Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 16 days ago

A Long Time Ago, In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

The 286th Legion

It is a time of war for the Galactic Republic. Count Dooku and the Separatist Droid Army seek control of the galaxy, and dominate the Outer Rim Territories, controlling major hyperspace lanes, cutting off the Republic from the majority of it's Clone Army. Without reinforcements, massive casualties are beginning to mount, as the Droid General Grievous forces the Outer Rim forces to the breaking point.

One such unit deployed in the Outer Rim, the 286TH LEGION, is currently all that stands between these decimating droid forces and the complete loss of the Planet Boz Pity, a vital staging area for the Republic Forces in the Outer Rim. If it is lost, then the entire Outer Rim force could be wiped out in a matter of days...

Log 144, Boz Pity, 4 Months after Battle of Geonosis

"We've held against the droid armies in orbit of Boz Pity, none have been able to touch down as of yet. However, without reinforcements, I fear that our numbers will dwindle down to nothing after a few more days. If Boz Pity is lost, we will have lost one of our most vital staging areas in the Outer Rim. Hopefully the Jedi Council will find a way to get reinforcements to us in time. Morale is actually high right now, following our recent victory and low losses. We currently have three Jedi Cruisers and two Assault Ships still online, the rest of my fleet has been reduced to rubble. Troop losses have been relatively low, but how long that will last, I have no idea." - Jedi General Kelen Rolin.

The Jedi stood up from the terminal on the bridge of his command ship, the Excalibur. He looked tired, and for good reason. He hadn't had any decent sleep for ten rotations. However, he didn't act tired. The force gave him the strength he needed. He headed out onto the observation deck where Admiral Millon would be. "Admiral, any more activity from the droid forces?" The admiral shook his head in reply. "Nothing... It's been an entire rotation and they've made no further moves against us. They're probably re-strategizing." Rolin turned back off the observation deck, seeing a familiar ship preparing to dock with the Excalibur. A few minutes later and Rolin was watching as Clone Commander Bronze and his elite unit of Hailfire Squad disembarked from the cruiser.

"What's the situation on the planet's surface? Are the troops there ready in case the droids get past us?" Bronze entered with a quick salute, then answered. "Yes General, they're all in position. Tanks and cannons fully operational, defensive structures in place, all units on standby." Rolin smiled. "Good, let's get up to the bridge then, see what's going on..." A rumble shook the ship, and suddenly Rolins wrist communicator buzzed to life. "Enemy fleet has just come out of hyperspace, sir. Prepare for battle!" Rolin nodded, and without another word, rushed towards the main hangar where his Starfighter would be waiting.

Boz Pity, Planet's Surface

There's almost no life left on this planet, only graves. That's why Boz Pity gained the nickname "The Graveyard World." There is foreign life currently on it, the Clone Army of the Galactic Republic. The 117th and 514th Armor Battalions have set up prefab buildings as a Forward Operations Base, in case that the CIS were to get past the orbital blockade above them.

Captain Rigger was in the Command Room, watching the now ensuing battle taking place overhead on a holoviewer. "They're at it again up there, eventually those clankheads are gonna break through and get down here, I just know it." He drew one of his pistols, scanning it over, finding it acceptable. He re-holstered it and headed out into the makeshift courtyard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gunther
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Gunther Captain, Infantry (Retired)

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"I'm tellin' ya Finn. Them tin cans are gonna be droppin' on our heads any minute," Rabbit spoke softly while looking through the firing port in front of him. The view was open land and his squad was defending a portion of the prefabricated defensive strong points used as a staging area for the Republic. The ground to the front was relatively flat with slow, low undulating hills. A small copse of trees presented a slight obstacle about eight hundred meters to his one thirty. The other trooper in the defensive fighting position with him was the Z-6 Rotary Gunner, Trooper Finn. The pig was currently mounted on a tripod to provide some stability when firing. It enhanced accuracy and was very deadly as it swept the flat open ground in front of them. Although Rabbit respected the lethality of the big gun, he hated being near it because it always tended to draw all the enemy fire. The droids tended to focus on the high casualty producing weapons first. It was one of their primary flaws.

