From Vermilion City, Ash and Misty were able to catch a cruise to Shalor City. Misty had gotten wind two weeks ago that there was a vacancy for one of the Kalos Gyms. And she heard through the grapevine that Ash was going to apply, along with so many other eager trainers. Misty knew it had been quite a long time since they had traveled together but she knew she couldn't let the opportunity slip through her fingers. Misty was still Leader at Cerulean City and loving her job but she wanted to branch out and have more monetary hobbies that could tide her over when there weren't as many challengers knocking at her door.
So she was working with some designers in Kanto and wanted to design some swimsuits and other beach wear and Misty was sure that touring Kalos would result in some fantastic inspiration for her ideas. So she called up Ash and the two decided there was no reason to travel by themselves when they could do it together. Misty was no longer a little kid and neither way Ash. She was 21 now had calmed down quite a bit from when she and Ash and Brock toured Johto and beyond. Misty had wistful memories of their time together but she was ready to make some new ones.
The summer wind blew through her red hair as she leaned over the rail to get a view of Shalor City as it came into view. The ship's horn blew as a flock of wingull flew overhead. A flutter in her heart couldn't be ignored as her blue eyes looked from the city ahead of them, back to Ash who was beside her. "I'm so excited to see new pokemon and places, it's been way too long since I've been outside of Cerulean!" She sighed dreamily and nudged Ash a little. "It's been even longer since we hung out." She added. They shared the video call every now and again and sometimes she went over to his house for dinner when he was back in Pallet Town but they hadn't had a good get together in a quite a while.
Misty's hair was braided and reached the middle of her back. She had on a pair of dark blue jeans and a blue long sleeve shirt, which had her Gym's logo on it in white. She had only taken two pokemon with her, as she wanted a fresh start and didn't want to be tempted to get into a battle with every person who crossed paths. The announcement came over which said they'd be docked in about ten minutes and to have a safe time in Kalos. Misty was sure they'd have a good time but she was a little nervous too, she hadn't been alone with Ash in a long time and now that they were older, things were different.
"Maybe we should find some bicycles, might make traveling a lot easier...if you don't wreck it." She couldn't help but tease.
So she was working with some designers in Kanto and wanted to design some swimsuits and other beach wear and Misty was sure that touring Kalos would result in some fantastic inspiration for her ideas. So she called up Ash and the two decided there was no reason to travel by themselves when they could do it together. Misty was no longer a little kid and neither way Ash. She was 21 now had calmed down quite a bit from when she and Ash and Brock toured Johto and beyond. Misty had wistful memories of their time together but she was ready to make some new ones.
The summer wind blew through her red hair as she leaned over the rail to get a view of Shalor City as it came into view. The ship's horn blew as a flock of wingull flew overhead. A flutter in her heart couldn't be ignored as her blue eyes looked from the city ahead of them, back to Ash who was beside her. "I'm so excited to see new pokemon and places, it's been way too long since I've been outside of Cerulean!" She sighed dreamily and nudged Ash a little. "It's been even longer since we hung out." She added. They shared the video call every now and again and sometimes she went over to his house for dinner when he was back in Pallet Town but they hadn't had a good get together in a quite a while.
Misty's hair was braided and reached the middle of her back. She had on a pair of dark blue jeans and a blue long sleeve shirt, which had her Gym's logo on it in white. She had only taken two pokemon with her, as she wanted a fresh start and didn't want to be tempted to get into a battle with every person who crossed paths. The announcement came over which said they'd be docked in about ten minutes and to have a safe time in Kalos. Misty was sure they'd have a good time but she was a little nervous too, she hadn't been alone with Ash in a long time and now that they were older, things were different.
"Maybe we should find some bicycles, might make traveling a lot easier...if you don't wreck it." She couldn't help but tease.