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Outside the walls south of Yahar'gul, northwest of Yharnam

When Ophelia asked the beast if it wanted her to put it out of its suffering, it simply exhaled deeply, producing a sound that had an uncanny resemblance to a human sigh. It did not raise its head, nor did it seem to track Farren as he moved around the alcove or Torquil as he entered; it appeared that it simply lied there, breathing slowly and mostly silently, ignoring their presence.

“Nope!” Gerlinde giggled in response to Farren's question, bouncing up from where she had been examining the stake in the beast's feet and running over to the fog wall, where she promptly attempted to whack the fog with her threaded cane. The cane stopped as if impacting something, but the sound it made was more akin to impacting a soft mattress than a stone wall. “Never seen anything like this!”

Again there was a subtle noise of a chain shifting, but since Ophelia was making the effort to track the sound and identify its source, she would look and realize that the thickest of the chains – the one leading to the roof of the gatehouse – was moving slowly, gradually going more slack, as if the chain was getting longer... or whatever it was connected to in the other end was getting closer.
Outside the walls south of Yahar'gul, northwest of Yharnam

A weak, pathetic sound emerged from the beast's throat, resembling something like a mix between a whimper and a moan. It hung its head, seemingly recognizing that Ophelia had no violent intent, but also seemingly unaware of the nearness of her radiant sword.
One of the chains rattled a bit as if jostled subtly, but otherwise nothing seemed to happen.

“How weird,” Gerlinde chirped happily as she walked up to the beast's hind body to examine where its feet had been staked to the ground. “I've never seen anything like this before.”
Again a chain rattled slightly.
Outside the walls south of Yahar'gul, northwest of Yharnam

Farren walked up to the suspicious wall and cautiously stretched out his hand toward it, with Torquil trailing behind hesitantly. As his fingers reached what appeared to all of his senses as an obviously solid stone wall he found that rather than actually feel that wall upon reaching it, his sense of touch did not recognize the existence of the wall at all; as if it had been but empty hair his hand simply passed right through it.
Of course, while Farren was reservedly testing the nature of the wall like this and Torquil was nervously observing from a distance, Ophelia and Gerlinde wasted no time but simply walked face-first into the wall and vanished into it.

To Ophelia it was as though the second her perspective shifted past the wall, it was as though it ceased to exist entirely. The instant her eyes passed the surface of the wall it was as though transitioning to the other side of a two-way mirror; if she looked back she would have an unobstructed view of Farren and Torquil still on the outside of the wall, and the pale light of the rising moon fell into the alcove as if it, too, ignored the existence of the illusion they had just passed through.
Being familiar with this kind of arcane trickery from the witches, who had taught her to render small objects imperceptible to those with low insight by crushing an empowered Madman's Eye, Ophelia would likely be in awe at this illusion. Not only was this a much larger area of effect than anything she had ever seen the witches conceal, let alone managed to do herself, but it had also been entirely convincing even with her now-considerable insight and familiarity of the phenomenon. Had it not been for the Guidance sprites betraying its otherworldly nature, even she would have had no way of seeing through it short of stumbling through on accident. The eldritch power responsible for this would have to be great indeed.

From past the illusory wall, Ophelia and Gerlinde were finally able to survey this hidden alcove. The alcove itself appeared to be something approaching a rectangular area, with the real, physical walls they had been following outside simply taking a ninety degree turn inward. It appeared to be about thirty meters deep or so, and ended in a sizable gatehouse of sorts that took up the entire width of the back of the alcove and stood ten meters tall. The arched gate itself looked to be about fifteen meters wide and looked like it probably allowed access to the interior of Yahar'gul... except that the opening seemed to be obstructed by some manner of dense, billowing whitish fog that seemed to conform perfectly to the gateway itself.

