@Charnobylisk Thanks very much! My pleasure!
Hmm... that is quite the difficult question! I have been Writing and reading as long as I can remember, and have done a few (albeit, short) oneXone types, but have yet to be in a group RP (though not for lack of effort). In terms of the formal rule setting, although very new to me, is pretty easy to catch on to. I am 98% unfamiliar with the formal rules of combat in RPs and a little more (but still minorly) familiar with magic in them. So... I suppose I am a fledgling, but a fledgling with vast potential (=^.^=) !
That said, I tend to gravitate towards a more Fantasy-style setting. Futuristic, Sci-fi, techie stuff is not my strong suit, but I'm not uninterested either. I'm the kind that will explore near anything, for a wanderer am I!
Thank you for the compliment! I thought so as well, though I have to admit I get terrified when trying to post pictures for fear of (unintentionally) breaking some sort of rule!
Yours is hypnotic! I couldnt look away!