Name: The Scarlet Crusade (adj.: Lordaeronian)
Held Territories: Hillsbrad Foothills; the Scarlet Monastery and Scarlet Watch; Tyr's Hand; New Avalon and Havenshire; Scarlet Redoubt, Fenris Isle; Chillwind Outpost.
Other Assets: The Church of the Holy Light is the centerpiece of the Scarlet Crusade's formidable power. In the face of the Scourge, the Church is the only edifice of the Capital City which has remained, besides Calia Menethil herself. Furthermore, thanks to the Knights of the Silver Hand, especially its surviving founders, the Holy Light has become the Lordaeronian people's greatest strength in the wake of the Scourging of Lordaeron. The zealotry for the Light found within the Scarlet Crusade is unparalleled...for better and for worse. Southshore Citadel is the new home of the Church of the Holy Light, its walls purpose-built to withstand even the mightiest of siege weaponry, though the city still undergoes construction.
In addition, the Scarlet Crusade has issued a plea and has received invaluable foreign aid. The Old Alliance has been partially reformed, thanks to the efforts of the Crusade and the newly married Greymane-Menethil family to rejoin the disparate forces of the Eastern Kingdoms once more under its holy banner. Dalaran, Gilneas, Gnomeregan, Khaz Modan and the willing Wildhammer clans have all, in some way or another, supplied troops, equipment, livery, training, and civilian skill to the Scarlet Crusade, for which it has been graciously thankful.
Goals and Motivations: There are three primary goals of the Scarlet Crusade: #1: Obliterate the Scourge; #2: Reclaim Lordaeron from the Scourge; #3: Preserve the Menethil line. The motivations of the Scarlet Crusade, however, are far, far from as explicit these three objectives.
For some, this is the will of the Holy Light, to purge the world of the Scourge, and they believe this call goes far beyond the shores of Lordaeron and is a call for the safety of all the world; many in the Crusade are of noble heart and a kindly soul. However many these may be, there are others who divide the purpose of the Crusade.
The surviving noble families of Lordaeron have sought refuge within the Crimson Bulwark; their money, manpower, and authority may have been lessened, but it is not entirely lost. There are those who fight not for the Light, but for the Barovs or their homesteads. There are some who fight for the lords they have lost, such as the good King Terenas Menethil II. There are the volunteer forces who fight for the right of the Lordaeronian people to their own land and for the destruction of the Scourge. There are they who fight because they cannot abide the thought of their families' rotting corpses shambling about...
...And those who are purely filled with a sanctimonious hatred of all things "unclean."
The Third War looms heavily over the people of the Scarlet Crusade, the weight of millions of souls resting on its shoulders. Betrayed by their Prince and driven to the edge of their sanity, it should be no surprise that a certain fanatacism has swept certain remnants of Lordaeron.
Recent History
After the destruction of Dawnstar Spire, everything changed. From what seemed like the end of days, there came a glimmer of life, a pillar of fire forged by the Dwarven King Magni Brozebeard, the Bane of the Scourge...
The Ashbringer. The Highlord Alexandros Mograine gathered the most trusted, surviving members of the Silver Hand in Southshore, to establish a plan to counteract this Scourge.
The Holy Light of the Ashbringer tore through the Scourge wherever it landed, but it was dedicated to the defense of Hillsbrad as the last bastion of Lordaeron. Yet, there came a brighter light still, a beacon of hope...
Calia Menethil had the might of the Knights of the Silver Hand, she escaped and rode with Prince Tirion Fordring to the Greymane Wall - all while the other Knights not slain by the Betrayer King gathered with the Highlord Mograine to respond to the disaster at hand. All the founders of the Order but Uther the Lightbringer and Gavinrad the Dire survived the Scourging of Lordaeron. Soon there was the return of Turalyon from beyond the Dark Portal, the marriage of Liam and Calia, the establishment of the Federal Monarchy and the official sanction of the Scarlet Crusade under Highlord Alexandros Mograine and Archbishop Benedictus. Hillsbrad was fortified, and the Southshore Citadel began construction.
