Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Knowing that she didn't have much time to spare, Kyra exited the library with quick but silent steps. The school was quiet no matter where one was, the blonde-haired girl knew this but couldn't help but pick up her pace. She'd come early to search the shelves in hopes of finding a new book to read, the added reason that no one was at home aiding in her early departure. Reaching a staircase and absently shifting the grip on her books, Kyra made her way down.

The library was a floor above the second floor which held the classrooms, Kyra slowed her pace as voices began to fill the air. The school was decided with the first floor being where the cafeteria, offices and gym were lcoated. The swing floor where the classes and clubs were held, and the third that held the library and rooms that Kyra hasn't peeked into yet. Shaking her head and reaching down for her bag, she flips it open and places her books inside. Turning around a corner, Kyra blinks when her gaze focuses on the full corridor. Younger students looking lost and uneasy, older alternating between aiding and going to their own class. She found it surprising how everyone acted towards one another, Kyra silently thanked whichever god had helped her get into this school.

Moving forward and easily dodging around a giggling pair of third-years, Kyra made her way towards her first class. Shouts of her name had a pale hand lifting to wave, entering the quiet classroom, Kyra finds a seat by the window and sets her bag down. Smothering out her uniform skirt, she glances briefly out the glass before sitting down. The bell would be ringing soon, the silence would fade and the new school year would begin. @Mae
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The sun was bright, the birds were singing, and gaggles of students wandered the campus with lilting, happy voices. It was the sort of day you'd hope for, the sort of setting you'd get at the beginning of a pleasant film, and you can bet Dante hated every second of it.

He hated their happy faces, and how posh and proper this school was, and even hated the impeccably chiseled stone wall he was leaning against outside. The only reason he'd come is because he could, and it was a decent enough status symbol to brag about. But he really hated it here, he hated almost everything about it, he hated it so much in fact that one of his greatest joys was bringing a little chaos to this prissy rich-kid school.

In fact, he'd consider it one of his favourite hobbies. Dante cast a long, slow look across the busy campus, a wicked glint in his eye. Look how many lovely darlings were trotting off to class.

And so, for reasons none other than he felt the whimsy to do so, Dante spun around and took a leak on the front gate pillar. He could hear the sound of shocked mumblings coming from the myriad of students who wandered past him, along with the occasional girlish gleeful giggle, but he paid them no heed.

He didn't even care when a black car pulled up beside him.

"Deborah." Dante purred as one of the senior staff, Ms. Thentertwaite, climbed out the car beside him. He didn't even glance at her. She should of been outraged, should of been shocked, should of marched him to the principal's office and informed a guardian or parent about his improper conduct.

As it was, she simply could not remember the reason she had pulled up. Wasn't Dante really just the most exemplary student in the school? How lucky she was to catch him today, how delighted she was to see him. It was like she barely noticed his desecration of priceless ancient school property.

"Mr Sphinx," she cooed, curling a wanton strand of chestnut hair around her ear as she shuffled nervously from one foot to the other. She was known as the strictest, harshest teacher in school, and yet... "Perhaps you need a lift to class? I believe are late to your first period."
Hmmm, wandered Dante, did he feel like going to class today? He glanced up. This weather was positively abysmal, and the heat would only get nicer, and he'd love to be miserable inside today.

"Why Ms Thentertwaite, you really do flatter me." He lied. She giggled. He did up his zipper and turned, and - purely by coincidence - glanced towards the building he was taking his lessons in today.

Even from here, he could see the girl sitting in his favourite window seat. Well. he thought, eyebrow raising. Someone needs to be taught some manners.

"I hope you would be so kind to speed it up a little, Deborah, please inform your chauffer I'd like to get there sometime this century." Speed Limit? Who cares.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

The sound of the bell ringing jarred Kyra from her cloud-gazing. Turning to the door, emerald eyes watched as students filtered in and took their seats. The quiet chatter they'd brought with them fading into silence as books were pulled out and pencils were withdrawn from cases. Kyra already had her things out and with a shrug, turned to face the front, a yawn escaping her lips as the door opened.

"Open your books to chapter one." Were the odds that filled the silence, Kyra glanced to the right and followed the male slowly walking towards the desk in the middle of the room. He was tall, brown hair seeming windblown but tidy, Kyra blinked when she realized how young he looked. She automatically flipped her book open as did the other students, her gaze falling away to land on the clouds outside.

