Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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<Snipped quote by TheSovereignGrave>

You mean like


Headers bro, from 1 to 3. [h1 ] blah blah [/ h1]

<Snipped quote by TheSovereignGrave>

It is actually, at the very bottom


EDIT: Well, I think something screw up with that first quote. Oh well.

EDIT 2: Hey, @Frengo what was the extent of the Promethean Empire, exactly? I was planning on having some small outposts to the southwest of Yossod. The remnants of the Empire's attempts at conquering Yossod, and I was wondering if that was cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Interesting turn of events. The Dwarves and Kobolds joining together as one.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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Bleh, hey @Frengo I decided to just finish my post. So if there's a problem with there being some Promethean remnants I'll go in and change it no problem. And I really don't mean for my posts to be so long; I just kind of get caught up in describing what's going on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Honestly I wish I can write like that, but I'm saving the real good and interesting historical event for near the rp proper(Cause I really want to use this idea for the story). So unfortunately early Grogar history is lackluster :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SavOrhchid
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SavOrhchid A Honey Bee.

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I not sure what century would be a good one to have the Soun'yei develop legs, this one, they'll start exploring some land. Just coasts. Hunting the way dolphins do and such. My post will be up tonight.

Hey, what do Ayel infants look like?? Fat little roly polies with massive mouths@TheSovereignGrave?

FYI, anyone who wants an alliance, let me know ahead of time, so I can have the Soun'yei's expand in that direction over a period of time.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SavOrhchid
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SavOrhchid A Honey Bee.

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Nearly a century later, the petty merman got their revenge. :P They raided a coast and got killed 5 men. Got the hell out of there before the women came back tho.
It's up to you if you wanna start a war or not?


A lot is going on in my life right now, so in the event that I disappear off the face of the planet and don't reply to this, feel free to do what you like with the Soun'yei.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Do you think that our civilizations should come into contact in the next turn? We both seem to have in common that the lizardmen want to steal our stuff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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Do you think that our civilizations should come into contact in the next turn? We both seem to have in common that the lizardmen want to steal our stuff.

Sure, feel free to write that before I do.

When exactly do you have out contact in mind tho?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago


I was thinking around 130 A.E., and trade and cultural interactions would begin to open up after that.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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@SavOrhchid Warring with your nation will probably have to wait until next century since the saurians are already involved in a war in this one (two, sort of), but we'll see how things go. Zaqir definitely ain't used to being raided in return, and they discounted the soun'yei as being too meek and weak to fight anyone before, so they weren't expecting this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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Also: @Frengo How big is that strip of land by Zaqir that separates the two seas? The strip of land that Zaqir sits on? I was wondering if it'd be feasible as a great undertaking before these 500 years are over for Zaqir to dig a canal through there, something like an ancient version of the modern Panama Canal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

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I was wondering if I could another race in my nation, who haven't been encountered yet but will be absorbed into my civilization when further expansion comes towards the north.

Sorry for the late reply, but yup that'll be fine.

<Snipped quote by Frengo>

<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>


EDIT: Well, I think something screw up with that first quote. Oh well.

EDIT 2: Hey, @Frengo what was the extent of the Promethean Empire, exactly? I was planning on having some small outposts to the southwest of Yossod. The remnants of the Empire's attempts at conquering Yossod, and I was wondering if that was cool.

The empire spanned the continent at one point - although it did not cover it like a blanket, more like a web. The Promethean Empire of the 2nd Century has been reduced to three cities, and is only going to get smaller from there. Plagues are bitches.

However, it's perfectly possible that some successor states - be they pure Promethean or half-raced bastards - have arisen in places. Although, any pure Promethean enclaves will likely facing the same problems as their mother Empire.


Nearly a century later, the petty merman got their revenge. :P They raided a coast and got killed 5 men. Got the hell out of there before the women came back tho.
It's up to you if you wanna start a war or not?


A lot is going on in my life right now, so in the event that I disappear off the face of the planet and don't reply to this, feel free to do what you like with the Soun'yei.

