Avatar of 6slyboy6


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Status updates, huh? Who needs those anyways, pfft
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6 yrs ago
I figured I should update my status. Tada!
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7 yrs ago
What IS on my mind?



Loves Teddy Bears|Twenty Something|Can't Speak Russian|Is Potat


Let me properly introduce myself. I am Sir Spud the Fourth, and I have been a potato for the longest time ever. I never denied it to be completely honest, but it is only recently that I embraced it. Now I have evolved from a simple couch potato to a fully grown royal potato. A dapper kawaii potato. And I dare say, knowing that you are a spud, makes life a lot easier. Just chill and let everyone else care about all their meaningless things because at the end of the day you'll know: chilling is the way to go.

I try to spend minimal effort on things that I don't care about, and procrastination might as well be my middle name. But that doesn't mean I ONLY rest. Sometimes a 'tato gotta do what a 'tato gotta do. And if that something happens to be things I like, then you cannot find anyone better than me. I am an omnipotent being capable of virtually any task to a limited degree, and I am not shy to admit it. I may not be the MOST AWESOMEST in a thing, but I am sure as hell MORE AWESOMEST than most people are at everything. But hey, I'm not here to brag, even if I am probabaly better at it than you


All those nights laying in my couch, I thought about the cool shit that I cannot do. That I cannot see. But I pictured them in front of myself like they were real, and that infuraited me. Then I found the Guild, and I lived happily after. I have been on the site for 2 years now, and I have seen many RPs, and played with many people. I wish I have found the site earlier, but I am glad that I've even found it. Now all those fantasies can be written down and my mind can rest at ease at night, without being constantly troubled by ideas.

When I RP, I love myself some good Sci-Fi or Fantasy. But hey I am filthy casual, I can go for anything with an interesting setting. I don't trouble myself on small details if the plot is good, but if you get somwthing wrong you can expect me to tell you about it. Some even go as far as to think that I am angry or something, but I am too chill for that. If anything I'm more of the funny type, so you can expect me to try and write some shitty jokes or post memes I found on the internet. Anyways, you'll see what I mean when we RP together.


Used to be something else here, but I'm happy to say that it's replaced because of a positive change. I now work as a full-time 3D artist in the animation industry, churning out shot after shot for some of your favorite game intros and trailers. Can't say anything about them before you even ask, and even though I'm still new to the industry I love it and I already know that this will be my passion for a long time. So hopefully in a few years I'll have a proud portfolio of animations that were done by yours truly that I can show off to all the lovely people of the guild.


Now I may have hobbies like the above mentioned, but there are some more things that I love in life. Here is a handy list of things you can always talk about with me:

  • Gaming: This one I am quite proud of, I'm a serious gamer with capital G. Not as much time for it nowadays, but still true.
  • Music: All kinds of electronic music, but I am a sucker for Queen and Powerwolf. Or Breakbot... anything music.
  • Anime: We all have an Otaku in us, but it's bigger for some people. For me it's just big enough.


Be chill folks, getting fed up about stuff is a recipe for disaster. You gotta learn to be patient and let things go, or you'll end up a wrinkly old man/woman with only bad memories about life. Even if you do fuck-all every day, you can live a content life by taking things easy. With that said, as always, stay safe and stay classy.

Most Recent Posts

And that is the "We have evidence your agent planted a fuse and then escaped the fortress before it blew up" ?
My character OP? Ok lets get this straight. My character is stronger with more essence. His anger fuels his essence. Normally he is slightly stringer than an average human. Fired up he becomes much stronger, but he builds up essence slowly. Its not an every fight thing. Especially after unleashing demon form. If he WAS a succubus he wouldnt need a team to fight the whole tower. He would just bring it down with a flick So no he isnt OP in my opinion. And also he is inly melee, no magic. You guys have tamed dinisaurs and kinetic/earthbending magic.

Edit: Yeah incubus sry. Will edit
@Guilty Spark I am sure your is better than mine. On the other hand, do any of you guys have an idea why is it that when I import any audio file it appears either completely blank, or diagally striped? It is getting really irritating.
@Guilty Spark Don't worry. I am yet to load a file into audacity that I can actually edit XD
I am such a fucking noob. Cause currently it is all blank even after watching 10 tutorials that all say I am right, or just have it striped and I can't edit the sound lenghts or modify anything. Only cut.
@TheWindel Or use one of those cool demon voices, I should be able to edit that once I find out how to use audacity. Good idea though.

Oh no sir XD. I have been fucking with audacity for 40 minutes now to make a demon voice for my demon character. No way you can copy me XD
But if you do manage to make a coolsounding one, can you please tell me how you did that :D
@Flynn Lol Flynn you should know I am more resourceful than to run outta ideas. So no worries. I will just drink BUTT HECK OF TON OF GREAT NUMBERS OF QUALITIES OF TEA so my voice comes back soon. Oh and ALAS I did my character sheet. Of course no voice yet. But there will be soon!
Status update: Been searching for an acceptable demon picture. They are either insufficently dressed women getting a little too friendly with each other, a terrifiyng bloater, or some japanese weeabo shit. None of which I am looknig for. At least not when you are searching for a picture that resembles your character the best. On the sidenot my voice is not just errible, but its GONE. I can't speak at all. So I am thinking about making a robot character and running text through a voice synthetizer XD
@Inkdrop But to baldly claim I blew up the fortress! Pffff
@Flynn I cant record EVERY mesaage when I am sick. Lol. I will wait then I guess. Imma go and type the IC tillI get my voice back.
Name: Anubhat Sharpclaw

Race: Greater Demonbrood

Age: 127


Background: Anubhat is a great and powerful Succubi demonlord, who served as a commander in hells armies. It was nearly 500 years ago since demons came to this world in are formerly known as the Northern Mountains. Since then they call it the Charred Hills. In a single year the armies of evil gained a foothold and terrorised the lands around. He leaded the most daring assault in 6 DA (demon appearance) when the evil forces tried to siege massive fortress of Ironfall, the only remaining human stroghold between tehm and the Fertile Crescent. The battle raged for months, and during that time ash covered the skies. During a daring assault to finish off the tired humans Anubhat sacrificed himself to win the battle for the demons.

127 years ago he was reborn as a Greater Demonbrood. Normally Demonbroods are created to be demons, but Greater ones are the reincarnations of demons who served the evil side for long and proudly. He would get his powers back as soon as he gathered enough essence by doing evil deeds, and helping in evils forces to advance. However he has been sealed by a great wizard during a fight, and lost the baility to gather essence in exchange for the ability to generate it with anger. His seal is a sword that contains his demonic soul and prevents him from reaching his Demon form no matter how much essence he gets. Since then he has gone rouge trying to find someone who can remove the seal, so he can become the great demon lord he was once.

Skills: He is fueled by anger and his power reflect it. Naturally because of his demonic source he has inhuman strenght and speed, thought that doesn't mean he is as powerful as a demon. His ability to channel his anger can increase his combat abilities GREATLY to a point of unleashing all built up essence for a small duration of full use of his demonic powers. His sword is by default a shortsword but the angrier he gets the steel gets stronger and the sword gets longer. He doesn't posses any demonic abilites as a Demonbrood. However he could summon a demonling as a Greater Demonbrood, but he is yet to live with this ability.

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