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Victor Bonheur

Location: Gates to Camp Mexico (Not that he knows that!)
Skills: N/A

As the older man began to verbally berate Victor, as slight as it was, Victor could feel his eyes roll at his words. He was all too aware of the complete and impending doom that they lived their lives in, the fact that the man before him acted as if he was unaware offended him. He was already on the fence with this guy, being that he was a person already stood against him, but that he was a person who clearly thought he was smarter than others and he smoked and he held that gun like it was his penis - Victor decided he didn't like him at all. Granted, this man would never know this fact but it was a conclusion Victor needed to mentally confirm.

Atticus on the other hand, Victor didn't quite dislike him as much as Colonel Smarter-Than-You, of course Victor doesn't really know him but based on first impressions he seemed the better sort of what remained of human kind. The idea of being inside, safe, fed and dry, well... Victor nodded as Atticus spoke and he gave the smallest of tweaks at the corners of his mouth in acknowledgement of his answers to his question. Those were acceptable parameters indeed. "Merci Atticus."

Just as Victor was mentally preparing himself for what came next, his new best friend took it upon himself to call him Napoleon. Original. However it actually made him bark out a small laugh in response. It was the most ridiculous thing but it just tickled something inside Victor. His eyes widened in surprise at the noise he just made and the tickling sensation that shot up his throat caused him to cough again for a few seconds. When he stopped he listened to Atticus and finished handing over his belongings.

The noises from earlier made a lot more sense to him as he noticed that the place operated a two gate system. It was very military and made complete sense. He watched as he saw their Doc jumping out the jeep and jogging towards them in his scrubs. It panged some nostalgia for Victor and he remembered when he used to look like that - well, not as physically buff but young, energetic and fit in general. He listened to him as he spoke, he had a good tone of voice, Victor nodded in response to his question but he felt his throat constrict and his body tightened up a bit as he worried for what the results may show but knew he'd handle whatever came along.

At Doc's offer Victor raised a hand and shook his head gently. "Thank you Michael. I believe I will be alright." He walked to the side of the jeep and gripped the open side of the vehicle, hoisting himself inside and settling down into the seat comfortably. He looked towards Doc as he sat in the seat beside him and Victor was glad to see Atticus sitting in front of him in the driver's seat. He hadn't paid attention to where he had went earlier, focusing solely on getting himself into the car without needing help.

This was going to be different. Interesting, for sure, but different. Victor hoped his intuition was right and these people were good people and that, somewhere inside these walls he'd find his lost family and friends.

Victor Bonheur

Location: Gates to Camp Mexico (Not that he knows that!)
Skills: N/A

It took a lot for Victor to ask for help but he knew he needed it. He'd been alone for so long, too long. He held hope that there would be people he knew here, that had made it ahead of him, but he still held that part of his hopes closed off inside his heart. He knew that the likelihood of there being anyone here and that if anyone had made it, they'd likely not be the same people he'd known before.

His heart rate began to quicken and his throat started to constrict and ache as he heard them calling for a doctor. He was nervous, he knew there was something wrong with him, he had a rough idea what it may be but he was afraid to find out for sure. He continually hoped that it was nothing, that it would go away on it's own, that he was feeling it more exaggerated than it would be if he were in a safe place. Victor didn't know what was to come and he was scared. He worked on controlling his breathing as best he could, now was not the time to show more weakness than he could help.

Taking some deep breaths to get his heart rate down, Victor placed a hand on his chest, feeling his heart and noted that it had stopped rattling inside his rib cage. That was better. Noticing that Atticus was coming towards him, Victor reflexively took a half step back as he watched him approach but stopped himself from recoiling back any further. He kept his eyes focused as the man of God knelt down and grabbed something from his pack, Victor started suddenly when he heard a crack but then relaxed just as quickly once he realised it was a cool pack, nothing sinister with that.

Hesitantly, Victor took it from Atticus and nodded in acknowledgement and silent thanks to him. He rubbed his fingers gingerly over the cool surface before placing it on the back of his neck as advised by the unexpectedly kind stranger before him. He remained in place as the older gentleman moved towards them, advising him that he would not only need to give up his weapons, but that he would need to give up his belongings as well. That hit him like a sledgehammer to the chest.

