Thoris, The Ocean Shore
Good luck, brats! Grezola Coughed a little, cringing at Ainra's attitude, but smiling as Jenso announced their departure. The northern woods? That would be quite the trek! They'd have to exit through the mole tunnels and best the local wild-life! Ah well, Grezola knew they could do it, or rather, that
Jenso could do it. She was more keen on Ainra getting eaten alive by a Frighder!
"Good luck, and stay safe!" were Grezola's last words as Jenso and Ainra took off into the mole tunnels and made their way towards Frigher-Forest...
Krunk-Mobile, Prisoner Bay
Arriving at Krunk Station, I repeat, Krunk Station! The krunklets surrounding Alexander didn't really care about what he had to ask, and neither did Krink. Everyone one of them (Minus Krink, who slunk away somewhere) immediately proceeded to rush him one at a time, that is, until the entire vehicle came to an abrupt HALT, sending krunklets who weren't braced for impact, flying towards the front of the prisoner bay, and crashing against the smooth, metal wall.
The large collections of krunklets on either side of Zerraf likewise started rolling towards the front of the vehicle, crashing against one another chaotically. The group on his right headed towards him like an avalanche of stupid ball people, while the group on his left fell away from him.
"We have arrived at the castle! Please be careful with exiting the vehicle, and have a nice day~~~*BING*~*BONG*
...With the, the piles of krunklets who were not braced for impact would be unable to leave the vehicle, utterly spun-around by the shitty parking job. Who was even driving this thing anyways?
Dr. Krink was nowhere to be seen, but the prisoner bay door swung wide open. Below it, on the vehicle's exterior, the storage bay's door also swung open.
That was where Zerraf would find his weapons, unguarded, along with a ton of other weapons and valuable junk that the Krunk Legion had pillaged.