Just some thoughts on a forum roleplay I'm thinking about starting. It has been launched on both gw2 and wow, so perhaps you've seen it around. Though it has been launched in different shapes. This layout is unfinished as I'm still working to add some stuff, but I figured I'd throw it out here and see what people say.
The setting is mostly wow universe, though we've only been involved in World of warcraft roleplay once when me and some others set up a guild on a private server. I havn't decided fully if I want to incorporate some of their elements or try a full custom run.
Born from the ashes of the Burning Legion, the Imperium is a galaxy spanning kingdom that took to the stars after having its homeworld, Impera, invaded by Sargeras's demons. During the first searing of the capital world, the united clans under Queen Dovalina refused to bow down under the dark rule of a fallen titan. Although amidst a war of their own as the united races under the Imperium were in constant conflict with the Divine Trinity, a dwarven-lead alliance between men and Zithlid against the Queen's rule and claim to free Impera from division.
The Legion itself was chasing a Naaru across the cosmos and as they bombarded it mercilessly it crashed to the surface of Impera, the Legion hellbent on claiming the Naaru and the world along with it. The Queen and Her First Court (later renamed the Astral Court) were well versed in the arts of chaotic and dark magic. The Queen herself had been the first chosen disciple of a dark creature living deep within Impera. And so her knowledge was spread to her first court and closest allies. This was also what lead to the division between the queen and the Trinity. As they only embraced the path of pure and holy energy. The conflict between the Trinity and the Impera Kingdom never ceased. Instead of banding together they took every chance to undermine each other in the war against the Legion, until the invasion was finally repelled. A stalemate was created, even after the world had been ravaged the two forces were evenly matched.
It was by happenstance that the turning-point came. The fleeing Naaru had remained in its crashed vessel, secluded in the deep forests around the north mountains, where the Trinity found it. With their skill in the holy arts they managed to mend the divine creature and re-active some of its holy powered technology. But instead of leaving the Naaru saw a world capable of resisting the darkness and asked to join. On their journey back to the dwarves' main stronghold they were intercepted. No man was found alive when the rescue came and the Naaru was gone. Though the leaders of the Trinity felt its light still in the world. Four cycles after was when the first of them exclaimed that the light had finally vanished.
With every passing cycle the Trinity started to lose ground, darkness lurked in every crevice and the light they used faded ever faster. Only at the final stand was it revealed to the last vestiges of resistance what had happened. For the Queen had taken to the field herself and in her hand she held a massive, glowing gem that twisted and sang out with a screeching echo. The heart of the Naaru had been ripped out by the Queen, which she used to siphon its holy energies in order to both control the dark and light of the world.
With this the Impera Kingdom was able to re-activate the Naaru's fallen vessel and salvage all its technology for themselves. The Queen broke the Naaru's heart into several pieces and stored them in different artifacts, before she gave them to her Astral Court - The Queen seals, imbued with the power of the light and the void - her chosen champions. And on that day as they took to the skies, she declared that the Imperium, and the Queen-Empress, was born.
"We saw the green meteors rain down across our world, ripping our land asunder and scorching the earth. We stood next to our Empress, her visage never faltered, but the pain was plain on her face as her children burned before her. Now only ten years later we stand above yet another one of the Legion's worlds. And as the voice of her Imperial Highness, the Duchess proclaimed that the heavens will fall on the demons. We will return the favour of a falling sky to them. With royal justice our Imperial Spires descend, this day there were no green fires in the sky, only heavenly light, and the purging of heathens."
The royal court of Imperium is often a bustle and undoubtedly the pinnacle of attention for a vast majority of all habitats within the empire. It usually centers around a monarch or another key figure, and in this case during the queen's absence - her grace the dowager duchess of Veela, Narestra. Except for the duchess herself the court is comprised of several court officials, ambassadors, servants and those who regularly attend on the duchess, such as nobles. These courtiers assist with their own expertise to constitute the finest results and nobles either keep each other or Narestra company.
The apex of power, from her comes all, and it is to whom our loyalty is sworn. She is the one who watches over us and brings security and guidance. She, who witnessed the beginning and swore safe haven from the end. She is our shelter from what is and what was. She is our Empress, and we will defend her to the end.
Eight chairs sit below the Queen's throne. Eight chosen dissidents of any rank within the Imperium chosen by Her Majesty herself depending on what goal the Imperium is currently striving for. The Queen will choose councillors for what skill they have and how relevant their knowledge is in the pursuit she is currently going after and to have their expertise at hand they will reside in the Astral Court. Her wishes can range from simple cultivation of Impera's nature to the conquest of worlds.
They are always four and are charged with the entire security of the Imperium. They are chosen by the Imperial Council rather than the empress, for their skill in warfare and wisdom as well as cunning to maintain security within the imperial worlds. They are also the caste who has rebelled the most against Her Imperial Majesty, in pursuit to take control over the empire. Three tried, three have died in the attempt.
These officials are important and forms a crucial pillar for the empire. As the Grand Imperium speaks for itself in terms of size, it is as stated, vital for the Queen-Empress to maintain her control across her empire. So for this task she employs planetary governors, also known as viceroys, to regulate bigger lands or even planets.
Much like the viceroys, the nobles are vital for the sake of stability within the empire. These aristocrats furnish nearly all of the important positions as it is they who virtually govern all of Imperium. They enjoy absolute power over everyone that is not a noble and can only be suppressed by higher nobility than oneself. The highest obtainable rank is Grand Duke/Duchess and Baron being the lowest.
