Jericho Cross

Name:Jericho Cross
Height/Weight:5'9" / 155lbs
Personality:Jericho is a joker and wry witted fellow befitting his preferred method of passing the days away between more somber jobs and operations, gambling and lazing about idly, much to the chagrin of many. It is a wonderfully addictive form of escapism from the reality of the situation they find themselves in, and Jericho lives day by day, never looking ahead farther than the moment. The lazy, carefree attitude saves him the trouble of facing the reality that he knows all too well, and if forced to drop the facade, the jokes and misdirecting wry wit, he drops all pretense of jest and kindness, and lets loose with the fury fueled by loss and remorse, two things all too familiar with their clan. Jericho openly warns anyone pressing that boundry, regardless of who they are, and when that push comes to shove, he acts without restraint or abandon. Live in the moment, for tomorrow you may not live to regret missing the opportunity.
- Well Played Games
- Seeing the lost places of the World
- Jokes and lively folk
- Improvising
- Uptight, no nonsense folk
- Inflexible orders
- Spoilsports
- Honor Before Reason
History:Jericho Cross was born into the clan he bears the lineage and partial name of, the Crimson Cross, keepers of the Pyroclastic Phantasm. They had no qualms taking any edge they needed to keep the clan, and free people in general, safe, something that would earn them the ire of many more noble, honor bound clans. They were not as directly mighty as some clans, but guile and luck seemed to grace them more readily than seemed reasonable. One merely had to know where to look to see their fortune manufactured, their grace a false scaffolding. But their actual numbers were so few that they could not be readily tracked, and only ever had one person who bore the direct weight of their Clan's Ability. The greatest trick of all was the Clan, by all technical aspects, was handed down from Father, or Mother, to the most adept child, always maintaining the Clan's numbers officially at one, and focusing the entirety of the potentcy of their blood ability in one person. This Enforcer would hunt on behalf of Crimson Cross's wards and membership, operating more like a band of loosely grouped rogues vice a true clan, which only added to the distrust and downward looks the Clan got from more noble, traditional clans.
Jericho himself was a maverick, which fit in just perfect with his Clan and their modus operandi. He was never bred nor forced to pick a path in his life, naturally gravitating towards taking over his father's role as Crimson Cross Enforcer, and bearer of the Clan's Ability. He proved a natural fighter, and while lacking the sheer technical prowess of some, more than made up for it in dirty fighting and out and out cheating, as needed. Coupled with a joker's grin and, to the clan, naturally likeable demeanor, he was a natural for what they wanted in an Enforcer. So, when his father was too old to continue, the Clan tradition was enforced. The father passed on to allow the complete transfer of the Ability to the chosen heir. Jericho hated the fact his old man was killed for some tradition, but had to play by their rules, for now. When the time came, he would rock that little tradition, and a lot more, to the core. But he contented himself with helping out the Crimson Cross Clan whenever necessary, as well as clanless free folk and even other clans, with joke and good natured barb at the ready.
Clan Name: Crimson Cross
Clan Member Count: Technically One, outside their official purview is a few dozen retainers, free agents, and other providers to aid in the daily operations.
Clan Ability:Pyroclastic Phantasm - Some critics of the clan deride this as glorified pyromancy of lore, but it is anything but simple. The chosen enforcer of the clan is capable of summoning up the most primal forms of Fire, ever burning manifestations of the flame that sparked life to be manipulated at the will of the enforcer. Each flame can incinerate most flesh by proximity alone, the heat is that intense to those the wielder sees as foe, and gleefully consumes any fuel it is cast upon. The flames themselves are malleable, and can be coated across a blade, launched like hand lobbed missiles, or used to form a great barrier of leaping flames. Despite their reddish hues, they burn hotter than the whitest flame and dance with a living glee, seeming to speak and interact on a silent level with the wielder.
Notable Equipment:
Twin's Blade - Passed down from Enforcer to Enforcer, Jericho is the latest to wield the well forged, ancient looking blade. While it certainly lacks any sort of unusual enchantment, it can readily utilize Pyroclastic Phantasm to enhance or even channel blasts of the living flames like a crossobow might guide a bolt. Otherwise, it is a sturdily made, well balanced fighting blade with no frills that interfere with its primary job of ending the lives of anything it crosses.
Jericho maintains surprising skill with his sword, and maintains a proud "mastery" over the dubious art of brawling and fighting dirty.
Sleight of hand, lock picking, stealth, and all sorts of roguish tricks he maintains a skilled grasp of as well, just in case.
Has a musical knack for stringed instruments, usually strumming away on some old instrument or another when not gambling.
Theme Song:*
I May Fall - RWBY