(Dark brown hair, green eyes)
"I can't give up. If I did, I'd never be able to look the people who got me this far in the eye."
Name: Minamoto, Takumi
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height & Weight: 180cm, 76kg
Sexuality: Hetero until proven otherwise
CCG Rating: B~
CCG Title:Mask: A
bird mask paired with a matching eyepatch
Kagune: Takumi's kagune is rather simple in appearance. It takes the form of two elliptic tentacles about twice the length of his leg, maroon in color with the smooth, slightly-metallic texture characteristic of koukaku kagune. Though its end is tapered by default, he is capable of fashioning his kagune into armaments for attack and defense in close-quarters. Similarly, he is capable of condense his tendrils (either sections of the same or the tendrils themselves) for additional reinforcement and the ability to form more elaborate shapes. While very straightforward overall, it does possess a sole unique point in its detachability. Unfortunately, this detachment does not come with any wall or trap-spawning additions, and is literally just a piece of detached kagune that doesn't evaporate as quickly. This is not as useless as it sounds, and he occasionally jokes that a detached kagune is "the closest thing to a quinque he can get".
And in that respect, it can be considered a kagune of the utmost compatibility.
RC Type: Koukaku
Special Quirk: One-Eyed Ghoul
Born a human and raised as one until he volunteered for an experimental kakuhou transplantation. With an ample natural RC cell factor, he was deemed a suitable subject. However despite all precautions and the resounding success of the results, he was ultimately judged a failure and forced to flee for his life. Possesses a leftward kakugan.
Personality: The crux of Takumi's personality is based around the question of "How can I justify myself to myself?" It's equal parts his primary coping mechanism and his driving motivation, as well as the reason why there seems to be a hypocritical dichotomy between his actions and his personality. So long as he's capable of answering that question in a way he's satisfied with, he's willing to do pretty much anything he needs to. However, he does have standards of conduct that he upholds himself to, granted those standards have nothing to do with what's commonly values and everything to do with his personal interpretation of "right" at the time. That said, he only really cares what impact something has on the present. Even if something ends up having terrible consequences, that's just something he can deal with at a later point.
Now as far as outward appearances go, Takumi's a very open person. As useful as being cooly stoic and emotionally constipated is, he's very intense when it comes to expressing himself. Save for legitimate distress, he doesn't really make an effort of hiding any of his emotions, and even when his
is distressed, you can usually tell by the weary, "oh not this shit again" look in his eyes. But he doesn't really get too upset a lot, and when he does he gets over it just as quickly. His way of life is built around aggressive acceptance and avoidance; as far as he's concerned, what happened in the past ought to stay there. Likewise, when he talks about his past, it's a lot like he's talking about someone else entirely. Takumi's nonchalant attitude is most easily seen when he actually gets around to talking to people. He's super informal and friendly with others, even to people who're supposed to be his enemies. Though that isn't to say Takumi treats his friends the same as he does everyone else. He worries and cares a lot about them, even if they don't seem obviously special to him. He's a proponent of the golden rule, and typically tries to help others find their own satisfaction. He's kind of a straightforward person like that.
As for battle, Takumi and fighting have a bit of an odd relationship going on. While he'd much rather play the part of a peace-loving weakling and resolve a conflict without having to break any kneecaps like the old man told him, he really
does get a rise out of fighting. It's not the act specific that he cares about though, but rather the cathartic feeling of the opportunity to throw himself wholeheartedly into something. It's a lot like his relationship with taking orders. He doesn't mind being ordered around because it means that he knows exactly what he needs to do, and that the consequences are Not His Fault. That said, he dislikes being beholden to coercion and debts.
Backstory: Invariably, whenever Takumi talks about his past the first and foremost matter of contention is the fact that he was raised by the Commission of Counter Ghoul.
Ever since he was but a babe, he was living under the cold and utilitarian wing of the doves. What his life was like before that - or even if he
had a life before that - is completely irrelevant. As for his parents, he knows for a fact that they're CCG affiliates of some variety. Maybe investigators, maybe scientists. Maybe dead, maybe alive. At any rate, it's not as if he has much of a connection to them, and he isn't willing to try and make a point of keeping up to date on their situation. Likewise, he can't say that he resents them for abandoning him to his fate, for a such a thing is simply the natural course of action. After all, education and safety are key to the proper development of a child. But while plenty children raised in the CCG Junior Academies opt to pursue jobs unrelated to ghouls and generally live a lifestyle of mundanity, becoming a normal person was never on the table for him.
