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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thanks for the feed back Marc, and i'm glad you liked it.

Made the edit btw. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sorry for making you change something so trivial. But you know, if I didn't follow my own rule of judging stronger characters more harshly then I wouldn't be much of a GM now, would I?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

I made the change, I think. I did it on my phone at school so I'm not sure if it worked or not.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The change came up, thankyou.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

No problem. May I ask when the IC is up, just so I have an idea?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well tonight I'm finishing off my characters as well as getting some stuff done for class tomorrow, so hopefully I can get it up after class tomorrow or if I'm lucky before class in the morning. I'd prefer the latter.

EDIT; here are my characters... sorry for wall of text.

Name : Mary Phillips
Nickname/Alias : “Faith”
Age : 28
DOB : 2nd December
Gender : Female
Sexuality : Heterosexual

Other Details : She has her guild mark on the back of her right shoulder. She is usually always found in her armour, so the guilds mark is also located above her right breastplate. She has a golden sigil drawn onto her forehead which radiates with a holy magic.

Personality : Most people in Fairy Tail will say that they love their allies unconditionally. Mary takes this to the extreme, completely depending on the love and adoration of her friends to give her strength. She constantly expresses her affection for her guild mate in the form of uncomfortable hugs, regardless of her wearing armour or not, and volunteering as the guilds bartender and waitress. Her love makes her one of the bravest and strong willed person you will ever meet.

In combat she acts as the crutch for her friends, her magic being perfect for supporting her allies. She’s not the violent type but she is more than capable of cheering on her friends and assisting them through battle.

Arsenal : She carries around a series of powerful medicines and salves latched onto her belt, in case her allies need a quick remedy to ease the pain for a while. She wields a white wand with ancient seals inscribed along them. The wand is called ‘Lightbringer’ and it helps her channel her magic more precisely. She also wears light armour.

Magic Type : Holder and Caster
Mage Rank : A Class
Magic : Light Magic - Mary uses Light Magic as a Holder Magic, only able to channel it through her wand; ‘Lightbringer’.

Faith Magic - a specialty magic that takes the power of Mary’s love and bonds and converts it into a magnificent source of magic power for her to use. Faith Magic consists mostly of powerful healing spells and buffs, and is considered to be a stronger form of healing magic than Sky Dragon Magic. However, the magic is very much based on the emotions of the user. It relies on the power of bonds and love Mary has in order to work properly, so as such it’s healing properties can only be used on people who Mary is close with.

Biography : Mary Phillips was born to a prestigious family where her father was commander of the Rune Knights of Fiore. She never knew poverty and lived in blissful ignorance with her older brothers. Her mother was a seamstress and Mary loved it when she made her pretty dresses to wear around their enormous mansion. All the servants and staff adored her, but her brothers often teased her about it. They trained frequently with the arms master, something she wasn’t allowed to do, so she couldn’t fight back against their constant teasing and bullying. They were doing it for the sake of fun and games, never actually intending to hurt their baby sister; but in her eyes it was a statement of how weak she was in comparison to them. She stopped wearing fluffy dresses, preferring to wear tights suitable for manoeuvring, and insisted that she be allowed to train with her brothers.

While her mother was hesitant at first, her father was delighted to see such a fiery spirit building up in her. She began to learn how to fight alongside her brothers and fairly soon she was able to best them in spars. As much as it pained them to get beaten by their sister, there was no question that having her fight with them was a delight. At the young age of 16, Mary and her two older brothers enlisted into the Rune Knights in order to follow their fathers footsteps. It was rare to see women amongst the Rune Knights, but no one dared say anything against Mary in fear of her two large, protective brothers beating their face in. In their eyes, Mary was more than worthy of joining the ranks. Training with the other newbie’s was a breeze for Mary and her brothers. They’d been doing this their whole lives and it wasn’t long before she and her brothers were graduating early. Alongside them at graduation was another boy about 3 years older than Mary; his name was Edward and he was apparently just as skilled as they were at their age.

