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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

Name: Jean Mallory Grey

Alignment: Lawful Good

Affiliation: X-Men


Jean Grey's childhood was a fairytale, that ended with a nightmare you don't wake up from. Jean is the only child of Percy Grey and Matilda Jennings-Grey. The Greys trace their bloodline back to a Norman knight, and had been in Boston since the days of the Massachusetts colony. The Jennings of Irish descent that saw them become part of a new wave to power in more recent American history, related to Kennedys in ancestry and political agenda. Both Percy and Matilda grew up in the machinisms that is the New England traditional life of high society, with its class structures, rules and concepts of appropriate behavior.

And they both rebelled against it as they could until they found each other at Harvard, and rebellion became open dissent. For Percy that meant not using History as just an in to Law School, but actually wanting to pursue the life of an academic in the field. For Matilda it meant getting a job after graduating with no more than a Bachelor's in Biology. Refusing to use family connections, all Matilda found for work was that of a night shift nurse in a beaten down downtown Boston hospital. The couple moved into a small apartment in the city, and spend their time together sipping wine from plastic cups. Far from lavish, but they were happy.

The cycle of life would change that. Matilda lost her father, uncle, and a brother within the span of two years. Two to old age, one to drug addiction. While she would be okay, when the dust settled the family lawyers revealed her inheritance. Roughly at the same time, Matilda revealed to Percy that she was pregnant. It took Percy all of four minutes to go from finding out he would be a father, to announcing they would have to move. The couple agreed Matilda would quit her job, for now, and Percy would finally begin talking to schools outside of the Ivy League that had been offering him jobs for years.

Nine months later Matilda gave birth to a girl the couple named Jean Mallory: Jean after Percy's grandmother, Mallory after Matilda's favorite aunt. The day she was born was a bright pretty spring day, with a horrible storm that night. Matilda recounts having fever dreams that night, and remembering of them only stars and a star fire that spoke to her in tongues Matilda couldn't understand. Matilda had the first of many 'Phoenix' dreams that night, and though it was her last Jean would continue to have them for the remainder of her life. While she was young they were nightmares that never went away, dark scenes and darker tones that were the only cloud in an otherwise cloudless life of happiness and love.

Her father became a respected professor of History and later Dean. Her mother would go on to be a hospital executive, the representative for nurses and other lower scale health workers at the very hospital she once worked the night shift as an ER nurse for. Jean spent her time between Boston and Cape Cod; the Red Sox and the boardwalks, even becoming the very thing that brought her parents and their families back together on good terms with her cotillion and work with the DAR. Life was all but perfect when Jean was twelve, a passenger in a car with Abby, driven by Abby's older sister and her best friend. Jean still doesn't remember the accident. Police reports say the car swerved to avoid something, and flipped. A lot.

Jean remembers Abby dying; except she remembers it from Abby's point of view. She remembers holding Abby as the girl died in her arms, though police reports say that was impossible, as Jean was unconscious when they arrived. Jean even remembers dying, and hearing a voice that cracked and popped like a raging fire telling her to let go of Abby in the darkness: that if she stayed with Abby's mind too long, too far into death, it would be dangerous.

When her parents brought her to Xavier, Charles claimed the voice was just a manifestation of her own natural abilities. That if it were real, he would sense it in Jean's mind, and in her memories. But the bird of fire still appears in Jean's dreams, though it's never spoken to her since the accident. Charles believes this to be because Jean's training has come far. She has fought alongside her fellow X-Men against many foes, and took her place side by side with them and other heroes against the Brotherhood.

Losing one of their own during that battle shook every remaining member of the original X-Men that day. Jean saw the true stakes at hand; it wasn't just good and evil, it was life and death. Doing the right thing, fighting for Xavier's dream...there would be a price for it. There would be a price for all of it. Just as Abby and Jean's mutant powers had been her price to pay for such an otherwise happy life. Jean was close to Warren, they were from similar backgrounds, they could relate to each other in ways the rest of the team never could, and more importantly they were friends.

