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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So here's what happens when someone plays Rainbow Six Ravenshield and Ghost Recon 1, and then tries to make a Star Wars roleplay based on them. I'm not a die-hard Star Wars fan, but I do enjoy its colourful universe... so here's what I've come up with, and I'd love some feedback, especially on the equipment... and also the story? Most of what I've gathered together has come from directly reading the wikis.

Also, if there's someone who wants to be the Team Leader, then it's yours. Just because I'm the potential Gm of this potential Rp, doesn't mean I wanna be the top dog as it probably might be a position best reserved for someone who is a walking Star Wars encyclopaedia :D

Anywhos, here goes:

Star Wars: Clone Ops

Operation Noose

This is it gentlemen, the end is finally at hand.

We were all bred for one reason; cut from the same cloth to full fill a singular purpose. Ours was never to reason why, we were not to question or criticise. We received orders, and we carried them out - from one battle to another. Many of our comrades are dead, but we're still standing... and maybe after this final campaign, we'll be allowed to ponder whether all this was worth it.

Intelligence has tracked General Grievous to Utapau, where he is gathering a significant force of droids to his tattered banner. The Republic is going to hit him hard and fast, so that there's no escape for him, and so that the end of the war is brought significantly closer. There's enough of our brothers on the way to take over three whole Star Systems. There'll be no running for the General, no chance of victory.

But until they get here, we're the advance party - the fly in Grievous' poisoned cocktail. Our mission is a simple one.

We will be inserted via a single LAAT/s, which will get us by the CIS early warning systems; it'll drop us right on the coast, and then it'll depart. After that, our first order of business is to knock out a local CIS Sentry Post, and more importantly, eliminate its long range sensor tower. That'll stop them from picking up the assault force that will follow in our wake.

After that, we'll high tail it south, and destroy a nearby CIS AA site - that way their ability to repel a local aerial assault will be severely compromised. If we last that long, we'll move south east to immobilise a CIS tank factory; doing so will hamper any CIS attempt to mobilise a counter attack in the area. Providing we're still alive, and the CIS haven't raised the alarm, we'll head west and whack ourselves an artillery battery. With these targets taken care off, our brothers-in-arms should have no problem in securing the area.

But this is first and foremost a stealth mission; we need to hit our targets hard and fast, and with precision. We need to keep our heads low, and not alert the local CIS garrison - if we do, then the jig is up, and they'll flood the whole area with reinforcements. That'll both be bad for us, and bad for those we're trying to clear the way for.

Make no mistake gentlemen, this mission is going to save hundreds - maybe thousands - of lives. Our brothers are counting on us.

Mission intel can be found below.

Roles Available

Recon Team Zulu

0/1 Filled.

0/2 Filled

0/2 Filled

0/3 Filled

Character Sheet

[b]Name:[/b] RC/CT/CR/etc -####
[b]Nick Name:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b] All clones look the same, but some might have taken liberties with their appearance in an effort to feel more like an individual i.e beards, different hair cuts, piercings, body markings. They may also have customised their armor a little, with markings and trinkets/minor modifications.
[b]Team Role:[/b]
[b]Role Modifications:[/b] Equipment choices or changes made from the provided template.
[b]Personality:[/b] Is your clone still a flesh-covered robot? Or has he evolved his own personality somewhat?
[b]Other:[/b] Anything you feel you want to add.


1) Always obey the Team Leader's orders, even if they seem insane.

2) Be polite and respectful to other players at all times.

3) Respect the fact that Star War's lore is huge, and that not all players (myself included) will be fully understanding of every gizmo in existence.

4) Character sheets to be submitted to OOC for approval, and moved to the CS tab once they've gotten said approval.

5) If you need to leave the RP, please say so, don't just leave us hanging.

6) Role fulfilment is on a first come, first serve basis.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interested and also Dibs team leader @Frengo
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 17 days ago

Interested, but a few questions:

Do we have to use the Alpha designation? Or can you use the standard CT-#### Designation? Also why three numbers for the Alpha Designation?

For the specific roles, you have designated weapons. Are we ONLY allowed to use those weapons, or can the character have others than that?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Interested, but a few questions:

Do we have to use the Alpha designation? Or can you use the standard CT-#### Designation? Also why three numbers for the Alpha Designation?

For the specific roles, you have designated weapons. Are we ONLY allowed to use those weapons, or can the character have others than that?

Alpha was used for commandos, or the Advanced Recon type in any case, so I imagined that was the best one to go for. Ya know, the best of the best. And 3 digits rather than 2 digits, because I think the lore ends at Alpha-98, so I thought 3 digits would be the best way to go.

