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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

So my favorite is Final Fantasy 7, its finally hipster acceptable to start liking this game now that the contrarian backlash has died down. But Seriously, its the music, the plot, the pacing and the battle system that do it for me, I love this game to bits, 19 years hasn't changed a goddamn thing.

4 is an extremely close second.

6 is overrated AF Seph>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Kef>>>JarJar binks

10 is hit and miss, great gameplay, cool character designs, awful world, boring plot.

10-2 has some cool stuff going for it but was a failure.

9 has a battle system for idiots, but is a charming little game.

8 has an amazing world but not much else apart from ZELL!.

5 is the worst.

1 2 and 3 ive not played.

Nor 11 or 14, MMO scum.

13 was SHIT stop defending it.

13-2 wasn't bad at all.

Lightning returns wasn't a real game.

Alright, discuss and come at me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago

I've defended 13 in literal essay form but I'm not going to do that again. 13-2 was bad and I hate it. Lightning Returns is a real game it's just a real bad Final Fantasy game because it's a damn Valkyrie Profile game. Let's do this shit in order.

Final Fantasy: For what it is it's a fine game and it lays nice groundwork for concepts later in the franchise. But the game peaks real early on when the bridge is fixed and you get your first taste of the now iconic theme. It sits squarely in the lower half of any list.

Final Fantasy 2: This game is an interesting failure. It certainly has a better plot than the first game but that's not exactly high praise. The level up system is deeply flawed though definitely not without merit. It's kind of like the system in an Elder Scrolls game only worse because this game came out in 1988. There are two notable things about this game, its little stab at a conversation system and the fact that a plot point became the basis of an entire mini dungeon in a better Final Fantasy game.

Final Fantasy 3: Here's the game that should be more remembered for enhancing some of the later series' core concepts. This is the game that introduced the job change system that would be revisited again in FF5 and the first to give more specialized battle commands, and summons, yay. Ultimately FF3 is less of a classic entry into the series and more a historical artifact. The concepts it introduces are done better in later games and there's nothing memorable about the plot.

Final Fantasy 4: This is the first one that I'd say is a great Final Fantasy game because it hits on so much of what makes a Final Fantasy game great, and it isn't the battles. A more character driven affair with actual twists and dramatic weight to the whole thing combined with Uematsu's first great Final Fantasy score makes a game that still holds up to this day. This is a game where you go to the moon in a goddamn whale. Final Fantasy 4 is a landmark title in the JRPG genre and I'd put it firmly in the top five. Not number one. But top five. Just don't play the sequels. Ever.

Final Fantasy 5: It improved the job system from three, made the ATB gauge visible, and that's really it. Oh. It also had Clash on the Big Bridge. I'd say that this is the best implementation of the job system in the series because it's one of the last times in the main series that it actually used deeper customization of jobs. But that's all this game has going for it. A less interesting plot, less interesting characters, and less memorable music than 4. A fine game. But a fine lower half entry.

Final Fantasy 6: When people talk about this game I always feel like they talk about individual moments rather than the game as a whole. It's always "The opera scene is so good!" "Sabin suplexes a train!" "Kefka remakes the world, what a twist!" I maintain that Final Fantasy 4 is a better Final Fantasy 6. 6 is good. Some might call it great. But it's a really badly paced game which is something that will occur with the series going forward. The entire back half of the game just feels like busywork because rather than the plot guiding the game it does this thing where it tries to be more open worldy and letting the player do whatever. Yeah there's the goal of 'get the gang back together for a kickass reunion tour' but it's largely optional and at that point in the game most of the character arcs are all but sorted out. I really don't like the World of Ruin section of the game even though I really like Celes as a character. And let's stop pretending Locke is some cool character when he's a really creepy guy that keeps his dead girlfriend in a basement and brings her flowers like a shrine. It's good. But it's not amazing. Which is a great segue into...

