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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marcella quelled her shaking hands to still as she gathered her things. It was time. A part of her was excited. This was her, after all, the moment when everything changed. She was finally going to become independent. She chose how she talked, how she dressed, what she did. This was the start of her life. The other part of her mind, the doubtful dark part, echoed with the 'conversation' Marcella and her madre held in the carriage. The topic of the machine being able to be tampered with, despite Max's reassurance that it had greatly improved, haunted her mind.

With a final breath, Marcella followed her friends out the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ladyanglaise
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ladyanglaise more tense than my sentences

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Cooper stopped for a moment to let Marcella catch up with her. She gave her a reassuring smile; she was perfectly calm about this. She knew who she was, where she was from, and where she was going; this was just another day for her. She hoped that her being so relaxed about it all would calm down the clearly nervous Marcella, at least a little bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Max joined some of his other friends as they stood in a group waiting for their name to be called to do the machine. Max went and grabbed some food while waiting his turn. (Max is going to be the last person to do the machine.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ladyanglaise
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ladyanglaise more tense than my sentences

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Cooper (and I assume Marcella, right @Fubsy?) kept walking to the venue for the graduation. Cooper took her seat with the other Metalheart families, sitting between her mother and father.
Her father, Joseph, was balding and dark-eyed. His face was creased from years of hard work and stress, but his eyes shone brightly when he saw his daughter. The same went for his wife Vanna, a bony woman in a faded yellow dress with a field daisy in her hair. They both hugged Cooper as she sat down, so excited for their daughter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marcella gave Cooper a grateful smile as she caught up. How the girl managed to stay so calm, Marcella wished she knew. As Cooper left to join her family, Marcella remained with her other companions. Her eyes scanned the crowd. Parents, siblings, friends...all of them surging to see the fates of a new generation. And among them, Marcella's parents. A cold chill crept up her spine as she spotted them seated amongst others of high class. Their gazes, cold and calculating, drilled into her, making her feel as if she had done something wrong. With a nervous gulp, Marcella focused on the stage and awaited the names to be called.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ladyanglaise
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ladyanglaise more tense than my sentences

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cooper watched Marcella leave, how she sadly looked up at her parents before joining the others.
"A friend of yours, Coop?" Vanna asked, looking over to the Italian girl.
"Mm-hmm." Cooper hummed in reply, looking up at Marcella's parents out of curiosity and quickly looking away.
"She looks like a noble." Joseph chimed in. "You're braver than I was in school."
Coop smiled. "It's not me, really. If her parents knew that she so much as looked at me, her parents would be furious. She's the brave one."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Max returned to his seat, where he saw his parents in the crowd. He smiled at them and then took his seat. His face lost the smile when he sat out of view. "I hope I do get a good job and make them proud" He said to himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Twas such a flutter and a buzz among the crowds, both wealthy and poor gathering to bear witness to the fates of their offspring. Today, some would be celebrated with the highest honors and showered with so much affection...while others...it would be the last they would see of their families...after they had been kicked out the door with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Daniella didn't want to think of such a fate befalling her...but...none were sure what the machine would decide...of if its decision would be a falsity. A nervous gulp, she reached for the hand of Maxwell, squeezing it with a fond pressure then drawing it back, her cheeks a burning shade of fuchsia. ~"Sorry."~ She gave a frail whisper nervously biting at her bottom lip, a childhood habit really. It was racking enough that her parents were spotted among the throngs of rich and prominent families, looking more like hawks ready to descend upon a gaggle of timid mice.

She sat, silent, wringing her hands and clasping them in her lap, a brief sigh as she tried her best to look calm and composed before the doting and ever watchful eyes of her mother and father. Then, she heard Max whisper something, her emerald eyes trailing to his face, such a charming face, but even she could see he was plagued with anxiety. ~"Umm...Maxwell."~ She murmurred, her face softening a tad. ~"I know this might not mean anything but....no matter what you become...I'll always be proud of you."~ Sincerely she smiled. If anything, what she dreaded most was not getting the career her parents would spurn her for, but rather....whatever Max was destined to become...would take him away from her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

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Max smiled at Daniella and said "thanks, I hope you get the job of your dreams." He kinda wanted to tell her the truth about what he can do but he was still afraid of what she might say.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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~"Ah..umm..thanks."~ Daniella blushed all the more, bashfully looking away for a second before returning to Max. ~"And....I hope that you follow your dreams as well. You're very smart and talented. I can tell. Just...Max, wherever you go....don't forget me, or any of us really."~ How could he ever do such a thing though? Since she has known the boy, since the many childhoods they spent together playing in the fields or exploring the vast labyrinth of steel and steam that was their fair city, she knew well Max was a kindred spirit, a young man whose heart was purer than silver, even gold. A fond, gentle smile she issued then turned to face the stage, waiting for the moment her name was called. Even if destiny is to separate us, Max, my memories of you will I always cherish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

