@6slyboy6 Go about your own life if you want to go with go to work, if you want to fight go do so. Once everyone gets to their own choice of placing I will put everyone in their own illusion barrier to fight for the first time
@Jangel13 Wait, is doing something a menial act (drawing) capable of giving a Gamer experience? If so, then I'll make Yurina see a "+1 EXP" as she finishes her drawing. If not, no problem.
Actually I just had to find reasoning to make you a gamer so saying you made a drawing of a game character was my best bet. You saying you weren't a gamer in any sense of the word didn't help so I had to work something out.
@Jangel13 Master, it seems that we have a problem. Ze postz are missing how we are supposed to get ze spells and to fins ze monsters. Oh dark overlord asnwer me call