I think CT was Clone Trooper, and CC was Clone Commander/officer, if I read right.

If you have a problem with Alpha, I think RC stands for Republic Commando, so that could be used instead?

As for the equipment templates, they can be modified (it asks for such information in the character sheet), but I'll be keeping an eye on things to ensure you role doesn't become... well, not your role. The idea is that some characters are better at some things than others.

So if you tried to give a missile launcher to your marksman, I might reject the character. However, if you changed their sniper rifle for another variant (that was feasibly available at the time), then I'd allow for it.

Interested and also Dibs team leader @Frengo

If you think you can handle it, then it's all yours :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Frengo I was thinking of just making my character a recruited ARC Trooper, not one of the Alpha Batch, kind of like ARC-5555 Fives number is. Alpha I'm pretty sure was the designation given to the first 100 ARC Troopers If I remember my Lore right.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Frengo I was thinking of just making my character a recruited ARC Trooper, not one of the Alpha Batch, kind of like ARC-5555 Fives number is. Alpha I'm pretty sure was the designation given to the first 100 ARC Troopers If I remember my Lore right.

Truth be told, I didn't research an awful lot into the Clone codes - aside from what they stood for.

It seems that CTs were accepted into ARC in an effort to boost the numbers, so with that in mind, I'll do away with the standardised lettering.

And with regards to the 100 ARC Troopers, I guess this is where the holes in my knowledge of the lore kind of falls through. I assumed there were more, given the impossible size of the Grand Army.

What do you think I should do? Let people choose whatever letter code they want? Or limit it to certain types?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Frengo It really depends on what their character would be like. If they were that character that was called in for the most impossible missions, then probably RC or ARC. If they proved themselves to be the best of their standard unit and were chosen for the assignment because of this, probably the CT codes.

If you need any help with this kind of stuff, though, I could help you out a lot. I'm fairly expertised in Star Wars Lore, at least around the Clone Wars Era.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Frengo It really depends on what their character would be like. If they were that character that was called in for the most impossible missions, then probably RC or ARC. If they proved themselves to be the best of their standard unit and were chosen for the assignment because of this, probably the CT codes.

If you need any help with this kind of stuff, though, I could help you out a lot. I'm fairly expertised in Star Wars Lore, at least around the Clone Wars Era.

That's why I've put this in the interest check. I knew I wouldn't have it all right, because I've only watched the movies and read a few books. The Star Wars universe is huge, but I'm attempting to break into it nonetheless :P

And that's where people like your fine self come in. Anything that doesn't look right, will need to be changed. However, I do want to keep the idea of "roles" for obvious reasons - I didn't fancey just putting down a squad of jack-of-all-trades super soldiers, as things might of gotten a tad bland.

In my mind, the squad isn't necessarily commando in nature, but more like a very capable recon team whose purpose is stealth and sabotage rather than OMFG LOOK AT ME KILL ALL DEESE DROIDS LOL :D

But yeah, whatever you have to say would be helpful at this point.

And that goes for anyone else :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 17 days ago

I'll create a CS then, I've been thinking of a pretty good character design. But yeah, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 17 days ago

"I've fought alongside the best, but that doesn't make me the best. The fact that I survived does."

Clone Number: ARC-1949

Nickname: Flash

Appearance: His face has little to tell, except that it looks as if it's grown weary of the ongoing war. His hair is dyed a bright red, and his eyes are the standard brown clone color. His armor tells a lot more about him. The color is a dark GOLD color. He wears the Phase 2 ARC Trooper armor. His helmet has a single stripe down the center of the helmet, with a single red triangle on the forehead in the center of the line. He has what is made to look like a massive slash across his chest in the came color as his armor. He has a blast pauldron and kama, as well as two holsters for DC-17 Pistols at his waist. The rest of the paint is the standard arm stripes and kneecap armor points.

Team Role: Demolitions

  • Westar-M5 Assault Rifle (ARC Standard Issue)
  • Z-6 Rotary Cannon
  • DC-17 Pistols (Silenced) (x2)
  • Thermal Detonators (x4)
  • Explosive Detpacks (x4)
  • Clone Jetpack
  • Rangefinder (Attached to Helmet, ARC Standard Issue)
  • Mini-Holoprojector (For Map, Communication, Etc...)

Personality: He's a rare find in the Republic Army. He's a veteran of the First Battle of Geonosis, which sparked the Clone Wars. He's seen the war through from the beginning, and these days he's grown used to the constant screaming and blasterfire across the battlefield. That doesn't mean that he doesn't care about his brothers. He, maybe more than anyone, wants to see this blasted war end, and he'll give his own life if it means earning ultimate victory against the heartless, soulless machines of the CIS Army.

