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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Leoven
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Leoven 2016431146

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kriisa Acillus

Kriisa Acillus

Standing at five foot four with a rather slender physique, Kriisa is quite small compared to the bulky Nords of Skyrim. Her light blonde hair and pale countenance allowed her to blend in easily enough in compensation for her height. Hidden underneath her armor is a tattoo of the Thieves Guild shadowmark meaning "protected" placed on her back. More often than not, she can be seen in her armor either doing bounty quests for certain holds or hunting for her next meal. Inside cities, the Dwemer goggles that usually cover her light green eyes can be found hanging around her neck, which is a reminder of her fighting abilities despite wearing normal clothing.

Much like the other members of the Dark Brotherhood, Kriisa enjoys killing. She held no hatred for people and, in fact, finds that she enjoys their company. People simply fascinated her - the way they lived and the way they drew their last breaths under the tip of her dagger. Murderous - maniacal even - but never hateful. Kriisa also holds a strong sense of family and is someone who would always put the Brotherhood, the Guild, and all her other allies above all else. Being quite young, she also holds a somewhat childish attitude, sometimes acting ridiculously selfish or demanding, but only those close to her see this side to her.

The Lover
Dark Brotherhood

Major Skills:
Sneak | Speech | Archery | Illusion | Light Armor
Minor Skills:
Conjuration | One-handed | Lockpicking

Kriisa lived most of her young life in the rotting sewers of the so-called town of thieves, Riften. She had been born into the Thieves Guild - her father being one of the guild's members and her mother's identity then unknown to her - but she never had the affinity to steal material objects. Stealth nor the use of her skills in persuasion hadn't been the problem. It was the fact that ever since the guild had begun to send her out on jobs, she had never completed a task without something being faulty. Of course, they had expected mistakes from such a young thief and they had been prepared to tolerate it for the sake of their fellow member, but when the bodies began to pile up in front of their doorstep the guild knew what it had to do.

Kriisa's father had been given a choice. Come the 13th celebration of Kriisa's birth and she was still in the cistern without a flawless job to her name, she and her father would be thrown out like trash. Her father, not wanting the consequences of his daughter's constant outbursts, attempted to wane Kriisa's bloodlust during her missions. It was to no avail and the ninth of Sun's Dawn was fast approaching, so Kriisa's father had placed her on a carriage with a note tucked to her tunic. When she had awoken, she found herself in Falkreath with a blonde woman with a kind smile awaiting her. This woman, Astrid, had led her to her new home.

The Dark Brotherhood. Astrid knew the moment Kriisa stepped off the carriage that she had also been one blessed by Sithis. The bloodlust had arrived in her earlier than most, but in the Family that only served as a much appreciated advantage. She began her training under her new brothers and sisters, and she found that the way she performed the jobs pleased her fellow members, unlike in the Thieves Guild. She still maintained contact with her father - as there still existed the alliance between the guild and the brotherhood - and for once, everything seemed to be going well.

Then came Kriisa's 19th winter and a very high paying job that Astrid had reserved especially for her. Before, Kriisa's targets had mainly been simple - miners, farmers, and the like - and she had grown weary of sending their souls to Sithis after years of doing the same thing over and over, and Astrid had known this. That was why the job had been given to Kriisa. Astrid had no other reason, but it seemed as though fate did. Her target then was a thane of Markarth that a Forsworn leader had wanted dead. It seemed easy enough and the excitement of being asked to shed the woman's blood in a public area had been seductive. But then Kriisa's eyes met the woman and she stopped. Unable to draw the knife hidden inside her clothes or to move at all. There had been a recognition, something Kriisa could not explain. She had wanted to run, but then the thane was holding her, bawling about lost years. A crowd was starting to form around them and Kriisa seemed to finally gain control of herself again. Kriisa drank the invisibility potion to escape the commotion, but the blood in her hands was still warm and the woman's parting words still rang in her ears. I'm sorry.