Final Fantasy 7: This fucking game. I hate when people use the word overrated because it comes off as kinda arrogant but man if ever there was a game that deserved the label it's this one right here. I like Final Fantasy 7. I think it's probably like...number 6 or 7 on the list overall, but this is a deeply flawed game and I'm not talking about the translation. Final Fantasy 7 starts real fucking strong and Midgar is a fantastic setting that is developed wonderfully. Because you spend your time mucking around in the slums and really seeing how soulless Shinra is, by the time you infiltrate the headquarters it's a genuine climactic moment because all roads have led there and the game has done a great job at making Shinra out to be the worst thing. Unfortunately it's also where the game introduces its actual plot and loses a lot of steam. By the time you leave Midgar the plot becomes "Hey let's go after Sephiroth" when it should be "Hey we need to go after Rufus fucking Shinra because that guy was introduced with an evil monologue." But that's just petty nitpicking. I'm one of the people that thinks the game gets worse when you leave Midgar and start chasing ghosts for the rest of it. Sephiroth is not a good villain. Like at all. He's got 'presence' I guess but he's a bad villain. The Materia system wasn't as well realized as it could've been but, hey, points on them for at least trying to let players customize their characters even if Aerith would always be doomed to be a healer for the time you have her. I have a lot of problems with the game on a narrative level BUT I like the characters and I like the way that they develop over the course of the game. What I DON'T like is how Cloud becomes the poster child for mopey JRPG characters in every new bit of FF7 sequel shit. Cloud was never a mopey brooding asshole. You have the awful Vincent for that shit.

Final Fantasy 8: I'm saying it right now: Eyes on Me is the goddamn best love theme in the whole series. That's just a great song. I really, really, really like Final Fantasy 8 and it's probably my number 1 in the series. Because I like it so much I can also realize how incredibly flawed the end product is. Before I go on let me say that anyone who calls Squall 'emo' or whatever has a thorough misunderstanding of the character as Squall is unarguably the most developed character in the game. That's really my first problem with the game is that outside of Squall and Laguna the characters don't really develop much despite having more depth than people realize. Irvine has that one moment where he admits that his urban cowboy/ladies man thing is all an act, Selphie has her Trabia Garden moment, but that's really it. But Final Fantasy 8 is a game largely about how everyone is laughably incompetent. The main point of the game is that this world is one in which institutions exist to train kids as mercenaries and how irresponsible that is. At almost every turn the characters show how terrible an idea the whole SeeD thing truly is. Quistis puts an assassination mission at risk because she lets her emotions get in the way of things. Zell constantly hypes himself up to hide the fact that he's actually a nerdy momma's boy that can't lead. Squall does the very teenage thing of pushing people away because he was burned so badly as a child when everyone abandoned him and he doesn't want to deal with that feeling again. These are teenagers put into positions they should never be put into. What the fuck does Squall know about leading people in war? Of course he's going to freak out when he's literally sending kids to fucking die.

Final Fantasy 8's characters get a bad rep. And so does its plot, and on that I can agree. FF8 actually does a tremendous job at building its world and lore but it does so in more subtle ways. Like in Timber when the Galbadian President makes a speech, the big television screen flashes a message from Sorceress Adel two whole discs before Adel is even a thing. Adel should've been the main antagonist since she has the most legitimate reason for being the main antagonist, given that Laguna trapped her in space and all. Ultimecia never really has time to shine as a villain and I can't ever get behind an antagonist that traps themselves in their own self defeating time loop prophecy. The problem is that for as great a job it does at crafting its world...it does a really bad job at giving you a plot. Laguna's sections were the highlights in the plot department because it condensed an entire life story into sections while still making them engaging and interesting even if all he did for most of one was talk to the singer of Eyes on Me. By the time monsters rain down from space and Squall and Rinoa have their little Gravity adventure the game just stops giving a single shit about its own narrative, which was already thin as hell prior to that.

And this is without talking about how the junction system makes the game absolutely abusable. The game can be broken over a knee in the first disc and that's sort of not what I come to JRPGs for. Still, I like playing Final Fantasy 8 a whole lot and I can forgive many of its story flaws because I just...I really like that goddamn world. Also, the soundtrack is top tier Final Fantasy soundtrack. It used to be my number one but was dethroned.

