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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen could feel the tears flowing down her face as she heard what Liz was saying. She wanted to turn around and accept the girls apology, but she couldn't find the will to do it. She slowly started to walk off, her pace slow and broken up, as if she didn't really want to leave. But she had to. Even if it was just to clear her head, she had to get away for a while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 44 min ago

"I've been staying in a hotel that was closed down a couple of years ago. It's in really good condition. Still have a few supplies that were left behind. We can start that way if you want to." Roxy told him. She headed back to the street. She wasn't worried about him being behind her. She might be small, at only five feet tall, but she was fast. He wasn't likely to get the drop on her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


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*He would follow her as he sighs* "I guess that can be a good place to start. You've been there already? What's it like?" *He would follow alongside her, he wouldn't try anything or have thoughts on it. Just focusing on things around him, but making sure to be ready for anything she pulls against him. He doesn't trust her but Rebecca thinks it's a good idea to find another place. She may be right, that shack of a place can only last for so long. Then where would they go?*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Chapter 3: Once Fixed, Easily Broken

That was it...

She was gone...

Was she ever coming back? Liz didn't know.... and really...if Jennifer didn't come back to her...well...she deserved it...

She was tired...having walked so long, her feet practically worn down to the bone because of her cheap shoes. But the pain in her feet....it was a splinter...compared to the torture imposed upon her heart. She felt...like she was bleeding out on the inside, a gash ripped into her chest that would maybe heal over time...but the scar would remain of her wounded heart, a reminder....of the pain she inflicted upon herself...and the only person she...

That sentence she couldn't finish. Even if the feelings were true, genuine, any hopes she had of telling such to Jennifer were dashed to pieces by her own immature jealousy.

Finally...after pushing herself, physically and mentally for such a time.... she collapsed in an alleyway, face down in the dirt and pavement. She didn't even want to get up, even if she had the strength to...the will to continue was fading. Liz was just lucky that someone found her, and that he wasn't a cop.

"Liz? Kid, is that you?" The familiar voice caught her ear, a hoarse whisper of a male. "Jesus Christ, where the fuck were you? I thought you were... Oh man..." Mike...he knew what was up, his rather coarse, protective tone softening upon seeing the downtrodden face of, well, his only friend. "Liz...what happened, girl?" He seemed to know already, but...once Liz's eyes met his and she knew he could see the suffering in the cold ice of her eyes....she broke down in that instant, clinging to the scruffy veteran's camo jacket and sobbing deeply nestled into his shoulder. Mike...even he could feel the very pain he saw in those blue eyes of his friend. He sighed, his muscular arms encircling the poor girl, a gentle reassurance as he hugged Liz, "Hey hey....it's gonna be okay, Liz."

"No it won't, Mike..." Liz whimpered amidst her tears streaming down her cheeks, soaking into Mike's coat no less. "I'm...I'm so fucking stupid..."

Mike frowned, patting Liz on the back while he kept her in the comfort of his arms. The poor kid, she was torn to bits over this girl, which he figured that was what it was Liz was crying about. Either way, the ex-Marine may have had a calloused outer shell, but inside was indeed a heart that felt...and had seen so much. A broken heart was no stranger to him. "You really liked her, didn't you kid?" Liz...she was a bit taken aback how Mike knew. Yes, he told her about Jennifer the day she and the girl first met, but.... well, she reckoned he just put two and two together. Weakly she nodded, a few sniffles. The man, softly he smiled, taking the sleeve of his jacket to dry the girl's eyes. "Liz..." He sighed. "You've been there for me many times, like when those kids threw beer bottles at my head. Remember? You pulled out your switchblade and said you'd fuck them up if they did that again. You always acted like you were tough, that you could take on the whole damn world with just your bare hands. But...even underneath that hard exterior of yours, I had a feeling there was tender heart somewhere, a heart belonging to a girl who's been through so much in her life, her only choice was to get tough or die. And now that I see that heart's breaking, I want to be there for you, Liz. She'll come back, and if she don't...well...as much as it hurts, you can't let it get to you."