Losing a teammate she was so close to has changed Jean Grey forever, just as Abby's death changed her once. Jean has rededicated herself to her training, and has increased her attention to other metahumans around the world. Not only does she continue to be a spokeswoman for Xavier and his dream, as well as the most searched for X-Men according to Google, but she has begun to make inroads throughout the superhero community.

Supporting Cast:

Abby Alcott - BFF, sister from another mother, soulmate, partner in crime, keeper of secrets and crushes; there was nearly nothing in Jean Grey's world that Abby Alcott was not to Jean. The two girls came from similar backgrounds, had parents that were friends since college, and considered the other's homes to be secondary residences. Although she died much too young, for more reasons than simply telepathy, Abby will be with Jean forever. This is the relationship that defines Jean Grey as a human being. The reason she will never give up on humanity.

Charles Xavier - A fact very few people know: Charles Xavier is saved into Jean's phone as "Uncle Chuck." The image used for "Uncle Chuck" is a red faced, likely intoxicated, Xavier making a face close up to camera. There is a chance it is the only such image that exists of Charles Xavier to date, but for two people that have had a hard time adjusting, it represents the very nature of their relationship--he is the person who reminds her how to smile, she is the person who reminds him how to smile. Their friendship is unending, their link far beyond what any normal mind could comprehend, and they just so happen to share a dream worth fighting for.

Scott Summers - The break-up that came like a storm in the night. On their darkest day, in their worst hour, it seemed every word between them was lightning strikes and thunderbolts to Jean. He was angry, jealous, and she was angry, exhausted. It was a bad mix. There was no cooling off. Though friendship remains, it's still at times tense with Scott for her. They remain very very close, and there are moments it's like they never broke up...but they did. And it's never long before they remember it. Both have moved on, though Jean has yet to be seen seeing someone.

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:

From a wealthy New England family, distantly related to the Kennedys. Outgrew her romance with Scott. Has been getting Phoenix visions her entire life, even before the manifestation of mutant powers.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Here you go!

Good to see you're back, Rubes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

<Snipped quote by Ruby>
Here you go!

Good to see you're back, Rubes.

You're an absolute sweetheart. <3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I was actually quite sad when I heard Ruby retired, but I’m glad she’s just semi-retired. Too good of a RPer to let go. We've lost enough of those.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 5 days ago

After several excruciatingly tedious delays at the airport, I am finally home. It's pretty late here and I have a stack of PMs to get through so bear with me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

I was actually quite sad when I heard Ruby retired, but I’m glad she’s just semi-retired. Too good of a RPer to let go. We've lost enough of those.

I missed you too!

Wanted a comic game. Nobody was doing it better anywhere else I looked, so why not write here with you fine folks?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

After several excruciatingly tedious delays at the airport, I am finally home. It's pretty late here and I have a stack of PMs to get through so bear with me.

All for the safety of the homeland, comrade.

Welcome back!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 5 days ago

Consider yourselves accepted. @HenryJonesJr @Ruby
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

Consider yourselves accepted. @HenryJonesJr @Ruby

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 5 days ago

At this point I think it's probably fair to consider Wolverine and Nightcrawler open game too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

At this point I think it's probably fair to consider Wolverine and Nightcrawler open game too.

I'm fine being selfish and saying it would be nice to have an active Logan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Until somebody awesome starts showing Cyclops the love that he deserves.

You know you guys should really watch what you say.

But really events with our X-Men have suddenly prompted this a little bit faster than anticipated. After talking with Morden and deciding that I'd drop Black Widow (who I've kind of lost inspiration for at this point) and I'd pick somebody a little bit more involved with the plot and the happenings of the world. He isn't going to be perfect not by a long shot and he's going to have some issues going in but that is why we love him. Anywayyyyy.

New Frontier: DC/Marvel One Universe RP application:

Scott Summers - Cyclops
Neutral Good.
It’s Complicated.

"Poor little Scott Summers— the boy most likely to have a nervous breakdown— prepared his whole life to lead an army by everyone he ever knew and trusted. And then it's time to grow up and lead and— and it's an awkward fit on him, sometimes. "
--Emma Frost.