Immediately in front of this gatehouse and fog wall was something just as immediately noticeable as it, though: a beast, unlike any Ophelia had ever heard of before. It was nearly six meters from head to toe, covered in long, weirdly thin and flimsy fur that was one of the purest shades of white she had ever seen, hanging off its body limply. Its scalp had particularly long fur, like actual human hair; so long, in fact, that it fell to the ground beneath its head and pooled in a messy bundle of hair mixed with the ever-present dust of the area.
The beast lay draped over and clutching what appeared to be a large tombstone of sorts... except a second glance would make it obvious that it was not draped over it at all, but rather impaled on it through its chest, as the long, sharp point of the almost blade-shaped tombstone was jutting out of its back. Heavy metal chains were wrapped around the tombstone and the beast's torso alike, preventing them from separating.
Though it appeared to be clutching the tombstone piercing its chest, a closer look would reveal that this, too, was incorrect; rather, both of its arms appeared to have been pinned to the ground with a meter-long stake of stone of the same shape as the tombstone through its chest, with the stake going through both of its wrists and into the ground. Its hind legs were similarly secured in place, with another, identical stake pinning its feet to the ground. Both of the stakes were bound in bulky chains to the wrists and ankles of the creature, respectively; it was quite clear that it could barely move at all.
The beast looked thin and emaciated, with patches of its fur missing and its bones showing clearly through its skin; it looked both famished and atrophied, as if it had neither eaten nor exercised for quite a long time. Its hands were unusual in that the fur on its fingers was dark crimson rather than white, but also in that it did not appear to have any claws. Besides being misshapen, furry and with palms the size of a man's chest, they seemed almost human.
As Ophelia looked at it, the beast, slowly raised its head from where it had been resting on the ground, its snout veering in her direction as it sniffed. Its jaw hang slack, revealing a maw full of large, jagged teeth, and behind the veil of its hair Ophelia would find that hollow, gaping holes looking back at her; this tortured creature had no eyes.

Each of the stone stakes impaling the beast's chest, wrists and feet appeared to bear some manner of inscription on them, and the chains that bound them each also seemed to connect to something else. The chain going from the stake through its wrists stretched upward and outward, eventually wrapping around a thick wooden beam that seemed to connect the outer edge at the top of the two walls of the alcove. The stake through its feet had a short chain that attached to the bottom of the wall of the gatehouse, just next to the fog wall. And the big stake through its chest, with the heaviest and sturdiest chain of them all, seemed to run up to the roof of the gatehouse and out of sight.
To Ophelia's eyes, vast numbers of Guidance sprites seemed to flow from each of the stakes and along these chains. From this perspective, it would seem obvious that the sprites flowed from the beast and up to the wooden beam, from which they spread out to form a curtain of moon motes where she knew the illusory wall was. Other sprites flowed into the lower wall of the gatehouse and seemed to blossom out to swarm around the fog wall. And yet more Guidance sprites followed the chain toward the roof of the gatehouse, toward an unknown destination.
Outside the walls south of Yahar'gul, northwest of Yharnam

“Oh?” Gerlinde's eyes widened as she scanned the wall from left to right and back again, a grin spreading across her face. “I don't see anything of note around here, nor have I ever seen anything here, and I must have walked through here three or four times already looking for a way in.”
Skipping across the malleable ground on her tiptoes, Gerlinde rushed up to the wall, brandished her threaded cane and gave the wall an experimental whack, producing the sound one would expect from a metal instrument hitting stone. Ophelia would be able to tell that Gerlinde had missed the area giving off the Guidance sprites, however, and was testing the wall about two meters to the right of the actual area.
Directed by Ophelia, Gerlinde walked to the left while dragging the butt of her cane along the wall, producing a loud grinding noise as she did, only for the sound to suddenly stop as soon as she reached the area swarming with sprites. Gerlinde stopped there, eyes widening with fascination, as she looked at her cane passing through the seemingly solid wall without resistance.

“Well,” Gerlinde laughed, “it seems it's a good thing that you didn't stick with the Dream Rune then, Philly.”
Outside the walls of Yahar'gul, northwest of Yharnam

“It's only a matter of time before Followers start showing up,” Gerlinde told the others as they began walking south along the wall of Yahar'gul, “and then you can try out weapons all you like. Just be careful, though, 'cause some of them are way more dangerous than the others. Look for glowy bits; if it glows, it's most likely a problem.”

