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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sionnie
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Sionnie A Special Little Snow Flake

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@Dead Cruiser
(Echos endlessly*)

What ya need?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
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DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

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Alright so I should apologize, so I joked earlier about Stardew Valley being super addicting and such and it is partly to blame. Truth is though I've just not had the heart to really put the effort into GMing RPs anymore. Maybe not anymore but probably not for a while.

So that said, if someone wants to take this concept, and just take over all of it. Please by all means go for it. Considering its not that original in hindsight, I can't say I'm attached enough to let someone else run things like someone insinuated. Really its for the best I put this into more capable hands.

I am sorry for the silence and I hope whoever takes it over succeeds with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I vote either @knighthawk or @Sionnie take over. Or both.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hm, I'm off. Thanks for telling us, though :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 1 mo ago

What a fucking disappointment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Member Seen 15 days ago

So, I wonder whose going to take this over. :/
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sionnie
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Sionnie A Special Little Snow Flake

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@HushedWhispers@Dead Cruiser@Shard@alexfangtalon I have a roleplay up called Avengers: The Next Generation... Join it please! I am very active on this sight, so I'll reply pretty fast. If I don't I am at work and will log on when I get off work soo... Join me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, if someone chooses to pick this one up and run it, we can continue. I said before that I was leaving since the GM was leaving but if someone is willing to pick this up, I'll stick around. We've all made characters for this, after all. Due to that, instead of shifting to your RP @Sionnie, we could just continue this one.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sionnie
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Sionnie A Special Little Snow Flake

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1. I would not mind that@Shard however i did put a little work in the other on's plot and so i really do like that on. If you guys would rather stay that is fine too.. I would enjoy running this one too.
(If we move over than we could copy paste our character drafts and if they have been approved here than just assume they are fine there.)

2. To make thing truly interesting, if i run this one or we all move over i will give you this fair warning. All of our characters can die! (Mine as well of course :3) This will make it to where there is some actual rick involved and scare you guys a little i hope. We are fighting super villains, terrorists, cosmic threats, evil spies, and more! There must be risk involved. that is that. If your characters die you can introduce a new one or wait for us to find a way to bring your old one back. (Maybe we'll all go on a quest to find all the Dragon Balls... probably not though. -_-)

3. Finally I would like it if you all took angles for characters unexplored by marvel as those will earn extra recognition from me. Not that the other characters will not get my attention but something outside the box will intrigue me more and every one else as well i think a little more. The heroes will not be around to train you at first so teamups and such play a very little roll in the beginning. The plot is designed to encourage originality. There are too many discount Iron mans, Spider-mans, Wolverines, Hulks, and the like in marvel already.. I will approve knockoffs but because it is a lot more work to create something outside of box, i will give special recognition to those who go the extra mile and that is fair to them. Point is that hard work is and should be rewarded.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tenebrae16
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@HushedWhispers@Dead Cruiser@Shard@alexfangtalon@knighthawk

Well; I dont mind taking this idea and running with it, with the charas already given and the concept here so nothing is changed too much. Ihave a few ideas like the whole main chara roulette and off course ideas for a main arc and what not. No disregards to Sonnie, just if you want the original idea, I dont mind taking it over if we still have this many people :3
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sionnie
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Sionnie A Special Little Snow Flake

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1. I would not mind that@Shard however i did put a little work in the other on's plot and so i really do like that on. If you guys would rather stay that is fine too.. I would enjoy running this one too. Also i would not mind co-GMing with others at all. We all have different takes on Marvel and that is why i think it should be character driven.
(If we move over than we could copy paste our character drafts and if they have been approved here than just assume they are fine there.)

2. To make thing truly interesting, if i run this one or we all move over i will give you this fair warning. All of our characters can die! (Mine as well of course :3) This will make it to where there is some actual rick involved and scare you guys a little i hope. We are fighting super villains, terrorists, cosmic threats, evil spies, and more! There must be risk involved. that is that. If your characters die you can introduce a new one or wait for us to find a way to bring your old one back. (Maybe we'll all go on a quest to find all the Dragon Balls... probably not though. -_-)

3. Finally I would like it if you all took angles for characters unexplored by marvel as those will earn extra recognition from me. Not that the other characters will not get my attention but something outside the box will intrigue me more and every one else as well i think a little more. The heroes will not be around to train you at first so teamups and such play a very little roll in the beginning. The plot is designed to encourage originality. There are too many discount Iron mans, Spider-mans, Wolverines, Hulks, and the like in marvel already.. I will approve knockoffs but because it is a lot more work to create something outside of box, i will give special recognition to those who go the extra mile and that is fair to them. Point is that hard work is and should be rewarded.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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3. Finally I would like it if you all took angles for characters unexplored by marvel as those will earn extra recognition from me. Not that the other characters will not get my attention but something outside the box will intrigue me more and every one else as well i think a little more. The heroes will not be around to train you at first so teamups and such play a very little roll in the beginning. The plot is designed to encourage originality. There are too many discount Iron mans, Spider-mans, Wolverines, Hulks, and the like in marvel already.. I will approve knockoffs but because it is a lot more work to create something outside of box, i will give special recognition to those who go the extra mile and that is fair to them. Point is that hard work is and should be rewarded.

