Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


So I kinda' want a rip off on Justice League with all original characters. They formed an alliance and work together under one roof to keep the world safe. They deal with personal ups and downs, and of course battle evil villains. The time period is current, although high, superhero tech is welcome. The location is Bay City, a completely original and made up city. And here is their beautiful hide away, which is totally not Mount Justice.

There will be a few rules.

1: I would like a high casual standard. At least one paragraph per post, decent writing, ect.
2: No magic. Magic as a super power just rubs me the wrong way.
3: You may play villains, BUT they may not be your main character. You villains will most likely be short lived characters that either die or get locked up.
4: Before you make your characters, ask me about their powers first. I want to keep from having heroes with the same power, godmoddy powers, or something stupid like being able to turn into a bucket of water.
5: In the spirit of classic superheroes, the guild has a no-kill policy. All villains and criminals must be left alive if at all possible.

Age: (18+)






Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Name: Orren Grey
Alias: Ichor
Age: 24
Gender: Male

Personality: Orren's a decent guy, but tends to be pretty cranky and often pessimistic. He's quick to anger, blunt and often rude, and more honest that you'd want him to be. Still, he means no harm. He pretends like he's a tough buy with no time for friends, but in reality, he relies on them as much as he does his arms and legs. Once you get used to his loud beratings and colorful language, he's a pretty good guy.

Power: Ability to control his own blood.

Equipment: His uniform comes equipped with spiked gauntlets. The spikes are there so that he can cut himself to release blood, that being to fastest way to do it.

Other: He more or less feels responsible for Pierrot and his antics, since he was the one that brought the clown onto the team.

Appearance: Orren isn't very tall, standing at 5'5". However, what he lacks in height, he makes up for in body. Due to his powers, he has very nice assets. He's got the lean muscles of an Olympic swimmer, and even a nice face to go with them. However, that face is usually frowning. His eyes grey-ish blue, but when hero-ing, he turns them red by replacing the melanin with blood. Why? Because it looks cool; fuck you.

His costume sticks with the whole 'blood' theme with one main color being red. (spoiler: The other is black.)

History: Orren likes to think he had a fairly decent life. He's seen worse, at least. He grew up with his single father who did his best to ensure that his son was happy. He worked most of the day, but when he came home, he cooked, helped with homework, ect. Orren first discovered his mutation when he was in 3rd grade. He fell on the playground and scraped up his knee. He managed to heal it almost immediately. It wasn't really hard for him to master a power that was such a big part of himself. It just came as second nature after a while.

He didn't learn that this was abnormal until he mentioned it to a fellow kid and immediately got called a freak. After that, he was hesitant to use his powers around other people. He never even got a chance to tell his father about them. When Orren was 13, his dad was caught int he crossfire between a gang fight. That event single handedly spurred his decision to become a crime fighter.

At first, he considered joining the police force. Orren didn't really see his power as 'super'; he didn't really know how to utilize it other than healing himself. He wasn't a creative boy. It wasn't until he saw superheroes first hand that he began to think outside the box. When he was 17, he began crime fighting at night. Once he graduated high school, he became part-time cashier, part-time hero. When the Guild began, he quit his crappy job to join them in a heartbeat.


Name: Dylan Moore
Alias: Pierrot (the T is silent, btdubs)
Age: 22
Gender: Male

Personality: Dylan is laid back; perhaps even a bit too much so. He finds it hard to stress over details or concern himself with problems. He's not a very bright guy, and so he often finds himself not thinking his half baked plans all the way through. Still, he means well.

Power: The ability to control and manipulate fear, mostly in others.

Equipment: He carries all sorts of clown shit like bicycle horns, endless sleeve ropes, cards, and other such things. God knows why.

Other: He's mainly in the Guild for two reasons: Pity, and because no one wanted a fear inducing clown running around unsupervised.

Appearance: Dylan is tall and lanky, standing at 6'3". He sports a messy, brown jewfro and brown eyes. His face his usually graced with a goofy grin. His costume perfectly mimics his lack of care and effort, being made up mostly of his old clown uniform and street clothes.

