I am
h e n r i .
A b o u t _ M e
Currently a University student. Not particularly busy at the moment - on a break until the next semester. Until then, it's safe to say that I've got a lot of time on my hands.
M y _ W r i t i n g
Regarding my writing, I like to think my English is decent. Proper spelling, proper grammar. There's no doubt a mistake might pop up here and there, but that's just being human.
Because I am a University student and first semester is coming to a close, I'd love it if my future potential partner was patient. Posts will happen, for the better part, once a week. During any exam period, posts will vary between one post per week to one post per month. A month is a stretch, but it seems I'm still adjusting to University life. Between classes, studying, and maintaining some form of social relations, RP really is just a relaxing hobby to me. Please don't pester me for posts. But please do pester me if I don't respond within a month.
** It seems my supposed lack of posting has scared people off. I assure you, most days, I can pump out more than one post per day or one post every night.
Posts once a week generally occur around exam period.
Posts once a month generally occur during midterm period/finals period.
I am currently on break!
Therefore, I'll likely be able to post once a day, if not more.
In regards to writing style and length, I am definitely an aggressive writer. I like to move the plot along rather than simply responding to a post and I'd like my partner to do the same. I am a high-casual - advanced writer, ranging from a measely four paragraphs to several more (honestly, I don't count my paragraphs but I assume four is about the high casual range).
Smut is welcome - always welcome, and would prefer my partner to be open to it as well.
In terms of my partner, I'd appreciate one on equal ground as me in style, length, and speed or higher. It gives me something to look forward to at the end of the day.
Y e s
- Dark plots
- Psychological
- Atypical pairings.
- Deviating from the stereotype.
- The strange.
- Romance. Angst.
N o oOOOoOooOOoooo
- Doctor/Doctor
- Doctor/Patient
- Anything dOctOr
- Anything hoSpiTal or aSylUm
- Detective pairings
- Kidnapper/Captive kind of crap
- Sci-fi
- Gore/Mutilation/Death without permission.
P a i r i n g s
- None at the moment.
P l o t s !!!!
open: . The Lake -> Dark
. The Game -> Gentle Romance
closed: crossed off
Of Fantastical Monsters
Gentle Romance
First - apologies for the lack of ideas. I've got a craving to write but nothing in particular to write about. I'm hoping that someone might be able to suggest an idea or plot.
Second - I'm having a strange craving for something involving monsters. A creature or human with a particularly bad reputation finds solace in someone who sees him as something more than his namesake.
Third - Sleep is also meddling with my mind right now so I'll end it here and start tomorrow fresh with more ideas - hopefully.