"Sir the stabilizers are out, we are sitting ducks. Not much to be done about it either!"
When the galaxy is gone to shit, and the outer sector species rebel against the core, war is inevitable. The rapid expanse of the Core Alliance, aka "The Empire" has left the galaxy in turmoil. After months of agressive law enforcement, the inner sector species, the Humans and the Saqqar, declared martial law in the territory of the Empire, and closed off all borders leading to the inner sectors. This left thousands of human and saqqar people out on the outer ring. A month after that the outer ring's races united against the martial law and in a bloody conflict retook the old Federation capital Jam'ha (gym+ha), and formed the Outer Sectors Alliance. A bloody war has broken out between the Inner Sectors and the OSA, for control over the galaxy.
The war torn the galaxy apart. Most species settled with one side or another, whilst the rest tried to turn a blind eye, and live like nothing happened. But galactic dependencies led to fiercer battles, and the anger grew every day between the two factions. What some anticipated to be a small uprising, now became a glactic scale murder spree, led by those, who value wealth more than any being's life. Crime rates rised sky high, and universal law enforcement ceased to exist in areas that got caught by the war. Many smaller planets and settlements were abandoned in fear of the war. It truly is a dark time for the galaxy, one where light cannot be seen.
Skip 2 years and the galaxy is completely reshaped. War still rages, and both the OSA and the Inner Sectors are low on resources. In a desperate attempt to gain new fotthold, and gather minerals, both parties begin rapid exploration, and expanse. Amongst the thousands of new planets they discover, some are too extreme for normal troopers to handle. Barren, or earth like planets are no big deal, but Jovian giants with a solid core, or desert planets need specials. For this reason, the OSA created the Exotic Enviroment Enforcers. A special unit, the 3E (three+e) goes to places where enemy strategic locations are deep within hostile biomes. Highly trained, highly specialised, and fully equipped, these boys are the most elite of the navy, and are the "death squad" of the OSA army. There is no race limitation, so any humanoid species can join them, if tehy are brave enoguh. Fatality rates are off the charts, as these boys, charge into battle, even against unbeatable odds, shouting "Invicta Furorem" on all comm channels. You are none the wiser soldier.
What will we be doing here? -Visiting exotic planets, free of charge, -Using our governement funded spaceship of mega awesomeness -Kicking alien butts -Kicking human butts -Kicking mechanised thing's butt-like part -Shooting guns -Shooting BIGGER guns -Shooting THE BIGGEST guns -Trying to survive on harsh enviroments if necessary -Trying not to die -Shouting slogens -And so much more
Interested? You should be! Here is a CS template:
Species(what your aline species is. Can be anything humanoid):
Species description(what your species is like, where they live, what are their traditions, beliefs):
Appearance(At least a few pharagraps):
Equipment(please keep rational. Lasers ok, but no plasma):
Note(anything you want to tell to this lovely bunch):
@Errant Son I will have you with a bottle of wine and a hot tub. Otherwise you can only participate in this truly amazing RP. Sounds cool? :D Of course, there is 2 people in the interest check who I have to call here still.
@Errant Son I will have you with a bottle of wine and a hot tub. Otherwise you can only participate in this truly amazing RP. Sounds cool? :D Of course, there is 2 people in the interest check who I have to call here still.
Correction, one person you need to call here. That's right! I've been watching . . . from the shadows . . . So make some room in that hot-tub dammit! xD
@Errant Son@NanoFreakV2 Yay! Enthusiastic people all around me! I promise you'll enjoy the RP. And you guys all seem so nice too! There is space in teh hot tub for everyone, so make yourself comfortable. I will be putting up my own CS in a matter of minutes >D
Tell me what ya think guys. Also I am yet to put up the armor and a few minor details.