Liz...she's dealt with this pain before. Jen wasn't her first....but it was so different this time. She honestly felt as if...she could die of a broken heart. "Thanks...Mike..." She whispered letting go of him and slipping away from his arms. "I think...I'm gonna wander for a bit more. I need time...to process all of this." Mike nodded, "Okay, but don't you be doing anything reckless. Trust me, you ain't the only one who's had their heart broke by a girl. You do some crazy shit sometimes...just thinking it'll numb the pain." By his words...Liz assumed Mike had walked this same trodden path. There wasn't alot she knew about the man, other than he was a veteran wrongly treated by all, his family, his country, and now apparently...someone he deeply loved. "I won't." She agreed. Hell, the only reckless thing she'd probably do would be scoring some weed and smoking the whole bag till her brains were burned out and she lost all touch with reality.

But right now...she didn't feel like getting high, or drunk. For now...she just wanted to wander. "I'll see you later, Mike." She sighed giving a small wave. Mike returned, "Okay kid. Don't worry. Everything works out in the end." Lightly he grinned. Liz tried to smile back, but every attempt to display a false happiness just seemed to fall flat.

She kept on walking down the sidewalk, the brisk air piercing through even the thick fabric of her jacket and causing her to shiver, huddling her arms as close as she could to find some shred of warmth. Not too sooner, she had come across a sign hanging above her that read ~CAFE ROYAL~.

The place was more or less a hang out for all the hipsters and artsy folk of the city, as it appeared by the decor and, in Liz's opinion, the exceptionally tasteful music. Maybe a cup of coffee would lighten her spirits, even if it was getting dark again. Dark...that reminded her... Just let her go, Liz....

She stumbled in, getting a few glances from some of the patrons, few for that matter. She sat down in a booth, setting her guitar by her side and resting her head on the table with a sigh. Minutes later, a blonde haired girl wearing a plain black apron and her hair in a tight bun approached her, a friendly smile upon her face as she asked Liz, "What can I get you, hun?"

Liz perked up a little, looking at the young waitress. She had to be around her age honestly, and yet...to Liz she looked a bit familiar...as though she's seen her somewhere before. Her name tag said Christy; Liz didn't know that name, but her face, definitely recognizable. "Just a small coffee. Two sugars." She replied. "Coming right up." Christy said with a light giggle, but before she turned to leave, Liz stopped her, "Wait umm...Christy, right?" The blonde turned on her heels answering, her eyebrow raised slightly, "Umm, yeah." But as it turned out, she too recognized Liz. "Hey wait a sec. Weren't you at Kitten's the other night? You know, that lesbian club on the far side of town?"

Guilty as charged Liz thought, and yes, she knew who Christy was....the girl she saw Jen hooking up with that night. "Eh, you caught me." She shrugged giving a small, weak chuckle. "I was just looking for a drink that night. Wasn't really in the mood for some action. You?"

Christy blushed a little. She was there alright, but for a drink, no. She had...other reasons. A tad nervous she giggled, "Well...I was there the other night looking for a good time. My girlfriend broke up with me a few days ago and I just needed something to get her off my mind...even if it was just sex with some random chick." Some random chick, that slighted Liz a little how she referred to Jennifer, nevertheless she kept her emotions at bay, resuming to listen. "I hooked up with this one prostitute, eh...Jen I think her name was. She was really cute, and oh my god she was amazing in bed. I think we did it like six times that night. She had really good stamina, but I could barely keep up." She soon realized how much she rambled on, her blush indeed quite present upon her cheeks. "Oh, sorry! I uh... I probably spoiled your appetite, didn't I?"

Liz shook her head, though it did perturb her somewhat listening to Christy recount her tryst with Jen, "It's cool. Ain't the first lurid tale I've heard."

"But you know something." Christy continued, her smile fading into a small frown. "I couldn't help but think of how....sad she looked when we were doing it, like she didn't enjoy it at all. It didn't kill the mood or anything, but....that poor girl.. She looked so dead inside. I let her use my shower and help herself to whatever was in the house, thinking maybe it would cheer her up. Gee, it must really suck being a prostitute, huh?"

