Sigurd’s blade bit into flesh as he rolled and blood ran down its length in a sudden torrent that just as quickly thinned. Then, the tide truly turned and the Northman’s right hand buckled under the sudden stress as Gigue’s great weight muscled his blade backwards in his hand. He was forced to relinquish his hold before his wrist reached breaking point, leaving a weighty encumbrance in his enemy’s body as the blade had bitten deep enough to get stuck. The next thing Sigurd knew was the sudden weight of the massive man collapsing on his chest, forcing out what little breath he had regained from the take-down. The damage could have been far worse but Gigue made one small miscalculation, he had dropped directly down onto Sigurd’s stone arm and the plate the Northman wore on his chest deflected out the force.
Sigurd couldn’t wrestle under those conditions however, even if he held any hope of defeating the wrestler at all. The only thing he still had to his name was arguably his greatest weapon, his cursed arm. An arm with strength so great it was legend, adding to the mythology surrounding the warrior known as the Dragon Slayer. He was the Stoneheart and death for him meant death for his people. That was never going to be an option.
Sigurd’s right forearm sank into soft earth and with all his strength he turned his body clockwise, his left arm underneath the man rising swiftly at the elbow and effectively shunting Gigue up and to the large man’s left, with such force that Gigue’s weight would not be sufficient to stop it. Sigurd’s left leg had bunched with the knee up and suddenly pushed off diagonally rightward to further accentuate this instability, Gigue could truly be a master wrestler but he was running out of limbs to grapple with. With only an injured leg bracing him on the left hand side Gigue’s ability to stop himself falling off his precarious mount would be sorely tested. Even as Sigurd’s body twisted he did all he could to remove his head from danger, pulling it back as he turned, it was a token gesture but Gigue may have held on long enough to strike and it could turn an execution into a graze.
Presuming Gigue was thrown off the Northman, which was likely the only situation where Sigurd lived to carry out any follow up at all, his momentum would halt as he fell upon his right side and he would prepare to scrabble backwards, earning himself space to stand up and perhaps deliver a kick for good measure.
Sigurd couldn’t wrestle under those conditions however, even if he held any hope of defeating the wrestler at all. The only thing he still had to his name was arguably his greatest weapon, his cursed arm. An arm with strength so great it was legend, adding to the mythology surrounding the warrior known as the Dragon Slayer. He was the Stoneheart and death for him meant death for his people. That was never going to be an option.
Sigurd’s right forearm sank into soft earth and with all his strength he turned his body clockwise, his left arm underneath the man rising swiftly at the elbow and effectively shunting Gigue up and to the large man’s left, with such force that Gigue’s weight would not be sufficient to stop it. Sigurd’s left leg had bunched with the knee up and suddenly pushed off diagonally rightward to further accentuate this instability, Gigue could truly be a master wrestler but he was running out of limbs to grapple with. With only an injured leg bracing him on the left hand side Gigue’s ability to stop himself falling off his precarious mount would be sorely tested. Even as Sigurd’s body twisted he did all he could to remove his head from danger, pulling it back as he turned, it was a token gesture but Gigue may have held on long enough to strike and it could turn an execution into a graze.
Presuming Gigue was thrown off the Northman, which was likely the only situation where Sigurd lived to carry out any follow up at all, his momentum would halt as he fell upon his right side and he would prepare to scrabble backwards, earning himself space to stand up and perhaps deliver a kick for good measure.