Victor Bonheur

Location: Camp Mexico Beach: (Inside Quarantine: W) Conference Room > Bedroom 5
Skills: N/A
It was hard for Victor to not let his eyes constantly wander over to watch Jack, Jamie and Tati. Hell, he even had to stop himself from staring off in Ash's or Amelia's direction. He even found it difficult to not look at
Riley. It was equal measures uplifting and devastating to see these familiar faces again. His eyes wandered around the room more, looking for distraction from his inner urges. He spied a few men by the screen, a young woman and a young man sitting together on a sofa. There was the young woman missing the lower half of an arm also. He then spotted two older men and another young woman, one in a chair missing a leg and yet another familiar face, Beatrice. He felt that pang of familiarity again, despite knowing she had no idea about it, not really. She still, even now, reminded him of Zoie. She seemed detached from those from Newnan but more closely linked with the older gentlemen. That was very nice to see. He smiled to himself and moved his sights on, wanting to catch sight of everyone before the General arrived.
His eyes spotted a very young man, alone, holding an empty cup of coffee. He looked in pain and angry, but also sad and lost. He wondered why he was alone but knew he could ask someone later or tomorrow. Before he could think much else there was a tap at the conference room door. Victor resumed his eating - as quietly as he could - while the leader of the community entered the room. The definition of a General he was not, at least not an active service General. A retirement aged one however, perhaps. Victor watched him enter the room with his cane in hand, he seemed the exact opposite of imposing so maybe he wasn't an actual General back in the day. However there was something that made Victor feel on edge. The leader of the group that had killed his wife had been just that, the exact opposite of imposing, but they just knew how to hide the venom within.
Victor struggled to swallow his mouthful of food as he recalled that particular portion of his history, a sheen growing on his forehead as his eyes glazed over. A cough shook him as the dryness in his throat had the food travel in a most uncomfortable manner into his stomach. He covered his mouth and managed to muffle the noise as the "General" spoke. Thankfully his cough wasn't bad and no one should really have noticed it much. He took a drink of juice once his airways cleared. His appetite was gone for now, his focus was on this leader. His words seemed to be exactly what people would want to hear but Victor felt unease that he couldn't explain.
Perhaps it was the familiarity of this older gentleman had with the monster that issued the command to his men to kill Rochelle, or perhaps it was how his voiced lulled you into a sense of comfort without you wanting it to, maybe it was even that Victor just hadn't been around people for so long that all he could remember was the bad, with only those he had built up in his mind being people he felt worthy of trusting. It could even be a combination of all of those things but Victor only knew that he was not comfortable here. He would need to speak to some more people and find out more but he would not be able to do that whilst in Quarantine. He sat back and considered the words the leader had said about treasuring the memories and small moments in this life that they were all stuck in. Victor looked over to the Newnan group and then thought about what might come.
When the "General" left the conference room and bid them goodnight, Victor nodded to himself and then watched him move towards Ashton. Ashton had returned his granddaughter's dog tags? Was that someone they knew mutually? He felt for the "General" however and Victor's heart ached once again. So many lives were lost. Sure, it was part of life now but he still felt each loss, whether he wanted to or not. He thought of the others from Newnan that weren't here, the twins Meg and Sid. Victor recalled Sid's face when he had happened upon his body while digging his way out of the main building after it had collapsed. His mind then wandered to Ray and then he looked at Jack. To think that his son had lost his best friend, a friend that Victor cared for too, Victor would be sure to speak with Jack when the moment was right and see how he was. He wanted to be sure that his family was okay. There were more faces that flashed across his mind as he thought of all the losses, there had been so many.
He was only roused from his depression memory reel when Tati walked over and hugged him. He gave her a squeeze and watched her interact with her family. He smiled to himself and waved farewell to her as she left for her room assignment. When Amelia walked over to him he gave her a wide smile and nodded in response to her question.
"Good to see you too, Amelia. Oui, we shall talk tomorrow." He watched as people started to file out of the room. His appetite had returned some and Victor took one more mouthful of food before spotting a bag under the table his food had been on. That must be the clothes Doc had mentioned to him. Licking his lips, Victor grabbed the bag and slipped into the exit queue beside Jack and Jamie. There fellow bed mate Alexander was also with them but Victor was unaware of that fact until they got to the room. Victor hung back a few steps to allow Jack to enter the room first. He then spotted the man with one leg coming to a stop to allow Jack into the room first also, Victor followed in behind Alexander.
Jack had moved to the bed furthest from the door and moved the playpen with him. Multi-tasking father at it's finest, it made Victor smile a little. Alexander went over to the other empty bed and he felt relief, he had not wanted there to be any discomfort or arguing over who would sleep where. Victor would have insisted Alexander had his own bed if there had been, the man deserved a rest as much as any of them but Victor had already won the lottery today. He was happy to forego some comfort for the sake of another person. Spotting the armchair in the corner by Jack's chosen bed, Victor grabbed one of the dining chairs and pulled it over to act as a foot rest by the armchair, the back of it against the wall with the seat facing towards the bed side. Victor plopped his bag of clothes on the dining chair.
When Alexander spoke Victor was walking towards the sink. He stopped in his tracks as he listened to the introduction and when Alexander's voice trailed off, Victor pressed no further.
"Yes, Victor. Good to meet you too, Alexander. We'll talk more tomorrow, perhaps?" It was an empty but honest question that required no answer. Victor did not wait for one as Alexander took off his peg leg, Victor walked to the sink and ducked his head down to take a drink from the running tap. Running a hand over this mouth, he let the loose drops run into his beard as he grabbed a blanket and then walked to his armchair, grabbing one of the pillows from Jack's bed. He placed them on his seat and then ducked down to see little Jamie, reaching in to gently stroke his hair as he watched his father.
Standing up and leaving Jack to do his thing, Victor changed into the clothing he was given and slung the robe around the back of the dining chair. He turned to Jack and hugged him.
"Sleep well son, we will speak in the morning." He held Jack's face in his hands for a second before planting a kiss on each cheek as he turned and settled himself in his armchair. Resting his feet on the dining chair, he got comfortable and watched Jack as he settled his son down before he'd drift off himself. Victor was in no frame of mind to sleep properly, he knew that, but he also knew that exhaustion and a locked door would result in at least some shut eye even if it was restless. The events of the day were still swirling around his mind and the adrenaline was still coursing through his veins as he closed his eyes and listened to each and every noise that occurred. They may be technically safe, but that didn't stop his brain being on high alert. Newnan had been safe and then the walls came crumbling down.