Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pristin City

Emma let out a breath of air and watched as the gas she breathed out appeared and disappeared. Kami, her Blaziken was standing next to her. He ignited the flames on his wrists in an attempt to keep her warm. She walked into the pokemart, and as expected, there were very little supplies left. She climbed over the counter and looked in the boxes that were there. She let out a sigh seeing nothing but pokeballs there. "Of coarse they'd leave the pokeballs." she said before getting up and climbing over the counter again. She then looked around. There had to be some kind of storage somewhere. Kami watched his trainer look around the pokemart. He was staying near her so she wouldn't get too cold.
"Aha." Emma said. She had found a very well concealed door. She raised her leg up and attempted to kick it down, but her efforts were to no avail. She sighed, not wanting to make much noise because of the zombies outside, but it looked like she would have to open the door using different methods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pristin City

Titania shivered, even beneath her layers upon layers of clothing. Lilith was equally bundled and looked like a little snowman with how fat the clothing made her look. "At least there aren't many zombies here right?" Titania asked Lilith with a quick smile. Lilith gave her a weak grin in return and returned to scanning the area for zombies or anything that didn't look totally looted. They came around a corner and spotted a few zombies hanging relatively near a pokemart. Silently they ducked back and Titania pondered what to do. The Pokemart just might have some medicine and other stuffs. "Alright let's sneak in, no attention." Lilith nodded, grabbed in her hand and stepped in view of the store for just a moment, the next they were inside with no one the wiser.

With a silent nod to each other they snuck deeper into the store. Unfortunately for the most part it looked looted. But usually Pokemarts had like a backroom with a bunch of stuff in them right? A peek further into the store lead to turning the corner just as a loud thump occurred, causing her to jump in fright. Her rapidly thudding heart calmed down slightly when she saw it was an actual person, with a Blaziken no less. Obviously she didn't have to look like a mannequin someone had put as many winter clothes on as possible with her Pokemon warming her up. Still! She'd finally found someone! "Um, hi there." Titania said quietly from where she was a few feet behind Emma, unsure how to proceed from this point. She hadn't quite thought it out this far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pristin City

Emma quickly turned around to face the source of the voice she just heard. She had rested her hand on the hilt of her katana just in case she would have to use it. In this world, you can never know who you can trust, especially when a group of people were at your neck a few days ago. Kami was also on guard, ready to protect his trainer if anything went wrong. His wrists were ablaze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pristin City

"H-hey, you're not zombies right?" Titania stuttered as she backed up a few steps, a hand firmly locked with Lilith's, who took a step in front of Titania protectively: though it probably looked more ridiculous than menacing in her current state of dress and given that she was a good third the size of anyone here. Titania had thought they looked normal but both of them looked ready to kill her if she took a step closer. It wasn't supposed to work this way! She was supposed to find someone else and they could team up and find other people and they would all get together and beat up the zombies and live somewhere nice!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pristin City

"No." Emma said simply, keeping her guard up. "Who are you?" she asked. Those two certainly seemed harmless with the coats and all, but she didn't know whether they were alone or not. She didn't want to take any chances. Kami glanced at his trainer and then back at the two, not letting down his guard either. "...And are you alone?" the girl asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The road was filled to the brim with the undead. People who once valued the Dark-typing of pokemon now shambled through the streets, eyes unseeing and literally dead on their feet. Inside the darkness of an alley way, a living, human teen and his partner hid within the shadows, and watched the walking dead pass them by as they searched for an unknown signal. The human sighed silently, his hand running through the spiky golden strands that sat on top of his head. He'd been stalling in this spot for a few hours now, having been caught out by the surprisingly quick nightfall before he could reach his "safe house". Said "safe house" was right across the street from the two, with a large group of undead blocking the path in their aimless, slow wandering. The blond's current companion, a duck-like being with three, detached, floating limbs, and primary colored coating, settled one of it's floating "arms" on his trainer's shoulder, as if to comfort him. The boy gave the Porygon Z a thankful smile, and returned to his silent vigil with a calmer outlook. He hoped that the current horde in front of him would just move along, and not hang around this area for too long.

Slowly but surely, the mass of walking death absconded from the area, a few stragglers falling away from the group. One of these stragglers unluckily shambled towards the hiding duo, one of the two narrowing his eyes and the other twitching every so often as a visual sign of fear. Neither of the two moved, only their eyes tracking the once living human as it entered the alleyway. A low groan came from it's rotting mouth, making the two tense but not moving in the slightest. The moment the rotting man stepped into contact range, the boy whispered towards his partner, "Thunder Wave". Two things happened in that one moment. The Porygon Z spun its arms around an invisible axis, firing a beam of electricity at the undead. At that same moment, the teen quickly got into a crouch, allowing the status effecting move to strike it's intended target. The zombie was hit by the special lightning, and it's body locked up on itself, paralyzed and unable to move. The blond walked over to the now unmoving, ramrod figure, gently laying it down on the ground as it struggled to regain movement. The blonde pulled out a pokeball, the red and white sphere emitting a red beam of light that digitalized the Virtual Pokemon. Now alone, he quietly crept across the street, now barren except for a few oblivious undead, reaching his intended destination in the shape of a grey, iron door on the side of an abandoned building. He unlocked it, using a copper key he had retrieved from his pocket, and entered the structure, closing the door behind him and baring it with a steel pole.