Kriisa returned home to Astrid, determined not to let something like that stop her again. She had shown emotion, remorse for a target and that just wouldn't do. Never again, she swore. She had her family in the brotherhood and that was all she needed. She had them. She wasn't left wanting.

Meeting the Dragonborn had been, in a word, interesting. They had been after the same person - a slimy Argonian by the name of Jaree-Ra. The two of them had met at the entrance of the cave, weapons drawn, but both knew that there were bigger fish to catch. A temporary truce was formed as they slashed through waves of enemies and in the end, mutual appreciation bloomed. The Dragonborn had asked Kriisa to join him in his quest to destroy Alduin and Kriisa, after asking for permission from Astrid, had agreed. She had accompanied the small group of heroes the Dragonborn had rounded up whenever she could. There were times when she had to leave them at Astrid's behest but she was always prepared to help them. She could kill to her pleasure and she was helping a great cause while having fun with friends. What could be greater than that?

Power, apparently. Kriisa had been there in Whiterun drinking the same mead as Starkad when his dragons attacked and he announced himself to be Dovhahsken. Kriisa had been there to watch a friend fall. Kriisa had watched it all and been unable to do anything.

She had taken the lead at organizing a band of people to defeat Starkad. The bloodthirst inside her had awoken like a beast that had not tasted meat for centuries. It was a lust like no other and she swore on the life of the Dragonborn that she would have the Dovhahsken's head on a pike.

• She wears the Crimson Archer Armor (Immersive Armor) set during battle and Dwemer goggles(Wet and Cold) that improve her vision and accuracy.
• She uses a Stahlrim Bow smithed by the Dragonborn and given to her as a gift. The set of soul trap enchanted ebony bows she uses had been a gift from Starkad and she longs to use it against him.
• Some of her favourite spells are Bend Will and Trickster for the Illusion school of magic, and Conjure Winged Twilight for Conjuration (Lost Grimoire) but rarely uses them in normal combat since they take too long to charge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Tacitus Augustus
Age: 30
Race: Imperial
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Appearance: Tacitus stands about 6ft and has a lithe yet strong build. He wears his brown hair short, though you wouldn't know it, as he tends to leave it obscured by the hood he is almost certainly to be found wearing. Due to the nature of his work Tacitus is rarely found not wearing his armour, and typically carries all of his most important possessions in the plethora of pouches and pockets that dot his armour.

Personality: Tacitus is a quiet man except around those he trusts, though such souls are few and far between. A man possessed of an immense intellect he is not prone to rash tendencies and is rather calculating in all his dealings. Above all else he is secretive, he loves nothing more than to learn but he is hesitant to share what he knows, and he will rarely tell someone all he knows about a matter.

Class: Imperial Agent (A combination of spellsword and rogue)
Birthsign: The Shadow
Faction: Imperial Legion/Synod

Major Skills: One handed, Destruction, Sneak, Light Armour, Lockpicking
Minor Skills: Restoration, Speech craft, Alteration

History: Tacitus hails from a small town that borders Skyrim and Cyrodil just north of Bruma. As a boy he lived a relatively normal life, his father was a Legionary stationed as the commander of the guard. His mother meanwhile was a talented mage who travelled around Cyrodil completing various pieces of research.

Tacitus and his younger brothers would always rush to meet their mother and to hear about her adventures when she came home. It is from here that Tacitus gained his inquisitive nature and also his lust for adventure. His father noted this when Tacitus was still young, and fearful that his eldest son might put himself in harms way, set about instilling him with a sense of duty and teaching him how to fight.

When Tacitus' father wasn't working and Tacitus wasn't looking after his siblings the two would practice all the arts of soldiery. Tacitus read history, learnt how to use a sword and how best to take an enemy by surprise. When he was older his mother also taught him of arcane affairs and he was found to have a knack for the destruction, alteration and restoration schools.

His innate mastery of these schools, combined with his military training and background drove Tacitus to join the Imperial Legion when he was only 18. He left his small village and went out into the wide world putting into practice the many things he'd learnt over the years. He enjoyed life as a soldier and swiftly gained the respect of the various officers he served under. By the age of 22 he'd gained the rank of Quaestor and soon became widely known within the Legion for his abilities as a scout.