Other: Following the First Battle of Geonosis, he was assigned to the 117th Attack Battalion under the command of CC-7501 Commander Bronze and Jedi General Kelen Rolin. He would remain in that unit for the duration of the war, until he was picked by Bronze to enter the ARC Program. He was sent back to Kamino, where he received advanced training and became an ARC Trooper. He returned to the 117th until the waning weeks of the Clone Wars, where he joined a small force of Clones as a part of a small advance force in the final attack against General Grievous. He gets his name because that's all the droids will see of him, a bright flash of a blaster bolt heading right towards them, or a bright flash of an explosion sending now scrap metal flying in every direction.

117th Attack Battalion, CC-7501 Commander Bronze, Jedi General Kelen Rolin[1]
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Would like to add on what @Shiny Keldeo has said regarding Lore of the Clone Wars Era, im fairly knowledgeable in the 501st Legion of Clone Troopers and their assignments so again anything there im happy to help
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 6 days ago

I would be very much interested in this, I will be making my character soon!
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Shiny Keldeo That's an awesome character, but I've got me some questions. Please don't take them as an attack, as it might just be my ignorance rather than you doing something wrong - buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...

Could he feasibly carry all that stuff? I mean the rotary cannon, the assault rifle and two pistols? It sounds like an awkward load.

Also, with the holoprojector, is that like your all-in-one communications and planning gizmo? If so, I'd better make the Team Leader have one by default.

And on top of that, I am under the belief that the clones communicate via radios built into their helmets. Am I right? Or will everyone need these holoprojectors?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Frengo The twin Pistols are easily carried in the side holsters on his Kama. Surprisingly the Z-6 tends to be a somewhat lighter weapon than it appears, and I've seen many clones carry them on their backs. I even recall one instance in SW TCW Republic Heroes (Game) where your character would somehow attach it to the top of their belt and lug it around on their back like it was nothing. The same with the Westar-M5, which has an attachable strap that he can use to just sling it over his arm. And, more often than not, he's going to be using at least one of those weapons.

The Holoprojector is essentially that. It can display different types of holograms, from live communications to holomaps and more. And yes, clones do come with standard communicators, most commonly wrist communicators. Those can only transmit voice, however. For instance, say a BX-Series Commando Droid were to kill one of the team members and try to impersonate his voice (Yes they can do that). If it was a holocommunicator, it would be much harder to fake.

Flash has standard comm gear, but his advanced training has taught him to always come prepared.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Shiny Keldeo Awesome, so it sounds like something the team better have whole-sale. Maybe a wrist mounted variant, in place of the radio?

And er, just one more little thing: Silencers.

I looked about for silenced weapons when I was drawing up the load outs, but google wasn't giving me much in the way of help. I found one thread on some forum where someone said the only silenced weapons in Star Wars were "slugthrowers" - which I found to be their version of old fashioned guns.

So can all laser weapons be silenced? Or just a select few?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: RC-999
Nick Name: Nines
Appearance: Mark III Katarn-Class Commando Armor. on the back of the Helmet there are 4 scratches etched onto it. these scratches represent each Trooper from his original squad that died under his command.
Team Role:Team Leader
Equipment: DC-17M Interchangeable Weapon system
EMP Grenades x3
Range Finder
Personality: Nines is what you would expect from a leader. He was an Original Clone trooper, fighting with the 501st legion in the first battle of Geonosis, later seeing some of the most horrific battle grounds of the war. Mygeeto, Felucia, and even fighting to secure the Chancellor during the battle above Coruscant. This has battle hardened him, making him nearly unbreakable in times of great anguish. Above everything though, he will never leave a man behind if he thinks they are retrievable. sometimes even putting himself in dangerous positions.
Other: Being 501st legion original trooper, Nines has had much longer training and much more advanced training that his Clone Trooper counter parts. The 501st Original Troopers are sometimes compared to that of ARC Troopers, both having more advanced training but the 501st saw the darker side of the war, they saw the horrors of Felucia, The deaths of so many clones on Geonosis and even taking classified missions to get a Mygeetan power crystal for the Supreme Chancellor and he was part of the few that survived the Suicide mission that was Kashyyyk. it was after this mission that he was transferred to a small advanced recon force that was to arrive at Utapau before the initial invasion fleet
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Kurai Assassin I know I'm not a GM, but I really want to point out some things in your CS.