As Ophelia led the way toward the place she had seen in the Memory of Stars, all of them would continue to notice debris and corpses in various states of decomposition and degrees of being buried in the dust settled around the Unseen Village. Most of them looked quite old and were probably from the Night of the Blood Moon, and all of them – for reasons that had been clarified in the Memory of Stars – appeared to have already had their bags and pockets emptied and possessions liberated. More so than any other place in Yharnam, this place had obviously been desolated by the events five years ago... and yet they could all feel, however faintly, presences around them, even if not all of them could see them.
Ophelia, with her newfound insight, could see what Gerlinde had spoken of: there were Amygdalae everywhere. More and more of them came into view sitting on top of the wall or clinging to the side of it. One sat among a scattering of rocks they passed down on the ground, its long, thin limbs twisting and bending with too many inhuman joints that made it seem spider-like in a both unsettling and weirdly fascinating way. And all of them, however high or low they were, even if they had to peek over the top of the wall from the other side, followed the party with their heads.
Over time, Ophelia would likely also notice a phenomenon similar to what she had witnessed earlier with Dietrich in that single little Guidance sprites would occasionally spontaneously appear out of the ground, out of the wall or even out of thin air, only to flutter about aimlessly for a second or two and promptly sputter and die. Even without the Dream Rune, the Guidance Rune revealed the lingering Nightmare that blanketed the area.

After moving for about ten minutes, long before they reached the place they were aiming for, Ophelia would notice something quite unusual: a twenty-meter wide patch of the wall that was inexplicably swarming with moon motes from top to bottom. The wall itself seemed entirely normal, though she would also notice that there were no Amygdalae on this particular section of wall.
Outside the walls east of Yahar'gul, northwest of Yharnam

The oppressive, almost stifling sense of the Nightmare – much more deserving of the name here than in the Hunter's Dream – swiftly waned once Ophelia replaced the Dream Rune, and the familiar feeling of returning fully to the Waking World returned to her. Over at the top of the wall of Yahar'gul the two Amygdalae quickly became host to swarms of Guidance sprites, swirling all around them... but perhaps surprisingly, Ophelia found that she could still see them even without the Dream Rune. Looking around, she would also notice a few of these sprites swirling around Farren and Torquil, and what looked like several dozen of them surrounding Gerlinde.

Gerlinde reacted with a couple of slow nods at Ophelia's observations and theories regarding beings of the Nightmare, and a raised eyebrow to her pondering of why Gerlinde used the Dream Rune. “I'm not sure what you're talking about,” she shrugged. “It's just useful; I can see and touch everything. It's so frustrating not to be sure whether you're missing something interesting.”
To Ophelia's last few sentences, Gerlinde replied: “I don't mind, I'm used to it. But I think I told you that I haven't managed to get in yet? I've circled the entire place several times already, but this wall goes all the way around without any openings.”
Notably, someone familiar with Yahar'gul would know that its main entrance was in the southwest.
Outside the walls east of Yahar'gul, northwest of Yharnam

After a quick stop at the Yharnam Headstone to label their until now unnamed marker “Industrial Ward Square” – earning a quick “Oh, so that's what that is,” from Gerlinde – the party of Hunters turned their attention to the Unseen Headstone. There, sitting just above the labels of “Castle Cainhurst” and “Vileblood Queen's Chamber”, they found the marker for “Outside Yahar'gul”. Armed with new insight, new knowledge, new runes (with Ophelia making one final switch to the Dream Rune as they were leaving) and new weapons, they underwent the usual process of traversing the headstones, leaving behind the wet and windy Dream for a more uncertain Waking World.

The place the four of them reawakened at this time, next to a regular post with a lantern manned by Gatekeeper Messengers, was quite different from any they had gone to until now. So far they had stayed within Yharnam itself, either the Upper Cathedral Ward built high above the ground at the heart of the Healing Church or in the eastern part of the city. The most they had had was a view to the mountains, hills and plains east of the city, and though Ophelia or Farren might have traveled Yahar'gul in their past lives, the area looked completely different now.
Ophelia had seen some of it before, in the Memory of Stars; a wide swath of wasteland surrounding a thirty meters tall, sheer wall of dark stone that towered over them to their west. The soil under their feet was dry and loose, more like dust than sand, with not so much as a single root, blade of grass or drop of moisture to bind it together, as if life itself had been drained from the area. It had not always looked like this, but had been surrounded by grassland, trees and even a river, but following the Night of the Blood Moon all of that seemed to have been lost to the horrors that taken the Unseen Village. Now this dark place simply stood as a monolith among the blasted earth, with the shifting dirt occasionally being broken by hints of mostly buried remains of carriages, animals and people, with who knows how much more lost beneath its surface.
To the north and east of them they would see the northern mountains bordering Yharnam cut off the land, much closer here than in the city, and to the south they could see the towering structures of the Cathedral Ward, and the rest of Yharnam beyond it. Though they could not see it from here, traveling further south would eventually reveal Hemwick and the Forbidden Woods beyond it to the southwest, and if they continued circling they would eventually see the sea to the west, in which the island crowned by Castle Cainhurst resided.
Looking along the wall north and south alike, it appeared flat and unbroken, with no gate or hole in sight.

