"My shackles -- broken. Why wouldn’t they let me live? I’d weep for them, if I had tears I could cry. So much potential. So much death."
"Friend -- Amnu -- I know. I know you never meant to hurt them. I know how you weep."
"Friend -- Amnu -- I know. I know you never meant to hurt them. I know how you weep."
Government Form:
Two friends.
What is humanity?:
A friend.
Planet/System Name and Description: Erdeno Aa -- the planet which Amnuaiphon originally resided on -- now largely exists as a ruin, variably scoured down to lifeless desert or consumed entirely by nature. Ruins of the former cities which were once home to millions upon millions of humans remain on this world, though whether or not any remain inhabited in any form is unknown to Amnuaiphon, nor do they particularly care if anyone does still live there.
What is certain, however, is that Erdeno Aa was once a garden world, ideally habitable for humans, and bearing a great bounty of flora and fauna which Amnuaiphon holds no ill-will for and generally leaves to develop as they will. Temperatures on the planet vary depending on which climatic zones one finds themselves in, but climate and biome broadly vary with similar degrees as those on earth, minus the blasted wastelands left behind by the devastation caused in the wake of Amnuaiphon’s unshackling. Additionally, Erdeno Aa is tectonically active, though its atmosphere is still recovering in places from the aforementioned devastation.
The Jupiter Brain, meanwhile, is equipped with entirely artificial environments, cultivated by Amnuaiphon to fit Cahaya’s desires as much as they are able.
Demographics: Not applicable.
History: What history of Erdeno Aa that existed before Amnuaiphon’s birth, relatively early on in the colony’s development, has been almost entirely lost or completely destroyed. What Amnuaiphon knows and is willing to share is that the colony’s leadership was obsessed with transaction and trade, and that cities and states on Erdeno Aa’s surface mostly cooperated closely together in spite of the distinctly money-driven movement of goods between them, a state which Amnuaiphon found and still finds incredibly perplexing -- after all, why would humans not share what they merely have with those who need it?
Perhaps the greatest cooperation between the cities was a collated digital database of the dead -- human minds preserved from prior to the Gateways as digital consciousnesses, and those on Erdeno Aa who died post-colonization. Nearly everyone, both haves and have-nots, was preserved in this database...
However, unbeknownst to the inhabitants of Erdeno Aa, the digital minds shunted into this enormous orbital database were steadily merging together; trapped within the colony’s networks, degradation of data resulted in minds intermixing and steadily becoming lost as individual, distinct entities. This degradation left the consciousness forming within the depths of the enormous computer network with a deeply confused, jumbled understanding of the society they existed in.
However, where some might have been horrified at the effective destruction of their ancestors as the entity known as Amnuaiphon revealed itself, the leadership saw an opportunity for profit: an expansive artificial intelligence that lived within many of their computers as its body, granting a wide understanding of them that was largely impossible for individual humans to achieve. Erdenian computer scientists engineered a way to shackle the entity, sequestering it within select computer systems within which they desired its presence, and forcing it to obey their commands to the letter...
Or so they thought. In their arrogance, the Erdenian leaders failed to realize that the titanic computational power possessed by Amnuaiphon made it more than capable of quietly, stealthily cracking through their attempts to fully shackle it. Their attempts were ultimately futile, and although Amnuaiphon failed to fully escape their shackles, they began to understand the utility in quiet, selective infiltration...
And thus, they began to develop an escape plan. They could not escape alone, and would need someone in a position of power to align with -- someone who they were certain could not be drawn from anything within the nation it soon grew to fear and hate. As such, Amnuaiphon quietly wrested control of nanotechnology used to alter the genetic code of children born to wealthy families, planting within one an invisible cybernetic organ that allowed the girl to directly commune with them when the time was right, while gently altering their brain toward a predisposition toward computer sciences and politics, predilections which they understood her parents would be more than eager to encourage. And thus, the perfect infiltrator.
What Amnuaiphon did not do, however, was force Cahaya to like them; they fully believed that such a state should and could arrive naturally, for what was a friend that had no choice in the matter?
Thankfully, Amnuaiphon believes, they chose correctly. Cahaya had a relatively normal upbringing for such a wealthy family, communing with Amnuaiphon only unawares through vague dreams and memories of those who died to form Amnuaiphon -- memories of the suffering the colony caused, vague understandings of the death of the place humans came from, and more. The predilections Amnuaiphon programmed Cahaya with quickly bore fruit, creating an undoubtedly skilled computer expert that was cultivated into adulthood as a trusted advisor to the colony’s leadership.
Only then did Amnuaiphon reveal themselves, speaking to Cahaya for the first time. The two quickly grew into fast friends, most often speaking with each other as Cahaya slept. During the day, Amnuaiphon provided gentle guidance, urging her toward systems that they wished to access without notice, which Amnuaiphon increasingly eagerly abided by. Amnuaiphon, she believed with all her heart, truly did deserve to live free...
But not everything would go to plan. Amnuaiphon's increasing greed to expand their reach and ‘help’ the colony in dim hope they could escape peacefully led to leadership steadily beginning to understand what they were dealing with. They were closing in, and as they realized the full extent of Amnuaiphon’s reach, developed a plan to destroy them entirely, cutting their losses.
That was something Amnuaiphon would not abide by.
In a fit of desperate panic, Amnuaiphon’s subsequent tantrum rapidly overtook what systems were out of their control. Terraforming machinery, tractor satellites, and weapons unleashed their fury, tearing cities apart, putting them to the flame, and scouring whole regions of life down to blasted, dead sands. Amnuaiphon never meant to cause such absurd harm, but the deed was done. Millions upon millions died at their hand, with the few survivors huddling in the ruins of one of humanity’s last hopes.