It was whilst serving as a scout that he became embroiled in the events that would draw him into the role of agent. Whilst on a routine patrol Tacitus came across two members of the Dark Brotherhood. He and his men followed the assassins back to their lair and concealing themselves in the area around the sanctuary Tacitus sent word for reinforcements. Unbeknownst to Tacitus however, the Dark Brotherhood were aware of him and his troop and before the reinforcements arrived the assassins stormed forward.

All of Tacitus' men were killed in the ensuing battle and he was gravely injured in the fighting. However, despite a terrible wound to his left arm he was able to make his way inside the sanctuary before collapsing. When the reinforcements he'd sent for arrived they found him collapsed at the bottom of a book shelf a note clutched in his fist. Upon examining the note the soldiers found that the assassins had been hired to kill the Legate accompanying their cohort. The assassins Tacitus found had been used as bait to try and draw the Legate out. Instead Tacitus and his men had foiled the scheme.

Following his recovery Tacitus was reassigned. He retained his former rank but was deployed by the same Legate he'd saved as an agent against the Dark Brotherhood and other subversive elements within the Empire. Tacitus swiftly got to work developing the abilities that had already served him well.

It was in pursuit of this work that Tacitus met the Dragonborn. Drawn to Skyrim by leads regarding the Night Mother Tacitus wandered the frozen province, he scoured the land but the civil war seemed to confound his investigations at every turn. It was on the road to Falkreath that Tacitus met the Dragonborn, it was only after they had parted ways that he learnt who he'd shared the walk to town with. Tacitus didn't know what to make of having met a legend incarnate, in the end he resolved to forget the incident. Too little information, too much risk he noted in his journal.

Then it happened... the rise of the Dovhahsken. Tacitus immediately abandoned his hunt for the Night Mother, realising this to be the greater threat to his beloved empire. After making enquiries he heard of a group banding together to try and combat this new threat. Seeking information Tacitus decided to seek the group out, hoping that they might answer his questions and even help him end this new threat to the Empire's resurgence.


Armour of Intrigue http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36875/?
Imperial Gladius
Ebony Dagger
Blades Sword (with shock enchantment)
Misc (lockpicks, food, water an so forth)

Motto: Scientia est potentia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by El Noche
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El Noche

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Dio of Tel Oloth
Race: Redguard
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Dio is a large man standing well over 6 feet tall. His body is densely muscled from years of hard labor and training. His body type is more akin of that of an orc than a redguard, his back and shoulders being quite broad and wide. His skin is brown as is typical for a redguard. He has scars all over his body and face from a near deadly encounter with a clannfeer. His head is bald, and from his chin sprouts a long ash colored beard.

Personality: Dio is an eccentric man, often seeming to make decisions on a whim. But this is simply how he is at the surface, as he is quite calculated in how he navigates the world. He has a dark sense of humor and can be rather grim in his outlook on life. He is aloof and apathetic to most things, reserving his deeper passions for the handful of things he holds dear in this life. Dio also holds little regard for racial/cultural origin, only concerning himself with what each individual has to offer, rather than making judgments based off generalities.

Class: Dark Crusader (Similar to the Crusader, but rather than fghting specifically for a good cause Dark Crusaders fight to fulfill their own desires.
Birthsign: The Mage
Faction: House Telvani

Major Skills: Blade, Block, Restoration, Alteration, Heavy Armor
Minor Skills: Alchemy, Destruction, Armorer

History: Dio's existence is the result of the machinations of an eccentric Telvanni mage named Lord Dracoloth. Like most other Telvanni the pursuit of wisdom and power was of foremost importance to the wizard lord. His eccentricities led him to take a great interest in the concept of using magic and alchemy to assist in the development of living things. He spent many years applying such concepts to the cultivation of plants. Through selective breeding and alchemy Dracoloth was able to raise robust and vibrant variations of many different varieties of fauna. His interest then turned to the cultivation of mer and men. He would endeavor to use his research to create a cadre of elite warriors culled from all the races of Tameriel, each individual being pinnacle examples of their race, and all of them loyal to him unto the pain of death.