Final Fantasy 9: I want to love this game. I really, really do. Hironobu Sakaguchi stated that this game was pretty much the ideal Final Fantasy game and it's not hard to see why considering it's pretty much a giant buffet of the games that came before it. It starts off with simple Final Fantasy 1 shit about princesses and then by the end of it it's doing the sci fi fantasy thing with Terra and the Genomes and then caps it off with a final boss that, back in the day, people hated for the worst reasons. Necron is fine, you guys, in a game filled with references and homages Necron is just another one. It's like Cloud of Darkness 2.0. I like most of the characters in this game. And by most I mean 'the four fucking characters worth a damn' and those being Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, and Vivi because every other character is nothing. Except maybe Eiko. But when Beatrix has more development than half your playable characters...something's wrong. Final Fantasy 9 is a weird game. Like I said I like the characters but the story just feels so...all over the place. Like the central conflict, such as it is, flat stops at the end of the second disc and then suddenly the second half of the game does a massive tonal shift and it's just...weird. The battle system is molasses which doesn't do the game any favors at all and everyone being set in their roles within the party makes customization less fun.

There's good moments in the game. Vivi's whole search for a purpose in life is done really well. Kuja is a really good villain. Beatrix and Steiner are wonderful. But the individual moments don't make the game flow well at all. And the soundtrack isn't that good at all. There's like four memorable tracks. You know why people only ever talk about 'You're Not Alone' and 'Rose of May'? Because those are the only standout tracks on that entire OST. I'd put FF9 at like...eighth place maybe? I dunno. It's a weird game. I just...I wish it was better.

Final Fantasy 10: Man who the fuck are the people that think this game is great. Raise your hand so I can point and laugh at you for being wrong. There are four things that are good in this game. Jecht. Auron. The music. Rikku's shorts. This is a boring game. Like really, really boring with some of the least interesting characters and a plot that feels more generic than anything else. Why the hell does Lulu dress the way she does? She's wearing all black, fur lined, heavy clothing in a tropical climate. Don't do that are you insane? Yuna is an awful leading character. I don't want to play a game where the main character has no capacity for making her own decisions. She spends the whole game letting other people decide things for her and I'm supposed to care about this nothing of a character? Tidus at least serves his function as a player avatar/fish out of water. At least Wakka's racism towards Al Bhed and his crisis of faith was SOMETHING in a game that is full of NOTHINGS. The best thing in this game is the battle system. Because the characters and plot are total ass.

Final Fantasy 10-2: I mean, the battles are fun and fast paced and I appreciate that they try to do something with their worst female lead but it's like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. Paine is the most tryhard character. Like holy shit that's not how you make a 'cool' character you guys. Paine is the video game version of someone's edgy RP character with a laughably 'grimdark' past.

Final Fantasy 11: My favorite thing about this game was that Square just said "fuck it" and put in a boss that took 18 straight hours to beat. People were getting physically ill trying to kill the thing and I find that hilarious. And then they didn't even beat it. Weaklings.

Final Fantasy 12: The trick to enjoying this game is shoving Vaan to the bench and realizing that he's not at all the protagonist. Basch is. Or Ashe. THe people that contribute shit to the plot other than "My brother was killed by Basch oh wait nahhhh". I remember so little about this game other than that setting up gambits was fun for a little bit. Ivalice is a nifty setting and I'm glad it got some main series exposure. Just pop it near the middle of the list I guess.

Final Fantasy 13: This is a good game. I said it. I stand by it. I will defend it to the death. People harp on it being linear and I'm like "You jerks praise Final Fantasy 10 and that game is the same linear shit." 13 is a better 10. My problem with the game is the opposite that most others seem to have. People will tell you that the game gets good in chapter 11 when you're down on Pulse and can do hunting side missions. I say the game gets WORSE at that point because that marks the point in the game where instead of going for something new it becomes just another generic 'gotta save the world from religion' plot. The first half of 13 isn't a plot to save the world and I like that. It's a character piece. None of the characters particularly like each other and none of them have any reason to travel together other than the incredibly superficial 'we're all l'Cie now' which isn't a reason. The characters are all dealing with their own problems and think they know the best way to go about it. Lightning decides to take on the system because she is looking for a scapegoat. Sazh just wants to be with his kid. Snow is faced with the realization that he's failed at the two things that matter to him: being a hero and Serah. Hope tags along with Lightning on a personal quest he knows is pointless but he has to cling to something to keep himself from breaking down. Vanille is the worst and a liar so forget her.