Working in the same regimen as Edward worked out pleasantly well for Mary, as the two of them developed feelings for each other. They were training their magic vigorously, and were very determined to become strong enough to protect Fiore; however it wasn’t uncommon for them to skip training and wander off somewhere private for them to share intimacy. Her brothers didn’t like the idea of anyone dating her, but she wasn’t going to let them stop Edward from seeing her. She told them that she would kick their asses if they even tried to hurt him, which seemed to be more than enough to keep them in line. Eventually Edward grew on them and they were already accepting him as part of the family. When Mary was 24, she had already become a very potent Wizard; able to use both Light Magic and Faith Magic, but that wasn’t her greatest achievement by far. No, in fact if you were to ask her what she was most proud of, her answer would be the day she proposed to Edward. Naturally, he said yes and the two of them were engaged to be married within a few months.

Fate however, is a cruel thing. When sent on a scouting mission, Mary and Edward’s troop were scouting a town before they were ambushed by members of a Dark Guild. Before they could make the first move, Edward used his Spatial Magic to transport Mary away from the battlefield. She ended up on the outskirts of a port town not too far from where her troop was. By the time she arrived there, the battle was already over and the Rune Knights had lost. There were only a handful of survivors, and Edward was not one of them. She knew this might happen, and she thought she would be prepared for it. They worked in a position where their lives were at risk at every moment. Yet that did very little to comfort her. After the funeral for the fallen troops, Mary resigned from the Rune Knights; deciding that staying with them was too painful. She wandered to the town of Magnolia, the town her mother grew up in, and joined Fairy Tail so she could earn money. What she didn’t expect was how close she had grown to all the wizards there, and it was with their love and support she was able to move on with her life and become who she was today.

Other : Mary has a large amount of hand to hand combat training, to say she is an expert is an understatement. She prefers to not fight, however.
She has stored all the magic power in her ‘Seal of the Two Lovers’ over a total of 10 years, enough to keep her in stasis for over a month.
Mary is a terrible cook, but that doesn’t stop her from preparing a bunch of inedible dishes for her beloved friends. So far no one has had the heart to tell her she sucks at cooking.

Name : Riley Kaname
Nickname/Alias : Juggernaut, previous his last name was O’Mara
Age : 18
DOB : 7th January
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Heterosexual

Other Details : His guild mark is located on his left shoulder. He doesn’t have a scar on his right eye, despite the image used for him.

Personality : Rough and always looking for a fight, Riley is known for his thick head which he constantly barges right into the middle of battle with. His disregard for his own safety as he tears through enemies has given him the nickname ‘Juggernaut’, which those who don’t know him find hilarious considering his scrawny appearance. Those that do him know full well that he is deserving of that title. Despite his build, Riley is as tough as they come. He can be a little dense, refusing to think things out before diving head first into a situation. His ego and competitiveness make him quite an annoying person to be around, always challenging someone to fight or causing a ruckus around the Guild Hall.

He is a determined fighter who doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘quit’, and is always willing to stand up over and over again; believing that he’d rather die than lose a fight. When he does end up losing, the shame he feels puts him in a sombre mood for a long time; but he always bounces back, determined to best his rivals. People don’t really consider him a friend, but it’s hard to not be drawn to his confidence.

Arsenal : He wields a sword that he calls ‘Yukiko’, for reasons he doesn’t share with others.

Magic Type : Holder
Mage Rank : High C Class
Magic : Sword Magic (Mugetsu-Ryu)

Biography : Riley’s village was taken under siege by a Dark Guild when he was only a little boy, and even though his parents pleaded for them to let him go, this only amused the wizards who quickly murdered both his parents. They didn’t harm Riley, they told him that they had plans for him and all the other children. It appears they were preparing some type of dark ritual that involved taking the lives of the children in exchange for ‘enlightenment’. There were over fifty children captured, taken deep into the woods. The wizards were preparing the ritual when one of them spoke out, a woman with flowing, silver hair and eyes as foggy as a stormy sky. Riley could tell that the woman was blind, so when she ordered the wizards to stop the ritual and release the children he thought she was insane. So did the dark wizards, apparently. Calling her a traitor, they dived the woman. Out of nowhere, there was a slight movement of her hand to the hilt of the blade before deep slashes appeared across the chests of half the soldiers that attacked her. The slaughter continued for a good ten minutes, and even though she was heavily outnumbered she dispatched all the Dark Wizards without receiving so much as a scratch.