His costume is half-assed at best. He wears clown face paint instead of a mask; he's not too overly concerned with people figuring out his identity. Note that even though the picture below has a face, it is still just a mannequin. I couldn't be bothered to make it look like him.

History: Dylan's history is a bit more traditionally tragic. When he was 15, he ran away from home to escape his abusive uncle, who was his closest living relative. He, of course, ran away to join the circus. Ever since he was a child, he had been fascinated by the circus. One of the last memories of his parents was when they took him there to see the dancing horses, flying Graysons, and of course, the clowns. So when Dylan joined, he got the job best suited for him: a a jokester.

Dylan loved his job as a clown. He loved the shows, the crowds, and food, everything. However, after a couple good years, things began to change. People stopped approaching him, co-workers wouldn't talk to him anymore, and even the animals wouldn't come near him. The management started getting complaints of a 'horrible clown' that was terrorizing the kids, even though Dylan was doing nothing but blowing up balloons. They gave him several warnings to stop, but Dylan didn't know how. It wasn't long after that they were forced to fire him.

Dylan was devastated; the circus was his family, his friends, his entire life. He didn't really have an education, and had no means of getting a new job. Everyone he met seemed terrified of him. He ended up on the streets for a couple years before he ran into one of the Guild members, a woman who could leech other heros' powers. Her ability allowed them to recognize Dylan's powers. It just so happened that Orren had been with them when it happened. The woman told Dylan to stop frightening people, but soon found out that he had absolutely no control over his powers; he didn't even know he had them. After hearing his sad little tale, Orren convinced his fellow Guild members to take the guy under their wing. It seemed that part of Orren's blood powers was a big, bleeding heart.

Dylan's been with them since, learning to control and utilize his powers for the greater good. He seems to enjoy having a new family of freaks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mind if I drop something of a recurring villain alongside a hero?
(villains are more my expertise than heroes, but a villain might make my hero complete :P)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adriane
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I think I'm gonna do a girl with pyrokineses, that cool?

I'm thinking definitely being able to ignite her own body, probably throw fire, I'm not sure about having her be able to just look at things and light them on fire...maybe only flammable things.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaliKnight


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Cool. I'll start working on my character. Do you have any specific theme in mind for the team? Like for example, they are all new to the whole super-heroing business, or there is a previous and better established group of heroes (like Justice League International and the original League).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Nah. I'm thinking that most of them were heroes before the team got together. Then there's the occasion recruit where they actually went out of their way to ask someone to join.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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UnendingEmpire said
Mind if I drop something of a recurring villain alongside a hero?(villains are more my expertise than heroes, but a villain might make my hero complete :P)

That's fine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Adriane said
I think I'm gonna do a girl with pyrokineses, that cool?I'm thinking definitely being able to ignite her own body, probably throw fire, I'm not sure about having her be able to just look at things and light them on fire...maybe only flammable things.

No, you can't.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaliKnight


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ok, cool. Also, did you draw those costumes, or did you use some software/program/webpage?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I used Heromachine 3 because I'm a lazy fuck.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

CSes in progress; putting out a reserve on telegnosis (the ability to see long distances) and - if the villain-in-question-from-earlier's powers also need to be reserved - limited telepathy & limited teleportation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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I think it's fine. Accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaliKnight


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

So I'll post this for now, keep in mind that it's work in progress.


CS (WIP) (I'll be using a Champions Online screenshot until I can make something that's more the style of what's already been posted):

Name: Segundo JaƩn

Alias: Phantasm

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Segundo is always ready for a good fight. He's got spirit (pun not intended [maybe]) and it shows. Always the first throw a kick, his energetic personality works as evidence of his inexperience.

Powers: Being the son of Tombstone (once a great hero, now just a spectre stuck on the Hades*), Segundo shares some of his father's lesser abilities. These include:

  • Being able to temporalily affect what someone sees, hears and smell. (The sense of touch isn't affected.)

  • Reading someones state of mind. (How they feel, if they are lying, etc.)

  • Influencing people (and animals with reasonably evolved brains). (Think hypnosis. You can't be forced to do anything you aren't cool with.)