Pristin City

A young girl and her pokemon walked through the empty streets, the human's chilled, sleeping body was wrapped within the arms of a lumbering bear who had a sort of Band around his right bicep, and watched by a pink creature with long feelers attached beneath her ears. The Ursaring's eyes darted to and fro, searching for hidden foes around the corners of darkened pathways, tension very apparent across his body. His fellow pokemon, the Audino, watched their current retainer's unconscious body, concern etched within her features. She truly hoped that the child of her former trainer was alright. The girl hasn't been acting normally these past few years, and there have been no signs of recovery. Yes, Mary, as the pokemon call her, is alive and healthy, no signs of any infection running through her. However, what the Hearing Pokemon worried about was the child's mind. Noticing his partner's worry, the Ursaring grunted out some words of comfort towards the shorter pokemon, his attention not truly invested in the consolation. "We'll be fine, Cherry," the noises in his species' tongue seemed to say.

White flakes of pure snow fell from the sky, as it usually did in this part of the region, lining the tops of the pokemon's heads and shoulders. Cherry shivered slightly at the cold, but didn't falter in the slightest. If you fell behind, you died. That's the motto that has kept the small group of pokemon and their trainer alive for the past few years. Hesitation could mean the difference between a close escape or a bite that would change you forever. A PokeMart slowly appeared within the duo's vision, and the Ursaring moved just a tad bit faster at the sight of the blue roof. PokeMarts meant supplies, which meant a longer lifespan for their group. They had been running out of "pokemon food" this past week, and this was the perfect chance for them to restock. Cherry matched his pace, similarly excited by the prospect of food. They would reach their destination in a couple of minutes, but the duo would not dare to move any faster in fear of alerting a hoard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Elite Four's Island
Avary sat in the old Champion's Arena, with his Umbreon sitting in his lap and his Charizard standing next to him.
While fingering the Keystone Amulet his father had given him he kept trying to think what to do.
"Guys, I think we should head to Pristin City, I've heard reports of survivors, and there might be supplies there, what do you two think?"
Umbreon jumped up with a cheerful, "Umbreon!"
Charizard stood there with his arms crossed and nodded.
"OK, let's get ready."
The three hadn't really left the island much since They, started appearing, what were once neighbors of his, friends even, were now reduced to mindless zombies, not even Pokémon were safe from the virus.
We headed outside, got our boat from some bushes, since he had had Charizard torch the bridge to the island as a counter measure to keep Them away, the only way to get across was over water or flying, and Charizard wasn't super compliant.
So they went across the water, hoping to find supplies, or people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED08729


Banned Seen 4 mos ago


Crap, crap, crap... was all that Leon could think as he turned a corner. He should have never been so stupid, but it was too late now. He glanced back at the alley, the horde of zombies was still tracking him, seemingly getting bigger and bigger as he ran through the streets of Noirville. He should have made camp outside, wait for daylight and traverse the city then...but his ego had dismissed that plan. If he wanted to get out of this alive, he need to do something quick. Still running down a dark alley, he grabbed one of his Pokeball. As he came to a halt and spun around, he sent out Charlotte the Galvantula. The red beam illuminated the darkness for a second, casting light on Leon and the horde of zombies opposite of him. "Charlotte, use Sticky Web, then Thunder Wave!" The Galvantula immediately reacted to his commands, sending out webs across the floor, quickly followed by a yellow bolt that hit the first few zombies. It wasn´t much, but it was better than nothing. Sending Charlotte back to its Poekball, Leon spun around and started running once again. He had no time to see how effective his attacks were in stopping the zombies.

A few streets later, Leon stopped and leaned against a wall. The horde seemed to have dispersed, having lost track of the boy. He tried to catch his breath, thinking about a way to get out of this mess. He would have to try and find a building to hide out until daylight came. He inspected the street he was in, and luckily enough, there were two doors that lead to an apartment complex. "It figures..." Leon moaned, as none of the doors would open though. He thought about sending out Heracross and using brute force, but that would attract too much attention. Glancing around once again, he realized there was another exit. It would be messy, and still dangerous, but it was better than staying in the streets. Leon sent out Herkules the Heracross, after making sure there were no zombies in sight. "Herkules buddy, can you please lift that?" He asked while pointing at a manhole cover. As the Pokemon lifted the cover, a putrid smell almost made Leon throw up. "Great plan Leon..." he thought, but he was already commited to going through with it. "Let´s go down there, Herkules..." Leon said with a dry smile, and a few seconds later, the Heracross and the boy were gone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pristin City