Instinctively, Victor turned his back away from the two men and guarded his pack with his body and he dropped his hand from the cool pack as it shifted around and grabbed at the compass beneath his t-shirt, his fingers clasping around it as he scowled in thought. He did not want to part with his wife's glasses, as broken as they were, or from his notebook of flora nor his trusted friend that lay against his chest each day. "I understand weapons, but belongings? I... what 'arm could belongings do?" His voice trailed off as he spoke more to himself than the two men before him. His face screwed up for a fraction of a second, a moment of upset that he quickly shoved deep back down. His eyes glazed over and he looked at the ground, thoughts spinning through his mind. He was no longer aware of where he was or who was around him.

As Atticus directed a question towards Victor again, both men waiting for him to hand his belongings over to them, he snapped out of his mental world with a jolt. He blinked rapidly, coming back to the here and now and took a deep breath that tickled his throat and caused another cough to leave him and he turned his head away from Atticus and his colleague to save spraying them with spittle. He wiped the corner of his mouth gingerly with a shoulder and licked his lips before speaking. "Yes, very long while." He nodded pretty absently as he considered his next words.

Handing his walking stick towards the gentlemen slowly, he spoke carefully. "Will I 'ave my things returned?" He looked more towards the older gentleman as he spoke, he had a feeling he held more authority out of the two men in regards to this particular topic. He clipped open the knife holder from his belt and handed it over as well. Tucking the cool pack into his shirt collar to be more comfortable and save it falling down his shirt, Victor reluctantly slipped his arms out of the pack straps and held it in his left hand. "Can I keep anything? 'Ow long until they are returned, can you say?"

He reached into his pack and felt his fingertips along the broken frames of the glasses and then over the tattered spine of his notebook. He did not want to lose them. He kept his eyes at his pack, his right hand stroking and moving his belongings around in his pack. "I just... I must know s'il vous plaît." He lifted his hand out and grabbed the string holding his compass around his neck and lifted it over his head, unhooking the string from around his ears as it caught on them as he pulled it up. He draped it carefully into his pack and carefully wrapped the string around his notebook loosely, keeping them together, then closed his pack over. He felt the weight of his pack and chewed the inside of his lower lip before offering his pack to Atticus.

Victor Bonheur

Location: Gates to Camp Mexico
Skills: N/A

Upon approach, Victor tried to see if anything was aimed at him but couldn't get a clear view plus everyone looked like tiny ants from afar so it's not like he'd actually have any real idea until they began to shoot at him. He continued forward until a screeching, squeaking... squealing type of noise sounded. Victor slowed his steps but continued forward a little until the noise stopped, and he followed it's lead, his feet stopping squared to his shoulders. He squinted and raised an eyebrow before reaching for his glasses. When he remembered they were in his pack he scowled and felt irritation well in his stomach and throat. He rubbed his thumb across his ring and middle fingertips, feeling the callouses and torn skin that met him, a relatively new habit he'd picked up in lieu of playing with his glasses. The sound had began again in the time he'd stopped but he remained where he stood, uncertain what was about to greet him on the other side. The outer gate began to open and two male figures stepped out as it did so.

Victor eyed the older one first, tracing his eyes in disgust at the weapon the man held. He had no love for guns, especially those that could tear through a person like the one in front of him. His sight then flickered to the cigar that dangled from his lips, even here in the end of the world there were those who took little care with their livelihood, preferring to relish in the small pleasures they could get their hands on. He had to admit, he was not adverse to taking pleasure in the little things. Especially since Newnan fell and the little things were so microscopic that he wondered if they'd ever existed in the first place.

He then shifted his attention to the younger of the two men, who called out in casual greeting towards him. Instantly his eyes caught the collar that he wore that showed he was a man of God. He wasn't sure how to handle that particular piece of information but it gave him pause to give the potential of trust to this group that he had followed in hopes of finding his family once more.

A moment passed between the priest, preacher, vicar... whatever he was... calling out to Victor and him actually responding.

"..." He opened his mouth to speak but nothing but a raspy cough left his lips. It had been so long since he had said... anything out loud. He held his left hand up and showed two fingers. He reached for his canteen and drank some more water from it, swilling it around his mouth and he gargled some before swallowing it. He wasn't about to spit out perfectly good water, were you mad? He put his canteen away and took a deep breath and cleared his throat as gently as he could.