The Scarlet Crusade was instituted in conjunction with the Federal Monarchy of Gilneas-Lordaeron. In some ways, it first had become the host of a disgruntled Lordaeronian nobility who, unable to fathom swearing fealty to Liam Greymane, swore themselves to the Holy Light and the reclamation of Lordaeron on behalf of Calia Menethil (or, really, themselves) in the meantime.
However, over the course of a grueling war against the Scourge and Arthas, peoples of all kinds - elf, human, orc, dwarf, gnome, and troll - refugees, volunteers, veterans, farmers, mages, and many, many others were welcomed with open arms by the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Church of the Holy Light into the Hillsbrad Foothills. For orcs and trolls, amnesty was given under the condition that they accept the Light as they understood it and join the Crusade in whatever capacity they were most capable.
This has caused much turmoil within the Crusade, as there are many who struggle to accept the new reality of working side-by-side with their former, life-long enemies. However, the fierce religiosity and dedication of the people to the Light has pushed back against the racial clashes erupting in this strange new organization and the places it touches. In the Crusade, there is one thing which binds all of its members together - the Scourge. Be it the Culling of Stratholme or the Corruption of Zeb'Watha, all of its citizens have suffered at the hands of the Scourge. The Scourge binds the most fervent members of the Crusade to the least. Until the Eastern Kingdoms are freed from the Undead Menace, the citizens of this Crusade cannot and will not betray each other to such a fate as Undeath.
This military order of the Church attempted, with Gilneas, to employ the Worgen in the First Silverpine Offensive a bit more than three and a half years ago. Although a tactical success with the capture of Fenris Isle and Shadowfang Keep, it was a strategic failure thanks to the Worgen Curse which spread throughout the forest and the isle. However, this did not deter the Crusade, which turned outwards for assistance along with Gilneas and has spent the last three and a half years
Now better prepared thanks to the aid of a strange elven people from beyond the Great Sea, the Scarlet Crusade
Key Players:
Grand Crusader Alexandros Mograine, the Ashbringer - The Supreme Commander of the Scarlet Crusade, Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand (founding member), Veteran of the Second and Third Wars. Many military honors.
Grand General, Prince Tirion Fordring - The Primary Strategist and First Military Officer of the Crusade after the Grand Crusader, Highlord of the Knights of the Silver Hand (founding member), Prince of Hearthglen, Veteran of the Second and Third Wars. Many military honors.
Field Marshal, Turalyon - Hero of the Alliance, Field Commander of the Crusade, Highlord of the Knights of the Silver Hand (founding member), Veteran of the Second and Third Wars. Veteran of the Alliance Expedition to Outland. Awarded the Sigil of the Lightbringer for going above and beyond the call of duty in the face of overwhelming odds. Awarded the Shroud of the Lightbringer, for distinction in service in Quel'Thalas.
Field Marshal Saidan Dathrohan - Field Commander of the Crusade, Highlord of the Knights of the Silver Hand (founding member), Veteran of the Second and Third Wars. Many military decorations.
High General Abbendis - High General of the Scarlet Crusade, Highlord of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Veteran of the Second and Third Wars. Many military decorations.
Archbishop Benedictus - The Spiritual Father of the Crusade and Leader of the Church of the Holy Light.
Lord-Crusader Weldon Barov - Sole Survivor of the Barov Family and rightful Lord of Tarren Mill, Caer Darrow, Brill, and Southshore.
High Inquisitor Fairbanks - High Inquisitor of the Scarlet Crusade, Advisor to the Grand Crusader Mograine, Veteran of the Second and Third Wars.
High Wizard Arellas Fireleaf - High Wizard of the Scarlet Crusade, Ambassador to Dalaran, Veteran of the Second and Third Wars.