The setting is mostly wow universe, though we've only been involved in World of warcraft roleplay once when me and some others set up a guild on a private server. I havn't decided fully if I want to incorporate some of their elements or try a full custom run.
Born from the ashes of the Burning Legion, the Imperium is a galaxy spanning kingdom that took to the stars after having its homeworld, Impera, invaded by Sargeras's demons. During the first searing of the capital world, the united clans under Queen Dovalina refused to bow down under the dark rule of a fallen titan. Although amidst a war of their own as the united races under the Imperium were in constant conflict with the Divine Trinity, a dwarven-lead alliance between men and Zithlid against the Queen's rule and claim to free Impera from division.
The Legion itself was chasing a Naaru across the cosmos and as they bombarded it mercilessly it crashed to the surface of Impera, the Legion hellbent on claiming the Naaru and the world along with it. The Queen and Her First Court (later renamed the Astral Court) were well versed in the arts of chaotic and dark magic. The Queen herself had been the first chosen disciple of a dark creature living deep within Impera. And so her knowledge was spread to her first court and closest allies. This was also what lead to the division between the queen and the Trinity. As they only embraced the path of pure and holy energy. The conflict between the Trinity and the Impera Kingdom never ceased. Instead of banding together they took every chance to undermine each other in the war against the Legion, until the invasion was finally repelled. A stalemate was created, even after the world had been ravaged the two forces were evenly matched.
It was by happenstance that the turning-point came. The fleeing Naaru had remained in its crashed vessel, secluded in the deep forests around the north mountains, where the Trinity found it. With their skill in the holy arts they managed to mend the divine creature and re-active some of its holy powered technology. But instead of leaving the Naaru saw a world capable of resisting the darkness and asked to join. On their journey back to the dwarves' main stronghold they were intercepted. No man was found alive when the rescue came and the Naaru was gone. Though the leaders of the Trinity felt its light still in the world. Four cycles after was when the first of them exclaimed that the light had finally vanished.
With every passing cycle the Trinity started to lose ground, darkness lurked in every crevice and the light they used faded ever faster. Only at the final stand was it revealed to the last vestiges of resistance what had happened. For the Queen had taken to the field herself and in her hand she held a massive, glowing gem that twisted and sang out with a screeching echo. The heart of the Naaru had been ripped out by the Queen, which she used to siphon its holy energies in order to both control the dark and light of the world.
With this the Impera Kingdom was able to re-activate the Naaru's fallen vessel and salvage all its technology for themselves. The Queen broke the Naaru's heart into several pieces and stored them in different artifacts, before she gave them to her Astral Court - The Queen seals, imbued with the power of the light and the void - her chosen champions. And on that day as they took to the skies, she declared that the Imperium, and the Queen-Empress, was born.
"We saw the green meteors rain down across our world, ripping our land asunder and scorching the earth. We stood next to our Empress, her visage never faltered, but the pain was plain on her face as her children burned before her. Now only ten years later we stand above yet another one of the Legion's worlds. And as the voice of her Imperial Highness, the Duchess proclaimed that the heavens will fall on the demons. We will return the favour of a falling sky to them. With royal justice our Imperial Spires descend, this day there were no green fires in the sky, only heavenly light, and the purging of heathens."
The royal court of Imperium is often a bustle and undoubtedly the pinnacle of attention for a vast majority of all habitats within the empire. It usually centers around a monarch or another key figure, and in this case during the queen's absence - her grace the dowager duchess of Veela, Narestra. Except for the duchess herself the court is comprised of several court officials, ambassadors, servants and those who regularly attend on the duchess, such as nobles. These courtiers assist with their own expertise to constitute the finest results and nobles either keep each other or Narestra company.
The apex of power, from her comes all, and it is to whom our loyalty is sworn. She is the one who watches over us and brings security and guidance. She, who witnessed the beginning and swore safe haven from the end. She is our shelter from what is and what was. She is our Empress, and we will defend her to the end.
Eight chairs sit below the Queen's throne. Eight chosen dissidents of any rank within the Imperium chosen by Her Majesty herself depending on what goal the Imperium is currently striving for. The Queen will choose councillors for what skill they have and how relevant their knowledge is in the pursuit she is currently going after and to have their expertise at hand they will reside in the Astral Court. Her wishes can range from simple cultivation of Impera's nature to the conquest of worlds.
They are always four and are charged with the entire security of the Imperium. They are chosen by the Imperial Council rather than the empress, for their skill in warfare and wisdom as well as cunning to maintain security within the imperial worlds. They are also the caste who has rebelled the most against Her Imperial Majesty, in pursuit to take control over the empire. Three tried, three have died in the attempt.
These officials are important and forms a crucial pillar for the empire. As the Grand Imperium speaks for itself in terms of size, it is as stated, vital for the Queen-Empress to maintain her control across her empire. So for this task she employs planetary governors, also known as viceroys, to regulate bigger lands or even planets.
Much like the viceroys, the nobles are vital for the sake of stability within the empire. These aristocrats furnish nearly all of the important positions as it is they who virtually govern all of Imperium. They enjoy absolute power over everyone that is not a noble and can only be suppressed by higher nobility than oneself. The highest obtainable rank is Grand Duke/Duchess and Baron being the lowest.