Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Starting Date and Time: 3rd day of Saffra, 6th scratch in the morning, 301DM

Starting Location: Forest bordering Silent Rise

CS URLs: Aelia Tyrannson & GM

Aelia crouched behind two bushes, each beginning to grow deep green leaves upon the return of spring, her bow raised and an arrow nocked. Spring had only returned a couple of days prior but already was colour returning to the forest and the bitter cold of winter was evanescent in the warmth of the spring sun. In the distance the sun was just starting to reveal itself accompanied by a variety of soft hued colours and it wasn’t long before a gazelle slowly trotted to a close by stream within Aelia’s vision. She couldn’t believe her luck! It was very rare for a gazelle to be so slow and seem so off-guard, however, Aelia had only been in the hunting business for less than a year, perhaps it was normal this time of year?

Taking a slow shallow breaths the young archer re-positioned her bow slightly, inspecting the gazelle from afar. Adult, most likely male judging on its horns, decently built. Yes, it will sell for a nice price. It seemed as if the animal was too relaxed in the warm rays of the rising sun to be ready to leap off, peculiar but helpful. In one swift, fluid move the young huntress rose and drew her bow pulling the string of her bow taut, aiming for the fantastic beast’s eye. She released, the arrow flying through the air, leaving nothing but a trailing whistle in silence of the forest. In a lot of cases the gazelle would be right on the case and would be leaping off, it’s backside obtaining the blow slowing it enough for Aelia to shoot a successful arrow. Aelia, as much interest she showed in hunting as a child, was still getting used to making clean shots, however, with each shot she made she was evidently getting better and even succeeded in making a clean shot when hunting a gazelle, and this was one of those times, the beast was not fast enough and the arrow pierced him straight through the eyes, leading to its quick death.

The huntress was just about jog off to retrieve her arrow and her prize when she was stopped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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A large hand grabbed the young red head by the back of her collar, lifting her with ease before tossing her into the grass, a few meters away. A tall orc, covered in bear and wolf leathers stood before the Anuirean. "Another young one, hm?" He growled in a low tone, a scowl on his face. "Then I assume you are not aware of the rules we have about hunting during this time." He continued, his intimidating presence barring down on her. His expression looked as though he was about to pull out the two tomahawks from his belt and just conduct an execution right then and there. However his gaze averted slightly from the young girl toward the trees.

"Oh come now Gorrak. She is only a hatchling." Another voice spoke up from behind Aelia. A woman's voice, speaking in a very calm, charming voice. The woman knelt down behind the red head, wrapping her arms around the young girl's shoulders in an embrace, her face close to Aelia's. "Don't let the big old man scare you~ He's just a big meanie~" She said in an amused tone. "Gods be damned Talia! Don't coddle such children. They must be disciplined!" He bellowed, the birds flying out of the canopy due to the volume.

"Now now, there is not need for that." Talia responded as she got to her feet. She strode over to the dead Gazelle and stretched out her arm so that her hand was directly above the corpse. A small green glow exuded from her hand. For a moment, Aelia would see a small bead of light collide with the body of the Gazelle. Slowly the once dead animal got to it's feet as though nothing happened. With calm, deft hands, the brunette pulled the arrow out of the Gazelle's head, before immediately placing her other hand over the open wound. The animal squirmed, but Talia's held it's head firmly, yet with a gentle touch, making a hushing noise.

Another soft glow emitted from Talia's hand, and soon the wound was healed as though the arrow had never struck it. She slowly let go of the Gazelle, allowing it to bound away. The woman slumped to the ground, exhausted, beads of sweat running down her face. "Talia, you mustn't do such things in plain sight." The orc warned, only to receive a tired and dismissive wave from his female companion.

