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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Do I look like a tour guide? I've helped you all I am going to. I don't work for free. You can look around or go tell Rebecca about the place. I've done my good deed for the day." Roxy told him. She had other things to do. She wanted to secure the first floor some more and start on the second. Most of her money went to making the hotel livable. She knew it needed more then just the basics. But security came first. She worked hard to get her freedom. She wasn't going to give it up easily. She needed to feel safe and that was all the hotel was about. A safe place to build the life she wanted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"That would be lovely, wouldn't it. If I could just forgive her and we could all live happily ever after. And I have forgiven her. I forgave her the moment she said those words. But that's not the problem. I'm the problem," She said, standing up and getting ready to leave, wobbling a little from the whiskey, "I'm not good enough for her. It's myself I haven't forgiven."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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"If that's what you think." Mike quipped shrugging. "But it shouldn't matter what you think about yourself. What should matter is how Liz sees you, and if you ask me, I'd probably say she looks at you like a goddess or something. The moment she told me your name, I had never seen her smile so big before. It's the first time in a while she's been so happy."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"She'll never be truly happy with me. How could she? I fuck a different girl every night, and I spend half my day looking for my next client. Would you be happy with someone like that? With someone who you would kiss, knowing that you're one of hundreds that have kissed those lips," She said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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Mike sighed lowering his head. He figured this would be her answer once he found out Jen was a prostitute. A sad life it seemed, always in bed with some stranger every night, and wasting every day just looking for another. The pay outweighed the consequences, but from seeing Jen and hearing her reaction, he didn't think so.

"Now....I don't know what to say to that." His voice lowered, staggering to his feet and dusting his old, ratty jeans off. "But I think if this is how you feel, you need to tell her. She really likes you Jen, and it might hurt her, but...she might understand as well. I'm heading off. If you ever need to see me again, just check the alleyways. God knows I never leave the damn place." And with that he left.


Liz kept shivering the rest of the night, tossing and turning, unable to find any rest for her wandering mind, so for the time being, she stayed awake, staring through tired, bloodshot eyes at the empty side of the bed she laid in. For a moment, she imagined Jen was there, nestled close to her, a soft, beautiful smile as she slept.

But she wasn't. Liz was alone.

She sighed, pulling herself up with a weary groan. This lumpy mattress wasn't doing her much favor. She sat on the side gazing down at the dusty floorboards, before deciding to grab her guitar.

It seemed music was the only friend she's ever had, so why not? It took her a while to find the right tone playing a couple of chords, but when she had it, Liz just closed her eyes and let her emotions do all the work, strumming the strings and fingering the frets, producing a sound that was as if her guitar was weeping.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 23 min ago


*He doesn't make much of any notion or noise, looking around once more before leaving. Heading out to let her do what she wants, whatever it is. He doesn't care. She showed her the hotel, that's all he cares about. Now to get the info to Rebecca so they can discuss what to do, if he knows her she'll jump at the idea. He doesn't trust that girl, she may look pretty but he knows better. He knows she's hard under the skin, which he can respect to an extent. He grunts a bit at the thought of respecting someone as he heads back, not caring if anyone is in his way. He just wants to be done with the day, some sleep would be nice. He hasn't slept in several days. Silently speaking under his breath* "Oh just let me get back, I wanna get away from this dump of a city and somewhere where I don't have to deal with people..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ever since the dawn of man, cellars have been magnificent places for murder. From documented wall paintings of men being beaten to death underground, to Victorian poetry, such as Edgar Allen Poe's The Black Cat, to 1950s detective films. And all that history of underground killings is what brought both Kiley Kastiron, a bat for hire, and Ted Nimberson, a man who was intent on revealing the dirty secrets of William Salcerbyer, a rich business man. The very same man who hired Kiley. One more important thing you should know about Ted: he only has a few minutes to live, so don't get too attached to him.

And so, Ted Nimberson lay on the floor, bound and gagged, completely defenseless with a teenage girl standing over him, bat in her hands. She let out a frustrated sigh. Over the course of three weeks, she had beaten him, yelled at him, laughed at his pain, and yet he said nothing, even the times when she removed the cloth gagging him from his mouth. Her job was not only to kill the man, but to make him tell her where he was getting his info. And so she did the last thing she could think of. She pulled out a disposable flip phone that had been supplied to her by her employer and dialed his number. "Hey William." she said into the mouth piece (I dunno what it's called). "Ted ain't talkin'. I've tried everything." There was a silence in the room as Kiley listened to the man on the other end. About halfway through, a grin spread across Kiley's face. This scared Ted. This scared Ted real bad. "With pleasure. I'll put the phone in his shirt pocket. You can come get it as well as the rest of the body. He'll be in the cellar I told you about." and with that, she hung up the phone and tucked it in Ted's shirt pocket. She then kneeled next to Ted's bruised and bloodied face and removed the cloth gag. "Two more questions. Where do ya live?" the man, fearing his demise, answered her innocent question. "Apartment 7A of the apartment complex located at 7342 West Street." she gave a small nod, then leaned in and asked her seconds, less innocent question. "What exactly is William Salcerbyer's dirty secret?" the man hesitated, before answering. "He hires hackers to...steal from other people's bank accounts for his own gain." and with that, Kiley stood. "Thank you good sir. Now let's get on with this." she raised her bat and lightly tapping his back, which made him writhe around, struggling. As she tapped his spinal cord, she said, "Enie," then tapped his head. "Meanie," and back to the spinal cord, "Moe," she continued to do this as she spoke the rest of the children's rhyme,"Catcha tiger by the toe. If it hollers, let it go. My mother said to pick the very best one and you are it." she finally stopped, bat resting on the man's head. "What luck. You got the painless way."