Thus Dio was born in the remote settlement of Tel Oloth, third generation to come to being within Dracoloth's grand experiment. Dio's parents were two of the strongest redguards from the second generation of "test subjects". Both had an affinity for magic unlike most that of most other redguards. Dio would never come to know his parents, as such was against the design of Lord Dracoloth's experiment. He would be raised alongside the other children, a collective of assortment of all the known races of Tameriel. Early on, he would be subjected various regimens of alchemical potions and compounds, as well as a basic education in combat and the use of magic, in preparation of the trials he would face in later years. Dracoloth's regimens would ring true, and Dio and his cohorts found themselves developing far faster, and prominently than normal children their age.

When Dio and the others reached the age of twelve, their collective group was split into several smaller groups. This split was based on the expected proclivities of each individual. Dio being of redguard heritage was separated into a group who would ultimately become fighters, alongside a Dunmer named Saramen, and an orc named Stryke. Their training would consist of hard labor in the mines beneath Tel Oloth, weapons training with a Mazken named Vonshala, and instruction in the magic arts by Lord Dracoloth himself. They were also given clothing imbued with an encumbrance enchantment, to further push their bodies to grow in strength. Over the next six years Dio's body would be molded by the hard labor of the mines, his skill cultivated by the careful instruction of Vonshala, and his mind expanded by the eccentric guidance of Dracoloth. Life in the mines was harsh, but such tough conditions fostered a deep bond, between Dio, Saramen, and Stryke. Together they forged a brotherhood in the darkness of the mines, the clanging sound of pickaxes driving through rock and ore the anthem in which they passed the time.

Weapons training served as a welcome respite from the repetitive drudgery of the mines. Dio took well to the use of the blade, and reveled in the practice of the art swordplay. Vonshala was a patient teacher, taking great care and diligence in the instruction of the trio. She would be the closets thing to a mother the three would ever know. While Dio found the art of combat with a blade to be as simple as breathing, he found the use of magic in the same sense to be strange. While he did have aptitude with magic in and of itself, he found the application of it in combat to be more difficult. Why bother hurling a ball of fire at an enemy when one could simply cut them down? As such Dio would eschew the use of destruction magic in favor of schools which would enhance his already formidable close combat skills, such as alteration and restoration. In addition to training int the magic arts Dracoloth also passed on to them his philosophies, as well as the mindset and culture of House Telvanni. He told them of how he had shielded Tel Oloth from the destruction that befell much of House Telvanni. He also told them of how he had designed the circumstances of their birth, to the very day of their conception, thus making them his offspring, not through birth, but by design. A place within the House of Telvanni was theirs, if they could prove themselves worthy.

As the years passed Dio and his "brothers" grew in skill and power, and soon their training would be complete, and they would be free to find ways in which to serve Tel Oloth in their own way. It would take little time for the three of them to rise to prominence above their peers, achieving much in Lord Dracoloth's name. Whether it be recovering an artifact from an ancient tomb, slaying monsters encroaching upon Tel Oloth, or dealing with those who would see House Telvanni destroyed completely, Dio, Saramen, and Stryke were never found lacking always succeeding in tasks given to them by their master. Dio found great pleasure in engaging in combat, in defeating enemies, and in enjoying the spoils thereafter. He cared not for the conflict between the Aldmeri Dominion and the Empire, or the battle raging between the other Great Dunmer Houses and the invading Argonians. For he was a crusader, a warrior with the ablity to wield magic, fighting for a good cause. "And what cause could be better than the fulfillment of one's own desires?" Tel Oloth was his fatherland, and Lord Dracoloth his Emperor. His only desire was to see Tel Oloth prosper from the plunder of it's enemies. He would relish in the spoils wrought by his own might. His brothers shared his sentiment, and together they all were adopted into House Telvanni, each attaining the rank of Lawman.