Scott Summer’s was born on an operating table left behind from the Second World War within Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson up in Alaska, a few miles outside of Anchorage. He was the oldest son of Katherine Summers, doctor and Major Christopher Summers a pilot in the United States Air Force. The first ten years of his life where considerable normal even pleasant by most standards, though even at a young age Scott had trouble getting along with his peers as his father was positioned from base to base making it hard for him to make friends and even more so maintaining them. Rather Scott grew very close to his younger brother Alex, the two of them relying heavily on one another Alex especially as Scott spend most of his days protecting him from bullies, getting into more trouble at School much to the dismay of his parents. After one particular bad incident when he broke the clavicle and left arm of another child one Lawrence Crock, star athlete of the school they were in and nearly eight years older than Scott at the time who had given Alex a black eye earlier that day for stepping on his new shoes. Due to this Major Summers came up with an idea to take the family on an accident retreat on a ‘family vacation’ so that all of them could bond and Scott could maybe calm down a little bit. But while Major Summers was flying them home in his personal pride and joy an old Hopfner HA-11/33 Seaplane.

Something happened in the sky that day, and whatever it was on a clear and perfect day that Hopfner came tumbling down through the sky alight with a raging fire. The fire had consumed all but one parachute which Scott’s parents give to him to use to save Alex and himself from immediate peril. Scott took his brother’s hand and jumped falling through the sky and coming crashing towards the earth. The latch on the parachute was stuck, Alex was screaming and crying. Scott didn't want to die, he couldn't die. Then it happened suddenly with a scream of frustration beams of flared from his eyes as his vision turned red. He lost consciousness soon afterwards but it was enough to slow down the Summer brother's descent into the blue expanse of the Pacific below them. It was Alex that managed to pull them both atop a piece of wreckage from the plane. They were found two days later by Search and Rescue, their parents were never found.

Scott awoke in the middle of the night the next day in a hospital in Queen Medical Center in Star City, it all seemed like a nightmare but then the doctors told him what happened and it all came crashing down. He couldn't control the anger the next time it happened, he felt the sharp pain in his head again and the terrible burning sensation and before he knew what was happening he had punched a hole straight through the roof of the hospital. Six people died and Scott quickly fell back into a deep sleep. He would awake a year later in the State Home for Foundlings a place where he was tested on by the sinister Nathaniel Essex. Essex placed mental blocks on Scott and took on the role of "Lefty", who was Scott's roommate and bullied him at the orphanage. Sinister intervened any time anyone came close to adopting Scott.

As a teenager Scott began to suffer from severe headaches and he was sent to a specialist , who provided him with lenses made of ruby-quartz. Soon after, Scott's mutant power erupted from his eyes once again after getting in a argument with Lefty. It ended up tearing a hole through the wall in the Home for Foundlings and he escaped running away into the night. Scott’s powers would continue to erupt in erratic bursts as he became a walking time bomb leaving only destruction and death in his wake. After spending a period of half a year under the tutelage of Jack Winters another mutant who became Scott’s adoptive father while using his powers to aid in his own crime sprees. It was then that Professor Xavier found him with the help of one Fred Duncan. Xavier and Duncan chased Winters and Scott back to Winter’s hideout and with Xavier’s help Scott was able to shake off the grip that his adoptive father had put on him and break the man of diamonds into floating shards.

From that point onward Scott became the ‘first X-Men’, the first of many young mutants to be taught under Professor Xavier. Xavier taught Scott how to at least control his powers enough so that a modified version of Essex’s ruby-quartz lenses could contain his powers. Slowly over time their little family grew and they did great things, they became a team. For a time Scott was even happy. But of course things couldn't stay that way things could never stay that way.

It was supposed to simple, they were supposed to stop the Brotherhood and things were going to go to normal. But it was never that simple, Warren was killed in the crossfire and Magento deflected one of Scott’s blasts into a nearby High School killing over fifty students within. The world was already against Mutants but at that moment the world decided that Cyclops was worse than any normal mutant. His friends tried to tell him that it wasn't his fault but he didn’t listen. He became more reckless, more foolhardy, more angry. He fought with Jean more about things that seemed stupid now and that fell apart as quickly as it began. In the End Scott Summers couldn't handle the pressure, the pressure of being the leader, the hero and Scott broke.