The Orc's gaze hadn't really moved away from the young huntress, but he move away slightly, straightening himself, however his presence was still quite overbearing. "What is your name, child?" He inquired, still retaining his low, rumbling voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

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Aelia barely had time to struggle nor scream before she was thrown to the ground by a strong hand that had lifted her with ease. Routinely she ensured she rolled on the ground to lower the impact of the landing, turning to see a massive face of a scowling orc. "Another young one, hm?" He growled "Then I assume you are not aware of the rules we have about hunting during this time." Now at this point Aelia would have some snark remark to shoot back, whether it be confusion on this fast-paced scene or the orc's intimidating figure, she couldn't bring herself to say anything, not that she had the time before woman spoke from behind the orc before kneeling by Aelia, and wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

Aelia just sat in silence as the odd pair bickered, barely a clue in what was going on before the woman walked over to the gazelle, placing her hand to hover over the beast. For a quick moment a small collided with the body of the Gazelle. Aelia was at a loss, what the hell was going on? That was when the beast slowly rose as if it had just taken rest by the stream and not just been put to death. Slowly and carefully the woman slid the arrow out of the animal's head and placed her other hand over the wounds, a slight glow showed from the edge of her hand and, quite promptly, the Gazelle bounded away. Aelia slowly rose to her feet. Who were these people?

"Talia, you mustn't do such things in plain sight." The orc warned the woman who had collapsed to the ground, sweat beading her forehead. She didn't say anything but dismiss his words with a wave. That wasn't magic as it? No, it couldn't be! Magic was nothing but history now, alongside the Anuirean clan and their land possession. Magic was nothing but a whisper now but this woman.... what else could it have been? There was no logical explanation, not that magic was entirely logical even if it was still around. Aelia attempted to push thoughts from her mind but she couldn't, they pressed against her head demanding answers. The orc was slightly further from the red-haired huntress, should she run? No, he was stronger and bigger than her, he probably could catch her with ease. In her head she thought through many solutions to get out unharmed.

"What is your name, child?" The orc asked, his tone still not ringing kindness in the young huntress' ears. She pursed her lips.

"And who's inquiring?" she spat, folding her arms and looking back at the orc. Truthfully he intimidated her, scared her even, he had the advantage both height and strength-wise, but she wasn't going to show such a feeling, or she was going to try and cover it up at least. She then slowly slung her quiver of arrows over her shoulder, followed by her bow. "I have no idea what is going on with you two but, thank you for losing my perfect kill and throwing me on the ground, it's been fun, but I'm going to go hunt elsewhere," she snaps before swiftly turning on the spot and starting to head east.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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The youngster's impudence angered Gorrak further than he had anticipated. He knew Anuireans to be hard headed and overall stupid, but he didn't think that she'd be that idiotic. Before she could even take more than a step, he grabbed her by the collar again, dragging her back to face him, although she may be tall for a woman, she was still quite short compared to Gorrak's massive figure. "Perhaps you need to be told in a more direct manner. We are part of the Silent Hunters. Those who protect and hunt within the forest. It'd be smart on your part to provide some respect." He growled as he placed her back in front of him. "Silent Rise has many rules when it comes to hunting. Etiquette, unspoken and spoken rules must be obeyed by all self respecting hunters, so you best listen well. We understand that you are a new blood. A green horn. If it was any other season, that Gazelle would have been a dream catch for a novice like you." He continued.

Talia, having recovered somewhat from her expenditure of energy, got up slowly before strolling over to the pair. "During Spring, the Hunters do not hunt such game like the Gazelle, for Spring is a time for such animals to reproduce and grow, to ensure that they do not disappear from the forest entirely. Smaller game like hare, dire squirrels and more common animals are free game for everyone. It is our job to inform newcomers like you of such rules and etiquette of the forest. Should this have been any other time of the year, I would not have done what I did." She explained in a calmer tone compared to her companion. Talia hoped that the red head would listen to her. She gave the huntress a small smile before adding something else, "I believe we haven't properly introduced ourselves. I am Talia and this is Gorrak. As he said, we are part of the Silent Hunters. A group of veteran hunters whom are tasked with taking care of Silent Rise's forests as well as recruiting young hunters like yourself."