Titania adjusted her glasses nervously and tried ineffectively to suppress the shiver that went through her. Even with all this clothing it was still cold. "I-I'm T-Titania. Other than Lilith-" Titania awkwardly gestured at the short Pokemon standing in front of her defensively. "All alone. I was hoping we could maybe, you know." She looked down and scuffed the ground awkwardly with her feet then looked up hopefully, "Team up?" Lilith was still staring warily at the two in front of her, clearly ready to defend her trainer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pristin City

Emma loosened the grip she had on her sword. She didn't let go of it completely though. Kami nudged his trainer in the arm with his elbow while looking at the door behind them. Seeing what he was getting at, the teen nodded. "Help me find the key to this door... and we'll talk." she said, crossing her arms. She knew the only way to open this door quietly without alerting the horde outside was to use the key, given it wasn't frozen shut, which could be taken care of easily. "It should be around here somewhere." she said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pristin City

Titania let out a not so quiet sigh of relief at the pair in front of her relaxing slightly and the offer. But she was kind of confused still. "C-can't you just... You know. Melt it or something?" Titania asked softly. The key could be anywhere, even on a zombie, so it probably wasn't just laying around. Besides, her Pokemon couldn't melt the door with any precision Lilith was pretty adept at picking locks with the small Quick Claw she kept with her, so they wouldn't need the key anyway. Of course Titania didn't say this last part, mostly because she wasn't sure if she should.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pristin City

Emma raised an eyebrow at the girl's suggestion. "Melt it?" she asked before shaking her head. "No can do. It'd take too long, and I'm already worried they'll find a way to break in here. Plus, the change in temperature would cause a disturbance." she said. She wanted to be very cautious when it came to the well being of her pokemon as well as herself. "Melting it is out of the question. We'll need the key unless you have any better ideas to get this thing open." Kami looked at the door and looked like he was about to try it, but his trainer glared at him, making him stop in his tracks. "...I'll go look over there." she said before making her way over to the back of the pokemart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pristine City

As the two came closer towards their intended destination, a few unforseen variables were thrown into their path. A group of uncluttered zombies, who seemed to be lurking around the PokeMart with an unknown purpose. The Ursaring and Cherry shared a look, and nodded towards each other, an unheard conversation transmitted between their eyes. Havoc lowered himself to the ground as quietly as possible, seating himself on the cold white snow and keeping their trainer warm. The Audino, however, had a different agenda.

The Hearing Pokémon crept closer to the PokeMart, her near silent footsteps unheard by the lingering threats all around her. The Ursaring was too heavy, too large, too brash, unable to even enter the PokeMart without alerting every zombie within a 10 meter radius. Audino, however, were light on their feet. Not necessarily fast, but capable of being silent when they needed to be. She finally reached the frosted doors of the blue-roofed building, and slowly opened the door, looking around for any signs of undead within and finding none. Entering inside, the pink colored creature closed the door quietly behind her, completely oblivious to the humans and Pokemon within the back area, and hoping that there would be some kind of sustenance among the shelves.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pristin City

"Kami, go check over there for the storage key please." Emma said to her Blaziken, pointing back near the front of the building as she checked inside a drawer for the key. She still made sure to take a glance at the other pair as she looked because she still didn't completely trust them. Kami nodded to his trainer before going back towards the entrance. The air around the girl got considerably colder once the fire type left, but she didn't care. She just wanted to get that storage room opened and get out of there.
Kami quickly made his way to the front of the store, planning to look quickly so his trainer wouldn't get too cold. He stopped when he saw an Audino in the shop. Not knowing whether or not it was part of the undead, he got into fighting position and the flames coming from his wrists intensified, illuminating the area that he was standing in a bit. He watched the other pokemon carefully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Pristin City

Titania nodded quietly to herself and walked up to the door, peering at it carefully. Lilith didn't need to be told Titania's request and quickly took out her Quick Claw inserted it into the lock, carefully beginning the process of unlocking it. It was more difficult because of how cold it was but within a minute the last satisfying click was heard and Titania carefully tried the handle, pulling the door open. She gave a little smile of delight and turned back to look for the girl. "Hey, I got it open." Titania shout-whispered proudly. Though it would've been better if this skill wasn't needed at all, but there was nothing to be done about that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Cherry searched the shelves, seeking some kind, any kind, of food for her fellow Pokemon. Their stockpile of sustenance for Mary was still high enough for her to live for a few more weeks, but 5 Pokemon of different sizes were hard to portion and ration for. PokePuffs, PokeChow, even a Revive would be better than nothing. A dull light came from her periphery, and the Audino watched in horror as a Blaziken readied to fight.

