Victor Bonheur

Location: Gates to Camp Mexico (Not that he knows that!)
Skills: N/A
Skills: N/A
As the older man began to verbally berate Victor, as slight as it was, Victor could feel his eyes roll at his words. He was all too aware of the complete and impending doom that they lived their lives in, the fact that the man before him acted as if he was unaware offended him. He was already on the fence with this guy, being that he was a person already stood against him, but that he was a person who clearly thought he was smarter than others and he smoked and he held that gun like it was his penis - Victor decided he didn't like him at all. Granted, this man would never know this fact but it was a conclusion Victor needed to mentally confirm.
Atticus on the other hand, Victor didn't quite dislike him as much as Colonel Smarter-Than-You, of course Victor doesn't really know him but based on first impressions he seemed the better sort of what remained of human kind. The idea of being inside, safe, fed and dry, well... Victor nodded as Atticus spoke and he gave the smallest of tweaks at the corners of his mouth in acknowledgement of his answers to his question. Those were acceptable parameters indeed. "Merci Atticus."
Just as Victor was mentally preparing himself for what came next, his new best friend took it upon himself to call him Napoleon. Original. However it actually made him bark out a small laugh in response. It was the most ridiculous thing but it just tickled something inside Victor. His eyes widened in surprise at the noise he just made and the tickling sensation that shot up his throat caused him to cough again for a few seconds. When he stopped he listened to Atticus and finished handing over his belongings.
The noises from earlier made a lot more sense to him as he noticed that the place operated a two gate system. It was very military and made complete sense. He watched as he saw their Doc jumping out the jeep and jogging towards them in his scrubs. It panged some nostalgia for Victor and he remembered when he used to look like that - well, not as physically buff but young, energetic and fit in general. He listened to him as he spoke, he had a good tone of voice, Victor nodded in response to his question but he felt his throat constrict and his body tightened up a bit as he worried for what the results may show but knew he'd handle whatever came along.
At Doc's offer Victor raised a hand and shook his head gently. "Thank you Michael. I believe I will be alright." He walked to the side of the jeep and gripped the open side of the vehicle, hoisting himself inside and settling down into the seat comfortably. He looked towards Doc as he sat in the seat beside him and Victor was glad to see Atticus sitting in front of him in the driver's seat. He hadn't paid attention to where he had went earlier, focusing solely on getting himself into the car without needing help.
This was going to be different. Interesting, for sure, but different. Victor hoped his intuition was right and these people were good people and that, somewhere inside these walls he'd find his lost family and friends.