Practically immediately upon arriving, Ophelia would feel noticeably different than she did normally when leaving the Hunter's Dream. Unlike the other times she had left when the very sense of the air around her gave her a palpable sensation of leaving the Nightmare and returning to the Waking World, she now found that the feeling of the Nightmare lingered... and here, she found, the Nightmare felt very different than in the Dream. The Dream felt safe and comfortable, if somewhat tinged with a profound sense of regret and sadness, but here... here the Nightmare was full of fear and agony. It felt almost like a song she could feel resonating with her very bones rather than hear, carried on the dry, dust-filled wind that glittered faintly in the moonlight; a baleful dirge, conveying the fate of those who once lived here... and any who might try to enter now.
She would likely also notice quite quickly that they, even immediately upon arriving, were being watched. Two giant creatures of some kind sat the top of the wall around Yahar'gul, one on top of the wall and the other clinging to the sheer side of it, and slowly turned their heads toward them. The impression that they were looking at her was only an impression, however, since their huge, bulbous heads looked more like tumors or hives of some manner of terrible insect than actual heads, with what appeared to be tentacles or roots sticking out of it this way and that. The bodies connected to the heads likewise deform, branching out into three pairs of obscenely long arms ending in massive six-fingered hands.
“Amygdala,” Gerlinde repeated the name they had heard once before from Moira, pointing to the creatures, though only Ophelia would be able to see them. “There are swarms of them here.”
With that, everyone reassembled and began traveling northward, and began the hour-long trek in the shade of the canopy of the forest. As they traveled, some these fledgling companions spent the time that would otherwise have been mostly idle conversing.

But soon enough the chatter among party faltered and ultimately fell into silence, as tension settled among them with the awareness that each step brought them closer to the farm. The shorter the distance grew between them and their destination, the greater the chance became of the sounds they made to carry to the ears of murderous sentries ahead. Soon enough Freagon, Yanin, Quintin and Vela Bor encouraged those around them to stop talking at all, and their group started creeping ever more warily past trees and brush, avoiding patches of bramble and signs of woodland animals so as to move quickly without announcing their arrival.
Finally they could just faintly see the forest give way to something else ahead, and they all came to a stop to make their final preparations before the time came for Caleb to sneak off to find his hiding place and start accumulating power.

“It is time,” Caleb whispered quietly. “Before I go, you needed me to summon your angels. I assume we should split the party before I summon the swaigh, but I can summon the iriao now. Show me their name and tell me where to put it.”
The Hunter's Dream

Gerlinde shrugged. “So Irreverent Izzy was the infamous Hunter-killer Skinner? Heh, seems likely, I guess. But I can't say I've had the pleasure of meeting him. If he met an immortal Hunter, I'd imagine it was probably Moira.”

Farren, meanwhile, took the runebrand and went about exploring what he visualized as a “golden thread”; the traces of the mostly-forgotten madness that had been inflicted upon him by the golden halberd, which had eventually driven him to become a Hunter. Delving into that madness was doubtlessly very unpleasant, as the feelings lost to his amnesia were dredged from the murky depths of his consciousness, and the deeper he went, the more he felt it return and permeating his being. Just as when he had been exposed to Pallid's ominous bell he felt his paranoia growing as flecks of gold seemed to flicker in and out of existence; he felt as though there were someone watching him, figures lurking right at the edge of his vision, someone standing right behind him. He felt someone breathing on his neck, could vividly imagine a hand hovering a hair's breadth from his throat, fingers poised to grasp it and choke him.
But even more worrying, perhaps, was the fact that he felt like there was something inside him, too. Something observing him, listening through him, lazily writhing and slowly consuming him. Something curling around his spine, something crawling in his guts, something coiled around his heart, something looking through his eyes, something chewing on his brain. It was watching, and he got the sense that it knew he was aware of it. He sensed its amusement.
Refusing to shy away, however, Farren kept delving deeper, until he found something... else. Something tethered to the mental image of that golden halberd, and to the feeling of his fingers on its unnaturally warm metal. Something it had tried to teach him then, but his mind had not been ready to comprehend. But now, as a bearer of the Old Blood, he recalled it... and the projection-case of the runebrand flickered to life with a Caryll Rune none of them had ever seen before.