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Matt walked among his fellow students all his attention planted into a book he was reading. Even if his job turns out to be at the bottom and considered a job given to the less fortunate Matt will do his best in the career. He continued to read and walk until there was more space and a little less students surrounding him. Smiling as he stopped to put his book mark into the book, Matt began to look around the room. Noticing how the class of people were separated and how each class wore very different expressions. As expected he couldn't find his family. Matt most likely knew he wasn't gonna see them here. The graduation of the black sheep of the family. Everything, Matt's future, his plans for the less fortunate it all depended on a single machine. Usually there would be suspense and fear parading in his mind like the average student. Unlike them Matt was already trash to his family all he has going for him is his last name, but after today that'll change. Today starts the day he makes the rights for his family's wrongs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Max smiled again at her and said "I won't ever forget." Then they began to announce the names of the students.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marcella straightened her dress as the names were being called out. She tucked a strand of her long brown hair behind her ear and stared at the stage. She forced her breaths to go at a slow pace and her hands to stop shaking. Several names people came up before she heard it: 'Biancardi'. Her last name, clear in the air. With a forced calm upon her features, Marcella gathered her wits and walked onto the stage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ladyanglaise
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ladyanglaise more tense than my sentences

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Cooper beamed as she saw her friend walk up to the platform. She got ready to start clapping for her, knowing she was going to get something excellent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Marcella was the first, and Daniella couldn't help but smile at her as she walked to the stage. She too was trying her damndest to stifle her nerves ever flustered and twinging. Marcella, she was a bright young girl, destined to accomplish many great feats. Surely the machine would recognize that and give her a career worthy of her budding intellect. Be brave, Marcella. We believe in you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dmessenger
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Dmessenger The Traveler

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Max gave a slight sigh of relief when someone else went first. Then when he saw who it was he gave a slight smile and muttered "it's going to be interesting seeing what job she gets."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marcella approached the machine and slowly slipped on the helmet, her eyes trained on the twisted mass of steel and iron. Her mind was a palette of emotions, all feelings mixed together until they formed a blank white daze. The machine whirred and rang and, for a brief moment, Daniella's words echoed in Marcella's mind. Would this clunky machine truly decide her fate, or would she?

The noises faded and a single word shone on the screen: DOCTOR.

The Italian exhaled a breath she hadn't noticed she'd been holding. Her eyes traveled to her parents. Their stoic expressions remained, hard and unmoving. A jab of worry stabbed Marcella's heart. Did they approve? Disapprove? Disown her? Her questions were answered when her father caught her eye and gave a minute nod. A small gesture, but the equivalent of being showered in praises. Stifling a cry of happiness, Marcella took off the helmet and joined her companions. She was doctor now. She could help anyone from any class, and no one could stop her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ladyanglaise
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ladyanglaise more tense than my sentences

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Cooper was ecstatic for her friend. She had to hold herself back to keep from jumping up and cheering, but her face said it all. Her lips formed a large smile and revealed her uneven teeth, pressing her aqua eyes nearly closed. With one word on one screen, Marcella was able to almost leave the system of rules that their society set up. She would help them all, Metalheart or politician, teacher or lawyer.
The speakers whined and announced the next name: "Cooper Newman."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago

The mood was tense, silence all around, save for the whirring and whizzing of the machine at work, the master of their fates. Nary a sound from the audience, neither student nor adult as their eyes remained affixed to the stage, affixed to the storm of emotions that was boiling over behind Marcella's charming young face. But then, another sound, a loud chime of a bell, followed by several gasps, including Daniella's.

She couldn't believe it, but there it was in bold green lettering upon the black, fuzzy screen: DOCTOR

Congratulations Marcella! Her mind was aflutter with such cheerful emotions, applauding with all in the auditorium. What a wonderful career it would be for the Italian, to use her hands and her mind to help those in dire need. And surely, a kind soul as Marcella's would never discriminate between aristocrat and metalheart. She grinned ear to ear, her hands clapping as she looked to her upon the stage. Daniella couldn't help but feel happy for her, yet....she would be next of course. Here's to hoping the gods are not cruel to me. Mother, father...I know what you want, but all I ask for...is your love, not your approval.

Still, even if she was plagued by such uncertainty in her thoughts, she kept applauding and cheering for Marcella, until the applause died and the next name was called, Cooper's. Well, this one should be easy to determine, but a surprise it would be if the girl was chosen for something other than the toiling, tedious work of a metalheart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Marcella stared expectantly at the stage as Cooper was called. Her friend wished to be a metalheart, despite all the prejudices against the lower job, and Marcella quietly cheered her on. Risking some odd looks from the crowd, the Italian gave her friend a small thumbs up and a smile as a silent good luck.
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