Kana Kuroba
Psychological Analysis
Unlike the majority of her sadistic “co-workers” Kana is comparatively normal for enduring life in the unforgiving underworld of Japan. Though an innocent appearance may fool some, scars are still ever present on the huntress; emotionally more so than physically. Those deep cuts and burns are locked up tight inside. Perhaps that is one of the reasons she strives for perfection in every mission. Quick, clean, and fast for a sloppy kill is not the dark stalkers style. For that reason close combat is not her preferred method of assassination and she is much too frail due to a mild medical condition called osteogenesis imperfecta. Instead of corrective surgery to strengthen or replace her bones she chose a different route; a path of disguise and to deflect incoming attacks with impeccable timed dodges.
Strangely enough Kana feels indifferent to life as a Ronin. No joy or sorrow befalls the woman when dealing with assignments or contracts. Over the years emotions turned numb to any task at hand. Thoughts of retirement have often fluttered through her despondent mind but a number of reasons prohibit this decision. The sniper dubbed Lynx is good at what she does and she knows nothing else. This treacherous lifestyle is addictive along with the cash to be made but working alongside the team for two years has affected her psyche. No matter how sick and twisted or lost these fellow Ronin are, they are family and are just as beautifully damaged as herself. No matter how strong their charms she is not naïve; knowing truly that Ronin only ever look after themselves. If nothing else, years of experience dealing with these manipulative hired guns has taught her that much.
Employment record
Kana never wanted for any materialist item; though solely a bit of nurturing is what she secretly wished for. Growing up in such a reputable home one must be on their best behavior at any given time. Secrets were a constant and Mrs. Kuroba tolerated no bad publicity until an unfortunate scandal ripped Kana's adolescent life to shreds.
Glittering skyscrapers, expensive attire, suffocating events, and isolation were Kana's childhood memories. Born into an affluent family of means meant different assumptions depending on who dreampt them up. To those tight knit with these successful business oppertunists-they knew what truly occurred behind closed doors. Perks accustomed the wealthy but this lifestyle always came at a price of other people's expenses. Cons were devestating on both ends, however.
One such child became the epitome of bad fortune or moreover how important business is in Neo-Japan today. No-one especially children are exempt from disrupting MegaCorps no matter how little their error may be. In this case Kana had done nothing wrong except been born and that was certainty not under her control. Leading up to that fateful day she would never have suspected what hardships would later descend.
Kuro Systematics inc. is a little innovative gem passed down the family line through many generations. A surgical center first established in a single room but eventually expanded to one of the most renoun corporations to date. Fierce competition continues but business thrives. In such a cut throat environment it was only natural for rivals to constantly seek out information on the Kuroba family, and information they did find.
A bastard child was to inherit Kuro Systematics inc. and that was not the full extent of the betrayal. Kana was handicapped to boot. Kuro inc. had a sexist tradition of being upheld by strong men who were physically and mentally capable. Mr. Kuroba had gone through great measures to hide these facts from press until he could figure out a way to bring Kana's inheritance to light. These plans were squandered and Mrs. Kuroba needed to eradicate the vermin. Mr. Kuroba was no stranger to blackmail.
Discarded at sweet 16. Mrs. Kuroba immediately made her husband deal with the problem before news leaked. Kana was given 50,000cr behind Mrs. Kuroba's back to help smooth his daughters transition into hell a little. She was soon sought out by another one of her father's dirty little secrets after a week of dwelling in a run down safe house for teens.
Fitted stealth ankle length trench coat. 5,ooo
Civilian Grade vest worn underneath coat & shirt. 25o
Grade-B cybernetic eyes with heat signature, x5 zoom, inanimate object close range x-ray vision (only 3 ft), & night vision. 5,ooo
Miscellaneous tech
Beloved self-modified high-tech
motorcycle with hidden weapon compartments. 1o,ooo
Forged Firearm License. 2,ooo
Designer Chems. A modified narcotic analgesic (i.e pain reliever) combined with calcium and vitamin D for Kana's medical condition. Helps ease pain, keep bones from becoming weaker, and adds a little pep in her step. 1,ooo
Forged IDENT Card. 25o
PharmaCon Medical gel. 25o
Trade tools
Essential mechanic tools & grappling hook to reach high locations to snipe. 1,ooo
Grade-A top of the line sniper rifle with x5o & x75 zoom, & holds 5 rounds. 5,ooo
Grade-B midline pistol with 6 rounds in case of closer proximity combat. 1,ooo
Neural impulse implant
Grants Kana enhanced reflexes, senses, & the implant also automatically increases neural impulses that are released allowing Kana to perform faster. 1o,ooo