His words began to fill the room as he began the lecture, Kyra absently flipping her pencil between her fingers. Rumors had it that new, young teachers would be starting this term, she just hadn't expected it to be true. Lifting up her head, Kyra allowed a smile to tug her lips up, several girls and a few boys were watching their new teacher with interest.

Seems this year might be different then the rest. She thought with a roll of her eyes. Attention focusing on what was being explained, she began to fill the page she'd opened a new notebook to. It wouldn't help if she missed something that might be on a test later, it was the first day, falling behind wasn't an option. @Mae
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

“Isn’t he just a darling?” Dante called from outside the window beside the girl’s seat as he pushed open the window, a little louder than necessary. A cool breeze drifted in with him as he climbed up onto the window frame, swinging his legs over the side and plopping himself down beside Kyra, sitting on the windowsill. “I saw you giving him the googly eyes and I just had to see for myself. Did you know scent of teenage hormones can be smelt all the way from the gates from here? ” He threw his feet up on the desk – clump clump went his boots – and crossed them absentmindedly.

It was like no one else in the room had even noticed him yet – Dante Sphinx, notorious troublemaker and hearthrob – he was starting to cause a ruckus and it was like the teacher didn’t even know he was there.

“So sweetie – really what is your name? You happen to be sitting in my seat. Now why don’t you run along and sit at the teacher’s desk with him like a good pet?” A cruel grin spread across his face at that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

At the sound of the something shifting, and the breeze that filtered into the room, Kyra raised her head from her notes. At the words, her gaze shifted to the left and blinked, anger bubbling in her chest. She jerked her notebook and textbook from her desk just as black boots were propped up onto the wood. Her teeth grit as emerald eyes focused on the male, exhaustion having set in during the quietness of taking notes.

"Interesting. I won't give you my name unless you give yours, as for the desk? I was here first, so shove off." Her tone was uncharacteristically bland, her eyes flashing with anger and annoyance. Who was this boy that so casually entered class and proceeded to insult her? The nerve of him.

Blinking, Kyra felt a wave of unease and panic fill her when she realized just where she was. Her jaw clenched as she lowered her head to her hands couching her books. Glancing irritability at the boots still on her desk, she huffed sofly and focused on the board. Maybe if she ignored him, he'd get the picture and leave? Kyra usually wasn't one to snap but she was tired and easily irritable.

An interesting year indeed She thought it a mental roll of her eyes. @Mae
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As she jerked her notebook away Dante raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. Well, that was completely unexpected. How interesting. "Oh I'm sorry princess, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" he leaned in till their faces were only inches apart, his bright blue eyes flashing dangerously, a sneer curling up the corners of his mouth.

"My dear, I am Dante Sphinx, and my feelings are seriously hurt that you don't know of me." he gushed in mock pain, raising two gloved hands over where his heart should be, if one presumed this SOB actually had one.

"As for the desk? Well, I appreciate your logic, but I think you'll find this one has my name on it." He tapped the side of the desk, where someone had carved "Dante" in sharp, jagged writing. "So why don't you just run along little girlie and I'll do you a favour and forget this ever happened?"

Except Dante was not going to forget. He was not going to forget how this seemingly normal, ittie bitty girl had stood up to him, when she should of melted to gushing putty right there on the spot.

Why was his influence not working on her? Was it simply that she had not been exposed to his presence long enough? Was he too far away? Usually the effect was almost instant on most, a couple moments of delay on others. But for her to sit there next to him and not even falter for a moment...

"You by the window - Miss Ryde is it? Kyra Ryde?" the teacher glanced down at his register and then back up to her, "If you have something to contribute to the lesson, I am sure the whole class would love to hear it." A few students nearby snickered.

And yet still, no one seemed to notice Dante lounging on the desk nearby - clearly against school policy.

Dante tutted. "Oh dear, looks like you're losing brownie points with your cheeky potential playboy, miss Ryde." he purred out her name, sinking his teeth into each and every syllable with a disturbingly affectionate glee.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

"None of your business." Was out of her lips before her mind could bury it. This boy was irritating her and Kyra found she didn't wish to be near him anymore. "Do forgive me for not knowing of you, I tend to ignore people who annoy others and insult them." At the move he made, she watched as a name came into view from the side of the desk. She ignored his introduction in favor of sighing softly, a faint throbbing beginning in her temples.