"I wouldn't know really." Liz mumbled. Just hearing that alone...it was enough to bring tears back to her eyes, but quick she was to suppress the urge to break down crying again, clenching tight her fist under the table and taking a deep, ragged breath inwards to her lungs quivering. "So, do you think you'll ever see her again?"

"Doubt it." Christy shrugged with a sigh. "The club scene's not really my bag. I mean, it was totally fun hooking up with Jen for one night, but I wouldn't make a habit out of it. I still love my girlfriend Delilah very much, and I'm hoping one day she'll come back to me, and well...even if she doesn't, I'll still love her."

Again Liz was fighting back the tears, an uphill struggle it felt as tighter she balled her fists, until her knuckles were turning white. "That's very sweet of you." She said, a rather fragile smile crossing her lips faintly. But to Christy, even if Liz wasn't laying her head on the table and crying a river to flood the entire damn cafe, the young waitress could tell the black haired girl was hurting pretty bad. "Hey..." She cooed softly with a warm smile, an unexpected but comforting hand resting on Liz's shoulder trembling a bit. "Don't worry about paying for the coffee, hun. It's on the house."

"Thanks." Quietly Liz replied, now with a more genuine expression. The waitress then left her side and returned to the counter to make Liz's coffee. Meanwhile, she stared out the window, gazing through the frosted glass onto the menagerie of city lights gleaming in the velvet of the night, the passing gleam of cars and buses every now and again. Many thoughts crossed her mind, but....one was predominant.

Jennifer... Liz wondered if she would see her again, and...if like how Christy was with Delilah, if Jen didn't come back to her...if she would have the same feelings always...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 44 min ago

Roxy headed to the hotel. It was in good shape. Almost perfect in fact. She knew that there was a chance that someone would take interest in it. But she doubted it. It was in a bad neighborhood. She made her way to the place she had called home for almost a year now. "It has over a hundred rooms. All of them have been striped down but there are still a few supplies like towels, and soaps. No water or heat though. It is a decent building. You can have any room you want. Except the managers. I have take steps to secure every door but the front door." Her room was closest to the front door so that she could protect the property she considered her own.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen wasn't sure where she was. She'd wandered for a few hours, before finding herself in some random nightclub.
"Hey good looking," said a sleazy sounding voice, a man leaning against the wall next to her, "How about you and I go have some fun outside?"
Jen blinked and looked at the guy, before bursting out laughing. The guy looked slightly annoyed at this.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I've just had a shitty day. I don't like guys anyway," she said.
The guy looked disappointed, before walking off. Jen shook her head, her melancholy mood settling back in.

She decided to head back out, walking out om to the streets and looking around. All she could see was some guy sitting just inside an alley, a bottle of Jack Daniels next to him. She walked over to him, noting the dog tags around his neck.
"Excuse me sir, sorry to disturb you, but where am I?" She asked him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago



"Huh? What?"

Mike nearly jumped out of his skin upon hearing a young woman's voice. He had been having...those dreams again, and how they always ended the same, fire and blood, dead bodies all around him, the young Marine clad in his blood soaked combat gear. In his arms...one of his dying brothers choking on red, viscous fluid and metal fragments sticking from his neck. Helicopters soaring over his head as he wrenched back and screamed to the burning skies above...in pain, anger, and sorrow... The war had changed him so much, Mike barely recognized himself anymore.

The scruffy man rubbed his eyes, taking another swig of lukewarm whiskey down his gullet. Fire water, the Native Americans called whiskey, and damn did this one have a good burn to it. He then looked over the girl in front of him, noting her wild colored hair, his vision blurry a bit before it set in and he got a good view of her. "You lost or something, ma'am?" His voice a tad hoarse as he asked, a small cough to clear his throat. Mike figured she had to be around Liz's age....which he wondered, was this her?

"A bit late to be walking around, don't you think? Especially around these parts. You never know what kind of sleazebags could be lurking in these alleys these days. A pretty girl like you, heh, you're pretty much fresh meat to them." Mike chuckled as if he were telling a joke, but in all seriousness he did have concern for the girl.