If Aelia was a smart hunter, she'd understand. However if she was to continue to her distasteful attitude and attempt to walk away again, she would be swiftly tied to a tree and left there without any way of breaking free.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

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Before she had gone anywhere the Orc had, once again, grabbed her by the collar and brought her to his face him. For a woman, or any human for that matter, Aelia was tall, almost unnaturally so yet the orc towered over her only assisting in his intimidating appearance. Intimidating and irritating Aelia thought to herself, rolling her eyes ever-so-slightly. Often would she say the first thing that popped into her head but she wasn't that stupid. The orc growled words at the young huntress and she listened, last thing wanted to do was be pounded in the head by this oaf. The orc set her down, growling more words her direction. Aelia looked at him directly, arms folded and a scowl on her pale lips, yet taking in every word.

The woman joined them now, the sweat on her forehead not so obvious as she explained the hunting rules come Spring, they seemed reasonable enough, no hunting larger less common animals as they procreated. Sure, it'd be a stretch but that was something Aelia would, grudgingly, roll with. It was in hearing it was the pair's job to inform new hunters that irked her. "And in what reality is it right to inform one of such a rule by waiting until they break it and throwing them on the ground! She was annoyed in such form. Had she had known this earlier she would have spent her day hunting squirrels or selling off the last of yesterday's game, not that she had been out long and acquired much- just a couple of squirrels and a hare, but she wouldn't be here being thrown to the ground or growled at by an orc. Wouldn't it have been easier for both parties if they had just told her upon Spring's approach?

The woman then introduced herself and the orc to the scowling red-head, offering her a kind smile. Talia seemed nice enough but it was the orc, Gorrak, Aelia had a problem with, however, he was physically advantaged over her and because of that so wasn't going to try anything, not quite yet at least. The young huntress sighed, tugging on the strap of her quiver which was still full of arrows, 29 to be exact. "I suppose I must introduce myself," she says, mumbling slightly to show her annoyance yet clear enough to be heard, "I am Aelia Tyrannson, decendant of the Anuirean."She then folds her arms again, "And I do not like your method of informing me of these rules. Are there any others I'm yet to be informed of or are you going to wait until I break them?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

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Gorrak tensed up in annoyance at the girl's arrogance and tone, but Talia held her hand up, stopping him before he could do anything to her, like tie her to a tree for example. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Aelia. I apologize for what we did, but we weren't able to stop you in time to warn you of such rules. There are very few other rules, and most of them are based on respect and etiquette." She said in an apologetic tone, Gorrak, however, wasn't as concerned about what the Anuirean thought of their methods. "Another few rules being, Do not harm fellow hunters on purpose, even if you stalk the same prey. And do not steal their catch. If you break those rules, you'll be the one that is hunted." He said gruffly, folding his massive arms across his chest.

"As I said, many of these 'rules' are more about respect for your fellow hunters as well as the animals themselves. But I'm sure you've heard enough. There's something else I wanted to talk to you about." She said calmly, the last sentence being followed by a smile. "I think, with a little bit of guidance, you'll do well as a Silent Hunter." She continued, only to receive an incredulous look from the Orc. "What?!" He shouted in surprise and anger. Obviously he hadn't been informed of such things, which amused Talia.

"Before you ask.. If you become a Silent Hunter, it makes it a lot easier for you to sell off your catch, since we have a network of merchants and those in the crafting profession, they'd be happy to take it off your hands. Meaning, you'll earn more than an run-of-the-mill hunter." She explained in a light tone.

"So, are you interested?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

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Aelia looked at the other huntress, brow raised. Aelia knew herself, she knew her tongue and unfiltered words often got her in trouble and, with that the case, the woman's offer confused her slightly. It was obvious it confused the orc also.