Lex "Loki" Holzer
AGE: 32
SPECIES DESCRIPTION: Born as a genetical experiment, the Draken are a species of humanoids that are infused with genes from different alien species, in order to create the perfect humans. Most specimen began growing horns, and their skin started to turn into scales in a few areas. Their eyes also gradually took extreme colors that rarely appear without gene therapy. The specimen's circulatory system also changed in order to provide more blood to the rapidly expanding muscle mass. It was also noted that their skin and blood turned white. However it was the machines that kept them alive, as they had such a huge need for protein that by default they couldn't get enough food to fuel their brains and muscles. After seeing the specimen reacting in a distrubing way to gene therapy, they abandoned the project. Dumped them one by one on a small uninhabitated planet, covered in a swampy biome. However what scientists couldn't solve, time and genetic selection did. The Draken not only survived on the planet, but soon became the wildest predator race that lived on it. The gene therapy gradually sped up their evolution, and their mainly human body started to show signs of extreme adaptation.
With a muscle density 3-4 times of an ordinary human, mixed with the extreme eyesight they acquired through the decades, the sharp claws that they can retract like most bigcats, and the human intelligence, they thrived on their planet. Due to the harsh nature of their plnet, they acquired a few extreme traits that can only be seen on a smaller scale normally. Most notably their ability to control their adrenaline levels, and to hide themselves using camouflage that their reptilian-like skin allows. Setting up a nature based sociality, they united to rule the planet. Never in need of any high tech equipment, they lived in an enviroment that closely resembled the middle ages. For centuries no one knew about their existence, and they no longer seeked to be reunited with the humans, as they have finally created their own race. Now that the war rages across the galaxy, the OSA discovered their planet, and found them living on it. Seeing their amazing combat potential, after a long year of negotiations the Draken agreed to join the OSA, just out of pure hatred against the Inners Sectors who turned them into what they are, and for dumping them here. Now they are well known across the galaxy as the predominant humanoid race when it comes to figting. Excellent marksman, spec-ops, hand to hand combat masters, no one wants to face them on the battlefield.
They are religious people who beleive in the Chi, much like the buddhists. They beleive that Chi runs through everything living and grants them power. If they hunt their prey, they absorb the Chi, and become stronger. Such is that the highest class in the Draken culture are the warriors. It is said that the more Chi they absorb the longer they live. This is most likely a mere legend due to their incredible 300 year lifespan. They speak a tounge similar to human speech, but utilises the throat a lot more, and has minor attention on gestures. They can speak the Common tounge fluently, however a few words they use are not present, so tehy sometimes have problem with explaining themselves.
APPEARANCE: Lex is just an average male Draken, much like the stuff you'd expect from the other members of his race. Pale white skin, with reptilian scales covering some areas, he has an absolute cold expression. He stands 192 cm and weighs 120 kilos, most of which is muscle and skin. If you took only a glance at him you could see how he is a genetical experiment, as he bears the signs of a "perfect" body, engineered by scientist's. However he earned his nickname due to his black horn on his head. Some are born with furry ears, or tails, depending on their genetical mutations. However the ones born with horns are generally the strongest, and wisest of the Draken. It is due to the selective breeding during the early years of their stay on their planet.
He wears a long coat sewn by his mate (girlfriend that stays for your entire life :P ), one that is matched to his own colors. Black and White, Lex dresses in a fashion that some would call "enclosed". From the jacket with the huge collar and white lining that runs down to knee height, to the black gloves, and the matt trousers, he looks as he came out of a nightmare, or a Man in Black film. Lex is also a fan of accessories and he wears a necklace with a skull on it, and a silver chain that hangs on his trouser. Maybe it's worth mentioning that he wears no proper shoes, rather a combo between a sandal and paper wraps. It is light and flexible, and allows him to better utilise his foot when running and climbing.
PERSONALITY: Unlike what he looks like, and what one would think about the Draken, Lex is an open presonality who likes to make jokes, and cheer with buddies. However he is very moody and can sometimes become very depressed and closed, something that is uncontrollable, and is thanks to his race's genes. He has amazing reflexes compared to most people, and because of this he often makes a performane using his parkour and juggling skills to amaze the others. One would not think of a Squad Officer like you would think of Lex. He acts like a family, and is happy to help those in need. Those in his squad can expect a fair treatement and uttermost respect. One could easely forget that they are talking to their superior, if it wasn't for the abdges on his jacket.
