I see the status says 'Full', but I'm going to drop some details here anyway. If you ever want another player just tag me or message me and if time permits I will jump in.
Colton 'Colt' Rumby, AKA Pulse
22 year old maleOffensive Power is Sonic Wave - Colton can emit tiny pulses from the palms of his hands. These pulses are utterly useless, but with certain gloves he can amplify the strength of the vibrations; this allows him to create close-range sonic waves. However, he seems to use this ability as a tool, allowing him to unlock doors, shatter certain barriers, and push things away.
Defensive Power is Phase - Assuming someone is attacking from range, Colton can create distortions in the air using his pulses (causing one to think he is 'phasing'). It merely makes it harder for the attacker to place his exact location, and is not entirely reliable in most situations.
Enhanced Power is Heightened Senses - Being subject to the pulses, Colton has developed a heightened sense of perception. In other words, he can 'feel' vibrations in the air, which helps him determine when and where an opponent's next strike may be. In theory, he might be able to determine where a bullet might hit, but he has yet to fully understand this power.
Weapon: Colton uses a personal weapon he calls the
Vibro Blade. In combat, the continued use of his pulse powers might shatter or break conventional weapons, but the Vibro-Blade can 'absorb' the vibrations and deliver the effect through its blade. He had tried using firearms, but the bullets leaving the barrels of the weapons were affected by the pulses and made them inaccurate. Being so inaccurate while also having heightened senses proved to infuriate him.
Bio: Colton was one of several individuals abducted by a covert organization. He underwent a series of grueling tests and experiments, which gave him his powers. He eventually escaped the facility with the help of a fellow prisoner, but the two were separated shortly after. This 'prisoner' is a female whose mind was effectively broken while in captivity and is, in theory, mentally unstable. Colton has spent much of his time as a free man trying to track the woman down, but has not succeeded in finding her. Wherever she is, she is most certainly dangerous.