Respect? Was that something she could hold? Depends to what extent? She could definitely stop herself from shooting another hunter as long as she wasn't provoked or had an arrow aimed at her own head and it was a universal unspoken rule throughout hunters everywhere to not take another's game, not that she ever would, what sort of victory was that? Taking another hunter's prey made you no better then a thief. She, once more, fiddled with her quiver strap her eyes remaining trained on Talia. She chewed on the inside of her cheek as thw cons and pros of such a decision swam through her head.

"And despite a better pay and more connections, which I am liking the sound of I must add, what other differences are there? Do I have to pledge a portion of my earnings to the cause? Or must I have a restricted hunting spot? Must my every action and kill be monitored? Must I attend meetings? What else is involved in such a group, hm?" She asks, her questions pouring from her lips before she rested on her heels, her hands remaining on the strap of her quiver.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

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Talia smiled a nodded in approval, "Good to see someone who questions things! Usually people just jump at extra pay and ask nothing else. Needless to say, they don't get the job~" She stated lightheartedly. This time, Gorrak decided to join into the conversation, his tone a little less growl-y this time, "We do take a little portion of your earnings, however it won't cause you any stress about money. We just need it to maintain our connections, equipment and so on. You will not be restricted to a designated hunting spot, nor will you be monitored to that extent, however we do need you to uphold the rules of the forest, which we told you earlier. The Silent Hunters have an annual meeting around this time of year, and as a Silent Hunter, you will need to attend these meetings whether you have anything to contribute or not. As for what else we're involved in, we assist the Ebonknights in keeping Silent Rise safe, however we are not obligated to assists in fighting Screamers, although most opt to help. We take on tasks like culling rampaging animals that threaten the safety of the people. Should the need arise, we will discuss such matters during the annual meetings." He explained at length.

At the point, Talia decided to add her own little piece of information, "We'll also provide you with equipment if need be. We're very much an official Guild rather than a group.. Is there anything else you'd like to know?".."Or would you like to tell us if you're in or not?", Gorrak added on with a slight smirk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

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Aelia moistens her lips, her hand finally moved from her quiver's strap as she looked between the orc and the young woman. "I... I think I'm in," she replies, a small, gentle smile spreading on her face. "Do I need to get any special training or walkthroughs?" she then asks her eyes mainly on Talia. Sje looked at the woman in front of her deeply, her mind wandering to the point not so long ago where the young woman had healed and revived the gazelle with the simple touch of its head. How was that possible? Magic wasn't alive, not anymore, it belonged with the stories of her ancestors who conquered continent after continent, before Ebonfort took over and came to rule supreme. She knew she shouldn't pry but she didn't care, since when did the young woman have a filter anyways?

"Earlier, you healed the gazelle, more then that, you revived it, how? Magic... magic is dead. It's long gone, only stories now so how do you, a simple huntress, have the power to heal such creatures?" she asks, taking a step backward, what had she walked into?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

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When the red-haired girl said that she would join, both Gorrak and Talia smiled, although the Orc's smile was a little less obvious. "You're still a greenhorn, so yes, you'll need to be trained if you're going to make a living out of hunting as a Silent Hunter." Gorrak responded briefly, "You'll be meeting your mentor soon." He added.

Aelia's mentioning of Talia's magic was something that both the Silent Hunter's wanted her to forget, but of course, something that astonishing isn't forgettable. Talia couldn't help but chuckle a little, "Yes, that was magic. I'm sure you've heard of stories from long ago of it dying out and it might be quite a shock to see it now, after 300 years. Mages seemed to have been appearing around Ebonfort since the beginning of last year. It's as you say, I'm a simple huntress. Even I'm not sure how I gained these powers, but I choose to think about what I can do with them, rather than constantly ask myself why I have them." She explained in a rather mellow tone.