Well, we'll see how everything goes.

Bleh, hey @Frengo I decided to just finish my post. So if there's a problem with there being some Promethean remnants I'll go in and change it no problem. And I really don't mean for my posts to be so long; I just kind of get caught up in describing what's going on.

Rock on bro!

Also: @Frengo How big is that strip of land by Zaqir that separates the two seas? The strip of land that Zaqir sits on? I was wondering if it'd be feasible as a great undertaking before these 500 years are over for Zaqir to dig a canal through there, something like an ancient version of the modern Panama Canal.

*Inspects map* I dunno, like a hundred miles? If you want to dig a giant canal in a feat of miraculous innovative engineering, then I'm okay with it because your peoples aren't really the concern of the KOBOLD AND DWARF DEATH MACHINE, how every - it might concern others, who may well feel the canal to be heinous by its very nature.

So let's call a people's tribunal:

How does everyone feel about what Shorticus is suggesting? I'm looking for a general consensus one way or the other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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For reference, I'll say that the Panama Canal is 48 or 49 miles long (I forget), and apparently the Grand Canal in China exists and is over 1,000 miles long. Historically, however, it was a bunch of smaller canals that eventually got merged into one. The earliest parts of that canal date back to 500 BC.

Grand Canal of China

Also, here's a peek at the flag I just finished making for the brand new Zaqiri Dominion. Behold!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I know little about canals, but I'm assuming that this would mean that the Zaqiri are (relatively) advanced engineers?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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Relatively. They're great shipbuilders for sure, and they have walls around their city, so they're a few steps ahead of some of the other nations. They're not exactly great scientists or philosophers, but building things is something they're good at. (And they've got slaves to use as builders, so there's that.)

I'm actually writing a part in my post right now where the saurians are building temples to the Divine and such with the wealth they've captured over the years of raiding.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

For the "tribunal," I say I approve of the canal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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So long as it doesn't go through any mountains, I don't see a problem provided it takes a hell of a hell of a lot of time and manpower for the canal to be completed.

And @Frengo, beautiful. One of the reason the Promethean remnants were conquered was because the plague was still effecting them, so there weren't as many warriors as in an unaffected society (plus there weren't many to begin with).

And about ayel babies, @SavOrhchid, I don't imagine them as being particularly pudgy. But more like tiny ayels with those disproportionately long limbs and big heads babies tend to have. So, all in all, pretty creepy little things.

EDIT: @Shorticus how far do the saurians raid? Because if they go out far enough I can use that to my advantage to spread northwards in the next century. It'd be a nasty surprise for saurian raiders to hit a small village on the northern coast only to find the professional, fanatical warriors of the Brotherhood of the Covenant.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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EDIT: @Shorticus how far do the saurians raid? Because if they go out far enough I can use that to my advantage to spread northwards in the next century. It'd be a nasty surprise for saurian raiders to hit a small village on the northern coast only to find the professional, fanatical warriors of the Brotherhood of the Covenant.

I'll show you a map of their typical raiding routes at the moment.

When you look at the map, remember these are the most common raiding routes. These raids happen almost universally in the summer-harvest seasons.

There are exploration expeditions sent out on occasion which would have crews around ~60 people in size. These explorers don't go out specifically looking for plunder, but they don't mind stopping to raid a poorly defended village for some loot. Explorers go out way further than raiding parties, but they're also rarer.

Raiding parties have somewhere between 1 and 4 ships each (though really big raiding parties may have more than that). They have an average number of 150 raiders. An actual invasion - which there's going to be ONE attempt at that in this century - would have WAY more than 150 folks involved.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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@Shorticus Ah, well there goes my idea. No biggy; I can find another way to expand north next century.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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@Shorticus Ah, well there goes my idea. No biggy; I can find another way to expand north next century.

Well, again: explorers might go far enough to stumble on the Ayels and get into some trouble with them. If you want that to happen, it happens.
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