The reason the game doesn't unlock all its mechanics from the word go is because the mechanics are directly tied to the progression of the plot. As the characters become better l'Cie, so too do their abilities grow. The full crystarium unlocks only after the big bad taunts you and forces you to unlock your potential. It's a nice bit of gameplay mechanics and story progression working together. By the time the game reaches its final act, though, it's less interesting. The best part of 13 are the character dynamics and when that is removed all you're left with is standard JRPG bullshit. The villain is an evil God. Yay. You save the worlds with the power of friendship. Yay.

The combat is fun and offers a nice bit of tactical gameplay with its paradigms. The battle system is all about setting your team up to hit enemies like a damn truck and that's great. 13 is a good game that gets an undeserved amount of hate. I could go on about this game (and have) because it's legit in my top five Final Fantasy games. And also? Amazing soundtrack. Masashi Hamazu is greay.

Final Fantasy 13-2: This game is a piece of shit that fundamentally ruins EVERYTHING that Final Fantasy 13 established thematically and turns the trilogy into the story of how Etro is a well meaning but incompetent deity that ruins everything. The happy ending and thematic closure of being able to defy fate? NOPE! Fate says Lightning's gotta die or whatever and there's nothing you can do about it, asshole. This game is not better than 13. It's awful. Like utterly and absolutely awful in pretty much every way except for the battle system which, hey, why fix what ain't broke, and the music which is one of the more experimental soundtracks in the series which is at least interesting. The characters are bad. The plot is bad. Square can't do time travel and really shouldn't bother since they already have Chrono Trigger (and it's superior sequel, but that's dimension hopping and not time travel). But if that wasn't bad enough, the game has the balls to pull the worst cliffhanger possible in the worst way imaginable. It shifts so hard from a happy ending to "hahahahah everything's fucked" so fast I'm shocked I didn't get whiplash. This is a bad game for bad people.

Lightning Returns - Final Fantasy 13: Oooof. Ooooooooooooof. Like FF2 this game can be described as an interesting failure. But the third game in a trilogy is probably not the best time to start experimenting. This game feels so far removed from Final Fantasy and 13's own lore that it's a wonder it bears the name Final Fantasy 13 at all. I liked elements of this game and think it's better than the shitshow that is 13-2 but I wouldn't call it a good game exactly. There's less a story and more a series of vignettes starring characters you don't give a shit about (and like one you do because Fang is the queen) that ultimately lead into the dumbest, most hilarious ending possible. Really nothing in the way this game plays feels like a Final Fantasy game because it's entirely built around doing side missions. The entire game is side missions and that's...that's a weird thing. I did genuinely enjoy playing dress up with Lightning and the music was solid throughout. But...man what a weird thing this is. And the reveal with the gothic lolita Serah expy is some top tier hack bullshit that I can't help but to applaud them for doing it. You're a weird thing, Lightning Returns.

Final Fantasy 14: The first edition of FF14 was an absolute garbage fire. That they managed to turn it around and put out a quality MMO is actually impressive. FF14 is a good MMO but really doesn't do a whole lot different from, well, from MMOs. Because MMOs are a dying genre. But if I had to pick one...I guess I'd go with this one and then just stay in Ul'dah at night to hear that amazing piano track.

So I guess if I had to rank them I'd rank them as this, from worst to best:

Lightning Returns
FF 11
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

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I've played only one of them fully, and that was X. It was alright. I guess. :3

My roommate's (who has played a good amount of them) favorite is 6. Based on ratings on these games, I have a feeling a lot of these games are overrated. Solely how much praise they get and how much they're talked about. But that term is kind of meaningless anyway. If someone enjoys something, that isn't a bad thing. :P

And now to randomly piss people off, Kingdom heart's plot is beyond retarded and the concept of this game is a terrible one.

*eats popcorn*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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Crystal Chronicles.

Come at me, bro.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Final Fantasy 13: This is a good game. I said it. I stand by it. I will defend it to the death. People harp on it being linear and I'm like "You jerks praise Final Fantasy 10 and that game is the same linear shit." 13 is a better 10.