Farren has remembered the Sun Rune, which empowers Gold weapons with eldritch sunlight, causing them to burn with holy flame when striking and to obliterate bloodwraiths with ease.

And as this rune returned to him, he also felt a now-familiar tremor go through his blood... though it felt weaker than before.
The Hunter's Dream

Torquil stumbled back as soon as the Memory of Irreverence loosened its grip on his mind, utterly overwhelmed by not only the experience itself, but the sense of... newfound understanding? Some vague sense of familiarity with an aspect of reality he had only had the barest concept of before. He had never been a particularly knowledgeable or insightful person, but somehow he felt as though absorbing this memory – this insight – propelled him far ahead of where he had been before. The world, and the Hunter's Dream in particular, felt and looked slightly different to him now than before. The doll looked more lifelike, less like an animated toy and more like a person made of porcelain; the text on the smaller headstones stood out sharper and clearer, and he felt more aware of them; even the statues of former Paleblood Hunters seemed more real, as if each of them was liable to jump off its base and walk around like living people. He felt a very noticeable shift in his perception of all things, and it terrified him.
Discovering the story of the serial killer they had stopped earlier – this “Skinner” – also struck a cord in him. Part of Torquil felt an odd kinship with Skinner, equating he murderer's exile into the Old Labyrinth to his own sequestering to his cabin in the woods. Again that sense of loneliness rose to the surface, and despite everything that had happened and all that Skinner had done, he felt a strong sense of sympathy toward him. He wondered if things could have gone differently, what could have been, and what speaking to Skinner might have taught Torquil about himself.
Then all of it faded into the background, because he could not immediately and easily reach any useful conclusions regarding any of it. It all occurred to him for a moment, wafted through his mind like a passing sound or scent, and was promptly dismissed as requiring too much thought.

“Well now, that was quite something,” Gerlinde, who had never met Skinner before and had no idea who he was, said with a smile. “A memory of Irreverent Izzy about Ludwig, the Holy Blade.”
When Ophelia asked for the Hunger Rune, Gerlinde was also quick to join in: “Oh, another Caryll Rune? Can I learn it, too?”

Ophelia, Torquil and Gerlinde have obtained the Hunger Rune. While branded onto a Hunter's mind, devouring the flesh of a living or recently deceased creature restores regenerative potential, similar to how a blood vial would have. Additionally, after devouring part of a creature you gain a small measure of its power as long as you are near it or its remains. If used in conjunction with a living weapon, this rune allows that weapon to have a second awakening that lasts for 60 seconds, at the cost of permanently erasing the last currently active benefit from an eaten creature.

Farren and Torquil have obtained the Metamorphosis Rune. While branded onto a Hunter's mind, this rune increases their physical prowess. This effect can most accurately be described as them receiving an increase to their strength, endurance and vitality.

Farren and Torquil have obtained the Clawmark Rune, which allows the one who memorizes it to utilize their visceral attack-transformation at will and grow longer, sharper claws when they do so.

Farren and Torquil have obtained the Communion Rune, which enhances the effect of blood vials for someone who has memorized it to also provide a minute-long effect boosting the imbiber's strength and stamina.

Farren and Torquil have obtained the Deep Sea Rune, which fortifies the body of the one who memorizes it against disruptive effects like ashen blood and frenzy, greatly increasing their resistance to it.

Farren and Torquil have obtained the Formless Oedon Rune, which empowers quicksilver bullets for the one who memorizes it, significantly increasing their power when shot from a firearm or fueling an eldritch object.

Farren and Torquil have obtained the Heir Rune, which doubles the amount of blood echoes one who memorizes it obtains from those who die near them.

Farren and Torquil have obtained the Dream Rune, which causes one to exist permanently in the Interstice. It allows one to see and interact with all entities of the Nightmare, for better or for worse.

Farren and Torquil have obtained the Eye Rune, which causes one to perceive the hidden facets of reality that would normally require insight more easily, though it also increases the vulnerabilities insight cause.

And finally, after conferring with the whispers of the Holy Moonlight Sword for permission, Ophelia shared a rune that not even Gerlinde knew yet:

Gerlinde, Farren and Torquil have obtained the Guidance Rune, which will sometimes reveal sprites of light that draw attention to powerful traces of the Nightmare. Its effect is enhanced while wielding the Holy Moonlight Sword.
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