In The Apocalypse
A Pokemon Roleplay
It all started about three years ago at an old research facility. There was a large explosion there, and that's when "it" got into the population. If you're wondering what "it" is, "it" is the disease that started the apocalypse. The disease didn't stay in the air long, but it was there long enough to infect all of the pokemon and people in the town. They became what you would call "zombies". They feed off of other living beings, and a bite from them means you're doomed. If you get bitten, you turn. Bottom line. The virus will enter your blood stream. You will die. How did this virus spread across the world? When the ones who had it traveled. The disease when it first got out didn't spread as fast as it does now. it took a few days. Now it spreads in just hours. Now, in the year of 2100, there are still survivors. Some are looking for a safe haven. Others are trying to keep those who are looking out.
1. Be respectful to each other OOC.
2. Don't kill anyone unless they approve
3. You can curse, but please don't turn into Sailor Pete.
4. No godmodding.
5. Responses should be at least 3 sentences. No one liners. Especially no posts that are less than a sentence long.
6. No doing the dirty in here, please.
7. Pokemon gameplay rules that apply are only 6 pokemon per party and 4 moves per pokemon. Only one mega at a time. Let me know if I should add more.
8. This here is only a recommendation: Have at least 2 characters. You don't have to, but this would make it easier to build drama(If you know what I'm saying)(I'm saying death)
9. Tell me if you're okay with seeing pictures of the Undead.

Character Sheet
Areas with a (?) are optional.