I've played only one of them fully, and that was X. It was alright. I guess. :3

My roommate's (who has played a good amount of them) favorite is 6. Based on ratings on these games, I have a feeling a lot of these games are overrated. Solely how much praise they get and how much they're talked about. But that term is kind of meaningless anyway. If someone enjoys something, that isn't a bad thing. :P

And now to randomly piss people off, Kingdom heart's plot is beyond retarded and the concept of this game is a terrible one.

*eats popcorn*

This isnt a Kingdom Hearts Thread but yes, Kingdom Hearts is shit, and it has a terrible battle system.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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@SleepingSilence The concept of Kingdom Hearts is and was fine back in the days of KH1. And KH1 is legitimately a good game because it's more 'Disney' than it is 'Modern day Square Enix'. But then Kingdom Hearts 2 happened and the prequels and interquels and stuff happened and the plot became less "Kid has fun Disney adventures" and more "How far up our own ass can we go?"

The plot in Kingdom Hearts is convoluted but essentially boils down to 'Leonard Nimoy is an asshole'

@Dynamo Frokane 13 is literally a better 10 and I will fight anyone on this
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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(I'm on mobile now so I'm just gonna make a quick two-cents/random rant. Might do a full post of me bullshitting all out when my fever is gone.)

VII: the main game was good in its own ways, but what makes me truly get into this game's world is Crisis Core. Zack is a much more enjoyable main character than Cloud (my personal opinion, so get lost and don't flame me like a childish brat yo). The downside is that Genesis is a tad underdeveloped, merely as a supporting character to develop Sephiroth's edgy backstory.

X: No seriously why do people love this game? Boring plot, cringe-worthy characters - and getting trolled that Tidus/Jecht were from a fake, dream world that no longer existed. Also, if Sephiroth's mother complex is annoying, Seymour is no better with his obsession for Yuna (on top of the Sin crap - hell, this dude is creepy. He's everywhere!).

X-2: Square's version of Charlie's Angels. 'Nuff said. Gameplay is kinda fun but other than that eh.

XIII: the plot, the characters, the world were good (save for the ending) - but got dragged down by its horrible gameplay system that made the game unnecessarily linear (and months of rage-quitting lol).

Type-0: probably my top favorite FF game ever. The premise might make you go "eh" at first glance - school setting, teens thrown into war, blah blah...but it's more than meets the eye. Class Zero weren't mere students, but special children gathered by a goddess for a cruel experiment to force open the gate to Etro, and the experiment had been repeated for over tens of thousands of times. The power of crystals make the people forget the fallen ones, and so no one can feel sad and cry for them; each time Class Zero choose to become Agito, the Lulusath soldiers massacred every living being across Orience and the experiment fails, resetting the world for another round...

Yes, I'm a sucker for fucked-up stuff like this.

And it has an even more heart-wrenching ending than X.

Gameplay wise, it steers away from the traditional turn-based type in previous FF games and is instead fast-paced real-time battles - for those who hate this, get used to it because the upcoming XV would be similar.

Mobius: currently Japan-exclusive mobile game that probably would never get localized. Anyway, for now I feel like it's paying tribute to the very first FF game (some major characters and Warrior of Light stuffs), even if the plot isn't anywhere similar. It has such awesome graphics that it's hard to believe that this is a mobile app game not for console.

(I know it's not a Kingdom Hearts thread but I'll defend this game - not because of the Disney shit.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Intrepid
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Intrepid Ahm

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I feel like this is a good place to ask this, since it has sat in the back of my mind for a long time... Is Final Fantasy something worth getting into? It always looked interesting, but I really always just overlooked the series for some reason or another.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago

I feel like this is a good place to ask this, since it has sat in the back of my mind for a long time... Is Final Fantasy something worth getting into? It always looked interesting, but I really always just overlooked the series for some reason or another.

As someone who has played every main entry and most of the spin offs that have come out outside of Japan...

Good lord no.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Intrepid
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Intrepid Ahm

Member Seen 2 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Intrepid>

As someone who has played every main entry and most of the spin offs that have come out outside of Japan...

Good lord no.

Heh, good to know.

If it's not worth it, then why play more than one or two iterations of it? I'm genuinely curious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Heh, good to know.

If it's not worth it, then why play more than one or two iterations of it? I'm genuinely curious.