After she downed the last sip of her coffee, Liz sighed setting the small cup aside and slumping back in the booth, gazing out the window per usual. She had thought the warmth of the coffee would be enough to soothe the callous chill around her heart, but even so, she could feel it inside her, hurting still. Jen had every right to be angry with her, over the way she acted, and how she treated the only girl who meant the world to her...and so much more. Even more it pained Liz to think back on those few hours, how frigid and bitter she was towards Jennifer, the disdain she had for all those women she slept with....and how Jen had to force herself through it all...

She hurt Jen, and she hurt her bad.... This, Liz deserved.

Christy returned a few moments later to take up her empty cup, still seeing that Liz was downtrodden as the black haired girl barely spoke a word to the waitress. "Everything okay, hun?" She asked, genuinely concerned for Liz. Liz shrugged with another empty sigh, her eyes still tired and bloodshot. How many tears has she shed since then? "Hmm? Yeah, just..." She replied, shortly cut off by Christy, "Thinking about her, aren't you?"

Liz, she was surprised no less this waitress had her all figured out just with a simple glance. But in her profession, she must've seen quite a few broken spirits lingering about this place, seeking some sort of solace....even if it was just from a cup of coffee. The girl nodded slowly, the only reply she gave as she hung her head down, already her eyes feeling heavy again and stinging quite a bit. Christy smiled, another comforting hand resting on Liz's shoulder, "It'll be okay, sweetie. I'm sure she's probably thinking about you right now." Assuming that a girl was the cause of all of Liz's heartache...which was true, but not just any girl. "You want another coffee?" She asked. Politely and quietly Liz declined the offer, "Nah, I'm good. Thanks."

"No problem." Christy replied, then her eyes trailed from Liz over to her guitar beside her. "Hey. Cool guitar. You a musician?"

"Sorta. Why?" Liz inquired raising an eyebrow. Christy answered, "Oh, well umm, sorry if I'm changing the subject here, but a friend of mine owns this bar on Cranberry Street called Jackson Hill. He's looking for some local acts to play there every Friday night, kind of a thing to bring in more customers really. You should probably check it out. Seth, umm that's the guy, said he's paying $200 for every gig, and if you're good he might pay you more." Liz's eyebrow rose a bit more at that. $200 had a nice ring to it, alot more than she got just playing for random people in the street.

With $200 a night, she would be set. Better yet, she could help out Mike. She owed him that much for all the guy did for her, and after all he had been through, he certainly earned a better life for himself.

But also....if she ever saw her again, she could help Jennifer. She wouldn't need to sell her body every night and damage her soul, just for the sake of living another day. She wouldn't have to be some random chick or some play thing for the evening for some bitch's pleasure. No....for $200 a night....she could be Liz's.

Liz just had one question, a smile inching across her lips, "Where did you say that bar was again?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


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*Jerad nods and continues to walk with her to the hotel, looking at her for a moment before looking back ahead* "Alright, sounds interesting. We'll have to look at it once we get there." *He doesn't know what she is going for, but he doesn't trust her. She is being too nice for someone to trust so quickly. He still has his guard up about her as they walk for what it seems to be the hotel*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 44 min ago

Roxy lead her to a small hotel just inside the rough side of town. It was white. It was in good condition. There was a few cracks but there was no obviously signs of damage. She went up to the door. She tinkered with the lock until picked the lock that she had installed. It wasn't high class but it wasn't a simple lock to pick either. She opened the door and waited for her to enter. She wasn't being kind or stupid. She knew that the odds were better if a group worked together. But only if the group was trustworthy. Jared had proved that he was capable of caring for others and that she had learned was an import characteristic of a team player.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Yeah, lost. I guess you could say that," she said with a small, painful laugh.
She noted the whiskey he was drinking and wondered if he would be willing to share. She could use something to dull her senses for a while. Something to dull the pain.
"Don't worry about me, I'm used to dealing with sleazy guys. Especially in my line of work," she said, sitting down against the wall opposite the man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"Ain't we all these days." Mike laughed taking another drink, nearly choking on it when he heard the girl mention something about her profession. A sputtering cough racked his throat for a moment before he spoke. "Hey, that's your business, girl. Ain't none of mine. Wanna swig?" He seemed alright with sharing his whiskey with her, even if she was a bit young. He and Liz shared a drink all the time. Liz...he got to thinking about her, and this girl too. "Hey uh, I know it ain't none of my business, but what's your name?"