BIOGRAPHY: Lex was born in the capital of the Draken's homeworld, and growed up in the upper class. Due to his genetic traits he was put under a master warrior who taught him how to fully utilize his skills. It quickly became obvious that he was gifted with speed and agility above strenght or intelligence. And so he was assigned as a chaser, a hunter who lures an animal into a trap or ambush, and one who hunts the prey long after the other hunters gave up on it. He became experienced using a bow and arrow, as well as throwing knives. He trained the warriors path until he was 30, which is when the Draken are sent out into the jungle to prove their worth by surviving for a week in extremely hostile biomes. After they return they are accepted as members of the community and as hunters and huntresses. Lex came home from the test with a huge scar on his back, as he luckily escaped a predator resembling a T-Rex that even the Draken fear.
He was celebrated to have survived such a harsh event, and he received gratitous gifts. Shortly after, the OSA arrived and brought a major change to their culture. With all the technological advancements, they promised them glory and fame. At first he was just like the others. He remembered what the elders said about their makers and the technology they used to have accesed. He refused to talk to the OSA representatives, and thought of them as prey, weak and pathetic beings that can only rely on their technology to survive. But after incidentally speaking to a few, he discovered how they weren't so different after all. Lex even made close friendship with a 20 or so soldier who taught him how to shoot guns.
It took the OSA 1 entire year to completely befriend the Draken elders, and when the first wave left their planet, Lex was aboard the shuttle. He and 19 other young Draken took all the OSA tests with flying numbers, and quickly proved to be the best of their batallion. He decided to leave traditions and instead of a bow, he familiarized with guns. Acquiring a taste for assault carbines, light and compact, but still packing a punch, he eventually became and excellent shooter. Then soon enough he joined the EEE with the other Drakens. A job that perfectly suited them. He is now preparing his first mission with his new Squad, and Lex couldn't be more excited to meet the new recruits.
-Ensontm CZ-23 Assault Carbine Mk.II - A medium to long range assault carbine designed to provide good penetration with minimal recoil. The Mk.II version utilises a coilgun system which allows the gun to accelerate any bullet to the speed of 1.5-2 mach with little recoil. It uses the standard 5.56x45mm bullets, which can take down any foes in seconds at such lethal speeds. Even if the battery power runs out of the coilgun, given the user has ammuniton left, the gun can be used as a normal carbine, thought less powerful and accurate.
-Ensontm R12 .50 calibre Portable Sidearm - A small and compact, yet incredibly useful helper, the R12 is a tiny pistol that can send deadly bullets flying at any targets that come too close to the user. With an upper rail system, a scope can be atached, along with many other extensions, but it also allows the pistol to be mounted under a gun's barrel, to proved an underbarrel armanent. At close range the R12 hits like a bull, and the effects are much like of a shotgun shell's impact. The only downside to this compact sledgehammer is the 7+1 round mag. After that it has to be manually reloaded.
(I tried to edit out the text but Windows said no)
-Expandable Katana - A piece of equipment that is standard issue for all Draken. Retracted it takes up little to no space, but once it expands this sword shows it's lethal side. Upon the press of a button the titanium alloy snaps into place and this katana reveals itself. It can cut a bullet flying through air in half, or a human if the user wants to. The alloy plates can be swapped for quick maintenance.
Expanding Sword Expanded Sword
-Almortm Special OSA Issued Exo Suit for Drakens - Self explanatory, this is an armor developed by the OSA in order to house Draken soldiers. It is a specially fabricated light armor that has a respiratory system and an implant to provide proteins for the soldier. The helmet is also altered so instead of a full cover it has plexy front so the Draken can have more visual feedback, as well as an extended back part in order to house their horns. But the most important modification is the ability to completely disappear with the Draken if needed. However this has left the armor with little protection, barely at par with the MK.II Spartan armor.
The armor itself The magic behind the camouflage
Note: During my seacrh for pics i found many candidates for the armor. But after some time I couldn't find the "perfect" one so I settled with this 2 step explanation on how the armour works. It is indeed an armor that is meant to protect, but most that I found were either not big enough to house all the extra stuff needed for the Drakens or were too difficult to put the stealth tag on. Or too light and japanese for my taste.