With Final Fantasy every game is so different from the one before it in terms of damn near everything. It's got that whole "Well the last one I didn't like but maybe this time..." thing going for it because a new game is guaranteed to at least not be the same.

That said I consider myself a fan of the series partly out of nostalgia and partly because I pretty much only played JRPGs for a large majority of my life. The games for the most part aren't bad (though I do think there are some flatout bad games in the series) but they aren't exactly amazing either. I used to like them a lot more back when I thought characters speaking in platitudes was deep, emotional writing and not the hacky schlock it truly is.

But I'm still going to get the next game and Square knows that so they're going to keep doing their thing because they know that even if people don't like FF15...well they're putting out a remake of the one people do like the next year anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

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@Dynamo Frokane I hate you for starting this thread, but I love you for the fact VII is your favorite, so in conclusion to this, my opinion of you has not changed. xD

Now, onto the topic at hand:

My personal favorite has been, and always will be, Final Fantasy VII. Hate me if you want, tell me it sucks, tell me I need to go die for loving a horrible graphic game. See, I don't care; you have your opinions, I have mine. Sure, the graphics aren't what they are today, but back then when the game was designed, it was top of the line. The story was well done, and you felt exactly what these characters felt as they went through their own trials. Whether it was learning Sephiroth was alive still, learning the truth about Nanaki's father and what he did, or the ever so famous scene where a favorite character dies; you couldn't help but to connect with one of the characters, if not all of them on some level. Now, if someone were to ask me what I think of the Remake coming out, my answer would be this: I think it's cool they're giving the game a new look and overhauling everything, but I personally will always like the Original better. That said, it doesn't mean I'm not going to play the game, because believe me, I fully intend to. It's just that I grew up with the older Final Fantasies, and they hold a special place in my heart.

Now that my personal favorite is said, my favorite one involving romance has to VIII, and for a very personal reason. Back when the game was released, I connected with Squall pretty much instantly; we were very much alike, with slight differences. I was a loner, though not an orphan, I felt like I was because of things that happened to me. Squall's inner monologue usually matched up with my own, as it would with any loner, I'd imagine. And like Squall, I didn't trust anyone, I always expected to be hurt by them. The story of the game went very well with the love story between Squall and Rinoa. I still relate to Squall today, but more towards the Squall that realizes he loves Rinoa. I believe it was their love story that inspired me to create my own Final Fantasy RP, so this game also has a special place in my heart.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Dynamo Frokane I hate you for starting this thread, but I love you for the fact VII is your favorite, so in conclusion to this, my opinion of you has not changed. xD

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Krinos Solstice>

Nobody you need concern yourself with, but we have spoken in Chat once.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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Member Seen 8 days ago

The first one you scrubs. Just the very story behind its creation and then unprecedented success alone make it superior to all those after it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago


So let me get a bit more in depth,

Kingdom Hearts will never be more than an attractive mess. Its an average platformer, an ABYSMAL RPG and its plot is convoluted and stupid. There is a REASON that disney cartoons are made for CHILDREN, they don't fit in with halfway intelligent plots. And the combat is SHIT really really SHIT. I DARE anyone to defend the combat of mash the X button and occasionally QTE. Like I said this is an FF thread, but if KH was allowed I'd put it below 13 and 5 in an instant.

13 is wack, anyone who thinks boring whiny characters like Snow and Hope are interesting need their heads examined. ANY character can be given something that's bothering them, that's not enough. There needs to be some ample character development, and in the case of a modern title GOOD VOICE ACTING. 13 has neither. Lightning is a boring stoic piece of furniture. Vanillie is a budget Rikku (and rikku is a budget Yuffie) Fang and Sazh are OKAY but they don't add anything to the story they just don't particularly offend me. They are not 'Good Characters' by any stretch.

Combat is linear as shit, and its not just that, its the fact that its linear combat in a linear game with no towns and no sidequests, and the main plot is paper thin and hard to stay interested in. Battle animations and Character designs are actually really good, but its basically having well dressed turd when the game is this shallow. Also 13 and 10's battle system cant be compared. Just look at the sphere grid and the amount of options you have to make an interesting and vaired build. The paradigm system is 12's battleboard for kids. Building a party in 13 is like playing a visual novel. ITS PRE-DETERMINED.