As it turned out, the bar was called Jackson Hill, a small joint on Cranberry Street, just a couple of blocks from the nearby college. Every night, college kids, artists, hipsters, struggling musicians, and a bunch of other eclectic company would gather here, either to share a drink or two of some of the best drafts, ales, and imported beers and lagers on tap, not to mention a fine selection of bourbons and other whiskeys, vodkas and spirits, have a casual conversation while listening to some choice music and enjoying the lively atmosphere, and maybe meet that special someone.

But as much business as this place got on a few nights, it wasn't really packed when Liz showed up at the front door. Not a single person was sitting at the bar or at any of the tables; the only soul around was just the bartender, who she figured was Seth. He was wiping down the bar when Liz ambled in lugging her guitar on her back, his tired, heavy eyes looking towards the door when he heard the small bell above it chime, then looking at the scraggly, black haired chick standing in front of him. "Sorry." He said with a sigh and an apathetic blink as he resumed wiping down his bar with a damp cloth. "Can't sell you any drinks. It's after hours, and I'm about to go home."

"Oh, that's okay." Liz replied mumbling. "I'm not really looking for a drink. You're...Seth, right?"

Seth shrugged, wringing the cloth in his hands and setting it aside. "Last I checked I was." He quipped dryly, Liz giving a small chuckle. Seth then noticed Liz's guitar, raising an eyebrow and giving a wry smirk; he had a hunch why she was here now, "Let me guess, Christy sent you here." That girl, always hooking Seth up with acts. It's just the last three wasn't his forte, nothing but a bunch of loud and crazy emo punk bands. That might be good for some of the other clubs he's been to, and yeah he's had his fair share of punk, like the Ramones, the Clash, and the Sex Pistols, but at his bar, people came to chill and unwind after a day of classes or work, not to kill in the mosh pit.

"Cute girl, Christy. Too bad she's a lesbian." Seth chuckled. "Yeah, she's hooked me up with some talent in the past. I say talent, but really it was just a bunch of noise. These guys don't know shit about music, just beating the fuck out of their drums and trashing their guitars on stage, screaming like they got their balls caught in a lawnmower. Damn."

Liz couldn't help but giggle at Seth's description, more or less the wit in his voice. Seth resumed, "Nah, what I need is something a bit more...."

"Less earache inducing?" Liz added. "I don't really play much electric, and I'm not a big fan of heavy music, maybe old school stuff like Black Sabbath or Led Zeppelin. Pink Floyd's pretty good too."

Seth grinned, leaning close to the bar as Liz took her seat. "Sounds more like you're trying to hook up with me instead of a gig." He purred. Liz however gave him a smirk and a snicker, "Well, sucks for you cause I'm a lesbian too." That got him. Seth laughed standing up and scratching the back of his head, "Shit. Well that seems to be my luck. Still, nice taste in music. What else do you listen to?" He asked while fishing from his denim vest a crumpled cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag.

Liz shrugged her shoulders, a short sigh, "Eh, just whatever sounds good. I'm more into indie music than anything else. You know, bands like Message To Bears, Syd Matters, Local Natives. You mind if I have one of those?" She asked him motioning to his cigarette.

Seth laughed again handing her one and lighting it for her, "Damn, it does suck you're into chicks. Those are some of my faves." He figured given that, she'd probably be a good pick for some nightly entertainment. Just one thing left, "Tell you what. Why don't you play me something, and if I like it, you got the gig on Friday. Sound cool?"