Kiley then rose her bat and pulled it down. It landed hard on the man's head, crushing it instantly. Little bits of brain, skull, blood, and pieces of face flew everywhere. Kiley, who was also covered in blood, bent over and pulled Ted's keys and wallet out of his pocket. She checked the contents of the wallet: two twenties. Not much, but she didn't complain. She then walked to the far corner of the room and pulled a towel out of a backpack hidden in the shadows of the dimly lit cellar. She pulled the red sundress she wore off over her head and dried the blood off of herself and her bat with the towel. She then stuffed both the towel and the blood soaked dress and pulled out a second sundress of the same color. She put it on and slung the backpack over her shoulder and exited the cellar.

She walked to the address the man had given her. It wasn't much of a walk, only a few blocks away. Upon arriving at her destination, she was a little surprised. It was a piece of crap. It shouldn't have even been allowed to be called an apartment complex. She sighed and entered, walking up the stairs until she reached 7A. She opened the door and entered, immediately going towards the refrigerator. She popped it open, scanned it, then moved onto the freezer. In there, she found a bucket of Neapolitan icecream. She grinned and opened a random drawer, which luckily was the silverware drawer. She grabbed a spoon and popped the lid off of the bucket and dug in, right there in front of the fridge. She savored the taste, silently enjoying it as well as the guitar music playing from some other room. Kiley had assumed it was one of the neighbors. After all, she did kill the owner of the apartment, so it was impossible there could be someone else there. Right?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy watched Jared leave. She didn't know if he was coming back or not. She wasn't sure that she wanted him to come back or not. She was a loner but she wanted a better life. One she couldn't build on her own. She was fast and skilled but she wasn't smart. She might survive the streets but she could never truly live on streets. She hadn't fight to get her freedom only to lose it again. She was going to enjoy being free. One way or another. She headed out. She needed food and supplies still.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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@Framing A Moose

Chapter 4: My Bed Sucks. Can I Sleep in Yours?


Suddenly she stopped playing, startled by a rustling of sorts she heard....from within the apartment.

Wait, wasn't this place supposed to be abandoned? Liz was sure, but that wasn't the case it seemed. She set her guitar down carefully, trying her best not to make any further sounds. All she needed was to be caught trespassing to add to the melancholy mixtape that was her life at this point. The cops wouldn't be too friendly with her either, probably roughing her up a bit before throwing her in jail like the rest of the downtrodden homeless. She gulped, a bit too audibly a sharp swallow of air pushing down her throat, her hand reaching behind in her back jean pocket for her small switchblade knife. Slowly, ever so, she approached the door, hugging the wall as tight as she could.

Worst case scenario, it wasn't the supposed owner of the apartment and the place was abandoned. Which would mean it was either some junkie fucked out of his mind on drugs or a couple of gangbangers looking for some hell to raise. Either of the two Liz didn't want to suspect, and just her and a knife alone wouldn't be much against a pack of thugs or one screwed up meth head. The least she could hope for was to stab one guy quick so she could get away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen watched him walk off, letting out a sigh, her head thumping against the wall. She sat there for a while, not caring when it started to drizzle rain. Eventually she got up, deciding to head for a club to try and find tonights client. She didn't want to, but she had to if she planned on eating tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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She probably wasn't gonna go back there for a while, but thankfully she made her move quick to get out of there and not have to hurt anyone. Who knows who that person was or what the hell they would have done to her? By the time Liz made it outside, a cold drizzle was beginning to overtake the midnight air, a chilling dew kissing her skin and causing her to shiver slightly. "Guess I need to find somewhere else to sleep..." She muttered, shoving her hannds in the pockets of her hoodie and carrying on down the sidewalk.