Nothing she had in her moveset could touch the fire bird, the only attacking move she had would only make matters worse if she even tried. {"Wait, I don't want to fight!"}, Cherry whispered as loud as she thought was safe, waving her hands infront of her hariedly as a sign of surrender. If the Fire-type was one of the Undead, she was dead for sure, but she had to try.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pristin City

Hearing the girl speak, Emma got up and walked back over to the storage area. "Ah, that was quick." she said with a nod as she rubbed her hands together to warm them back up a bit. She didn't call to Kami due to the fact that he was a bit far from them and she didn't want to make much noise. "Alright then. As promised, we'll talk." she said before walking into the storage room. She began opening boxes of supplies, looking for potions in particular. With the pokemon centers out of service, potions, revives, full heals, and elixirs were important things to have with you other than food and water.

Kami relaxed a bit seeing that the Audino was still among the living, though he still didn't let his guard down completely. ("You're not dead?") he whispered as the flames on his wrists became less intense. He asked this just to make sure. He had heard the door in the back open, and he would go to check on Emma once he figured out that the pokemon in front of him wasn't a threat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ianzerep
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ianzerep The Ampharos King

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The Audio relaxed as well, noticing the lowered flames on the Blaze Pokemon's wrists. {"No, I'm not one of them,} she quietly replied, internally overjoyed to know there were 'living' Pokemon out in these parts. Her ears flicked slightly at the sound of a door opening, but when she turned around to see who came through the entrance, no one was there. She turned back to her fellow Pokemon to see him start to leave towards the back, and Cherry understood that there was a storage area behind the PokeMart. Storage meant food, food meant survival. The hidden notation that the Blaziken had an accomplice flew right over her head.

{"W-wait!"}, the Hearing Pokemon called out quietly to the Blaziken, chasing after him before he could leave completely. {"Could I take any left over food you find back there? My group is in danger of starving."} Of course, he could always say no. Then, she would just have to try her luck with the rest of the shelves, though the Audino was quite certain there was nothing useful upon them. If he said no, she would have to go back to Havoc empty handed. There was no way she was going to be able to defeat the Fighting-type, unless she wished to have a horde of undead to burst into the PokeMart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Pristin City

Kami paused as he heard the pink pokemon's request before turning to face her. He wasn't showing any signs of anger or malice. The Blaziken nodded to her. ("Sure, I'm sure my trainer won't mind. She's very nice if you don't have bad intentions.") he said before turning back around. ("Come on this way.") he said, but then he paused, looking back with a bit of worry in his eyes. ("You should probably stay behind me though. She's quick to pull her blade if I'm not right next to her.") he said before continuing to walk to the storage room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED08729


Banned Seen 4 mos ago

Noirville - Sewer System

As bad as the smell was, Leon quickly grew accustomed to it. He would give anything in exchange for a hot steamy shower once he was out of this mess, but luxuries like that had became sparse when the world had gone to hell. Finding a working shower at all was a miracle, anything beyond that would be a godsend. Shining his flashlight in front of him, the boy made sure there was nothing too dangerous before turning any corner. He had come across the occasional zombie, pokemon and human, but no groups thankfully. Herkules was right behind him, looking back every now and then to make sure nothing was following them. After a few uneventful minutes, the duo came across a steel door to their left. "Staff Only - Do Not Enter!" was written in bold white letters on a red background. "Would you like at that Herk...seems like something good might come out of this after all" Leon smiled, and Herk looked glad as well. The Heracross had always been an energetic and cheerful ally, one of the first Pokemon Leon had ever caught. The trainer didn´t need to say a word, as the Pokemon knew exactly what to do. Placing his horn between the door and the wall, it didn´t take much effort for Herk to pry the door open.

Behind it was a little supply room and mutliple levers and valves that were connected to electrical panels and pipes. On the shelves lay a few tools, as well as a collection of nuts and bolts, nothing that would be really useful to Leon. In one corner of the room though, there was something the boy had not expected to find: A corpse. It seemed to belong to a man, clothed in some kind of uniform, a bullet hole on his forehead. The body was already decomposing, and when Leon got closer, he could smell it. When he entered the sewer, he had managed to hold back the barf, but this time there was no fighting it. After regaining composure, Leon noticed a gun in the man´s hand. The boy wasn´t a fan of firearms, but he was even less of a fan of zombies. Slowly inching closer, holding his nose, he grabbed the gun from the lifeless grip. Although he had never held one before, he finally managed to release the magazine after a bit of tinkering. 5 bullets left. Sliding it back in, he made sure the safety was on, then packed the gun away into his bag.

"Let´s go Herk" Leon commented dryly "Nothing else here for us...". The pair went back to the tunnel, the boy trying to forget the corpse...and the thought that, one day not too far in the future, he could end up just like that.
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