"Don't sweat it, Rabbit," Finn uttered. "Those digital soldiers won't stand a chance against Rosita here." Finn smiled as he patted the back of his Rotary Cannon. He had taken to calling the high velocity weapon Rosita shortly after he was assigned the weapon three months ago.

"Yea, that's what I was afraid of," Rabbit's grim tone didn 't share the enthusiasm of his squad mate. "You recall what happened to CT 7944, don't you?"

"Yea, well he asked for that, if you ask me!"

"No one asks to die, not even a clone, Finn."

Finn and Rabbit stopped speaking. They really didn't want to think about CT 7944. He was the last trooper to carry the Rotary Cannon. He had taken out over a hundred droids with his pig, but then every support gun in the area unleashed their fire upon CT 7944 and his Z6 Rotary Cannon. When assigned the job of carrying the squad's big gun, a trooper also strapped on a customary bullseye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"You know, I'm not a fan of being on the defensive. Tension plays hell on your nerves. Rather be storming a separatist held planet than be sitting in a graveyard." Trooper Vulcan quipped, running a cloth over his over his RPS-6 launcher as he sat behind the prefab fortifications about forty meters to 1st squad's 3 o'clock. The terrain was much the same ahead of them last time Vulcan checked, though the copse of trees ended at their 11 and gave way to more flat lands. Their position was a two story tower, providing a marginally superior line of sight. Vulcan wasn't confident he could nail a hard target on the horizon from this range, but absent a Rotary Gunner or an attached designated marksman he found himself stuck on very prominent high ground.

“Damn rook. Don’t they teach you brats on Kamino to appreciate the damned silence while you can anymore?” The trooper standing attentive at the firing line beside him didn't lower the binoculars from his visor when he questioned, "Or are you really that desperate for the meat grinder?"

Vulcan managed to convey a good deal of incredulity through a tilt of his blast scorched helmet. "What? No. That's more Ruckus and Trouble's thing, Swallow."

Swallow, 2nd Squad's longest surviving scout trooper grumbled something unintelligible but undoubtedly profane and directed towards the exuberant rifleman he sorely wished shared in the squad's dismal luck. “One day those wastes of genes are going to piss off the wrong CO. If the Sergeant was actually around—”

“Hey, you can’t hold it against him if he’s injured.” Vulcan spoke in defense of the absentee squad leader. “Doesn’t every clone want to follow a man who can lead from the front?”

The scout snorted, returning to survey the future battlefield. “I’ll give the Sgt. Bacta his due when he stops being the first one shot and gets out of the damn recuperation tank.”

There had been talk around the mess that Bacta was throwing himself into enemy fire so he could get out of fighting, while some others thought he just had a death wish. Swallow was of the opinion he was the poor clone officially in charge of 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon Rage Company, more commonly referred to as Leper Squad.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shiny Keldeo
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Shiny Keldeo The Resident Shiny Legendary

Member Seen 16 days ago

  • Jedi General Kelen Rolin
  • CC-7501 Commander Bronze
  • CC-7011 Captain Rigger
  • CL-1492 Lieutenant Rewind
  • CC-5095 Commander Bastion
  • CP-7368 Ace (Spade Leader)
  • Admiral Edward Millon

Boz Pity Orbit, Excalibur, Main Hanger

Rolin had reached the hanger just as the main ventral doors above him began to open. His fighter was already fueled, and his Astromech Droid R5-P11 had the fighter ready to roll. Rolin jumped into the open hatch of his fighter, performing a very brief flight check before attaching a custom made visor based off of the Jedi Flight Visor. Soon he had linked with his fighter's computer system, and was leading the fighters behind him out of the hanger bay. "Spade Squadron, check in. Ace, your boys ready to fly?" Behind him came a squadron of 12 V-19 Torrent Starfighters, breaking off into three wings. "You know it General, we're always ready to fly when you are sir." Rolin acknowledged the response, and turned towards the battle ahead. Three Munificent Class Frigates, sold to the CIS by the supposedly neutral Trade Federation.