She released the children and apologised for what they were about to go through. Before she could walk away, young Riley pleaded to her to take him on as her student. Seeing how strong she was inspired him to become just like that, so that next time he could protect those closest to him. The woman told him her name was Yukiko, and that she hadn’t taught a student in over 20 years. She had no intention of breaking that record. Yet despite this, Riley continued to pester her and follow her until she finally gave in and told him that if he could remove an apple from her head, she would accept him as her student. Riley thought the task would be a breeze, but when he failed to even touch Yukiko for more than half an hour, he finally gave in. She told him that admitting defeat was more brave than taking on one thousand soldiers, and that there was no shame in losing; because losing gives you the strength and determination to grow. He lived by those words, and taking that in he apologised for bothering her and began to set off. Not before Yukiko could laugh, telling him that if he kept up that attitude he might just be the best student she’d ever taught.

Training with Yukiko was arguably more scarier than being sacrificed by some Dark Wizards. At least they had actually planned on killing him, Yukiko seemed to push him to his death bed everyday, testing his limits just enough to make him wish he were dead but not enough to leave serious injuries. Riley didn’t dare ask her when she planned on teaching him how to use a sword, fearing her wrath for speaking out of line and questioning her teaching methods. He endured three years of her harsh tests, and eventually he became so used to it that he barely flinched against her strikes; taking each leash and cut and bruise without moving a muscle. He no longer feared the pain, and that was when Yukiko gave him his first training sword.

“Remember that you will die eventually, but don’t let that frighten you. Stand tall and look death right in the face, and eventually it will kneel before you”. He never made much sense of what she was saying, but it felt philosophical enough to matter. Sword training was so much harder than he’d ever expected. He thought that once he’d learnt to block out pain and keep fighting, training with a sword would be much easier. However his lack of balance and uneasiness with a sword made it nearly impossible for him to block a strike from Yukiko without being sent flying. Balance was everything. Balance the mind and spirit, and eventually the body would follow. That was Yukiko’s advice, and Riley was starting to get sick of all this spiritual crap she kept going on about. It took him several years of hard, intense training. Yukiko and the blade were the only people in his life, but that was all about to change as his training came to an end.

Riley remembered crying out of joy the first time he landed a hit on Yukiko. It was a small graze against her cheek, barely enough for her to feel. Yet despite all that, she knelt down before him and held up her sword to him.
“Today you discard your old name, Riley O’Mara. You are no longer my student. From this moment on you are Riley Kaname, proud partner of Yukiko Kaname. Our blades locked together for all of eternity”. Those words gave Riley hope. A hope for a wonderful future travelling the world with Yukiko. They were going to become the strongest sword mages in the entire world, perhaps even the strongest Mages in the world. That was what he wished for. So when Yukiko came up to him one day and told him that she was dying, he started laughing. The person who had been with him for most of his life wasn’t going to die. Yukiko was the strongest Mage in the world, she couldn’t die. She was invincible. She embraced him, telling him that she had been sick for many years now and it was becoming too much for her body to handle. She asked him to do the impossible - End her life right there and then.

Riley doesn’t talk about it at all, but Yukiko had told him that after the life she’d had, she refused to die as a frail, sick, old woman. She strayed off the path of righteousness once she learnt of her sickness, joining the cult of Dark Wizards in hopes that the ‘enlightenment’ they sought would cure her ailment. She said she was selfish and a fool, but seeing Riley and all those other kids reminded her why she fought so hard. She told him that Riley had saved her life, and it was only fitting that he would be the one to end it. He wanted to cry, but Riley felt the power in her words and knew that it had to be done. He told her that he loved her. She was the closest thing to a mother he ever got to have after the Dark Wizards guild his parents, and she smiled at him and told him once more; “I’ll be with you forever, our blades are locked together for all of eternity”. He delivered the fatal blow through her chest, watching as Yukiko’s body fell to the ground with a smile etched on her face forever. He kept the blade she gave him, the blade that she had used to save his life so many years ago. He named it Yukiko.

He had heard of a wizards guild nearby in the town of Magnolia, and he travelled there for 2 days before he found himself before Pollux Vermillion. When the Guildmaster asked who he was, he proudly proclaimed to the guild;

“I am Riley Kaname, student of Yukiko Kaname; the greatest swordswoman who ever lived. And even death kneels before me”.