"nihil novi sub sole" (there is nothing new under the sun.)
You make an excellent point, however, you are asking people to be original in a 78 year old arena. Unfortunately you are going to have clones of those who came before in some way or mettle. Yes, I agree that we can adjust the origin and outputs or ideals, but it is hard to be completely new.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sionnie
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Sionnie A Special Little Snow Flake

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Sionnie>

"nihil novi sub sole" (there is nothing new under the sun.)
You make an excellent point, however, you are asking people to be original in a 78 year old arena. Unfortunately you are going to have clones of those who came before in some way or mettle. Yes, I agree that we can adjust the origin and outputs or ideals, but it is hard to be completely new.

Not completely new.. That is not what i am looking for.. More like odd ways of using classic powers..
Example: Rift. opens rifts within reality. This ability always has an entrance and a exit. The exit can be delayed if the user desires it.

In Use 1: A storm of bullets came from every direction! the simulation was over and they all lost! How would they ever become avengers if they were pinned down and defeated so easily?! These thoughts ran through everyone's mind until a sudden rift opened up in a 360 degree angle around them and swallowed up every bullet. As the rift closed for a split second another took it's place as it spit the bullet out and they shot back at they're shooters. The enemy was defeated within the blink of an eye, a split reaction.

In Use 2: Katsumi was unable to dodge the attack, the punch flying straight towards his face as he tried to back up and stumbled, and with one gesture of his hand their fates had suddenly reversed. His Opponents hand had been swallowed by a rift and from behind him another opened up. His fist came with every bit of force to the back of his head. Katsumi's poor opponent had just punched him self!

This is thinking out of the box.. This is what i mean...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

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<Snipped quote by knighthawk>

Not completely new.. That is not what i am looking for.. More like odd ways of using classic powers..
Example: Rift. opens rifts within reality. This ability always has an entrance and a exit. The exit can be delayed if the user desires it.

In Use 1: A storm of bullets came from every direction! the simulation was over and they all lost! How would they ever become avengers if they were pinned down and defeated so easily?! These thoughts ran through everyone's mind until a sudden rift opened up in a 360 degree angle around them and swallowed up every bullet. As the rift closed for a split second another took it's place as it spit the bullet out and they shot back at they're shooters. The enemy was defeated within the blink of an eye, a split reaction.

In Use 2: Katsumi was unable to dodge the attack, the punch flying straight towards his face as he tried to back up and stumbled, and with one gesture of his hand their fates had suddenly reversed. His Opponents hand had been swallowed by a rift and from behind him another opened up. His fist came with every bit of force to the back of his head. Katsumi's poor opponent had just punched him self!

This is thinking out of the box.. This is what i mean...

AH! Got it!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silent Whispers
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Member Seen 15 days ago

So, whose taking over the roleplay? I need to know so I can send them a PM for a character(s) idea. D:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Sionnie@knighthawk I am already subscribed to the other rp. Actually have been since you first put it up. Just having trouble deciding either Cassie or the other one I was talking about a long time ago.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I vote @tenebrae16 take over since she already has some ideas and is very creative as it is. Also, I would be willing to assist her, and help out if needed. I don't want to see this die at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sionnie
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Sionnie A Special Little Snow Flake

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I vote @tenebrae16 take over since she already has some ideas and is very creative as it is. Also, I would be willing to assist her, and help out if needed. I don't want to see this die at all.

Do not assume i have no ideas just because all the heroes are around here... It really jumps my plans forward but it does not eliminate them on the original plot.. and i have two more plot lines we could start with instead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by flightless-angel-castiel
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flightless-angel-castiel learning to fly again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by flightless-angel-castiel>

Do not assume i have no ideas just because all the heroes are around here... It really jumps my plans forward but it does not eliminate them on the original plot.. and i have two more plot lines we could start with instead.

You were the only one assuming things. I did not have that intent at all. I just very much liked the idea Tene threw out there and she has stated she has more.
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