I dare anyone to defend KH or 13 defending these points that ive said, and not just blindly ignoring the argument and use words like 'underrated' or 'overlooked'.

Final Fantasy 5 is crap, ONE song cant save an RPG.

Final Fantasy 8 is kinda charming, but the gameplay suffers its pretty average, I do love the design though.

Final Fantasy 12 is pretty good, really interesting world, its definitely something different from the norm but its very playable. Gambit system turned the battles into 'auto play' once you get far enough in the game which was stupid though. Its just about being average for me.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

I feel like this is a good place to ask this, since it has sat in the back of my mind for a long time... Is Final Fantasy something worth getting into? It always looked interesting, but I really always just overlooked the series for some reason or another.

Fuck Final Fantasy, its mostly ovverrated nostalgia bait for elitist man-children. (I'm self aware enough to know this)

They arent particularly great RPGs, but some can really push your feelings in places you never thought a game could IF you get invested. But that's only a few of them.

For a minastream non FF gamer If you really want to play an FF game I'd say play 4, its probably the most complete and accessible one out there. Even FF7 my favourite isnt very newcomer friendly at this point.

If you want to spend your money wisely play:

Any Tales Game
Chrono Trigger
Most Dragon Quests
Lost Oddessy

They are better than final fantasy, no one here will admit it but its true, and I'm an FF fanboy.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago


So let me get a bit more in depth,

Kingdom Hearts will never be more than an attractive mess. Its an average platformer, an ABYSMAL RPG and its plot is convoluted and stupid. There is a REASON that disney cartoons are made for CHILDREN, they don't fit in with halfway intelligent plots. And the combat is SHIT really really SHIT. I DARE anyone to defend the combat of mash the X button and occasionally QTE. Like I said this is an FF thread, but if KH was allowed I'd put it below 13 and 5 in an instant.

I recently played through the entire KH series thanks to the PS3 collections. In so doing I played KH 2 on the new 'critical' difficulty which is the 'so hard that the game gives you 50 ability points from the start to compensate' and I can safely say that the game has more depth in the combat than you're giving it credit for. Once enemies other than the basic footsoldier level guys enter the picture, mashing attack will just get you killed. I'm defending the combat in KH 2 at least. It's not on the level of, say, a Platinum game but it's way more involved than, say, a Dynasty Warriors.

Its plot IS convoluted but that has nothing to do with the Disney side of things and everything to do with Tetsuya Nomura sitting down one day and thinking the best way to write a story is to just make shit up and forcefuck its way into the timeline. The first game had a charming little story because it was the most Disney-esque. It was about a kid who just wanted to explore and have fun and then wound up saving the princess in the end like Disney do. But then Nomura decided that the story needed way more ridiculous lore and time travel and bullshit. Birth By Sleep introduces the most competent character in the entire series and then puts her on a bus because reasons.

Though the plot is convoluted it's actually fairly simple when you strip away the terrible presentation of it. 'Leonard Nimoy is evil and wants to make a super Keyblade by starting a war again and also is making thirteen bodies for himself so he can fight the seven whatevers to make the super Keyblade to get Kingdom Hearts'. There. That's the entire series condensed into the basics.

Also Disney movies are fine, don't be hating on them.

13 is wack, anyone who thinks boring whiny characters like Snow and Hope are interesting need their heads examined. ANY character can be given something that's bothering them, that's not enough. There needs to be some ample character development, and in the case of a modern title GOOD VOICE ACTING. 13 has neither. Lightning is a boring stoic piece of furniture. Vanillie is a budget Rikku (and rikku is a budget Yuffie) Fang and Sazh are OKAY but they don't add anything to the story they just don't particularly offend me. They are not 'Good Characters' by any stretch.

The thing is that they are good characters and if you think Hope is just 'whiny' there's the reason why you think they aren't. Hope is a developed character. He has an entire arc that affects not just him but Lightning and Snow as well. Lightning is 'stoic' but she has an arc to and by the climac of her own story she's anything but stoic. Blame Ali Hillis for a flat performance but don't say she doesn't grow as a character. She fucking smiles at the end of the game. Vanille is nothing like Rikku unless you think all Rikku is is 'the plucky cute one'. Sazh and Fang are actually the least developed. Which is probably why people say they're better than they are because they have less time on their own. Sazh doesn't add to the main story, you're right. But Fang absolutely does, seeing as how she's sort of one of the catalysts for the entire thing.