"Alright boys, this should be fun. Raptor Squadron, take out the cruiser on the left. Iron Squadron, the frigate on the right. Admiral Millon, focus fire on the middle one. The rest of you, you're on fighter duty, I don't want anything breaking through. Is that clear?" The resounding "Yes Sir's" coming through the comms answered that for him. "Alright, boys, you know the drill. Lowest kill count buys drinks when we get home." Said Ace through Spade Squadron's comms. Within moments, the dogfights had begun. Soon it was hard to make out what was going on between the exchanges of blue and red blasterfire.

Boz Pity, Republic Forward Operations Base

Rigger was beginning to grow restless. He could hear the battle from the surface, he wondered how long it would be before they would be in the heat of the action. He was checking over his gear, making sure everything was battle ready. "What's this... the blaster sight's off a bit, better fix that... there we go." Rigger checked his clips, finding them all to be fully charged. His pistols were in working order, and his rangefinder was functional. Everything seemed ready for the worst. A few moments later he was meeting with his Lieutenant, Rewind, and the Sergeant of Falcon Squadron, Scouter. Captain Crimson from Flare Company was speaking through the comms, along with Commander Bastion and his captains.

"I hear the battle's already underway topside, I doubt it will be long before we get hit down here." Bastion started off the conversation. Rigger responded. "We're ready to take whatever they've got and throw it right back at them here. Walkers set up around the compound, with our artillery just out of sight but clear to fire whenever they get here." Crimson merely nodded, Rewind then spoke up. "Rage Company is completely deployed along the walls around the compound, and deployed in the trenches just outside of it. Turret emplacements online, all troopers have reported in."

Next it was Scouter who responded. "Falcon's ready to deploy at a moment's notice, our AT-RTs will make it tough for the clankers to get any heavy units over, we'll overrun them pretty quick." Rigger nodded. "Looks like everything is in place here, you all make sure your bases don't fall before the day is done. Good luck." The holographic figures nodded and blinked out of existence, while Scouter returned to his unit, and Rewind returned to his perimeter patrol. Rigger just couldn't help but wonder what was really going on up there.

Boz Pity Orbit

The battle was still raging. Raptor Squadron had managed to disable one of the droid cruisers, while the three Jedi Cruisers were pouring their batteries into the lead frigate. A few vultures had tried to slip by, but Spade Squadron cleaned them up quick. But then... "Sir, we're detecting multiple ships coming out of hyperspace, port side... and starboard side!" In a moment two Munificent Frigates appeared to the left of the fleet, immediately following another two popped out on the right. "Remembrance, Starboard side, enemies closing. Allegiance, port side!" The ships divided up their cannon batteries, opening fire on the new enemies trying to flank them. "We're caught in a three pronged pincer, we're being overwhelmed... they're sending down landing craft! Raptor Squadron, assist the left flank. Iron Squadron, finish up that cruiser and help the right. Recluse and Resilient, target those landing craft before they make it to the surface!" It was too late though, the Landing Craft had already made it past the line of defense, about five got through before the Assault Ships could open fire. Five dropships for five bases... if they knew about them.

"Bronze, get Hailfire down to the surface, it looks like most of them are heading towards Rigger's location. Spades one through four, on me, we've got fighter duty planetside." Bronze acknowledged the order immediately, while in the barracks with Hailfire Squad. "Copy that General. Alright, they're taking the fight straight to us, let's not disappoint them! Grab your gear, we're off in five minutes!" The squad didn't even need that long, they already had their gear ready to roll, as they always did in battle. The squad rushed to their Consular Class Frigate, which they had nicknamed the Sanctuary. "Riot, Scar, let's get this bird rolling, FOB number one." The two pilots nodded, not breaking their concentration from the controls before them. Skillfully they departed from the lower hanger and navigated the battlefield as they headed for the planet's surface, with Rolin and Spade Squadron covering them.
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