"In return for granting a wish," the B E A S T told the M A N , "You will work for me after death."
And the, M A N , ever so greedy, replied, "I W I S H..."
And the, M A N , ever so greedy, replied, "I W I S H..."
P L O T_
Three beasts, three humans.
The story begins after the death of the humans. Each human had died an unfortunate death at a young age after their beast had fulfilled their wish.
The Humans find themselves in a strange world where a misty haze makes it hard to tell where the ground began and ended, and where a large house sat atop a hill, beside a blackened tree. This was the home of the Beasts.
Here, the humans will begin their lives as servants to the Beasts.
B A S I C A L L Y _ _ _
We would like this RP to revolve around the daily life of Beasts and Men. It will be of a darker genre where the beasts and humans will discover themselves and each other.
Romance is optional and not required, though us GMs do have a penchant for some romance u v u
A little note that because we want the RP Characters to be flexible, please do not make your history or personality too detailed. We want everyone to leave some room for each character to grow and for everyone to slowly discover each other's history.
This is intended to be a small group however if there is a good amount of interest, we will accept characters based on quality and promise.
R U L E S_
- Please respect the GMs: @Henri, @xKarnival, @RainbowReindeer
- This RP is 18+
- This RP may have m a t u r e scenes (who knows, maybe.)
- Please be civilized
- Please write at least 2 ~ 3 paragraphs MINIMUM. We would like this RP to be high-casual to low advanced.
- Proper grammar and spelling please!!!
- Will update this as more is discussed with the other GMs
T H E _ C H A R A C T E R S_
C H A R A C T E R _ S H E E T S_