Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Rockmar nods to Eve in agreement. "Yeah, sleep would be good. I am not sure how well I will be able to sleep. All keyed up for fight then no fight. Maybe a mug full of ale will calm me down." He searched for the barrel of ale and a mug.

Once he had a full mug he sat by the Constable and asked, "Do you have a priest or holy person in the village? If it's a demon, can the holy man bless our weapons or maybe give us something to help fight it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Leofwine nodded to the half-orc. "Father Beacom. I can introduce you in the morning, though I cannot promise his help. The man seems convinced the hound is somehow retribution for our sins." The constable shook his head, his eyes narrowed a bit in annoyance toward Father Beacom, "as if our fate were already sealed."

Cedric glanced at the interaction between the halfling and the elf, staring for a moment as if something bothered him. But then dismissed the thought. "It doesn't matter," he mumbled as he sat himself on one of the benches, resting his back against one of the supports and closing his eyes, intending to sleep just like that with his hand still clutched around the hilt of his short sword.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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When Eve awoke she noticed the sun was coming up and the men had all fallen asleep at or near the table. She smiled and looked around the room. The little girl whose family had stayed in the field was up and peering through the hole in the wall. Eve approached her and the little girl said. "I want to go find my father and brothers. They were in the field all night and I am scared." Eve nodded and took the child by the hand.

"I think it is going to be safe for us to go see them very soon. Let's go see who else is awake." The child agreed and they walked back to where most of the group was starting to stir.

Eve raised her arm and her eyes glowed and the spell came off of the building. "Now we may leave if we would like to." The child tried to run and started yelling awakening the few who had not awoken yet. "Wait! You must not go off by yourself!" Eve held her fast. "Who will go with us to find her family?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

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Rockmar had slept near the hall's doors. He slept on a fir with his waraxe next to him. He woke up, stretched and yawned loudly. He reached down and 'adjusted' himself. Only after the fact did he remember he was in a hall full of people. He hoped nobody noticed. Rockmar saw Eve struggling with the little girl. "I will go with you. But you must wait, Lass. Give us a minute to gather our weapons and wits."

Rockmar wished they had time to eat before leaving, but he could eat later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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The tall elf had decided to just sit the rest of the night in a corner, meditating since his kind did not really sleep. In the morning he again took out the spider pendant and mumbled something before hiding it under his surcoat and making sure he had all of his belongings. "Apart for the little excitement of the evening the night was quite dull." He lifted his hand slightly to Rockmar and smirked "Perhaps your axe will get to taste blood today, eh?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Cedric woke with a start at the sudden commotion, almost drawing his blade before he remembered where he was and realizing the commotion was simply people rousing themselves for the day. He stood up, stretching his neck from side to side until it gave a satisfying 'pop', then made his way outside to find a place to relieve himself. Upon his return, he said to the others "That hound sure left his mark. He's got scratch marks all over the hall..."

"I suspect Captain Thorne's crew is already up and working. I'll got let 'em know what's going on. Then what? See if we can track the beast? Or check out the place where it murdered that shepherd? 'Less you think we should split up?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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The young girl calmed down and held Eve's hand and nervously shuffled her feet. She waited for Rockmar and she turned. "Cedric, Tarquin are you coming too?"

The child pulled and yanked her out the now open door. "Come on!" Eve held the ranbunctious girl til Rockmar got there and she let him take her. He was much stronger and would have less trouble keeping her under control. People were pooring out of the building now and going about the day as if there weren't some horrid beast trying to kill them all every night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

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Rockmar lifted the little girl up and held her at his height. "Lass, we are going to find your father and brothers. But first, tell me, what is your name?" Rockmar scanned the crowd looking for the tiny Wimena. He wanted to make sure she was alright before they left.

He smiled at Eve. He liked watching take charge of the children and others of the company. He was impressed by her taking charge of things. Somebody had to. Rockmar was a simple soldier for hire. He felt better when following a leader. Having a pretty leader was an added bonus.

EDIT (forgot) "Cedric, let us stay together. We will go find the Lasses family, then send word to the ship. Sound good?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Tarquin followed after the others calmly, again resting his right hand on the pommel of his rapier. "Yes." His short answer was obviously directed to Eve behind who the elf was already standing. "So, we'll look for the girl's family and then go hunting? Oh, if only my brother was here, he's the best tracker I know. I got a few stories of his exploits if you want to hear them at some point."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar
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Lunar The Skull

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When June woke she realized she was laying on the ceiling. Realizing this she floated down to only a foot off the ground. She saw that all of her fellow explorers had gone. She saw a man with a mug mug in his had. It seemed like he couldn't stop shaking. "Excuse me sir but do you know where the rest of the men had gone" she said curiosity. He had told her they had left and had gone to the field of sheep and where it was. "Thank you kind sir" she said to him as he was still shaking. She then float out the door and to the field where the others were.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve turned and looked at Tarquin blushing as she had not realized he had been standing that close to her. "I'm sorry I hope I didn't yell in your ear. The little girl is quite scared ad impatient." Eve barely heard what Cedric was saying but assumed that he and Rockmar had spoken. Cedric was heading towards the direction constable's men had went. She turned her head and caught sight of a young woman hovering over the ground. She had seen her yesterday but was too busy to question her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Impatient, surely. But scared? Perhaps not. The girl squirmed slightly against Rockmar's hold on her. "Edith," she told him. "I can walk, you know," slightly insulted to be treated like such a baby.

