Clone Number: CT-8350
Army Rank: Trooper
Nickname: Rabbit
Personality/Bio: "Captain Rigger is a top notch commander. He appears squared away and hasn't gotten us into too much of the bad stuff yet. He does seem to be in all the right places at the right time. I have to admire the old man for his tenacity.

We was in a fire fight one time. Mortar rounds and laser blasts were going off all around us. We had a low stone wall for cover. Three troopers in my squad had just taken hits and gone down. The medic was attempting to patch one of them up, when I noticed out of the corner of my eye, someone stepped up and was firing his carbine alongside me. I had to stop shooting just to see who it was. I was quite surprised to recognize Captain Rigger. He was right there in the thick of it, exposing himself to the same hazards as the rest of us troopers.

The Lieutenant, on the other hand, I'm not all that sure of. He seems to prefer to lead from the rear. I accidentally walked in on the old man chewing his ass out for something this one time. I don't know if the LT is going to be around us much longer. The Platoon daddy Sergeant Major Mack on the other hand is the real deal. He is always smoking these fat ass cigars and yelling at troopers. But when the Sergeant Major yells, it is usually for a good reason. He's another one I look up to.

Our Squad Leader, Sergeant Brick appears nervous, but otherwise does a fine job. I believe he just needs more experience. He is still new to the position. He knows what he is doing, but I've seen him focused on the enemy down range during a fire fight rather than looking at the squad. He's responsible for us! Sure his rifle needs to be engaging targets, but he needs to be situationally aware as well. I may not be an NCO yet, but this much I know.

The Corporal is a good trooper. He is pretty easy going; good for a few laughs. He goes by the name, Lance. During a fire fight, I caught him nipping at a small bottle under his body armor. Not sure what it was, but he seems to do his job fine.

The rest of the boys in 2nd Squad are clone troopers, fresh off Kamino, like me. We've been together as a unit for over a year now. We all get along pretty well and I am confident everyone has my back. I know I have their's."

Weaponry: DC-15a Rifle, 2x Thermal Detonators & 2 EMP Grenades
Unit Assigned: 2nd Squad, 3rd Platoon, Rage Company, 117th Attack Battalion