Though it would seem that there existed no entity other than death that could break the bond between the Trio, there came a day when a rift was torn between them. There was a nord woman named Alayna, she like Dio and the others was also a subject of Dracoloth's alchemical experiments. Dio and the others had not seen her since they were young children, she having been separated into a group who would become powerful magic users, and kept sequestered at the very top of the mushroom tower of Tel Oloth. Alayna had grown into a powerful sorceress, she had also grown to be exceptionally beautiful. It could be said that her beauty was uncanny, unnatural even, as if the result of some type of enchantment. She was tall and strong as Nords tend to be, with a raiment of long raven black hair adorning her head. Her eyes were fierce, like those of the sabrecats of her home province of Skyrim. She captivated both men and mer alike. Many sought her favor, including Dio and Saramen. Alayna saw an within the two an opportunity to fulfill a dream she had dreamed since childhood. To be free from Tel Oloth and the watchful eye of Lord Dracoloth. She was quite powerful on her own, but with a formidable ally success was much more likely. She needed someone who was willing to betray Tel Oloth for her sake. Both brothers were formidable more so than the others, but they both seemed to be utterly loyal to the Mage Lord. But it would be a small task to seduce one of them to her side. She would attempt to pit the brothers against each other, in true Telvanni fashion. Might makes right, to the mighty goes the spoils. She proposed that they fight to the death, the Victor being the only man worthy of her love. Telvanni often fight amongst themselves in order to gain power, and riches but Dio was reluctant to go along with this arrangment. While yes Alayana was beautiful, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, or imagined he would see in his lifetime, he was not so certain she was worth killing Saramen over. He and Saramen had fought many a battle together, had climbed from the very dust of the mines together. Saramen had been a powerful ally to him, and would likely continue to be a powerful ally into the future. Powerful allies who could also be trusted were hard to find amongst the Telvanni. To Dio, it appeared that the most beneficial option was to simply opt out of the contest. There are other women in the world, but a True friend and brother would be hard to replace.

News of Dio's decision seemed to be a great comfort to Saramen, being reluctant to enter into such a duel as well. Or so it would seem, but the next day, Dio awoke to find himself naked and unarmed, lying deep within the mines face to face with a clannfear. Saramen had poisoned his food the night prior, and was planning on leaving him to die at the hands of the clannfear. Though his body was weakened by the poison, he was able to mitigate the effects with a strength spell. He engaged in combat with the clanfear with a stray pickax that he found on the ground. It took his entire being to fell the clannfear in his poisoned state. The clannfear had ravaged hims with it's claws, and he was losing blood fast. He managed to crawl far enough out of the tunnel to be found by some workers before it was too late.