"Totally." Liz agreed with a bright smile, breathing a mist of smoke into the air. She grabbed her guitar, her hand shaking a bit as she slipped the strap over her head and fiddled in her pocket for her pick. It was different when she was playing in the streets or at the park, mostly because she wasn't thinking of anything. Here, she didn't want to fuck up possibly her only opportunity at a well paying job. A few slow, steady breaths she took inward and exhaled calmly, playing a few strings trying to find the right sound. Then, once she had it down in her mind and on the frets, she began to play for real, putting all her heart into the lyrics and the melody she composed from just a simple wooden acoustic. At that point, everything just seemed to disappear from her, the bar, Seth. She wasn't so worried about screwing up in front of him now or if her singing voice sucked or the tone of her guitar was either too high or too low. Instead, she just focused on the music as it was.

Seth stood there while she played. Unbeknownst to her, his head was bobbing slightly with the tempo, a rather coy smile curling his lips while he finished up his smoke and snuffed it out on the bar. Liz was pretty good he thought.

Once the girl finished, slipping the strap from her shoulder and setting her guitar down, the last few notes a distant hum, he stood there quietly, a rather mute expression on his face. Shit, that didn't look good, Liz thought. Did she fuck up? Did he not like it? Nervously she chewed at her bottom lip, a perplexed stare towards him in a moment of silence, indeed unnerving silence. "Umm...was that good?" She asked, her tone timid. He didn't say anything, just standing there. Fuck... It was worth a try. Figured I wasn't that good anyways.

But then, to Liz's surprise, clapping ensued from his hands, a wide, jovial grin across Seth's face beaming bright. "You kidding me?" He chuckled giving her a thumbs up. "That was awesome! You got the gig!"

"R-really?!" Liz blurted out excitedly. She nearly fell off her bar stool the moment she heard those four magic words, but yes! She got it! If everything else goes good, she wouldn't have to worry about money anymore....and neither would Jen.

This was perfect!

But....if only she could find Jennifer and tell her the good news...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


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*He walks in with her after she picked the lock, not knowing if she put it on or if it was already there. But he wasn't going to ask anything yet. All he wanted was to look around at what she had to offer, say something about talking to Rebecca about it and leave. This place gives him that feeling that he's being watched, but isn't that with many places anymore? He took glances at the rooms in the place as he went through the hall one the first floor* "Seems bare, not alot here. Been living here for some time?" *He looks over at her before looking up the stairs, it looked like a pretty big building. Most likely can hold quite a few people, and in his thoughts it would just be two to each room from what it looks* "Any of the building caved in? Big building, but need to know if it's stable. Rather not have the place come down around our heads in the middle of the night if you catch what I mean."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen took the offered bottle and drank from it like a thirsty dog who had just seen water, swallowing about a quarter of what remained, wiping her mouth with the sleeve of her hoodie.
"My name is Jennifer, but you can call me Jen. And yes, before you ask, I am a prostitute," She said, handing the bottle back to him, "What about yourself?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Yep, it was her, but for now Mike wouldn't mention anything about Liz or how torn up she was over Jennifer. Besides, he didn't even know half of what went on between these two.

"Oldest known profession, right?" Mike chuckled then sighed resting against the wall . "Me, just your average bum. Before that I was a combat medic in the Marines. Did about three tours in Afghanistan before I was discharged in 09." What he didn't tell her was how he lost his mind during the war and ended up drinking his whole life away. It was the only way he could cope with the pain.

Speaking of pain, Mike seemed to notice alot in Jen. "If you ask me, Jen, I don't think you're lost. I think you're looking for someone."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen laughed at that.
"What makes you say that? Most people would think that a prostitute doesn't need to look for anyone. They have enough people already," She said, leaning her head against the wall, "Besides, how do you know I don't have anyone? I might have a cute girlfriend for all you know."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago



"Oh trust me. I know you do." Mike replied with a smirk. Only this girlfriend he had no idea was. He only hoped that Liz wasn't out doing anything stupid and that she would come back. She might be in for one hell of a surprise to find Jen sitting here beside him. "And I'm guessing you and her had a little spat, huh?" He added taking one last sip of what was left of his whiskey before chucking the bottle away.


Liz was on a bit of a high for the moment after she left Seth's bar, excited as hell she landed the Friday gig. This was it, this was going to be the start of her new life. She had a good feeling about it, but....sadly those feelings began to dissipate as her mind wandered back to Jennifer. The girl was probably still mad at her. Hell, Liz would be too if Jen acted the same towards her, except...even if Liz was angry or pissed off, she still wouldn't hate that girl and would do anything for her....anything...