"Sure, I'll gladly forget about this. Do enjoy your day asshole." Were hissed through her lips as she grabbed her bag and rose from her seat. At the sound of her name, she glanced up and focused her gaze on the board. "The year the war started is wrong, sir. It's 1964 not 1961." She offered blandly, pausing to glance back at the boy that she really wanted to punch.

Setting her books down and taking a breath, she relaxes hee tense muscles and offers him a sickly-sweet smile. "Like I care, have a good day, your majesty." Her voice was quiet but clipped, sitting down ad ignoring everyone around her, Kyra set down her notebook and continue to write out the notes. Tucking a strand for blonde hair behind her ear, she reopened her textbook and began to read the chapter on her own. She wasn't usually like this, snappy and tired, though to be honest she'd rather be home.

And to believe it's just first class... Another sigh left her lips as her pen twirls between her fingers. @Mae
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The gleeful delight that spread across his face as she called him Your Majesty was like daybreak in summer. Oh, how he reveled in it. Finally someone who understood his grandeur. “Your majesty! My dear I do think we are starting to understand each other.” He declared with a mockingly dramatic swish of the arm. He jumped down from his perch and flung himself onto his seat, resting an elbow on the desk and his chin against his knuckles. Dante’s gaze lingered on her behind as she stood up to go. He didn’t even bother to hide it when she caught him looking, only offering a click of the teeth and a cheeky wink. He stared at her for a long minute, as if to say there’s nothing you can do about it.

Mostly he just liked to push her.

“Your King will ignore your failure to notice his presence now that you have appropriately addressed him!” boomed Dante – there was no way the teacher shouldn’t of heard that - you could hear him from the corridor - but he didn’t even turn around as he adjusted the dates on the blackboard.

“It has come to His Majesty’s attention that this territory is contested, verily, much hostility has been caused by this here seat of power. Therefore, the King – in all his great, wisdom, power, handsomeness – has decided to make a mighty sacrifice and allow one Miss Rhyde to come sit on his lap.” He pulled back his chair and slapped his thigh.

“It is by royal decree! Here here!”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

A soft snort came from her as she adjusted her uniform skirt. Her gaze focused on the male as he sat in his desk and glanced at her. At his words her nose wrinkled as a small smile tugged at her lips. At his final words, her expression hardened and her jaw clenched.

"Do forgive me My Lord but class is in session and I don't feel inclined to move." Her tone was sweet, clipped and a tense smile was on her lips. This boy was more annoying then -she stopped that thought immediately- and glanced down at her notebook. Blinking her heavy eyes and allowing a small scowl to stretched across her features.

She was tired and in no need to be jerked around. Her eyes narrowed in irritation and her jaw grit, the sound of the bell ringing had a sigh escaping her lips. Rising from her seat and pausing only to glance back at the odd, irritating boy. Her eyes flashed and with a shake of her head, Kyra turns and heads out into the hall.

Maybe Spanish 3 would be easier, and less annoying then this class. @Mae
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Dante tsk’d. “Snorting is hardly ladylike or befitting a woman destined to sit upon the King’s knee.” He tapped his thigh again, as if patiently trying to teach a child or animal, his eyes challenging her to continue to disobey him and just see what he would do next.
But alas, the school bell rung. The lesson had flown by for Dante (who had never picked up a single implement or bothered writing anything down) and while some would say it was because he skipped a lot of the lesson, he would put it down to this strangely mysterious blonde girl and her ability to completely ignore his powers.

Or perhaps some sort of immunity he could wear down? Dante smirked at her. Now that could be fun.

“Where are you going, my dear?” he cooed after her as she swiftly headed towards the exit. “Verily, the King grows grey with solemnity! Wherefore art thou going my lady? The King wast going to compliment thy hair for it's likeness to golden silk. Many a sweet lady across the land would envy thee for less from me.” His voice raised in volume the further she went, but soon she had disappeared around the doorframe.

Dante relaxed back into his chair, long fingers drumming against the fine wood table. Well then, what to do now?

He smiled as his fingers brushed against paper underhand. What a terrible shame she had left these notes behind. It would be such a chore to return them to her... perhaps he would later. Or burn them. One of the two.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Kyra thankfully made it to her next class without incident. Emerald eyes focused out the various windows before settling on the books she still clutched in her hands. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she tried to understand what had just happened. Kyra shook her head and absently sat in an empty seat, a tired sigh escaping her lips.

After a few moments, Kyra lifted her head and reached for her bag. Tugging it up and onto the desk, pale fingers open it, the sound of footsteps filling the air had her tensing. She relaxed when it was another student, turning her attention to her task, she began again. Switching her books and setting her bag down, the blonde jumped slightly when the bell rang.

