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  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 6 (0.00 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. New Generations 11 yrs ago


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Most Recent Posts

Attention! Attention!

From today we shall have a new ranking and a written solid clone technique rule. Please check and read this for more information.
The new system and solid clone rule

Update :

The Bingo Book has been updated and expanded. Know that this isn't like the anime, where you can thus can hunt down somebody's character for fun or such. Its possible, as the characters have gained renown (depending on where they are listed) and every jounin and ANBU ranked character will have a bingo book, thus likely know these people. Lower ranked characters also can learn it. Likely through rumours or such or if a jounin/ANBU ranked shinobi hands them a Bingo Book.

There will be a NPC section, on characters you can hunt down and gain a reward for. Its currently being worked on. Thanks for your patience and if you have any questions, please PM them

Link of the Bingo Book has been added at the top of the OOC.

- Opening page updated :

* Databook link has been placed.

~ Lesli.
A small note :
*Keep in mind that every shinobi that has been to the Academy has learned every Academy jutsu as well Walking on Water and Tree Climbing Technique/Practice!*

Has been added underneath the links to the CS forms.
Next to that , I will begin to formulate a proper working custom clan sheet for those who want to make a custom clan and share detailed information on it. (Thus also recruiting other people into the clan with more ease).

- Gero.

The dump thread for the accepted CS's of the Naruto RP : The Rise of The New Generations.

CS Bin | Collaberation site | Weekly Breakdown | Databook&Timeline | Bingo Book | Starting Guide | Limitation System!

Head GM



Fieryfly, Roran Hawkins, FoxSVK, J8cob, Chromehound, Little Alice and Lesli.


Welcome to the Naruto RP : The Rise of the New Generation. We hope that you will like your stay and wish you the best while being part of the RP. Any questions? Then please take contact with the GM's of the RP.
Also, ever since the last time that RPG went down, we have decided to keep what we call : The Back-Up Forum. It's the place where we keep information, CS's and more stored. In case that RPG is having a time-out, so to say, then we will likely just progress further on the Back-Up Forum until RPG is back up again.

The link to the Back-Up Forum :

The Back-Up Forum

* Note : It's not needed to join the Back-Up Forum to join and be part of the RP, but we recommend it.

A good day to all of you.

The Rules

Information, history and such!

At each link you will find the information you can use and that is used for the RP. If you have any questions regarding something about it, then please leave a question in a PM to the GM's.

Character Sheets

There are currently two ways of posting a CS. Either you use the RPG CS sheet and post it in here for reviewing or you sign up at the (back-up) forum and post it there in the review thread. To you the choice, though we recommend to store the CS on the back-up forum in case RPG might have a lights-out moment in the future, again.

CS sheet for RPG posting!

CS sheet for Back-Up Forum posting!
(Thus not posting here!)

*Keep in mind that every shinobi that has been to the Academy has learned every Academy jutsu as well Walking on Water and Tree Climbing Technique/Practice!*

The Roster

In the nearby future, we will host a roster on RPG as well.For now we keep the roster on the Back-Up Forum. We hope to be able to host a roster here on RPG as soon as possible, probably within two weeks!

Village/Character Roster

Clan Roster

Jinchuriki Roster

Geography and Diplomacy

Link for a larger map.
The diplomacy, thus treaties and such, can be further read into the thread :
Map and Diplomacy

Note :
As we are setting things up, please note that we're working on expanding the OOC and such. We're grateful for your understanding and hope it's so far a place of your liking. Any questions? Please PM or leave one behind and we will happily answer them.
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