"It is best that you keep this within the Silent Hunters. Telling others may cause undue stress and it may spread to the Ebonknights, who have been searching for mages since last year. Possibly to make them soldiers. Talia is an important member of the Hunters, so we would prefer her to stay here." Gorrak warned in a rather serious tone.

"On a different note, there's a small lake that's a little north of here. You'll find your mentor there. However, keep your wits about you. He has a rather.. interesting way of greeting people." Talia said with a warm smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Aelia pursed her lips. She had a feeling there was a piece missing in this. Something she wasn't being told, whether Talia and Gorrak knew what was left to be told or not. She was curious. Heck, Aelia was almost always curious. Her mother once joked her curiousity would be the death of her one day and it most probably would be.

"So I suppose I continue north then?" she says, not bringing to light many other questions such as 'how did you know to have a mentor there'. Inside she bid the pair an awkward farewell, feeling as if nothing had been accomplished in the just-past minutes and headed east. It's not like this morning could get any more odd, right?

Aelia trudged through the damp forest. Long grass, still moist from the early morning dew, grabbing at her legs. The young Anuirean's head whipped left to right.
"He has a rather.. interesting way of greeting people." Talia had claimed. Well, Aelia would not be caught by surprise. Icy blue eyes darted left to right as she kept her guard up to the best of her ability. It wasn't long before the lake came into view.

The young hunter did not walk any faster nor did she slower as she approached the lake. She gripped her bow tightly. She was ready for anything or, at least, her cocky mind thought so
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

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Unfortunately for the young huntress, her awareness of her surroundings and readiness wasn't enough to stop what was going to happen next. A thick rope net shot out of the lake as she approached it, wrapping around her body in a swift motion. When the net had been draped over her; something pulled hard, causing Aelia to be swept from her feet. The net was quickly dragged into the water by something.. Or as she would soon find out, someone.

The young man, whom seemed to be around her age, if not slightly older, realized what he had pulled into the water, a confused expression written on his face. A young woman? He quickly pushed the huntress to the surface of the water, allowing her to catch her breath at the surface, where he soon joined her, his face quite close to hers, his hands holding her above the surface of the lake.

"Uh.. My apologies, miss. I mistook you for something else." He said in a slightly playful tone, giving her a slight smirk. "Although, you might be a better catch than most." He added cheekily, winking at her, before untangling the net that was still constricting the young woman.

When they had made it back onto land at the edge of water, he noticed her bow and arrows. "Oh! You must be the new Silent Hunter candidate that moth--Talia sent." He said in mock surprise before deciding to introduce himself. "Name's Lazarus, nice to meet you." He stretched out his hand toward the huntress in greeting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Of course, as usual, the young huntress' cocky attitude landed her in trouble. As she arrived close to the lake a thick rope net shot out and quickly surrounded her. It was only seconds before she was swept off her feet and dragged into the lake. Aelia pushed at the ropes in a frenzy, attempting to resurface for the sweet taste of oxygen. Unready for the attack she was unsure whether she'd survive long.

Luckily for the young huntress able hands quickly brought her back to shore. A large gasp escaped from her lips as she gulped in the fresh morning oxygen. He apologised to her holding her close to his face, still in the net. She hated that, she hated the feeling of being cooped up or overpowered and offered him nothing but a cold glare. Well Talia did say he had an 'interesting' way of greeting others but was trapping them in a net and almost-drowning someone really necessary? If that was his usual greeting that is.

Aelia just rolled her eye at the young man's flirting as she dropped to the ground from the net. After the morning she had had so far she wasn't up to being flirted with by any guy... even if she found a bit cute. She made quick work repositioning herself as he continued to talk. How did he know to expect her? Aelia didn't think Talia knew there would be a new archer in the forest yet to have 'offical' training so hiw did the news spread so quick? Eyes firm in a glare, "Yes, I am the new huntress. Aelia, descendant of the Anuirean. Is it really necessary to almost drown those under your training?" She asks, not taking his hand.
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