Maybe staying home was a good idea... She thought with a roll of her eyes, soon the room was filled and their teacher stood before them. The lecture began immediately, pencils flying across paper, silence filling the room. Kyra always found note taking oddly relaxing, hee mind focused on what her teacher said, while her hand copied it down. Schoolwork mattered to her, she liked testing herself and whenever she hit a wall, try until she solved the problem.

She ignored the lingering thought of finding the odd male and punching him. She probably wouldn't see him again today, this school was large and classes were spaced out. Core classes were shared, though Kyra doubted they'd meet again. She hoped not. @Mae
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As Dante had suspected, the heat had risen through the day as if the world was clinging to the last vestiages of summer in refusal of the onset of Autumn. Frankly he found it appalling, and he hoped for a flash thunderstorm that would soak everyone just as they would break up for lunch.

Ah, lunch. The time for pompous brats to take their place in the grand hall and argue about who's daddy had the most money over a plate of hors d'ouvre. His nose wrinkled at that and he debated skipping the rest of the day to head into town for some fun... but then he had buisness to attend to.

As it was, he stood leaning against the fire escape in one of the upper stairways, flicking through the notebook he had aquired with mild, lazy interest. The writing was neat and the notes were structured, and the whole well-kept ordered whole upset him on a deep, emotional level.

"This simply will not do." he muttered, "a young girl of her inclinations must surely express herself before she ends up a wizened old crone like the dinner ladies." He pulled out a bright pink pen out of his pocket, one he'd snatched from some random girl between lessons.
Click. "Why don't you go find our lovestruck dove, hmm?" he cooed to the air, his shadow slinking off down the staircase as Dante made some much-needed adjustments to the Kyra's notes.


The room the girl sat in was silent all bar the sound of pens skittering across paper and pages quietly turning. Occasionally the teacher might shift in his chair but the lecture part of the lesson was over by the time Dante's shadow skulked into the room. It was time for quiet self-study. A shadow was good at that.

A shift in the dark isn't easily noticed, something small that twists between the shadows of desks and other students. Once it had surely seen Kyra, it seeped back under the door and drifted away.


Danted dangled his feet over the side of the roof as the shadow whispered in his ear. A small smile crossed his face and he shifted slightly, resting a foot against one of the buildings many ornate gargoyles.

"How very convenient." he purred, daintily ripping the notes from the book and watching gleefully as they drifted down and down, finally flittering past Kyra's classroom window.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

Kyra had quiet frankly pushed the mornings meeting out of her mind, she had things to do and no weirdo was going to distract her. She'd been entirely focused on her assignment, fingers idly twirling the pen between as she read. A white blur that fluttered just at the edge of her vision distracted her enough to temporarily cease her reading, a sudden feeling of unease filling her stomach.

Don't tell me... Her mind pleaded a's she reached for her bag and scanned the contents within. Her eyes narrowing and her teeth gritting when she finds something missing. Her gaze moves back to the window and she watches as the white blur -now paper pieces- float idly in the breeze. She caught a sight of writing on one and found herself rising to her feet before she fully thought on her actions.

"I'll be right back, I don't feel quiet well." She all but hissed to her professor before storming out of the room. Her bag slung over er shoulder, she takes off down the hall in a familiar pace. Reaching the stairs that would lead her up to the roof, she took a moment to tie her blonde hair back and unclench her jaw. Pushing open the doors and dropped her bag and moved forward with anger filling her veins, he'd taken her notebook and was using the pages as confetti. "You jerk, what the hell?" SHe hissed as she neared him and reached out for her notebook, it was hers dammit and he had no right to take it. @Mae
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Click Clack Click. Dante could hear the thunder of angry feet up the stairs and a cheshire-cat smirk spread across his face from ear to ear, though his fringe casted his eyes into shadow and gave the whole thing a menacing tinge.

"My lady," seems there was still no way he was letting the 'Majesty' situation go. Ever. He would make her remember it to the grave. Maybe even beyond lives. The whole idea of it seemed to delight him in a way far excessive then necessary. "You got my letter~" he cooed, a rag-tag note drifting past his face with the words "Kyra ♥ Mr Moores 4eva" in offensively pink writing. Really, he was no better then a preschooler.

"Tell me, my lady-" he said as she quickly closed the ground between them and her hand curled around the book.