Other : Riley has a crush on several of the other girls in the Guild, but despite his outgoing personality he finds himself too shy to confront any of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Done! Unless you need me to tweak it here or there. Also I get the feeling like I live on the other half of the frigging planet as the last post before me was posted at 4:30 Am for me
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Yeah, I live in Scotland so the time zone is GMT (I think). London/Edinburgh
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'm in the mid west of the united states, that give us a 5 hour time discrepancy. *sigh* I don't want to wait that long to see if my Cs is accepted T^T
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shifter_Master said
I'm in the mid west of the united states, that give us a 5 hour time discrepancy. *sigh* I don't want to wait that long to see if my Cs is accepted T^T

It's worth the wait, no?

Canada, So i feel your pain :P

@Marc: Since you put up CSs for NPCs, would we be required to do the same?

I ask because, i have an idea for an antogonist character. Though they'd be a face from Verin's past, i had also hoped they could be a henchman of sorts, under the command of the main villian. Would this be ok?

I suppose this question also extends to you as well Rune_Alchemist, provided your CS is approved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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MysT3CH said
Would this be ok? I suppose this question also extends to you as well Rune_Alchemist, provided your CS is approved.

If Marc has no problem with it, I don't. Bad guys need as much cannon fodde- I mean loyal allies as possible.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Myst3ch: It is worth the wait, agreed and at least I'm not the only one on this side of the world. I've been stuck in that potion before not very fun

@Rune: Don't lie to the poor sods. their fodder, we have two Dragon slayers, and a God slayer. We have more fire power then most armies with that alone
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Rune: Sweet, thanks.

Edit: @Shifter: xD Lol. That genuinely made me laugh.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It's true, I feel bad for the faceless mooks. The least I can do is inform them of the impending doom they face so they can get their affairs in order
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You can make a CS for your NPC's if you want. It's not incredibly necessary, but if you take the time to make one I'll add them to the main post.

So far Rune's character will be the only one directly tied to the main antagonist so far, but you can have your guy be related to Rune's character if you want.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

How about this, i can PM you the CS and we can discuss where the chara fits in best?

Edit: or Skype it over if you prefer.

I'll just post it here. Feedback's welcomed from everyone.

Name : Aimee Rapport

Nickname/Alias : Lilith

Age : 18

DOB : January 1st

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Bisexual


Personality : Once a playful, loving and sympathetic girl who loved of all living things, Aimee, as Lilith, is now cold and calculating. Although her face is, for the most part, always hidden. Lilith appears to be robotic and drone like in nature, consistently exemplifying an apparent inability to experience and express emotion. Due to this, her face always holds a blanked expression, with the only exception being the shocked look she takes on when experiencing pain. It is this zombie-esque demeanor that causes most people to either experience fear, or a feeling of unsettlement in her presence. Lilith is also noted as being an unquestioningly loyal individual. One who will go to any length to fulfill the will of her 'master'. While she is fully independent in thought, and, in actuality, extremely intelligent. Many who are aware of her origin no longer consider her to be human.

Arsenal : Lilith Carries only a white half mask, which she always wears over her face. While this mask does not possess a name, it is capable of magically granting its wearer temporary access to their Second Origin. However, it constantly drains magic from its wearer when active. Lilith is seemingly capable of activating its effects at will, with the mask's eyes, which are usually empty shadowed slots, glowing with a bright yellow upon activation. See Appearance for Visual Reference.

Magic Type : Caster Magic

Mage Rank : B Class Mage (Without Mask), A Class Mage (With Mask)

Magic :Nullification Magic, Telekinesis.

Spells :

Biography: Born to a modest family, Aimee Amelia Rapport grew up comfortable in her home within Balsam Village. As a little girl, she would spend entire days helping her parents manage the Inn. Something she took pride in doing, as the building also served as her home. Her true passion however, was singing. A talent which often earned her praise from many of the Inn's guests. Gifted with a truly beautiful voice, Aimee probably would have been a famous musician, had her father only remained faithful to his vows.

Calum, Aimee's father, had been married to his wife, Maria, for nearly two decades. Yet, despite loving her, he had also been cheating on her for the last six months. Haven fallen in love with Calum, his lover and receptionist, Estelle, eventually asked him to leave his wife. Only to her shame when he explained that he couldn't. It would be her wrath that would irreversibly change Aimee's life forever.

