Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chatterbird


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Welcome to my permanently-in-progress partner search! I'll be updating this bad boy as often as I can manage, so you're hopefully seeing an up-to-date version of what I'm currently looking for as far as 1x1 rps goes. I'll be using sections to make things easier to read and look over for specific details, but please read everything over at least once!

About Chatterbird

First of all, I'm extremely likely to have a bout of depression one day or another should our partnership be lengthy enough and so may need some days to recover from time to time. If the idea of having to wait once told that I need some time to be fit to write again bother you, I'm sorry to say we will not match. Not all is doom and gloom, however, on the contrary! On most day I am fond of silly and cute things, love to laugh and am an avid plotter that chat way too much with my partners.

I'm nearing my twenty-fifth birthday this spring and while mostly broke I am the proud owner of a few classic videogames/series and have access to a good amount of books via my local library, not to mention the many manga that are available online so we'll hopefully be alright as far as fandoms goes. I play both males and females along with a variety of side characters, and am happy to play out any type of pairings.

What I'm looking for in a rp partner is...

I want us to be as friendly as we can, exchanging ideas for the story along with any news that may affect our posting schedule. You saw a funny video that reminded you of our rp, send it right in, I'm all for silliness and plot bunnies as well!

Patience is key. Like I mentioned earlier, there will be time when I can barely plot ahead, never mind write. It will pass with time but patience will be needed from your part. I'll be doing my best to allow you your time in return.

I really like lengthy post, but please only write as much as your current inspiration allows. That said, I'm looking for at least a small amount of paragraphs a post, give me a bone and I'll give you back equal amount (or as close as that as possible) of plot hooks!

Willingness to take on side characters is definitely a plus, as is coming to me with an idea already in mind either of your own or taken and expended from my own list of plots!

Finally, I'd prefer partners who can play both genders, and will refuse anyone who will limit me to my own gender.

More coming soon!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Hello there.

I find myself relating to much of your post. I'm 25 myself and have had bouts of depression but thanks to therapy, I haven't had any real dark days for several years now. One day at a time right? But my point was, I know what it's like when you don't feel like writing or doing much of anything. I'll try not to take it personally if things need to be put on hold for a while, if need be. Of course I'm happy to lend an ear if venting/rambling is needed.

I'm on the cusp of finally getting out of college so I'm pretty busy with class, commuting, trying to find a job in the real world for once, etc. So I don't need posts to come too frequently for the sake of having a brisk pace. I've had RPs carry on for years with some periods where there would be months between posts because both of us had a lot on our plate. But I am trying to make more time for the Guild again, as I was once very active in the community and I do miss it.

Now in terms of my style...I do like to write a lot. I am an English major. But if we both establish a general range in terms of a post's size, I can stick to it. So if I need to edit and write a little less, I'm happy to do so, as long as I'm asked and not just dropped without warning after I spend a lot of time writing say, a nine paragraph post. I play either gender quite happily and also dislike when people seem to clamor for one gender without bothering to expand their horizons a little. Mature things are fine with me and now that I am older, I find I do prefer adding them in my stories a bit subtly.

And in regards to what I RP? Well I do like fandoms (movies, tv, books, etc) but I am also fine with something more original. If we did something that way, I do like fantasy and cyberpunk stuff. I'm a sucker for romance and slice of life. Mystery could be fun too though post-apoc and military things are a little outside of my comfort zone. I'm also not fond of roleplaying as animals, just not my thing. So if you're game for plotting, that's awesome cause I'd love to get some more 1x1 RPs back under my belt. If not though, that's cool and I wish ya luck all the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chatterbird


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Genkai Really sorry for the wait, I had a rough week again. Anyways, I'd be happy to plot something with you if you're still interested!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EzrealEz
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EzrealEz Badass Potato

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Heyya! I'm interested to do some RPs with you. I will send you am PM!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Genkai
Avatar of Genkai

Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Genkai Really sorry for the wait, I had a rough week again. Anyways, I'd be happy to plot something with you if you're still interested!

It's okay, life happens.

I'm still up to brainstorm and see what can happen, sure!
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