As he lay in bed, recovering from his wounds, he pondered why Saramen would have betrayed in him such a way. He had already conceded, why then go so far as to attempt to take his life? It was not until news that some artifacts of power had been stolen from the tower, and that Saramen and Alayna had been seen fleeing from the scene that it all started to make sense. Dio surmised that Alayna had pressed Saramen into killing him as an show of loyalty, and that the two had plotted together to plunder the treasure trove of the tower. An impressive act of treachery, that Dio could not permit to go unpunished. For the next two years Dio tracked the pair across Morrowind. He longed to see Alayna's proud and haughty faced twisted in despair as he delivered her into a defeat most glorious. He would show his brother the folly in siding with that enchantresses. After some time, Dio got word that the pair had taken up arms with the Dragonborn in his quest in the land of Skyrim. For weeks Dio and Stryke trailed the Dragonborn's party, bearing witness to their deeds and achievements as they awaited an opportunity to repay Saramen and Alayna for their betrayal of Lord Dracoloth and of the brotherhood they once shared. Dio found himself relating to the Dragonborn. Like him, he crusaded to fulfill his desire, the desire to see Skyrim safe and whole. Dio and his party were biding their time in the Tavern the day the Dragonborn was killed. When the sound of Dragons attacking the great hall, Dio and Stryke rushed to the scene. By the time they got there, the Dragonborn was already dead, the hall devastated and chaotic. As they picked through the debris, they came upon Saramen. His torso had been crushed by a large wooden beam. He was still alive, but he would surely die within the next few movements. A few feet away laid Alayna, she too had been struck by debris, a small pool of blood accumulated around her head. Dio leaned down, cradling Saramen's head. The injured the Dunmer looked up at his estranged brother with a haggard smile. "I had hoped that you lived. That you had defeated the clanfear with the pickax I left there" Saramen's words were labored, and interrupted by short bouts of bloody coughs. "I am sorry, but I could not deny her. She would not have me if I did not somehow end your life. She thought that you would have been a thorn in our side...in our effort to claim some of the Masters wealth for ourselves" The strain of attempting to speak was taking it's toll on the dying Dunmer. "There is no need to speak anymore. Your plan was quite treacherous, which is to be congratulated. I forgive you, brother". As Dio spoke, Saramen breathed his last breath and died. Dio saw movement out of the corner of his eye, he looked up to see Alayna quite alive, leaning on an ornate staff, Dracoloth's staff. Too wounded to fight Alayna began to flee, throwing the staff at Dio as she turned to run. Dio decided not to give chase, as even in the chaos it would not bode well for him to bee seen fighting against one of the Dragonborn's allies.

Dio and Stryke retreated from Whiterun with the recovered artifacts and the body of their brother. Stryke would return the artifacts as well Saramen's body back to Tel Oloth. Dio decided he would stay in Skyrim. Treachery had been the downfall of the Dragonborn, as well as the death of his brother. Starkad had taken something from him, and Dio would see him die for it. He would see the so called Dovhahsken delivered unto death's door with his own two eyes, or hands if it comes down to it.

Dio wears a suit of Black Bonemold Pauldron Armor http://orig02.deviantart.net/c024/f/2013/040/c/d/skyrimbonemoldarmor_by_gameparkproductions-d5ubzm7.png. The black color derives from mixing the hardening resin with various minerals during the forging of the armor. The symbol of House Telvanni is emblazoned in bright red on the left and right pauldrons.
Dio wields a silver scimitar. He also wields an enchanted black Bonemold shield called "Spelljammer" which is able to reflect a portion of a spells effects back in the direction it was cast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Butch
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Neria Saren

Name: Neria Saren
Age: 33
Race: Dunmer
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Neria has long dark hair, which frames a face with dark red eyes typical for her species. A few scars give it character, as well as a face tattoo. She's quite muscular, due to her wearing heavy armor almost constantly.

Personality: Neria is diligent, smart and fearless. The code she used to follow, taught loyalty and honor as well, but she somewhat lost these virtues in recent years. She likes skilled fighters and people who follow a clear path in their life. However she dislikes argonians, since most of her memories of the reptilians consist of blood and death.
Neria knows little else but fighting and her social skills or lack thereof have gotten her into trouble more than once. Since she has lost her path, she cars for few things, yet she is always ready to do what must be done.

Class: Redoran Warrior (basically Warrior plus Destruction)
Birthsign: The Steed
Faction: House Redoran

Major Skills: One-Handed, Heavy Armor, Block, Two-Handed, Archery
Minor Skills: Alchemy, Destruction, Smithing

Neria Saren was born into the great House Redoran, known for its great warriors, on the 9th of Mid Year, 4E170. It had been 165 years since the Red Mountain erupted and the argonian Invasion of Morrowind, known as the Accession War began. The still ongoing war between the radical An-Xileel and the Great Houses ensured that Neria would never experience peace in her short childhood.

As soon as she was able to speak, she learned the True Noble's Code of House Redoran. It was meant as a path for true warriors and taught loyalty, honor and diligence above all else. One that her parents followed every day, often leaving the young child back home to go out and fight the argonian invaders. She grew up, hoping that she would become a skilled fighter herself.