"P-pardonne-moi, je n'a---ai pas parlé d--depuis très looooongtemps." Victor spoke brokenly, his lips and throat aching slightly as he vocalised the words he had in his mind before he realised that it was the wrong language he was saying it in. He blinked and rubbed his face with his free hand, as he shook his head. He slicked the moisture off his skin from the sweat and rain that had soaked him on his travels here, shaking his hand out, letting the moisture flick away from his side. Victor took a deep breath and closed his eyes before trying again - this time focusing on the words as he said them. "I-I'm sorry, I... 'ave not spoken een so long zat à défaut de..." He paused, he'd forgotten how to say the word and lost his focus. "Sorry, I try again. I went back to my native tongue." He tried to crack a small smile but could not muster himself to do it. His eyes remained closed while he swallowed what moisture remained in his mouth to ease his throat. His tongue darted out to lick his lips but found only salty moisture which caused him to begin to cough and his cracked lips to sting.

Doubling over as the coughs wracked his body, Victor balanced himself upright as best he could, his grip tightening on his walking stick as his knuckles grew white while his other hand clung to his knee. Spittle flew from his mouth as he coughed up what was caught in his throat. Feeling the slimy glob sliding up his throat and into his mouth, Victor retched but stopped himself from vomiting. Turning his head to the side he spat out the remnants of his coughing fit and tried to calm his breathing. He looked up and, once his breathing had calmed he spoke again. "Excusez-moi. I am not een best 'ealth." Victor corrected himself and stood upright and took in a gentle breath, ignoring the tightness that he felt in his lungs. "I am alone. I 'ave little food an' water. I am sick. I am looking for ma famille."

His eyes began to sting as he thought of those that had kept him moving for the last 10 months. Kris. Tatiana. Jack. Jamie. They were his family and he hoped they were here, that he could see them again, that they had all made it along with their friends... He saw all of the people of Newnan in his mind, each and every face he had cared for in physical and mental health. He ached to see them all again but he knew that a lot of them would be dead. He felt what little moisture he couldn't stop rolling down his cheeks before his voice cracked once more as he spoke. "My name is Victor, can you please 'elp me?"

Victor Bonheur

Location: House off 386 in Overstreet Florida > Heading South > Heading West on Highway 98 > The Wall
Skills: N/A

Another restless night had been and gone and Victor awoke to the normal, empty noises that filled his life these days. He'd found an empty house just off of 386 in Overstreet, Florida and had been there for the night. He'd been continuing South for the last 3 months, a few detours along the way had caused him some delays but he always got back in the right direction thanks to his trusty compass. He absentmindedly traced his fingers across the glass surface, feeling the small dents and cracks that had formed through his use of it. He was glad it had lasted this lifestyle on the road. Lifting it gently to his lips, he gave it a light kiss before tucking it back into the collar of his dashing purple shirt.

Grabbing his windbreaker, Victor slid his arms in and shrugged it onto his shoulders before fastening the zipper to his chest. He had checked out what little was left in the house but had found nothing of use except shelter there. It was mid-morning, he'd spent long enough wallowing in his own mind for one day. It was time to keep moving forward. As he grabbed his pack and checked over his knife and walking stick, Victor heard an unfamiliar noise that began to sound closer and clearer. He froze in place for a moment, wondering what it was, it was familiar yet so foreign.

Heading towards the front door, Victor glanced out the side pane window and gaped as the thwump-thwump-thwump turned out to be an actual, fully functioning, in the god damn air, Helicopter! Fumbling slightly, Victor grabbed his compass and pointed himself in the direction that it was moving. South. He almost smiled, he was on the right track heading towards living, breathing human beings. Just as he got his bearings back, Victor stopped again as he heard the sound of wheels and engines. Keeping himself tucked away, he watched the road as a large truck made it's way after the helicopter, followed by a janky looking school bus - you know the old yellow types? - just trudging along behind it. His eyes could scarcely believe it and then, another truck followed it to the rear, this time with an armed guard in the back manning a gun. His eyes followed them as they disappeared down the road.

He wasn't sure who these people were, so he wasn't going to go running out and announcing himself to them. For all he knew it could be people like those from Eden or the other horrible groups he'd encountered since the after. As soon as he was happy to go, Victor left the house and took off along the road, heading South in the wake of the first hints of life he had seen in a long time. His scavenger hunt for humanity hadn't ended yet.

Two hours of walking later and Victor reached an abandoned town. Not wanting to risk too much, Victor only went through the town where he saw the tracks from the vehicles from earlier. As he moved further in, he began to hear noises of activity. It was peculiar, almost like a waking dream. He grabbed his canteen and checked how much water he had left. Not too much after his two hours of walking but at least there was some. Taking a small sip, he licked his lips and tucked it away before heading towards the noises and along with the tracks that had been left behind to the highway.