After all, the Sunlit Garden has no place for normal people.
Publicly, the Garden is known for producing talented investigators. And although the precise details of the human side of his childhood are murky at best, if there's one thing Takumi can remember it's all the bloody training. Even as the passing days became months and years, blending into the same incomprehensible mass, the one constant throughout his growth the Garden was the endless deluge of training. Training and conditioning of the body and mind was the focus of the program. No general education, though; that was unnecessary for the intended role of a trainee.
While this was not the kind of lifestyle that offered him much in the way of freedom, Takumi's clearest memory is of a choice. From somewhere out in some CCG think tank, the idea of implanting kakuhou into humans in order to create superior investigators arose and eventually, that idea made it to the Garden. To choose the life of a half-ghoul for the sake of the people was the last true choice he'd ever made by himself. Even if he were to lose all rationality or purpose, that is the one memory he could never allow himself to forget.
At first it was fine. Everything seemed to be going to according plan. Unsurprisingly, that was simply a short respite before everything went wrong real fast. RC suppressants weren't sufficiently effective, the limiters they'd designed weren't limiting anything, and he was getting hungrier and less restrained as the days passed. As far as anyone could see, the worth of keeping someone like Takumi around was becoming lower and lower despite his improvements to his body surpassing the projected data. So they quietly axed the Quinx Project and scheduled Takumi for disposal. Understandably, he was unwilling to accept such an ignonimious death when he overheard people talking about it. So he ran fast and fought hard, and fell somewhere around the edge of the Fifth Ward, completely exhausted, heavily wounded, and still being pursued by a particularly puissant flock of doves. When the streetlights were eclipsed by the shadow of a man, he was ready to accept the limits of his newfound power. But instead of the cold touch of quinque steel, there was only five words: "Do you want to live?"
Cut to the Maison de Hayasori. Despite having been there for quite a while at that point, Takumi still hadn't really adjusted well. And although his time with humanity was ultimately shorter than expected, the mentality of the Garden still had buried its seeds in his mind. It was not surprising that having to live with five true blue ghouls was not exactly very compatible with his anthropocentricism, which manifested itself as avoidance and rejection rather than lashing out. He would grow out of his loner habits fortunately, and would truly integrate himself into the family unit upon managing to center himself and accept everything as it was.
For Takumi, most of the old man's mentorship was learning to live on the other side. As a more-or-less well-adjusted "human" being, a tutorial on how to live like a human would be rather redundant. So he learned the rules of the ghoulish social contract, the correct application of kagune, and other such related topics. To say he adjusted rather quickly would be an understatement considering his anthropocentric upbringing. However, his personality of passive acceptance was well-equipped to handle such a vast change, even if he was a bit more volatile and callous than he is now, and more inclined to hide away in a study reading books. It took a while, but the old man's etiquette training began bearing fruit, and he started spending more and more time with the others. Since his age was dead in the middle of the group, he mostly just did what older kids told him to and what the littler kids asked. He wasn't displeased with this arrangement; all this following of orders kind of reminded him of his home-before-home, and all the busy work was a welcome distraction.
But, like all good things, his time there came to an end. Old Man Hayasori kicked the bucket and there was nothing Takumi really could have done to save him. It was just a fact that he had to accept. While he stuck with the group for as long as he could, they inevitably began to grow apart. This too was something he simply accepted. Now that he was alone in the world, he had no idea what to do. He wasn't used to having power to decide for himself or the responsibility that came along with it, and he still at that age where he didn't quite understand the unfairness of the world. Simply put, he was hardly ready for independence.
So Takumi began wandering around Japan in order to get away from Tokyo and find himself. He wanted to try living like a human as best he could in order to respect the old man's wishes. He was actually quite successful for a time, taking up oddjobs here and there, and even making a few buddies. Early on, he lived off of scavenging as some kind of desperate cling to the human ideal, but soon took to live prey. He isn't 100% sure why he kept up a criminal-only diet, but he just dismissed it as a remnant of his CCG "protect and serve" programming. Besides, it's not like he was ever good at anything else. Of course he was never the most subtle of guys, so the CCG got wise to his habits rather quickly. Fortunately they never connected him to the escapee from way back when, or he might have
really been in trouble. Instead, all he got was a B~ for his indeterminate strength in relation to his nonhostility towards investigators and innocents, combined his infrequent hunting schedule and choice of prey. Takumi is okay with this, even if he isn't as highly regarded as his peers.
He returned to Tokyo a few days ago.