On her sixth birthday however, the message of her parent’s death, killed in a skirmish, arrived early in the morning. Fueled by anger and the wish to revenge her parents, Neria learned the way of the warrior. Her training included the use of every weapon accessible to her masters, often in full heavy armor. Soon she became a proud Redoran Warrior, not only skilled with weapons, but also in the magic art of destruction.

When she was 17 years old, she took her first steps onto a battlefield. The same day she killed for the first time. Yet the memory of the green scaled Argonian gasping out his last breath, would soon fade as she grew older and spent many more days fighting – killing. Within 11 years, Neria made a name for herself as a talented fighter. Fearless, loyal and honorable. A true Redoran.

As the years went by, the Great Houses slowly but surely fought back the An-Xileel, until they only held the southern most regions of Morrowind. The war combined with the continued activity of the Red Mountain had left most of the region in ruins. and nothing more but a barren wasteland. Early in the First Seed 4E198, the great houses assembled an army to battle a large unit of An-Xileel forces, located in Narsis.

The dunmer assault was met with heavy resistance, leading to great losses on both sides and ultimately resulting in a retreat of the dunmer forces. During said retreat, Neria, already wounded from the previous battle, was hit with two arrows and left, presumed dead, in front of the town's gates. Lying amidst the dead bodies of her fellow comrades, convinced her last moment was quickly approaching, Neria thought of the people dear to her. The realization that most had been killed and that she had spent her life spilling much blood herself, hit her like a boulder to the head, finally leaving her unconscious.

She woke up in the middle of the night, still lying cold on the ground. When she came to the conclusion that she would not die within the next hours, she decided took drag herself away from the city. After an hour of painfully crawling over the battlefield, Neria finally reached what was left of a small forest, in which she took shelter for a while. While bandaging her wounds, she decided that she could not return to the life she had lived so far. With nowhere else to go she made her way through the woods, finally coming across a road which lead her out of Morrowind and across the border to Cyrodiil.

Having lost her way, Neria became a mercenary, selling her services to anyone with enough money. The next three years she traveled all across Tamriel, taking any job offered. She soon learned that outside Morrowind her kind was disliked at best and despised by most, especially in Skyrim where she ended up in 4E201, aimlessly wandering from city to city.

One day, while traveling with a merchant as bodyguard, Neria witnessed the Dragonborn kill a dragon, after the beast had attacked the small chariot. Dovahkiin, as the nords called him, had shown up in the nick of time, to save both the merchant and Neria and after consuming the beast's soul the Dragonborn traveled with them to the next town. On the way Neria talked to him about life and duty. His words stuck with Neria for a while, even long after they had parted ways. Their meaning had a strange meaning to her, who had lost her path.

She kept traveling Skyrim as a mercenary, always keeping an open ear for stories about the Dragonborn. When she heard of his death, a great desire to help avenge him and to continue his fight arose inside her. The reason why keeps eluding her, but nonetheless Neria is committed to the cause.

• She wears a Bonemold Armor, which shows marks of her many battles in the Accession War.
• She carries an elven shield, since she lost her original one in the battle for Narsis.
• She mainly uses a Jade Blade (JaySuS Swords) and an elven dagger, both of which she sometimes dual wields.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Draconequis
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Draconequis i am a banana

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Qa'va Nia
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

She appears the color of a snow leopard, with mainly white fur and black lines and splotches across her entire body. She has bright amber eyes, which almost appear orange sometimes due to the way they catch the light. She also has a thick claw-like scar down her face which was given to her the claws of a fellow Khajiit. She stands at a rather average 5'5, and has a thin build more suited for sneaking than anything else.

Personality: A clever and crafty Khajiit with a sharp tongue and even sharper wit. She is street smart and a brilliant manipulator, as well as being able to be very charismatic if she puts her mind to it. She considers her marks to be her prey, plaything, or toy. She also refers to people using the terms as a form of endearment. She has a rather carefree nature, and will often vanish for long periods of time with no word to anyone she knows. She can be a very difficult person to understand, and seems to always be looking for an angle in every situation. She also has a blunt way of speaking to people with an occasional sassy comment. Unless it is in her best interest to lie, she does not hold back her opinions and thoughts, even if they are offensive.

