are the reason! CHAOS REIGNS! (But really, it will be me, even beyond death, at the reins!)'

Gotta love homonyms.
1x Laugh Laugh 1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Recently that one game I like a lot called Fallen London was released for iOS and Android and it got a soundtrack with it.

I really like it, though I like anything quirky tbh

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WrongEndoftheRainbow
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Member Seen 16 days ago

Fallen London and Sunless Sea have amazing writing.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dawnscroll
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Kho God fucking dammit, I feel despair enough over Mr. Frozen Insect up there. Please tell me that's a comedy line from somebody else. Please tell me you're not THAT amazingly funny and original...
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

...Kho looked through his binoculors, and through them he saw some sheep eating from a trough.
'They'll get through that trough,' Kho thought to himself, 'so I better go get another trough before they get through that first trough.'
But despite his efforts, and though he did his best to get another trough before the sheep got through the first trough, them sheep were quick and had finished the first trough before Kho came back with the second.
'You lot sure can get through a trough or two, can't you.'

That's kinda mean, but I have to admit that I chuckled.

Capy, I had just assumed that you were writing on a device that was autocorrecting your throughs to troughs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Oi, @Antarctic Termite. Is that Jvan I see signing the Oath of Stilldeath, or are you calling this rebel hive-mind Spiral Palms now?

Or is Spiral Palms one of your urtelem sculptors this whole time and I'm too tired to remember?

Nice posting as always.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Oi, @Antarctic Termite. Is that Jvan I see signing the Oath of Stilldeath, or are you calling this rebel hive-mind Spiral Palms now?

Or is Spiral Palms one of your urtelem sculptors this whole time and I'm too tired to remember?

Nice posting as always.

i have no idea

It's the as-yet-unnamed splinter mind signing the Oath in Jvan's name, much like when you go to a sketchy pub, blackout for three days and wake up in a court of law getting sued for fraud by the Central Bank of Uzbekistan. This also counts for Heartworm (presumably? Unless consent needs to be given individually).

There is significance, though, in the fact that the splinter mind is using a mortal-given name, and solving its problems with mortal means.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hmm. Alright, I guess it depends on whether part of Jvan is still a fraction of the splinter-mind or whether it's just the collective consciousness of Jvan's cult using Jvan's creations to communicate.

If it's the former, she's bound. "I wasn't completely myself" isn't a valid excuse. If it's the latter, Jvan's cult as a whole would be bound forever more unless the collective consciousness is completely erased and remade in a different form, but perhaps Jvan herself would not be bound throughout that case.

If I have to arbitrate Heartworm, I would rule that avatars of signatories are subject to the terms as well, seeing as they are technically still a manifestation of the deity's will. If Jvan did sign the oath, in order for Heartworm to be free from the terms of the contract, he would have to completely sever his connections with Jvan and become an independent entity, presumably a demigod or something to that effect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Suits me, I was expecting all of them to be linked up together.

The new mind isn't a manifestation of her cultists, though, or not entirely (I am almost certainly stealing that interpretation now that you've mentioned it; Cheers, man!) It's still definitely an aspect of Jvan.

Heartworm doesn't have the heart to actually fight another god, though. It'd worm its way out of the situation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Okay, I'll treat it as Jvan signing for now. If you'd like to change your mind with the other option, let me know. Just make sure that it's certain before it gets to the point where Jvan is involved in deicide again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'm quite certain about it. Thanks for clarifying.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Hey guys, this most recent IC post is kinda of new to me. I'm trying to switch up the way I write abit. Instead of having Amartía be he focuse all the time, I'm trying to use others to convey feelings and sights that Amartía can't.

I think it worked well. I left alot to the imagination, but if anyone is confused to what happened; Amartía basically found Occult Magic to be extremely interesting and desides to experiment by attacking the Village and rounding up its occupants. Then he has a Priest preform a ritual and kill each an every one of them. Amartía creates stone golems in which he binds thier souls to. Basically turning them into stone marionettes.

Would like some feedback, anythung that would help me grow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kho
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<Snipped quote by Kho>

That's kinda mean, but I have to admit that I chuckled.

Capy, I had just assumed that you were writing on a device that was autocorrecting your throughs to troughs.

I don't like public corrections, but I had mentioned it to Cappy ages ago via PM and he seems to have forgotten. Hopefully that's the last we'll see of that much-feared trough. If it makes a comeback, I'll consider Cappy's troughs a lost cause and will hand it over to Grammarly-Nazi Vec xp

@Kho God fucking dammit, I feel despair enough over Mr. Frozen Insect up there. Please tell me that's a comedy line from somebody else. Please tell me you're not THAT amazingly funny and original...

I have half a mind to say I copied it from somewhere now ^^'
While I won't give a list of who the most skilled writers are, I think there are some very good writers in this RP, and pretty much everyone has a terrific imagination. And of course, there is no doubt that Termite (and you, amongst others) are gifted writers who boost the quality of this RP and make it a delight to read new posts despite the length.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I just realized that dragons exist in this world now. Well, time to go hunting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Member Seen 27 days ago

@LokiLeo789 Overall I really like the post, but...

The part with the priestess talking about THE moon felt like you were forgetting this is not Earth. Galbar has multiple moons, therefore saying "every full moon" makes little sense.

Also, Dragons don't exist out of Ull Yang's plane, you won't find any in Galbar. (Unless I'm missing something.)

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@LokiLeo789 Overall I really like the post, but...

The part with the priestess talking about THE moon felt like you were forgetting this is not Earth. Galbar has multiple moons, therefore saying "every full moon" makes little sense.

Also, Dragons don't exist out of Ull Yang's plane, you won't find any in Galbar. (Unless I'm missing something.)

Thanks for the feedback @Double Capybara. God, if theres like seve, that would be a sacrifice like every week if not every four days. The Aleani would die out quickly.

I'll have to write that in, assuming there is seven moons.

On another note, never mind the dragons. Which sucks since I remember having alot of fun with them in Mk.1.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 27 days ago

@LokiLeo789 Some moons have different meanings than others, so it could be the full phase of a certain moon or when a certain moon is close to the ring of debris that circles around the planet.
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