Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Algorhythm
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Algorhythm The Whatchamacallit of Thingamabobs

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

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1st Class

2nd Class

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Mako Tsujimoto's Beastiary Notes

Anti-Wraith Equipment by Dr. Isaacs

"I will spare you the finer intricacies of these complex tools and give you my spiel in layman's terms. The energy weapons are charged by the small battery packs carried on your person. These batteries are replaceable, and will take precisely 10 seconds before your weapon becomes operable. Remember, aim in short bursts until you've successfully latched onto the Wraith. When you do, it is critical that you cock back the lever on your weapon to cause the reverse pull of the captured spirit. At five feet, you should already have your lantern out. Simply hold it out in front of you, and the brilliance of our invention will do the rest.

Once the spirit is contained inside the lantern, it will not cause further harm. Do well to hand it over to the Wrangler, so he/she can transfer the Wraith over to their containment pack. Your lantern can only hold one spirit at a time. Also understand that while it is in the lantern, it will draw the attention of surrounding spirits. While this equipment acts as a defensive barrier, those wards decrease significantly when dealing with multiple spirits. Execute your strategy well and do best not to get overwhelmed. "

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Algorhythm
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Algorhythm The Whatchamacallit of Thingamabobs

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Ezekiel 'Bones' Walters
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Occupation: Police Detective
Investigator Rank: 1st Class

Appearance: Ezekiel is quite pale, almost sickly, (hence the affectionate nickname) but his confident stride and animated blue eyes show a man of purpose. He's rarely seen without a bowler hat that covers a slicked-back pompadour hair style, nor a three piece suit tailored to his wiry musculature. 5'10 and 175 lbs.

Personality: The Aegis Luna-born city slicker is a driven workaholic, the type of man you'd hate going against, but love to have on your side. He possesses an other worldly talent to quickly assess situations and problem solve accordingly. Sly-tongued, but not pretentious like some upper class bureaucrat; years spent working brutal cases on the force saw to that. He exudes a calm, yet predetorial-like demeanor, and is unafraid to break the rules to achieve his goals.

Biography: Ezekiel came roaring out of the police academy with top honors. He worked his way up from beat cop and was promoted to detective within a span of two years. The 53rd Precinct had jurisdiction over most of the outer shell districts of Aegis Luna. The crime activity in these parts were significantly higher than anywhere else. Ezekiel worked various cases involving drug and human trafficking, but the one he is most known for is capturing the Skin Mason. He was a bonafide serial killer, whose MO involved skinning victims alive and then draping said skin around monuments and statues across the city.

There were other obscene cases he worked, but that one always rubbed him the wrong way. What made it worse was that the man was later identified as Harvey Bloom, nephew to Secretary of Defense Anthony Jacobs Bloom. Ezekiel's findings on their relation was met with a lot of scrutiny by his Captain, who wanted to keep that piece of information hidden. Bones was having no part of it, as there were various pieces of evidence during the Skin Mason investigation that hinted at Anthony's involvement. Of course, before Ezekiel could investigate further, the Mangled Ones attacked Main District, putting everything on hold.

He was initially set on reenlisting into the military, but Professor Hartwell convinced him to join The Consortium. The supernatural horrors unfolding within Aegis Luna went against his entire belief system. He felt compelled to join this specialized brigade of do-gooders and put his analytical mind to use in uncovering the truth behind these strange happenings.

-Energy Gun - Pistol Variant
-Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
-Colt Revolver
-Silver Timepiece
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by justTypical

justTypical typical... just typical...

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Benjamin Moore
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mechanic
Investigator Rank: 1st Class

Appearance: Standing at 5'11" and weighing nearly 200 pounds, Ben is essentially built like a tank. Powerful and thickset, his physique is a testament to many long hours spent in the family machine shop. He keeps his blonde hair closely cropped and his keen blue eyes are often lost in thought.

Personality: Ben is habitually reserved, soft-spoken, and serious. He's the sort of man who believes actions speak louder than words.

Biography: Ben was born to the son of one of Aegis Luna's many engineers responsible for maintaining the city's infrastructure. Although this was good, stable work, Ben's father also ran a repair shop on the side where Ben was able to learn the basics of mechanics. Quick to learn, Ben was soon able to assist his father regularly and even handle simple jobs on his own. It was decided that he would be sent to the Luna Institute to further develop his natural talents, but the sudden death of his father and his inability to adapt to the academic environment proved too much, and he dropped out to return to the family shop for the next decade. He applied to enlist in the Consortium as soon as he was aware of the opportunity, reasoning that it was his civic duty, as there would no doubt be need for a proficient mechanic in damaged inner city regions.

-Energy weapon
-Personal tools and repair kit
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Karos
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Karos The Erudite Englishman

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Azlum
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

“I do not risk my life for the citizens of Aegis Luna.
I do not bleed for the Consortium or my superiors.
I do not face the terrors of the supernatural for glory or fame.
I fight to free the children of the nightmares that plague their future.”

Name: Hayley Malik

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Occupation: Teacher - Primary School

Investigator Rank: Second Class

A mere 5’4” and 147 lbs Hayley is the epitome of what people believe is a school teacher, but beneath her high collared shirts and form fitting vests there is muscle tuned to agility. Due to the new shade of darkness over the world she has since changed out her heels and bustle skirts for belt pouches, flat soled boots, and the more versatile option of pants. And, depending on the weather, she has her floor length hooded crimson duster. As for Hayley herself her emerald green eyes compete for the category of most striking trait with the white streaks through her dark auburn hair.

There are two sides to Hayley, the one most see is the reserved and polite professional, seemingly without any end to her patience. A flower on the wall to be exact, to be overlooked and forgotten which is what she prefers. Those that truly know her can account for her sass, sharp wit, and crude behavior. She may act like a lady but it’s merely just that, an act.

Hayley is the youngest of four in the Malik family, the other three being older brothers. The Malik family comes from a long line of toymakers of all things, the shop in out edge of town having passed from generation to generation. The four were all raised the same, Hayley rumbling with her older brothers more often than not and it was a rambunctious household to say the least.

Just as expected the brothers took over the toy shop, Hayley cutting her own path to take up teaching. It was within the college years that she learned to be a lady to better conform to society, and although she didn’t get the best marks she easily won over the children during her internship. Before she knew it she graduated and had an offer to teach in the Main District which of course she took with glee.

It was only a couple of years before the Main District was overrun, Hayley taking it upon herself to help evacuate the families of her students. Within the trials of running from the Mangled Ones she came to see destruction of the normal life she had tried to build for herself. Yet seeing it all fall apart for her wasn’t the wake up call, it was the fear in the children’s eyes, the grip on her hand as she lead them to safety. As the Mangled Ones went up the clocktower she put the ink down to sign with The Consortium.

With merely a season as an investigator under her belt Hayley has never felt a stronger sense of purpose. Despite her brothers’ protests, despite her aging parents’ hearts, she goes bravely into the field hoping to secure a safe future for her former students.

- Energy weapon - Short Rifle Variant
- Lantern
- Sniper Rifle - 12x Scope - Mag Size 4
- 4 Smoke Bombs - Lasts 7 seconds
- Dagger - Belt Mounted Sheath
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