He left in the middle of the night two months after the incident. He tried to sneak out but of course Xavier was already waiting at the door. The Professor that had become yet another adoptive father for Scott did not stop his first student from leaving but only wished that he found what he was looking for and with that Scott vanished off the grid. He hasn’t been seen since.

///Redacted Information
-LEXCORP Intelligence Report /// /rs.100023451
A mysterious individual with impressive optical powers matching the description of one Scott Summers has been spotted in several small towns within Northern Canada and Alaska. Subject appears docile and aimless wandering from point to point without purpose. Recommended further investigation.

Supporting Cast:
Professor Charles Xavier:
Professor Xavier was Scott’s third and hopefully last father figure in his life and the only one that really stuck. Scott owes an unpayable debt to the man but not even that stop Scott from leaving the X-men behind. Before he left Scott and Xavier had been getting into more and more fights as of late as Scott’s more brash and hotheaded was leading him down a self-destructive path.

Jean Gray:
Jean was one of the first people to actually treat Scott like a human being and in return he fell head over halls for her slowly of course. But that was a long time ago and a lot can happen. They broke up in the aftermath of the incident, they were both tired and angry and so the fire raged. They got over it and the friendship remains and there were times afterwards that sparks flickered from the embers but only sparks and any kindling was long since drowned in sorrow. He didn't say goodbye before he left, he left a note if you can call a post-it with the words Sorry on her door, a note.

Piotr Rasputin:
Scott had many one on one talks with the groundskeeper of the School turned X-Man. They drank and they joked usually in large amounts together. Scott left a bottle of vodka on the desk in his office before he left, a small thank you note.

Alex Summers:
Scott's younger brother, has not been seen since the plane crash though Scott has a feeling he is out there somewhere.

Nathaniel Essex:
Better known as Mister Sinister the evil mastermind and genetics has always had an eye on Scott fascinated with the power that the boy possessed ever since he blew the roof off of that hospital all those years ago.

Emma Frost
A strange blond haired woman who has been haunting Scott during his sabbatical. Scott finds her terribly annoying. Though she seems to have taken a keen interest in Scott for reasons that are not yet known.

How (if at all) does the New Frontier version of your character differ from the original?:

Ah Cyclops, a man that embodies unattainable ideals: idealized love, idealized comradeship, selfless altruism in trying to serve the world. A man that is so often crushed beneath the weight of these ideals. I’ve always found the leaders to be the most interesting ones, the ones that when push comes to shove have to put their foot down and do what needs to be done in service of the world. To be a person like that you have to be a little bit narcissistic I think, be at least somewhat full of yourself. But at their best they are the pinnacle of humanity, of life as we know it and it their worst all the traits that make them strong and powerful are the ones that drag them down. It’s that dichotomy that I would like to explore.

Scott here is a little bit more broken than his other incarnations tired and broken over the deaths that he had caused and the deaths that he could not prevent. He is tired of the world placing its hopes and dreams upon his shoulders, he's tired of living basically. At the start he is an alcoholic in Alaska running away from his problems having not had communication with the X-men for months if not a few years by this point. If my Thanos story is about a general, a leader in his prime then Scott’s is the parallel to that he is basically still just a kid trying to figure out what being the leader means, having to learn to take responsibility and move forward. He’s going to figure it out maybe not quickly and maybe not easily but he is going to figure it out.

Post Sample:
I do things, you know those things. A sample post may come eventually
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Seeing if I can come up with something for Carol in the next few days, no promises. But I don't want to drop her, but if I don't have something by next Sunday I'll consider myself dry.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

You know you guys should really watch what you say.

...oh, Christ.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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Morden Man

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Hexaflexagon Given I'd seen this sheet via PM ahead of time, I'm pretty comfortable with accepting you off the bat. Go ahead and post your CS in the Characters tab and get to posting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

Expect some fire from Red on saying goodbye that way, @Hexaflexagon
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hexaflexagon
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Expect some fire from Red on saying goodbye that way, @Hexaflexagon

I expected nothing less.

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