The characters were the best thing the game had, with the music being high up there as well. Not liking them is fine. But to call them bad characters is a whole different story. The cast had more development than ninety five percent of the entire Final Fantasy series playable cast because unlike Final Fantasy 6, FF13 actually was an ensemble affair.

Combat is linear as shit, and its not just that, its the fact that its linear combat in a linear game with no towns and no sidequests, and the main plot is paper thin and hard to stay interested in. Battle animations and Character designs are actually really good, but its basically having well dressed turd when the game is this shallow. Also 13 and 10's battle system cant be compared. Just look at the sphere grid and the amount of options you have to make an interesting and vaired build. The paradigm system is 12's battleboard for kids. Building a party in 13 is like playing a visual novel. ITS PRE-DETERMINED.

The lack of towns is such a bullshit reason for disliking FF13. For one thing the entire game is characters on the run from the government and the only town they visit they have to sneak in and still wind up getting caught. The entire world has an APB on them. Traipsing around Palumpolum or Bodhum has to be real low on the list. The sidequest chains are the entirety of the back third of the game, but whether you enjoy it comes down to the individual.

I take issue with you calling the plot paper thin as well. The Final Fantasy games have never had great plots. Not even the well regarded ones. But even so, 13's plot isn't thin, it's just told differently than the standard. It doesn't start out as a world saving plot but instead five personal stories that come together at the climax and then becomes a world saving plot. It has the standard cliches of 'the gods are evil and so is religion isn't this a fresh thought' and the really silly 'we believe in friendship that'll work' thing that is the bane of any JRPG but nothing about it is thin. If anything it's too dense with how it sets up its world from the jump and then walks it back.

It's a plot that works better on the smaller scale it started with rather than the global one it ended with because the better conflict wasn't between the characters and Barthandalus but between the characters and each other and themselves.

Final Fantasy 10 is a thin plot.

And sure, let's talk about the sphere grid and how making a varied build is actually not the case at all. Unless you play the international version with its expert sphere grid, for almost the entire game of FFX you're not making any sort of varied build but putting your characters down a preset path. The combat in 10 is boring and never changes it up. Even by the later dungeons the encounters still boil down to 'Tidus attacks the dogs, Auron attacks the shell thing, Wakka hits the flying ones, Lulu plays color games, swap in Yuna when healing'. You could theoretically take Yuna, say, down Auron's path but there's literally no reason to do so in the standard grid because the game is so simplistic anyway. The sphere grid is just following a preset path.

The characters in 13 may all have the same options for their paradigm but they don't all have the same abilities down those paths. Not every synergist is going to get haste and not every saboteur is getting the same debuffs. Any three characters can eventually fill any role, but how effective they are varies between them. It's following a path like the sphere grid is but the destinations aren't the same.

I dare anyone to defend KH or 13 defending these points that ive said, and not just blindly ignoring the argument and use words like 'underrated' or 'overlooked'.


Final Fantasy 5 is crap, ONE song cant save an RPG.

I dunno, Clash on the Big Bridge is pretty fantastic. It's so nice they used it thrice. And the final boss music is solid. Really the whole soundtrack is good. I like Final Fantasy 5. It's the best implementation of the job system in the series.

Final Fantasy 8 is kinda charming, but the gameplay suffers its pretty average, I do love the design though.

I can forgive the gameplay because it has triple triad and that's the best minigame in the franchise.

<Snipped quote by Intrepid>

If you want to spend your money wisely play:

Any Tales Game

They are better than final fantasy, no one here will admit it but its true, and I'm an FF fanboy.

Oh my god no. No. This is demonstrably false on so many levels. Have you PLAYED the Tales games and noticed how they're all literal garbage fires?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 days ago

@Intrepid Maybe go buy/look up their soundtracks? If your a music enthusiast. Because the music is usually the only good thing in all the games consistently anyway. I'd probably not worry too much otherwise though. :P
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by cpldingo
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I played 7-12 and only liked 7. The rest had me bored to death, and all the ones after 12 just did not appeal to me.

Super stoked they are remaking 7.
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