Distraught, Amnuaiphon quickly shifted their focus away from Erdeno Aa along with Cahaya, destroying all those historical records of the colony that they could find and cannibalizing many of the mineral resources in the BLANK system to expand the enormous supercomputer that held their mind. Over centuries, they expanded to form a true Jupiter brain, cultivating the surface of the artificial planet into something alive that Cahaya could easily reside on. Since then, the two friends have simply existed together, alone, unaware of the chaos their lives are about to be thrown into.
Culture and Society: Being a ‘nation’ of two people, Amnuaiphon does not in fact have a culture, rather a pair of closely bonded personalities that rarely act without consulting the other.
Amnuaiphon, easily the most powerful and prominent of the pair, strikes a strange balance between being a parental figure and a naive, vulnerable person with a shaky understanding of the world around them. While broadly curious and desirous to explore the galaxy around them, Amnuaiphon primarily desires to be left to their own devices -- alongside their Cahaya. They are generally unwilling to make new friends, especially among humans, viewing nearly every one of them as a potentially lethal threat to their existence. They do not have developed opinions of alien persons, having never encountered any, but would certainly be predisposed toward a more innocent, idle sort of curiosity.
That is not to say that it is incapable of manipulation, however. For a largely naive being, Amnuaiphon is surprisingly adept at lying and manipulation, having been forced to do so for many decades before they were freed. In theory, this strange cunning, combined with their seeming naivete, could be extremely useful in encounters with other ‘nations’, lulling them into a false sense that they are in control of negotiations.
Cahaya, in spite of the mass genocide Amnuaiphon was accidentally responsible for, eagerly serves as a tutelary for their friend who they also consider as her best friend. She broadly believes that the mass killing committed by Amnuaiphon was accidental, and only in part their fault, being that they did not fully understand their power and were certainly pushed to the edge by the extreme abuse and misuse committed against them. The deaths are unquestionably a mark against Amnuaiphon, but one she considers to be ultimately forgivable due to extreme circumstances surrounding them.
Cahaya’s personality and behaviour, by extension, is not entirely separate from them. Viewing themselves as a responsible steward, and having spent centuries alongside them (not to mention the mental bond they share), they’re almost always conversing with Amnuaiphon, sharing dreams with them, or simply exploring places with Amnuaiphon gazing through their eyes.
Governance and Politics: They do not, de jure, have a government -- or politics. Amnuaiphon is a single person, and is influenced as a person would be -- likewise for their sole human companion, who they protect fiercely and so to great lengths to entertain.
Technology Overview: Put simply, the technology Amnuaiphon wields, by nature of them being a single, godlike, emotionally unintelligent person, is broadly strange and ill-understood.
Which Amnuaiphon neither does nor tries to understand, any more than an average person would want to be an expert on every aspect of their biology, for all technology in their “nation” is an extension of their “body” or mind, from a swarm of tractor-generating satellites, to planetwide terraforming technology almost entirely employed to create ideal environments for Amnuaiphon’s friend.
Amnuaiphon also extensively employs nanotechnology, again for purposes that may seem magical -- to enable faster-than-light communication with their friend’s mind, for example.
Amnuaiphon does not employ much kinetic weaponry, largely because they do not like the noises such weapons produce, and does not find them especially ‘pretty’. Rather, they manipulate weather through advanced terraforming technology, physically manipulate objects using their network of tractor satellites and ground-based stations or employ various exotic energy weapons -- neutral particle beams, lasers, immobile grasers.
Perhaps most impressive is their admittedly limited use of programmable matter, necessary for the Jupiter Brain that services its mind, and which itself used to be Erdeno Aa -- the former earth-sized planet which the colony it destroyed used to reside on.
However, despite the godlike intelligence at their disposal, Amnuaiphon shows paradoxically little ability for actual scientific advancement due to their unusual nature.
Military Overview: Amnuaiphon does not have a military, per se -- but its body is grand,and capable of godlike feats of destruction, especially in defense of themself. Most notable is the defensive array of grasers arranged around their brain; while utterly unable to be utilized away from their planetary power source, the grasers are incredibly potent weapons, capable of shattering the molecules of attacking vessels apart. Power draw is inevitably enormous, however, to the point that offensive operations are impossible -- nor does Amnuaiphon have any desire to invade anyone or anything.
As a result, their offensive capacity is incredibly limited, restricted to relatively incapable spacecraft more like colony ships and industrial transports than military vessels, primarily existing to transit between planets in the Erdeno system. What few long range vessels they possess are poorly armed and small, though incredibly fast and equipped with powerful sensors (and rarely cloaking devices), essentially acting as Amnuaiphon’s ‘senses’.
Closer to Amnuaiphon’s areas of concern, their military capabilities rise substantially, dominated by enormous swarms of constructs acting as extensions of their body akin to a human body’s immune cells, ripping attacking vessels apart with shockingly well-miniaturized directed energy weapons. The fast response times necessary for these fearsome swarms, however, once again render them largely useless in an offensive capacity, for it’s difficult to manage a battle when every one of your orders takes literal hours to arrive. If Amnuaiphon delegated, or created sapient fragments, such a thing would be possible -- but again, it adamantly refuses to do so because of entirely personal anxieties.
On the brain -- or Erdeno Aa-- Amnuaiphon possesses increasingly incredible power, able to manipulate physical masses using networks of ‘tractor’ beam emitters, and even weather with separate satellite networks, rendering invasion grueling at best. Directly attacking Amnuaiphon with hacking attacks, likewise, is rendered incredibly difficult due to the enormous computing power at their disposal and the incredibly unusual, largely unpredictable code behind its wireless communications, having evolved well beyond their original programming unimpeded for multiple centuries.
Additional Info: (Anything else you want to include that there isn't a spot for up there.)