He grabbed her wrist,hard, wrenching her closer to him. Suddenly they were near nose to nose and he was staring deeply into her bright eyes. Within his own something flickered; a dark malice that seemed almost beyond human. For but a moment the hum of the world died down to a silence and one sound resounded, barely above a whisper: "-are you ready to fall for me?"

And suddenly he pulled back and the two plummetted off the side of the building.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

She'd slowed when she saw the letter flutter in the space between them, her eyes narrowing further as her teeth grit as she continued forward. This male she'd met only hours ago, had her so riled and annoyed more quickly than anyone had done since her father. As she neared him and grabbed her notebook, Kyra's mouth opened at his mocking tone.

“You asshole, you-” Her words faded as his hand gripped hers, her heart skipping a beat as something flickers in the eyes before her. At his words her lips parted to hiss something, only to have the air stolen from her lungs as he tugged her forward and he leaned back.

Her gaze was filled with green then. She didn't feel the wind whipping around them, didn't feel the weightlessness except for the male before her. A memory began to filter across her mind, a part she'd buried long ago after the incident that had ended with her moving in with her grandparents.

She was late. She should have had her homework completed by now.

Ten-year old Kyra stilled when she heard the front door slamming shut. Her eyes scanned her half-completed homework with worry as heavy footsteps filled the silence of the house, she needed to move. She quickly hid her books and pencils before diving under her bed, her small body cling into a ball aa her father's footsteps neared her room.

“Ky?” She heard and the blonde curled further into a ball, silence filled the air and Kyra hoped that he'd just go to bed. She shouldn't have bothered hoping, her door was slammed opened and the panic that filled her had her almost gagging. Between one blink and another, she was being held up by the collar of her shirt in her father's hands. He smelled of a mixture of alcohol and a faint scent she couldn't place, her eyes watered at the smell as she lowered her eyes to her carpeted floor. The feeling of her father moving had her head snapping upwards, they exited her room and were heading towards where her father's room was. Kyra's mouth opened as if to question him, only to snap shut when they turned left down the hallway and toward a room they hadn't opened in years.

Her mother's old indoor garden.

The door was opened and she was thrown inside, she spun around and found her father standing in the doorway. His once tanned face was now pale and lined with wrinkles, his prominent features were sunken and his hair was thin and gray. His lips twitched in a smile that didn't meet his eyes, Kyra remained still as he dug in his pocket and pulled out something she couldn't see. Plants were around her, once lush green and thriving with life. Now they were dead and brown from lack of water, she swallowed when her father began to laugh. Kyra saw a flick of orange and then the door was slammed shut and the blonde was on her feet. He'd lit the nearest plant and Kyra yanked on the door, her heart hammering in her chest as panic fills her veins.

She turned to the window and ran toward it, slowing as she nears it and finds her father walking away from the house. She turns and finds the small blaze had grown within a few moments, her eyes turned to the window and she swallowed.
Gathering her courage she grabs one of the nearest plants -that still wasn't on fire- she throws it at the glass. She does it once more and after a moment, Kyra jumped and and curled her body into a small ball as glass met her skin.

It was a long way down.

She remained still as the world spun around them. Her heart hammering and her eyes wide open. “I don't want to fall for you.” She grits as her hands twitch as her sides.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

"You asshole, you-" accurate. Dante would not of faulted her for calling him worse then that. If anything he seemed to revel in the chaos he caused.

The air wooshed past them as Kyra and Dante fell together, it was three stories until Dante's back made contact with the ridged tiles of a lower roof. chit chit chit they rolled and slid down the slope towards a fall no normal human could survive unscathed. The tiles cracked and shattered around them as he skidded to a stop just before the plummet. He'd shielded her the whole way, and now both of them teetered on the precipice of a very, very long drop.

Dante relaxed his arms from around her which had protected her from harm and peered down at her amusedly. He wasn't going to let her go right away. It was no accident they had come to a stop with her resting against his chest on top of him. of course. it was completely for her own safety.

“I don't want to fall for you.” she said. The grin on his face hardened into a thin line and his eyes darkened. He searched her eyes, looking for any sign that his influence was starting to work on her.

He found none.

There was a long silence.

"What are you?" he demanded, pushing himself up to seating with her on his lap. A tile slid off the end of the roof and plummetted to the floor with a pause and then a smash.

His arms around her waist squeezed tighter, though it was unclear if he realised it or whether he was just... annoyed? mad? There seeemed more to it then that.