@6slyboy6 I have only one suggestion - I get that he's basically an evolved human with a lot of good traits but perhaps there should be some bad traits as well. For now it seems like he's just really really strong, and doesn't really suffer anything. Kinda like he's good at everything you know?
But it feels kinda weird giving the GM suggestions like that. I'll leave it to you. :P
@Errant Son Nah son. He gas negatives. I wanted to write it in the nites and the race overview but I ran out of time. Gotta edit the hider to WIP. I know it is OP now, but I have somw HUGE flaws planned for the Draken. Btw you guys are free to choose them as your race ;)
Also I was thinking - if they are kind of bigger than your average human, or atleast have a different structure (evidently scales and such would do that) wouldn't they need special armor and special weaponry? I'm sure a big finger wouldn't fit the trigger unless it was an uncovered trigger (which means any snag on the trigger can set it off).
I think it'd be cool if there was some sort of special weaponry made for them, custom, by the OSA. A welcome gift so to say.
Furthermore I like that they use religion, though I wonder that since humans are seen as their creators what is the standard/average reaction to humans? Surely there are some that see them as their gods/goddesses while others shared Lex's early idea that humans were prey.
I think that if the humans created them surely they can put down a few Draken in case they tried anything funny. Especially if they were a medieval-ish society. Not sure what your idea would be on that though. When working with races, it's always hard to get a grasp on how the different races stand up to each other.
PS: Draken translates to dragons in Dutch, the more you know.
@Errant Son I lovr explaining so you came to the right GM!
So lemme start with the first part. They are not necessarely bigger, rather more...dense. They are like a snake in that sense. Even a small are is FILLED with muscles. And the scales are also quite heavy. They look like us for the most part, with a look that is like an ideal human. They were created to be the perfecr human. But in that sense they weren't human enough for the scientists. So technically they can operate standard gear.
Technically. In any combat enviroment they will use up so much energy they could die. Their armors deliver proteins straight to their bloodstream. And so they rely on them heavely. One flaw. Also Lex is of the horned race amongst his species. Excellent fighters, but they have no emotional control. They can go into a bloody fury if they lose control. Not a killing spree, but still bad. For this AGAIN their armor limits their adrenaline priduction. Their planet was simple enough, but it had one huge flaw: a different atmosphere. It is hard to get soldiers who suffocate without enough CO2. They were made to make humans breathe CO2, but it failed.
Best imagine them like Navi from Avatar.
Humans are not their creator's I'd like to say. They were humans once, created to be experimented upon. The elders still know about the human world. They simply refuse to be greedy like us, and rather live with the nature. It is about 200 years since they were abandoned. So now humans seem exotic and weak, and they don't get how humans still control the galaxy and other races, even thought they are greedy and seek only power. Like a wise man once said: "Humans are common and uninteresting. But once they see a gold's glimmer they become fascinating predators"
So like I said beforehand, the Draken are primitive, not unintelligent. They can comprehend all that humans can, thought their lifestyle might stop them from undersranding certain things (like advanced fusion and pop music.). They have their own measurements and maths, so they are more like different humans who don't rely on tech as much as we do.
Ps: I know, after all they are half human an one third reptilian. And thr rest is a mix. Also I made it to tease your German genes :P
Ah, well, I have no preference in real life as to any genes or anything. All can be beautiful and all can be ugly. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's just that I am Germanic and (sort of) pagan so I chose to base it off of that cause that's easiest for me since that's what I know. No preference for Germanic people regardless.
And as for the traits, that sounds fair. I wonder why they'd make unstable emotional creatures into squad leaders but I suppose I can hold that grudge in the IC as that'd be more interesting. Perhaps Lex is one of the few who has (remarkably) better control, but even then is still fallible? I don't know. Remains to be seen.
As for the creation aspect I'd argue that if we altered humans to become Draken, then we're still the creators, but again that is something to do with perspective so I'd probably argue that point ICly rather than OOCly simply because again that is more interesting.