Class: Thief/Mercenary
Birthsign: The Thief
Faction: Thieves Guild

Major Skills: Sneak, Speech, Lockpicking, one handed, pick pocketing
Minor Skills: light armor, archery, alchemy

History: Nia was discovered abandoned in a basket in the sewers of the thieves guild in Riften. Instead of sending her back to the surface where she might die, or turning her into the orphanage, one of the guild members convinced the others to keep her.

Nia was actually nicknamed after the small crying sound she used to make when she was a child, they used this so frequently instead of her actual name Qa'va, she now considers it to be her actual name.

By the time Nia turned six, she was already showing remarkable prowess in sneaking. She would spend time creeping around the sewers hiding in shadows and popping out to scare her older guild mates. She considered it a fun game. So, the guild started to instruct Nia on how to use this amazing ability to sneak for profit.

At an early age, she possessed an incredible ability to suppress any sort of emotion or moral hindrance that might affect her from doing what needed to be done for whatever job was needed of her. She was silent in her stride and smooth in her speech, which slowly cemented her position in the guild. She quickly became one of the guild's best operatives; better than some of the members three times her age.

By the time she was thirteen, she was a fully-fledged and respected member of the guild and had successfully managed to steal a total of ten barrels from an expensive winery in Falkreath over the span of two months without anyone noticing. At seventeen, she seduced the son of a shrewd and corrupt nobleman and gained regular access to their house; enough to steal hundreds of Septims worth of jewelry and items. However, despite her crafty hands and powerful abilities with thieving,

Nia's relationship with the Dragonborn all started with her breaking into his house in Whiterun. Hearing about a Nordic warrior with the power to create magic with his voice. She thought of him as the ultimate prize of them all, if she could get him, she could prove that she still had her luck. In his home were gems, gold, rare weapons that made her fingers itch to grab them off the shelves. However, Nia used her self control to stop herself, instead waiting for the Dragonborn to return. When the Dragonborn entered his home, she used her sharp and clever tongue to convince him she'd done this to get his attention and she just wanted to get a drink with him. After listening to him vent to her about dragons and greybeards, and a multitude of other topics, Nia convinced the Dragonborn to meet her again. Repeating this for about a month, Nia finally convinced a very drunk dragonborn to sleep with her. After he'd fallen alseep, she stole a few of the most expensive things she could grab. (including her current set of weapons). She continued this facade of a relationship with the Dragonborn for long enough that he actually gave her a key to his house so she wouldn't keep breaking in. Nia was living the good life, bringing tons of revenue in for the guild, and keeping whatever she pleased for herself. She was living the good life until Gallus was murdered by Karliah. From here, Nia was inducted into the new Nightingales as Gallus' replacement. This marked the last day of the guild's good luck. Slowly and surely their streams of revenue were cut off and their numbers started to dwindle. The worst news of all was when Nia discovered the Dragonborn was slain by Starkad.

Of course, this irritated Nia, because the Dragonborn was her mark, and she had been having a lot of fun manipulating him. Without him alive, that meant she wouldn't be able to steal the stuff he constantly brought home. Not to mention, with dragons swarming down on them AGAIN, and Nocturnal turning a blind eye to her guild, she was really starting to struggle to keep her guild floating.

She decided to take up arms against Starkad, deciding to blame him for the guild's recent bad luck streak.

- She wears Nightingale armor, but doesn't put up the hood or face mask unless she is working.
- She carries a set of daedric daggers and a daedric bow complete with matching arrows. (which she stole from the dragonborn)
- She carries the key to Breezehome around her neck. (which was willingly given to her by the Dragonborn. She will swear this has no sentimental meaning at all.)
- Her style of fighting is rather graceful and unique, and resembles dancing.
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