A few feet or so....and a familiar sight had caught Liz's eye. Was it....? No, it couldn't have been, but nevertheless, it didn't hurt to probably find out. Closer she walked to the girl, and by the time she was within arm's length of her, Liz reached out and lightly tapped her shoulder, "Hey uh...do I know you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen blinked and turned around, tears swelling in her eyes when she saw who it was.
"I don't know. Do you know me?" She asked, "Do you really know who I am? Or do you just know the mask, the girl who sleeps with someone new every night? I don't know if that is the real me or not."
She looked terrible, the alcohol not having helped with the bloodshot eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 8 mos ago


"Jen...." It was her, but... Poor Jen. Liz nearly gasped at the sight of her, surprised to see her again, but also...quite taken aback by her somber expression and the tears welling up in her tired bloodshot eyes.

She didn't say anything else. Immediately seeing Jennifer again, Liz just wanted to throw her arms around her and pull her into a hug.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kiley continued to eat her blissful, three-flavored dessert. But she thought it was lacking something. Of course! Chocolate syrup. She once again opened the refrigerator door, and looked completely through it. But, to her displeasure, she found no sugary sauce of awesomeness. "No chocolate syrup?!" she muttered. "That ass fucker! I'm gonna kill that son of a...oh wait...crap..." she then pointed up towards the sky. "Ha ha," she said,"You just had to have the last laugh. Well enjoy it, Mr. Have-No-Head, cause when I get up there with you, your gonna have an eternity of ass whoo-" she was cut off as she heard something. Or rather, stopped hearing something: the music. It was replaced by gentle footsteps somewhere in the apartment, then nothing. Kiley raised her eyebrows and lifted her bat off of it's resting position, leaning on the counter. She raised it in the air with her right hand while carrying the syrupless ice cream bucket in her left. She first checked the bathroom. Nothing. She stepped back and looked to the only other door. It must've led to the bedroom, unless this guy just slept on the ground. She slowly walked forward, and opened the door. Inside there was few things. A bed, a dresser, and a basket with clothes in it. And a guitar. An acoustic guitar. This brought a grin to Kiley's face. "Oooooh, spooky. Perhaps Dr. Decapitated enjoyed playing music in his day...and perhaps his ghost still does." she said, raising both hands and began waving them. "Spoooooooky." she said, before leaning the bat on the be and putting the icecream on the bed. She picked up the guitar and strummed it. It let out a simple but beautiful musical sound. Kiley's grin widened. "I like this thing...I like this thing a lot."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy read rumors of a new gang in town. She frown at that. It was bad enough in the streets as it was. They didn't need a new gang trying to claim territory. The rumors worried her not just because of the violence on the streets. She knew that her father was still looking for her. She was a minor. If her father's men found her they would take her back and she wasn't going to go back. No matter what the cost. She headed downtown to investigate and get something to eat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LiegeLord


Member Seen 23 min ago


*He would be continuing along the path, heading back to Rebecca and the place they were staying at. Passing along the alleyways and look into them at times. He hasn't found anyone real of interest yet, might say hi to that man that helped with the medicine earlier. Hopefully it helps anyway. Stopping across an older looking building and sighs, would be nice to have a place to call his own. But with his past and everything, that was a hopeless quest. He knew better. It wasn't as old as other buildings around here, people still live here. Renting out rooms to use as a place*

*He looks at his hand for a moment, no reason really but he felt weird there. His right hand had a slight pain in his thumb, but it's always done that to him. He's lived with it. And it doesn't always stick around, it's periodic. But it's enough to annoy him at times. Shaking his hand off of the pain as he looks at the building. He heard someone playing an instrument up there, he doesn't know who though, may be best if he doesn't try to figure it out. He might get into trouble, and then Rebecca would suffer from it*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Carlsberg

Carlsberg A Shitty Beer

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Jen burst into tears, her hands flying to cover her face. She sank down to the ground, ending up leaning against the wall of the building next to them.
"I'm sorry," She said, whacking her head against the wall, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
Eventually she stopped, her head buried in her knees, her arms hugging her legs to her closely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

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@Framing A Moose@Carlsberg

Liz frowned falling to her knees as well beside Jen, both arms tenderly wrapped around the poor girl with her head resting against her. "Jen....no. I'm sorry. I'm the one who hurt you. It's my fault.... Please don't cry anymore..." She too couldn't help but fall into tears beside her, but then she heard something. "My guitar? Oh shit!" She left it back at the apartment, and now someone had it. "Fuck! No! I need that for Friday!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Roxy walked down the streets. She watched out for familiar faces. She was worried that the new gang was her father's or atleast had some of his men. She knew that he wouldn't stop looking for her. Not after she had pissed off his boss. She wasn't going to go back. She didn't care what it took to keep her freedom. She would do it. She would kill as many people as she had to. She didn't think of herself as a killer but she would become one to be free.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Always
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Always Squish Chicken

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A girl walked down the sidewalk. She eyed the others who were doing the same and sighed a bit. She took a turn and went into an convenient store. She didn't have any money, but she did have skill and haven't eaten at all that day. She looked around the store for something to eat as she placed her hands into her pocket.
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