Name: Orren Grey
Alias: Ichor
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Personality: Orren's a decent guy, but tends to be pretty cranky and often pessimistic. He's quick to anger, blunt and often rude, and more honest that you'd want him to be. Still, he means no harm. He pretends like he's a tough buy with no time for friends, but in reality, he relies on them as much as he does his arms and legs. Once you get used to his loud beratings and colorful language, he's a pretty good guy.
Power: Ability to control his own blood.
He can control and manipulate his own blood, but no one else's (at least not yet). This allows him to form weapons, mostly blades, of out blood. The blades he forms are extremely sharp, and if broken, and instantly be fixed. One done with the weapon, he can return the blood to a liquid state and take it back into his body.
He can heal cuts and minor wounds almost instantly. Anything worse, such as broken bones, has to heal on its own.
He can control everything in his body that has to do with blood. He can stop his heart and continue to function normally. He can control oxygen levels in his blood to help his muscles and stamina recover from exhaustion faster, allowing him to be as athletic as humanly possible. He could, if he wanted to, just stop breathing and take oxygen straight into his blood, bypassing the entire purpose of his lungs. But why would he do that?
Equipment: His uniform comes equipped with spiked gauntlets. The spikes are there so that he can cut himself to release blood, that being to fastest way to do it.
Other: He more or less feels responsible for Pierrot and his antics, since he was the one that brought the clown onto the team.
Appearance: Orren isn't very tall, standing at 5'5". However, what he lacks in height, he makes up for in body. Due to his powers, he has very nice
assets. He's got the lean muscles of an Olympic swimmer, and even a nice face to go with them. However, that face is usually frowning. His eyes grey-ish blue, but when hero-ing, he turns them red by replacing the melanin with blood. Why? Because it looks cool; fuck you.

His costume sticks with the whole 'blood' theme with one main color being red. (spoiler: The other is black.)
History: Orren likes to think he had a fairly decent life. He's seen worse, at least. He grew up with his single father who did his best to ensure that his son was happy. He worked most of the day, but when he came home, he cooked, helped with homework, ect. Orren first discovered his mutation when he was in 3rd grade. He fell on the playground and scraped up his knee. He managed to heal it almost immediately. It wasn't really hard for him to master a power that was such a big part of himself. It just came as second nature after a while.
He didn't learn that this was abnormal until he mentioned it to a fellow kid and immediately got called a freak. After that, he was hesitant to use his powers around other people. He never even got a chance to tell his father about them. When Orren was 13, his dad was caught int he crossfire between a gang fight. That event single handedly spurred his decision to become a crime fighter.
At first, he considered joining the police force. Orren didn't really see his power as 'super'; he didn't really know how to utilize it other than healing himself. He wasn't a creative boy. It wasn't until he saw superheroes first hand that he began to think outside the box. When he was 17, he began crime fighting at night. Once he graduated high school, he became part-time cashier, part-time hero. When the Guild began, he quit his crappy job to join them in a heartbeat.
Name: Dylan Moore
Alias: Pierrot (the T is silent, btdubs)
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Personality: Dylan is laid back; perhaps even a bit too much so. He finds it hard to stress over details or concern himself with problems. He's not a very bright guy, and so he often finds himself not thinking his half baked plans all the way through. Still, he means well.
Power: The ability to control and manipulate fear, mostly in others.
Dylan can control others' fears. He could make them piss themselves as the sight of a fluffy rabbit, he can take away their fear as they face their death, and he can even make them afraid of clowns. Most people don't need help with that anyway.
He doesn't have a very good grip on his powers; he honestly doesn't even know the extent of them, and he's not really a fighter. Dylan's usually only used on missions for backup.
Equipment: He carries all sorts of clown shit like bicycle horns, endless sleeve ropes, cards, and other such things. God knows why.
Other: He's mainly in the Guild for two reasons: Pity, and because no one wanted a fear inducing clown running around unsupervised.
Appearance: Dylan is tall and lanky, standing at 6'3". He sports a messy, brown jewfro and brown eyes. His face his usually graced with a goofy grin. His costume perfectly mimics his lack of care and effort, being made up mostly of his old clown uniform and street clothes.

His costume is half-assed at best. He wears clown face paint instead of a mask; he's not too overly concerned with people figuring out his identity. Note that even though the picture below has a face, it is still just a mannequin. I couldn't be bothered to make it look like him.
History: Dylan's history is a bit more traditionally tragic. When he was 15, he ran away from home to escape his abusive uncle, who was his closest living relative. He, of course, ran away to join the circus. Ever since he was a child, he had been fascinated by the circus. One of the last memories of his parents was when they took him there to see the dancing horses, flying Graysons, and of course, the clowns. So when Dylan joined, he got the job best suited for him: a a jokester.
Dylan loved his job as a clown. He loved the shows, the crowds, and food, everything. However, after a couple good years, things began to change. People stopped approaching him, co-workers wouldn't talk to him anymore, and even the animals wouldn't come near him. The management started getting complaints of a 'horrible clown' that was terrorizing the kids, even though Dylan was doing nothing but blowing up balloons. They gave him several warnings to stop, but Dylan didn't know how. It wasn't long after that they were forced to fire him.
Dylan was devastated; the circus was his family, his friends, his entire life. He didn't really have an education, and had no means of getting a new job. Everyone he met seemed terrified of him. He ended up on the streets for a couple years before he ran into one of the Guild members, a woman who could leech other heros' powers. Her ability allowed them to recognize Dylan's powers. It just so happened that Orren had been with them when it happened. The woman told Dylan to stop frightening people, but soon found out that he had absolutely no control over his powers; he didn't even know he had them. After hearing his sad little tale, Orren convinced his fellow Guild members to take the guy under their wing. It seemed that part of Orren's blood powers was a big, bleeding heart.
Dylan's been with them since, learning to control and utilize his powers for the greater good. He seems to enjoy having a new family of freaks.