Besides this, Segundo can transport himself to the Hades (something not even his father was capable of), although staying there for extended periods of times proves itself extremely dangerous. Also, he is trained in several martial arts (part of his backstory).

Equipment: Nothing as of yet.

Other: *The Hades is the first stop after a being leaves its body (normally through death). A being will become stuck here if they have unfinished business. It looks exactly like our world, every non-animated object included, but is completely devoid of any living being (except plants, which inexplicably are present on every world) and is filled with a mysterious fog. Most beings stuck here don't realize they are dead, and don't even acknowledge most of the other beings. However, this beings aren't entirely rational, and are mostly reigned by their Id (see here in case you don't know what it is). Needless to say, it's not a fun place.


History: (WIP)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adriane
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Name: Persephone Davis
Alias: Firefly
Age: 24
Gender: Female

Personality: Persephone's basically your girl-next-door to the max. She's used to being overlooked and under-appreciated, but is still determined to please and feels dejected and lonely when she and her accomplishments are ignored or neglected. She has a keen eye for seeing other often overlooked things (ranging from people to tripwires no one else stopped to notice). She's a perfectionist when she's given a job to do and can get hung up fixing the small details easily. She carries high respect for her superiors and takes direction well. She's also pretty easy-going and has a large sense of humor, making her easy to get along with. However, because she's not very outspoken, those she doesn't like and doesn't get along with might not know unless they take hints well. There are only a few things Per really doesn't like and will speak up about not doing (taking a trip to Antarctica, hanging out in a freezer, dancing in the pouring rain, etc.). She also really doesn't like being scared or someone having control over her (more in the sense of someone using their powers on her than someone leading her). Lastly, Per is an odd mixture of logical and impulsive. The majority of situations she sees and reasons logically but is still affected emotionally, but there are a minority of situations where she will rely on her gut and instincts or she'll make (usually poor) snap decisions with her passion in the heat of the moment.


Equipment: Per always keeps a lighter on her person, but that's about it. If I think of something good I might add it.

Other: She's always running a high temperature, she does poorly in the cold, rain, and high winds, she has a high pain tolerance and when her skin burns it tingles in a nice feeling way, she's a pretty fast runner, she can't have kids cause she has no eggs and no menstrual cycle...oh and she's hopelessly in love with Orren.


isn't she just the cutest little thing

History: For a big part of her life, Per was literally the girl next door. She was Orren's neighbor and one of his best friends throughout childhood, up until they hit thirteen and everything turned upside down. Orren's father died and Persephone hit puberty and woke up one night in the middle of a blazing fire. Her bed had mysteriously caught fire while she was sleeping, and once the fire was put out and the damage assessed, it was assumed a faulty wire had sparked the bed sheets and set them on fire. The lack of smoke that had been in the house was overlooked. This happened again, with her curtains, and once more everyone turned a blind eye to the things about the fire than didn't add up. But the third time, when Persephone was home alone and wrapped up in angst and the living room sprouted a fire, her parents had had it. They decided it had to be her that was setting the fires. Her parents ignored her protests and convinced themselves she was a pyromaniac. They took her and their belongings with no warning or goodbyes and moved to Colorado where they had found a center for pyromania rehabilitation. Uprooted from her life and everyone she loved she turned against her parents, barely talking to them and only pretending to play their rehab game in the hopes she would go home. But she didn't, even when her doctor told her parents she was fine. So she resolved to find the cause of the spontaneous fires, and that was how she discovered she could create and control fire.

Once she wasn't legally bound to be with her parents anymore she headed back to her hometown, finding work and a place to stay and hiding out there for a good while. When she caught wind of the team joining up, she went to check it out. Recognizing Orren as a part of it and seeing that they were different too she decided to stake them out and decide if she wanted to join. However she was caught sneaking in by Dylan, given the fright of her life, and then found by Orren. A reconnection and a few conversations later, she joined the team.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by UnendingEmpire
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'd like to remove my reserve on telegnosis and instead go for super strength (legs only)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Dibs on the hero with electrical powers :) will have something up soon
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