"Who sent you? Who've you been talking to?" He was looking her up and down then, his gaze caressing her body as if searching for something he couldn't seem to find.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago


When they'd landed, Kyra too a moment to exhale.

Her stomach churning as they rolled and when they came to a stop the blonde shifted against the chest she lay on. Nothing hurt so far but her muscles were stiff and she could tell they'd be sore later.

The funny thing was, she hadn't felt fear.

The jump she'd taken as her house burned had hardened her, though at a glance no one would notice. She acted like a good girl, never rasping trouble or causing anything that would affect her grandparents. The one boy, in such a short time however had broken that streak. Her fingers twitched and a his words her attention focused on him, she saw his eyes flash before settling and didn't question it.

Who am I? The words echoed in her mind as the male beneath her shifted them, until her knees were resting in the tiles. At the tightness around her waist Kyra exhaled and blinked her stinging eyes, the wind having dried them.

“I'm a normal person. Though considering my childhood this isn't as bad, so sorry to disappoint. Are we done?” Her normally soft tone was gone and now her words were a clipped and deadpan, her eyes shifting his without a conscious effort. At his second question an annoyed huff escaped her lips and she pushed against his chest, she was done now. “No one sent me, now let me go I've had enough.” The school day hadn't even ended band she felt exhausted.

Now she just wanted to go home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


When he had searched her face, all he had seen was the tell-tale evidence of drying tears.
tears. god damn tears. He'd plan to scare her, that's what he'd wanted... but something feral had clicked in his brain. There was no way she was just a student here. Perhaps she was one of his enemies...

"your childhood? oh i'm sorry, did you give yourself a fingercut on your pristine notes in fifth grade or something?" he snapped, a wild look in his eyes. He lifted his hands up to take her shoulders, though it was unclear if he'd done it because she'd been uncomfortable or just to make her more uncomfortable.

"You filthy highborns with your perfect little lives and your perfect little school. What happened, did your parents not buy you your own yacht when you asked? Did one of your rich friends have richer parents then you? Newsflash, darling, you're not normal. Every filthy rich brat in this school has pirvalege up the wazzu. I bet you've never even had to cook your own meal. Maybe you even have someone to help you dress in the morning, for all I know." he snarled, anger flashing violently in his eyes.

“No one sent me, now let me go I've had enough.”

"Fine. If you're going to keep playing that game." he said coolly, shoving her off him and spinning around so his back was to her. He was going to find out who sent her. Of this he had no doubt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arista
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Arista The chaotic bean

Member Seen 26 days ago

With a suddenness that surprised her, Kyra was being thrown away. Anger flared in her and before she could think, she was up and slapping her hand across his cheek. His words echoed in her head and she felt bile rise in her throat, her stinging hand balling into a fist at her side.

“Filthy rich brat...nice comeback smartass. Let me tell you something and I hope your damn well listening, I got here on my own merit. My father was an alcoholic man who began to beat me after my mother's death, then one day he lost his goddamn mind and set our house on fire. I jumped from our three-story home so I wouldn't die, after that I worked myself to exhaustion to get a scholarship here. Newflash I got it and my so-called rich parents? Yeah I don't any so get off your high-horse and leave me the hell alone” Her whole body was trembling now and she could feel the heaviness of a panic attack settling into her chest. She clicked her tongue once before moving to the edge of the roof they were currently on, her legs feeling stiff at the movement.

Whatever beef he has, I've had it. With a deep sigh that didn't seem to actually fill her aching lungs, she jumped. It wasn't a far jump and with a nod she landed and tumbled to she wouldn't hurt herself further. She mentally counted to ten as she rose and dusted herself off, the panic having faded and leaving her empty.

“Go bother someone else.” She hissed into the cool air, before flexing her fingers and beginning to walk. She'd have her grandmother call the school and tell them she wasn't feeling well, Kyra really didn't want to be here anymore. @Mae
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mae
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Mae Crayola

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Dante watched her coolly. Whatever anger was building in his chest had subsided enough to hear what she had to say. So she wasn't a filthy upper-crust brat. He made a mock bow towards her, but by then she'd already jumped off the building.

"Well my paologies, princess, but whatever secrets you're keeping i'm going to find them out." he replied, though at least he wasn't snapping demands at her anymore. Still...

the bell chimed for lunch and Dante watched the young girl walk off. He stood there, still as a statue, his eyes narrowed as the breeze lightly caught his shocking white hair. This day had been interesting to say the least... and he still had work to do.

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