Republic Commandos perform in squads of four. They most often work alone, on stealth/assasination missions or just missions that no one else can do. Granted they did participate in the Battle of Geonosis, where hundreds of Commandos were killed due to the fact of bad orders from the Jedi, who were not ready to lead at the time. Here's a quick lookover:

Republic Commando Squads

Republic Commando Squads were trained as squads from birth, and received much more drastic training than normal Clones or even ARC Troopers. They were often trained by Mandolorian Warriors or Bounty Hunters. Before the battle of Geonosis (According to the Wiki) There were thousands of battle ready Commandos. Afterwards, very few squads remained intact, and thousands of Commandos had been killed. Those that survived but had no squads were scraped together into new squads, an example being Omega Squad.

After this, many teams such as Delta Squad were in high demand for increasingly dangerous assignments across the galaxy. They would most often work alone, with no reinforcements available.

Their equipment would include the DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon, being able to switch between three modes: Blaster, Sniper, and Anti-Armor. They also carried a DC-15s Rechargeable Pistol. They had training with a variety of other weapons, including various types of Grenades, common weapons found on the battlefield, and even things such as the Geonosian Elite Beam Laser.

There would be four maximum troopers in a Commando Squad, each specialized in a different area. Using Delta Squad as an example again, RC-1140 Fixer was the tech specialist, RC-1207 Sev was the Sniper, RC-1262 Scorch was the Demolitions Expert, and RC-1138 was the Squad Leader. Also, the squad leader is almost always a Sergeant. The only higher rank Commando ever seen was CC-5576-39 Captain Gregor.

That may help shed some light on this. I wrote this all from memory.

Also, Kataran Class Commando Armor did not come with a Rangefinder as far as I am aware.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Frengo Probably no wrist mounted variant sadly, it would be too bulky to be practical.

Silenced weapons are indeed a tricky subject, and I don't know where you saw that "Slugthrowers" were silenced, but that is a nickname for a Shotgun, first used by RC-1138 Boss. I can say that I'm pretty sure ARC-0077 Fordo used silenced DC-17 Pistols, you can tell by the extended barrel of his pistols.

One last thing that shows there were silenced blaster weapons in Clone Wars was from the Bad Batch Story Reels, where Rex and Jesse silently kill two droids with silenced blasts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Kurai Assassin I know I'm not a GM, but I really want to point out some things in your CS.

Republic Commandos perform in squads of four. They most often work alone, on stealth/assasination missions or just missions that no one else can do. Granted they did participate in the Battle of Geonosis, where hundreds of Commandos were killed due to the fact of bad orders from the Jedi, who were not ready to lead at the time. Here's a quick lookover:

Republic Commando Squads

Republic Commando Squads were trained as squads from birth, and received much more drastic training than normal Clones or even ARC Troopers. They were often trained by Mandolorian Warriors or Bounty Hunters. Before the battle of Geonosis (According to the Wiki) There were thousands of battle ready Commandos. Afterwards, very few squads remained intact, and thousands of Commandos had been killed. Those that survived but had no squads were scraped together into new squads, an example being Omega Squad.

After this, many teams such as Delta Squad were in high demand for increasingly dangerous assignments across the galaxy. They would most often work alone, with no reinforcements available.

Their equipment would include the DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon, being able to switch between three modes: Blaster, Sniper, and Anti-Armor. They also carried a DC-15s Rechargeable Pistol. They had training with a variety of other weapons, including various types of Grenades, common weapons found on the battlefield, and even things such as the Geonosian Elite Beam Laser.

There would be four maximum troopers in a Commando Squad, each specialized in a different area. Using Delta Squad as an example again, RC-1140 Fixer was the tech specialist, RC-1207 Sev was the Sniper, RC-1262 Scorch was the Demolitions Expert, and RC-1138 was the Squad Leader. Also, the squad leader is almost always a Sergeant. The only higher rank Commando ever seen was CC-5576-39 Captain Gregor.

That may help shed some light on this. I wrote this all from memory.

Also, Kataran Class Commando Armor did not come with a Rangefinder as far as I am aware.

Ok, im not sure whay exactly your criticising in my app (Aside from the range finder)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Kurai Assassin I was a little confused on how you said a few things, for one. Your trooper is a Republic Commando, but was a trooper in the 501st Legion? And four scratch marks means four people died, there's four in a Commando Squad. It's just some nit-pick things of mine that could become continuity errors later on.

EDIT: Also there should be at least four numbers for RC. I've rarely actually heard of numbers that are shorter than four numbers, except for the Alphas. Even then, it's most likely the full number would be like ARC-0077 for Fordo.
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