Shortly, her smile faded, the sun of optimism that once hung over her shoulders now obscured and blackened by the thick shadows of rolling storm clouds, and a downpour of depression that was soon to follow. Jen...wherever you are... I hope that you can forgive me... She sighed and resumed her pace up the sidewalk. Since the cops kicked her out of the park and were sure to arrest her if she was there again, she had to find somewhere else to sleep for the night.

Well....as much as she railed against the idea, there was still that one apartment....

The place where she and Jennifer....shared something so...intimate...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen narrowed her eyes suspiciously. This guy seemed to know an awful lot for some random tramp.
"You know her, don't you?" She asked cautiously, "You've talked to her about what happened."
She wondered if this guy was annoyed with her because of what she had said to Liz. She wondered if Liz was annoyed at what she had said. Had she screwed everything up?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


Then Mike nodded, "Yes I do. Her name's Elizabeth, Liz for short, and right now, I think she's out there looking for you. Now, I don't know what all went on, and frankly it's mostly your business, but Jen... she blames herself for everything that went wrong between you two. Every ill word she had to say, it was mostly towards her and not you. I'm guessing she really likes you and wants you to forgive her. I don't know where she is, and I hope to God she's okay." He paused, a brief sigh as his lips curled into a pang of deep concern.


There wasn't much to the place. A matress, a few pillows, and one dingy, slightly cracked, dust covered window that looked out over the city skyline, the pale light of the moon piercing through the thin film of dirt and grime and cascading over the mattress as if to indicate to Liz....this was her place to rest for now. And so it was.

She didn't want to come back here, not after everything. Those memories, not yet distant, but still something she so deeply cherished. Now they felt like tiny needles pricking at the surface of her skin. "Home sweet home....or whatever..." She muttered to herself in a bitter sigh and stepped into the room. When she was with Jen here, she didn't seem to notice how run down and decrepit this place was. The wallpaper was peeling away, revealing the sheet rock and mortar that had been chipped away by so many years of abandonment. The floorboards creaked and groaned with each step of her foot, and echoed throughout the empty, dead space. The air around Liz so cold, musty and unforgiving now, different when she was wrapped in the warmth of Jennifer's arms, overtaken by such a passionate heat.

It was as she kicked her shoes off and laid on the bed...facing towards where her favorite girl once laid...the realization had set in. And it set in with such a sucker punch right in her stomach.

The pain...it was so much worse this time, because Liz realized....she was alone. The tears streamed down her cheeks and soaked into the ratty pillow she buried her face in, not even caring if it smelled of mildew and what else. She was alone now....

...but would she be alone forever?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 44 min ago

"It's an abandon building. It's suppose to be bare. That's sort of the point. If it had more in it that would mean that someone was still interested in the building. I don't want a place someone else is interested in. Yes it is a big building which can cause some difficulties but I know how to make it safe. Not many people can get into it." Roxy explained. She had taken steps to make sure that the ground floor some skill to get in. It wasn't completely safe but it was as safe as she could make it for now. "As far as I can tell the building is sound. There is no caves. A few cracks but none of them are serious. I heard it was shut down because it would have cause too much to make it handicap accessible."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


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"Well I can understand that, just saying. It will take some work to put stuff in and make it a little livelier then just some blankets on the floor is all." *He looks around and nods to her as she speaks about the state of the building, that it's physically stable to live in* "Well with a little work, we can do a lot. If I know Rebecca she will be the one helping with planning and such." *Eye rolling at the idea, he was never one for decoration. But if Rebecca wants to, he never tried to stop her unless they were low on money. But he likes the place a bit, it's a lot of room and if Roxy is telling the truth, very secure against those that want to break in. Hard to find places that are hard to break into that are worth even using for a few days, mostly cause of what was inside them* "Well anything else you want to tell me about this place or show me before I go and discuss this with Rebecca?" *He looks over at Roxy, crossing his arms as he waits patiently and stands there before her*
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