Cedric followed the group down the steep path they had trekked up the previous evening. The Constable followed too, pointing out a thin man robed in grey to Rockmar. From their vantage they could see the thin man was engaged in a conversation with the sailors from the Elfleda, but could not hear what was being said. "That is Father Beacom."

"My house is over there," Edith pointed to the right, pointing the group toward a small house where a man was busy lifting sheep, one by one, out of the house and handing them to a teenage boy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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"I think I'll have a quick word with the priest." Tarquin stated and headed up to Father Beacom. "Good tidings to you, priest. How goes the morning?" He inquired politely and made a little bow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Father Beacom turned toward the elf, showing his rather hawkish face to the newcomer. "Good tidings!" he repeated, though not in a friendly way, but rather astonished that someone could wish him good tidings at a time like this. "Good tidings, he says, when the harbinger of doom stalks us, punishing us for our sins."

The sailors behind Father Beacom exchanged a glance, then quickly turned back to their work of ferrying supplies, seeing an opportunity to escape the man's ramblings. "Have you sought salvation through the goddess, Justicia, elf?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve saw the little girl squirm until Rockmar let her go and she watched as she went running to her father and started to tell him about last night. Eve started walking towards them. She noticed that the house they were removing sheep from had many scratches on the side of it, very similar to those that are on the building that they had stayed the night in.

"Sir? Last night Edith stayed in the main building with most of the townsfolk and we travelers that ported here yesterday. I just want you to know that she was well looked after and made safe."

Edith's father said, "Thank ye ma'am my Edith's a bit of a spitfire. Ye might na'noticed." Eve nodded and chuckled.

"I did notice that. Did you see the beast last night? Is there anything you could tell us about it or what direction it comes from? We would like to try to help if we can."

He thought about it a minute and scratched his head. "It came from the north and this morn it headed back that same direction. It got my goat in the barn. The door was na working so we tied her up behind the hay and this morn she was gone."

Eve nodded and replied, "Well thank you sir. I'm sure that will help. If we are here tonight I'll look after Edith again for you." He nodded and kissed her hand which made her blush. She turned and went back to the group and updated them on her discussion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fubsy
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Fubsy Well, owl be darned.

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It was a miracle Wimena got any sleep at all, after the prior events. The night passed quickly in a dreamless haze. It wasn't until a beam of light hit the halfling's eyes that she did wake.

The young women followed the others outside, her eyes widening at the deep grooves left by the creature's claws. Her hand instantly went to the knife Rockmar had given her. If it weren't for her fellow crew member's aid, Wimena was certain that the creature would have left more than just scratches. She quickened her pace as to not get left behind and fell into step beside a woman that looked to be gliding. No...she didn't look like she was floating, the woman was floating! Wimena blinked in surprise before giving her a small, greeting smile.

"I'm glad no one was hurt last night," she said, her eyes flickering over to the little girl from before, Edith, as she hurried to her parents. She watched Eve talk to her family before coming back with news on the beast. "North..." she mused to herself. Turning to the constable, she asked, "What is to the north? Is that where the shepherd was first killed?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Even after a solid six or so hours of sleep, Leofwine still looked weary, but he nodded at Wimena. "It is and where I too suspect the beast must return during the day. Some have seen it's tracks come and go from that direction. Do you want me to take you there now? The walk takes almost 2 hours. Or we could take horses if you don't mind waiting for them to be caught and saddled."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Garth
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Garth He's a Knight

Member Seen 21 days ago

Rockmar told Edith, "I know you can walk, I have seen you run. I just did not want you to get too far in front of us." But he did put her down as soon as they saw the house and family working outside.

Rockmar took up is usual position whenever he was in a group of people, he would stand near the edge of the group. He would need space if he ever had to swing is waraxe or greataxe. He welded the 5 foot long axe with both hands and needed room to get a full swing in. So he often stood in areas where he would have room if ever needed.

Rockmar was content to follow the the other's lead. They found little girl's family. Good. The bard is talking to the holy man. Rockmar rubbed his left shoulder, where Tempus' holy symbol tattooed on. He wasn't overly religious, but after a certain victory where he fought side by side with a cleric of Tempus, they both got drunk. When he woke up the next day the holy symbol was tattooed on his bare chest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Tarquin shrugged his shoulders to the priest and smiled politely. "I have sought salvation through many a god and goddess. Be they in heavens, or dark pits. None have provided me with neither salvation nor guidance." He lifted his hands apologetically and managed the most solemn expression ever to his face. "Now, of course fair Justicia might be a different matter all together, Father. There might still be room in my heart for guidance." The tall elf paused for a moment and then continued. "Alas, my list of sins is far too many for any divine being to take them under their wings, it all started with my brother you see, he is a rather bad influence on people - a great hero, but a bit of a ruffian." He paused for a moment to stare to the distance and then examined the priest in a most peculiar manner. "You would not happen to possess any holy water would you? Or perhaps powdered silver? It could really help us rid this poor poor area of at least a part of it's sins."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

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Eve stayed near the back of the group and just kept her eyes open. She stared off to the north wondering what was out there and how far down the road it is. She looked at all of them and noticed they all seemed to be on alert wondering what would happen next.
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