Deciding that she would rather see Calum dead than watch him continue to use both her and his wife, Estelle then issued a job request to all the mage guilds of Fiore. A million Jewels to whoever brought her the head of Calum Rapport. A job that the Dark Guild Lupin Claw accepted without delay. Thus, Estelle had unknowingly sealed Aimee's fate.

When Lupin Claw's hit squad, 'Cerberus', arrived, all hell broke loose. Having been celebrating Aimee's eight-teenth birthday, her entire family, as well as most of the Inn's guests, had gathered with the main hall. Dancing and Clapping as Aimee sung an array of songs, they never stood the slightest chance. Determined not to leave any witnesses, the Dark Mages even slaughtered Aimee's four year old brother Roy. Aimee herself, had been run through before she could scream for help. But death was only the beginning for her.

Having been buried within an unmarked grave, like all the other victims of the 'New Year Massacre', Aimee's body was eventually dug up by a coven of Dark mages. Experimenting with reanimation, and armed with a book of Zeref, the coven repeatedly used multiple corpses as test subjects for various incantations and spells. They knew only failure, until they managed to use Living Magic to breathe new life into Aimee's lifeless corpse. Though she looked and sounded like the young she once was before, the being the coven had created was merely a 'demon' in human skin.

Unable to maintain control of the reincarnated Aimee, the coven was then slaughtered by their own creation. Which, thanks to their efforts, now wielded both Nullification Magic and Telekinesis. Confused and unaware of who, or what, she was. The returned Aimee then aimlessly wondered the world. Without purpose or a sense of self identity.

At some point, she was discovered by (Either Rune_Alchemist's Character or the main villian). (Name) who eventually became aware of what she was, after travelling with her for some time, was the one who then named her Lilith. (He/She/It) also help train her in the use of her magical abilities and gave her mask. As a reward for giving her both a purpose and a identity, Lilith then vowed to always serve (name), whom she began to call 'Master'. Currently, she continues to accompany (name) and aid (him/her/it) on (his/her/it's) quest.

  • As a creation of Living Magic, Lilith is what is commonly known as an 'Immortal Being'. Meaning, that while attacks and injury can still kill her, she is no longer affected by time. Thus does not age.

  • While she is unaware of it, and does not show it, she is deeply in love with her Master.

  • Lilith does not need to eat, sleep or use the washroom. However, her body still functions as a normal person's does aside from those.

  • Lilith's body is physically fragile. While she possesses an unbelievable degree of stamina, even weak physical strikes tend to do moderate damage to her. Thus, she can be easily crippled or killed by a heavy blow.
  • Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    @shifter, I'm not too keen on your guy using runes. From what I can see he has a maker magic, runes, a dispelling magic and is adept at martial combat. In my person opinion I think this is too much, it gives him so much diversity considering the only limit to a maker magic is a persons imagination. Granted his maker magic does take more out of him, but still combined with runes and the ability to nullify certain spells he has far too much all around utility. Top it all off with superb hand to hand/weapon combat and he can basically do more than anyone really should be allowed to in an rp.

    I'm fine with you keeping the hand to hand combat and all the other magics, but does he really need Script Magic and Dark Ecriture? He seems to already have a lot at his disposal that make him a strong S Class without Runes.

    @mystech, reading through your character, I think I have an idea for her that would suit well. I'll PM you about it. She's accepted as an antagonist.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shifter_Master
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    Shifter_Master Atrast Nal Tunsha

    Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

    I'll concede on the runes. I got a bit wrapped up in thinking of what types of magic he would need to have some skill in before he could mold raw magic and the things that came to mind are all there. Reading over him again now that I have the sleep no longer fogging my thoughts I can see he may have a bit too much versatility. So the Runes will go and I'll tone down his dispelling as well so he can only dispel his own spells and low level spells by other mages.

    EDIT: I have edited my CS to remove the script magic and place a tweak to his dispelling magic
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysT3CH
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    MysT3CH The Wordsmith / ★★★★★

    Member Seen 4 yrs ago

    @Marc: Sounds good. Look forward to it.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marc


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    @shifter, he is accepted~ We have our first S Class filled in woo. I'm glad we got one, because I'd like to continue on from what the anime did where people can take S Class requests provided they have an S Class wizard present with them. So your guy will get to go on those mostly, unless we get another.
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