A while further down the road, Victor spotted a giant concrete wall the stretched North and around, how far though he had no idea, and then Southwards as if towards the sea. He continued forward and glanced around as he moved, the wall did reach the coast edge, that was very smart thinking. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat as he tried to prepare himself for what was behind that wall. His eyes darted across the top of it as he spotted tiny black masses moving around on top. His heart rate quickened and his breath became ragged as he calmed the nerves that began to build. It had to be after noon by now, getting closer to evening maybe. He wasn't too sure, time was not so much an issue these days as just light and night were.

Moving forward, slowly but with purpose, Victor gripped his walking stick in his right hand let his left hang loosely at his side. His eyes took in the view of a large gate blocking the rest of the road from access. His eyes narrowed as he drew closer, wondering what was to come next. He wondered how close he would get before someone would tell him to stop. He was just glad for his walking stick, there was no way they'd mistake him for a Walker at least while he held onto it. It was the little things.

I am of the interested type right here. Will message you about my character options. :)
@Lady Amalthea I need a love reaction to this. I hope to god I can come back sometime in full force but for now, I will live on in the past memories. For now, I am worm food. <3
@Lady Amalthea With Jati and the gift. I know. I see. IGETIT.

Dr. Victor Bonheur

Location: Building 1: Infirmary

The journey from the reception to the infirmary was uneventful, maybe a slight loss of balance on a wet and slightly iced over area of pathway but nothing that was a cause for concern, well except for when he glanced over his shoulder and saw Bryn being escorted by one of their members of the security team. That was peculiar. Bryn caught Victor's eye and for just a moment he was sure he saw a look of shame cross her usually blank features. She turned her gaze from his and he could see the red colouring her cheeks as she was led further down the street. He watched her walking with her escort, standing at the door to the main building, his hand ushering Ciel inside before him gently as he did so. He wondered why Bryn would have reacted that way but couldn't figure it out. He shelved it in his mind for now and would be sure to ask about it in the morning or when someone came by the infirmary that had been present during the reception before her departure. He half wished he hadn't left as quickly as he had done now, in order to know what had happened.

Deciding now was not the time for such thoughts, Victor went inside and led Ciel along the way to the infirmary. Smiling warmly to Medic as he entered the infirmary with his small patient in tow, Victor greeted him happily once again. "Ah Medic, merci beaucoup for your assistance tonight. I do believe it is your turn to enjoy the party. I owe you one for allowing me time away from here to celebrate with my family." As Medic walked past, Victor gave him his usual pat on his shoulder and bid him farewell and enjoy. Victor could feel that Ciel was still acclimatising to his presence and he thought he'd give the poor boy a moment to himself while he checked on little Anna. He was pleased with how silently she was sleeping, the odd little cough here or there but nothing as badly as it had been that morning. It was a minor weight off his shoulders and he smiled softly to himself.

Turning from Anna's bedside, Victor smiled towards Ciel and made his way back over to where he had left him in the infirmary when they had walked inside. "I see you're having trouble breathing again. Hopefully the next run team can find you some more medication soon." He gave Ciel the gentlest of pats on his shoulders, his large hands almost enveloped Ciel's entire shoulders, and then turned to see if Neisha had left any of her helpful home remedies in the infirmary for him to offer to Ciel. From what he could last recall though, Niesha had attempted to take the drink out to Ciel directly rather than leaving any here. Oh well. Victor decided to take a stethoscope and check on Ciel's breathing to ensure he had not developed any kind of infection in his lungs or chest since his last checkup.

Victor breathed on the circular disc of the scope and then rubbed it vigorously on his shirt sleeve in an attempt to warm it up some. "Excuse me if it is cold, I promise I've done what I can to take the edge off. Please, raise the back of your shirt and take a deep breath in so that I can ensure that you have not caught whatever little bug poor Anna currently has. At least sleep is helping her to heal faster." He gave a warm smile to Ciel to reassure him and then his eyes glanced over the poor boy's tired features. "How are you sleeping lately Ciel?" There was genuine concern and care in his voice as he spoke, it wasn't chastising him, it was simply a doctor caring for his patient.
@Lady Amalthea@Morose I've just read from where I last posted... I see what you two have done there!
Sorry, ended up working today after all so as I am now home and fed, I am working on my post as quickly as I can!
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